Virtual Machine¶
outputs the computation in a format specific to
MP-SPDZ. This includes a schedule file and one or several bytecode
files. The schedule file can be found at
. It contains the names of all
bytecode files found in Programs/Bytecode
and the maximum number
of parallel threads. Each bytecode file represents the complete
computation of one thread, also called tape. The computation of the
main thread is always Programs/Bytecode/<progname>-0.bc
compiled by the compiler.
Schedule File¶
The schedule file is as follows in ASCII text:
<maximum number of threads>
<number of bytecode files>
<bytecode name>:<no of instructions>[ <bytecode name>:<no of instructions>...]
1 0
<compilation command line>
<domain requirements>
opts: <potential optimizations>
sec:<security parameter>
Domain requirements and potential optimizations are related to Non-linear Computation. Domain requirements is one of the following:
minimum prime length
exact prime
exact power of two
Potential optimizations is a any combination of trunc_pr
(probabilistic truncation), edabit
(edaBits), and split
splitting). Presence indicates that they would change the compiled
bytecode if used. This is used to indicate available optimizations
when running a virtual machine.
For example, ./ tutorial
generates the following
schedule file:
1 0
./ tutorial
opts: edabit trunc_pr split
This says that program has only one thread running one bytecode file,
which is stored in tutorial-0.bc
and has 19444 instructions. It
requires a prime of length 106, and all protocol optimizations could
potentially be used. The length 106 is composed as follows: assuming
64-bit integers, the difference used for comparison is a 65-bit
integer, to which 40 bits are added for statistical masking, resulting
in a 105 bits, and it takes a 106-bit prime to able to contain all
105-bit numbers. Finally, the last line indicates which compile-time
options would change the program. This supports the virtual machine
in suggesting options that are compatible with the protocol
The bytecode is made up of 32-bit units in big-endian byte order. Every unit represents an instruction code (possibly including vector size), register number, or immediate value.
For example, adding the secret integers in registers 1 and 2 and then storing the result at register 0 leads to the following bytecode (in hexadecimal representation):
00 00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02
This is because 0x021
is the code of secret integer addition. The
debugging output ( -a <prefix>
) looks as follows:
adds s0, s1, s2 # <instruction number>
There is also a vectorized addition. Adding 10 secret integers in registers 10-19 and 20-29 and then storing the result in registers 0-9 is represented as follows in bytecode:
00 00 28 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 14
This is because the vector size is stored in the upper 22 bits of the
first 32-bit unit (instruction codes are up to 10 bits long), and
equals 40 or 10 shifted by two bits. In the debugging output
the vectorized addition looks as follows:
vadds 10, s0, s10, s20 # <instruction number>
Finally, some instructions have a variable number of arguments to accommodate any number of parallel operations. For these, the first argument usually indicates the number of arguments yet to come. For example, multiplying the secret integers in registers 2 and 3 as well as registers 4 and 5 and the storing the two results in registers 0 and 1 results in the following bytecode:
00 00 00 a6 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
00 00 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 05
and the following debugging output:
muls 6, s0, s2, s3, s1, s4, s5 # <instruction number>
Note that calling instructions in high-level code never is done with the explicit number of arguments. Instead, this is derived from number of function arguments. The example above would this simply be called as follows:
muls(s0, s2, s3, s1, s4, s5)
Memory size indication¶
By default, the compiler adds memory read instructions such as
at the end of the main bytecode file to indicate the memory
size. This is to make sure that even when using memory with run-time
addresses, the virtual machine is aware of the memory sizes.
The following table list all instructions except the ones for \(\mathrm{GF}(2^n)\) computation, untested ones, and those considered obsolete.
Name |
Code |
0x0 |
Meta instruction for emulation |
0x1 |
Assign (constant) immediate value to clear register (vector) |
0x2 |
Assign (constant) immediate value to secret register (vector) |
0x3 |
Assign clear memory value(s) to clear register (vector) by immediate address |
0x4 |
Assign secret memory value(s) to secret register (vector) by immediate address |
0x5 |
Assign clear register (vector) to clear memory value(s) by immediate address |
0x6 |
Assign secret register (vector) to secret memory value(s) by immediate address |
0x7 |
Assign clear memory value(s) to clear register (vector) by register address |
0x8 |
Assign secret memory value(s) to secret register (vector) by register address |
0x9 |
Assign clear register (vector) to clear memory value(s) by register address |
0xa |
Assign secret register (vector) to secret memory value(s) by register address |
0xb |
Copy clear register (vector) |
0xc |
Copy secret register (vector) |
0x10 |
Store the number of the current thread in clear integer register |
0x11 |
Store the argument passed to the current thread in clear integer register |
0x12 |
Requirement on computation modulus |
0x13 |
Copy clear integer register to the thread argument |
0x14 |
Output time since start of computation |
0x15 |
Start timer |
0x16 |
Stop timer |
0x17 |
Offline data usage |
0x18 |
Input usage |
0x19 |
Start tape/bytecode file in another thread |
0x1a |
Join thread |
0x1b |
Crash runtime if the value in the register is not zero |
0x1c |
Custom preprocessed data usage |
0x1f |
Matrix multiplication usage |
0x20 |
Clear addition |
0x21 |
Secret addition |
0x22 |
Mixed addition |
0x23 |
Addition of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x24 |
Addition of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x25 |
Clear subtraction |
0x26 |
Secret subtraction |
0x27 |
Subtract clear from secret value |
0x28 |
Subtract secret from clear value |
0x29 |
Subtraction of (constant) immediate value from clear register (vector) |
0x2