Machine Learning¶
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the machine learning functionality of MP-SPDZ, a software implementing multi-party computation, one of the most important privacy-enhancing techniques. Please see this gentle introduction for more information on multi-party computation and the installation instructions on how to install the software.
MP-SPDZ supports a number of machine learning algorithms such as logistic and linear regression, decision trees, and some common deep learning functionality. The latter includes the SGD and Adam optimizers and the following layer types: dense, 2D convolution, 2D max-pooling, and dropout.
The machine learning code only works in with arithmetic machines, that
is, you cannot compile it with -B
This document explains how to input data, how to train a model, and how to use an existing model for prediction.
Data Input¶
It’s easiest to input data if it’s available during compilation, either centrally or per party. Another way is to only define the data size in the high-level code and put the data independently into the right files used by the virtual machine.
Integrated Data Input¶
If the data is available during compilation, for example as a PyTorch
or numpy tensor, you can use
. Consider the
following code from breast_logistic.mpc
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
# normalize column-wise
X /= X.max(axis=0)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
X_train = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, X_train)
y_train = sint.input_tensor_via(0, y_train)
This downloads the Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset, normalizes the
sample data, splits it into a training and a test set, and then
converts it to an the relevant MP-SPDZ data structures. Under the
hood, the data is stored in Player-Data/Input-Binary-P0-0
, which
is where binary-encoded inputs for player 0 are read from. You
therefore have to copy said file if you execute it in another place
than where you compiled it.
MP-SPDZ also allows splitting the data input between parties, for example horizontally:
a = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, X_train[len(X_train) // 2:])
b = sfix.input_tensor_via(1, X_train[:len(X_train) // 2])
X_train = a.concat(b)
a = sint.input_tensor_via(0, y_train[len(y_train) // 2:])
b = sint.input_tensor_via(1, y_train[:len(y_train) // 2])
y_train = a.concat(b)
The concatenation creates a unified secret tensor that can be used for training over the whole dataset. Similarly, you can split a dataset vertically:
a = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, X_train[:,:X_train.shape[1] // 2])
b = sfix.input_tensor_via(1, X_train[:,X_train.shape[1] // 2:])
X_train = a.concat_columns(b)
The three approaches in this section can be run as follows:
Scripts/ -E ring breast_logistic
Scripts/ -E ring breast_logistic horizontal
Scripts/ -E ring breast_logistic vertical
In the last variants, the labels are all input via party 0.
Finally, MP-SPDZ also facilitates inputting data that is also available party by party. Party 0 can run:
a = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, X_train[:,:X_train.shape[1] // 2])
b = sfix.input_tensor_via(1, shape=X_train[:,X_train.shape[1] // 2:].shape)
X_train = a.concat_columns(b)
y_train = sint.input_tensor_via(0, y_train)
while party 1 runs:
a = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, shape=X_train[:,:X_train.shape[1] // 2].shape)
b = sfix.input_tensor_via(1, X_train[:,X_train.shape[1] // 2:])
X_train = a.concat_columns(b)
y_train = sint.input_tensor_via(0, shape=y_train.shape)
Note that that the respective party only accesses the shape of data they don’t input.
You can run this case by running on one hand:
./ breast_logistic party0
./semi-party.x 0 breast_logistic-party0
and on the other (but on the same host):
./ breast_logistic party1
./semi-party.x 1 breast_logistic-party1
The compilation will output a hash at the end, which has to agree between the parties. Otherwise the virtual machine will abort with an error message. To run the two parties on different hosts, use the networking options.
Data preprocessing¶
Sometimes it’s necessary to preprocess data. We’re using the following
code from torch_mnist_dense.mpc
to demonstrate this:
ds = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='/tmp', train=train, download=True)
# normalize to [0,1] before input
samples = sfix.input_tensor_via(0, / 255)
labels = sint.input_tensor_via(0, ds.targets, one_hot=True)
This downloads the default training or the test set of MNIST
(depending on train
) and then processes it to make it
usable. The sample data is normalized from an 8-bit integer to the
interval \([0,1]\) by dividing by 255. This is done within PyTorch
for efficiency. Then, the labels are encoded as one-hot vectors
because this is necessary for multi-label training in MP-SPDZ.
Independent Data Input¶
The example code in
trains a dense neural network for
MNIST. It starts by defining tensors to hold data:
training_samples = sfix.Tensor([60000, 28, 28])
training_labels = sint.Tensor([60000, 10])
test_samples = sfix.Tensor([10000, 28, 28])
test_labels = sint.Tensor([10000, 10])
The tensors are then filled with inputs from party 0 in the order that
is used by
in the preparation code:
The virtual machine then expect the data as whitespace-separated text
in Player-Data/Input-P0-0
. If you use binary=True
, the input is expected in
, value by value as single-precision
float or 64-bit integer in the machine byte order (most likely
little-endian these days).
There are a number of interfaces for different algorithms.
Logistic regression with SGD¶
This is available via SGDLogistic
. We will
use breast_logistic.mpc
as an example.
After inputting the data as above, you can call the following:
log = ml.SGDLogistic(20, 2, program), y_train)
This trains a logistic regression model in secret for 20 epochs with
mini-batches of size 2. Adding the program
object as a
parameter uses further command-line parameters. Most notably, you can
add approx
to use a three-piece approximate sigmoid function:
Scripts/ breast_logistic approx
Omitting it invokes the default sigmoid function.
To check accuracy during training, you can call the following instead
of fit()
log.fit_with_testing(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
This outputs losses and accuracy for both the training and test set after every epoch.
You can use predict()
to predict
labels and predict_proba()
predict probabilities. The following outputs the correctness (0 for
correct, \(\pm 1\) for incorrect) and a measure of how much off
the probability estimate is:
print_ln('%s', (log.predict(X_test) - y_test.get_vector()).reveal())
print_ln('%s', (log.predict_proba(X_test) - y_test.get_vector()).reveal())
Linear regression with SGD¶
This is available via SGDLinear
. It
implements an interface similar to logistic regression. The main
difference is that there is only
for prediction as there is
no notion of labels in this case. See diabetes.mpc
for an example
of linear regression.
PyTorch interface¶
MP-SPDZ supports importing sequential models from PyTorch using
as shown in
this code snippet in torch_mnist_dense.mpc
import torch.nn as nn
net = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(28 * 28, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 10)
from Compiler import ml
layers = ml.layers_from_torch(net, training_samples.shape, 128)
optimizer = ml.SGD(layers)
validation_data=(test_samples, test_labels),
This trains a network with three dense layers on MNIST using SGD, softmax, and cross-entropy loss. The number of epochs and threads is taken from the command line. For example, the following trains the network for 10 epochs using 4 threads:
Scripts/ torch_mnist_dense 10 4
See Programs/Source/torch_*.mpc
for further examples of the
PyTorch functionality, fit()
further training options, and Adam
for an
alternative Optimizer.
Keras interface¶
The following Keras-like code sets up a model with three dense layers and then trains it:
from Compiler import ml
tf = ml
layers = [
tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential(layers)
optim = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(momentum=0.9, learning_rate=0.01)
opt =
validation_data=(test_samples, test_labels)
See Programs/Source/keras_*.mpc
for further examples using the
Keras interface.
Decision trees¶
MP-SPDZ can train decision trees for binary labels by using the
algorithm by Hamada et al. The following example in
trains a tree of height five before outputting the
difference between the prediction on a test set and the ground truth:
from Compiler.decision_tree import TreeClassifier
tree = TreeClassifier(max_depth=5), y_train)
print_ln('%s', (tree.predict(X_test) - y_test.get_vector()).reveal())
You can run the example as follows:
Scripts/ breast_tree
It is also possible to output the accuracy after every level:
tree.fit_with_testing(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)
You can output the trained tree as follows:
The format of the output follows the description of Hamada et al.
MP-SPDZ by default uses probabilistic rounding for fixed-point division, which is used to compute Gini coefficients in decision tree training. This has the effect that the tree isn’t deterministic. You can switch to deterministic rounding as follows:
sfix.round_nearest = True
The breast_tree.mpc
uses the following code to allow switching on
the command line:
Nearest rounding can then be activated as follows:
Scripts/ breast_tree nearest
Data preparation¶
MP-SPDZ currently support continuous and binary attributes but not discrete non-binary attributes. However, such attributes can be converted as follows using the pandas library:
import pandas
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from Compiler import decision_tree
data = pandas.read_csv(
'', header=None)
data, attr_types = decision_tree.preprocess_pandas(data)
# label is last column
X = data[:,:-1]
y = data[:,-1]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
This downloads the adult dataset and convert discrete attributes to
binary using one-hot encoding. See easy_adult
for the full
example. attr_types
has to be used to indicates the
attribute types during training:, y_train, attr_types=attr_types)
Loading pre-trained models¶
It is possible to import pre-trained from PyTorch as shown in
net = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5),
nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 5),
nn.Linear(800, 500),
nn.Linear(500, 10)
# train for a bit
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(
ds = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='/tmp', transform=transform, train=True)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), amsgrad=True)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for i, data in enumerate(, batch_size=128)):
inputs, labels = data
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
This trains LeNet on MNIST for one epoch. The model can then be input and used in MP-SPDZ:
from Compiler import ml
layers = ml.layers_from_torch(net, training_samples.shape, 128, input_via=0)
optimizer = ml.Optimizer(layers)
n_correct, loss = optimizer.reveal_correctness(test_samples, test_labels, 128, running=True)
print_ln('Secure accuracy: %s/%s', n_correct, len(test_samples))
This outputs the accuracy of the network. You can use
instead of
to retrieve
probability distributions or top guesses (the latter with top=True
for any sample data.
You can also use some networks provided within PyTorch as demonstrated
by ../Programs/Source/
model = torchvision.models.get_model('SqueezeNet1_1', weights='DEFAULT')
layers = ml.layers_from_torch(model, ...)
Storing and loading models¶
Both the Keras interface and the native
class support an interface to
iterate through all model parameters. The following code from
uses it to store the model on disk in
secret-shared form:
for var in optimizer.trainable_variables:
The example code in torch_mnist_dense_predict.mpc
then uses the
model stored above for prediction. Much of the setup is the same, but
instead of training it reads the model from disk:
optimizer = ml.Optimizer(layers)
start = 0
for var in optimizer.trainable_variables:
start = var.read_from_file(start)
Then it runs the accuracy test:
n_correct, loss = optimizer.reveal_correctness(test_samples, test_labels, 128)
print_ln('Accuracy: %s/%s', n_correct, len(test_samples))
Using var.input_from(player)
instead the model would be input
privately by a party.
Exporting models¶
Models can be exported as follows:
if optimizer
is an instance of
. The model parameters are then
stored in Player-Data/Binary-Output-P<playerno>-0
. They can be
imported for use in PyTorch:
f = open('Player-Data/Binary-Output-P0-0')
state = net.state_dict()
for name in state:
shape = state[name].shape
size =
var = numpy.fromfile(f, 'double', count=size)
var = var.reshape(shape)
state[name] = torch.Tensor(var)
if net
is a PyTorch module with the correct meta-parameters.
This demonstrates that the parameters are stored with double precision
in the canonical order.
There are a number of scripts in Scripts
, namely
, and
, which import the models output by
, torch_mnist_dense.mpc
, and
. For example you can run:
$ Scripts/ torch_mnist_lenet_predict
Secure accuracy: 9822/10000
$ Scripts/
Test accuracy of the network: 98.22 %
The accuracy values might vary as the model is freshly trained, but they should match.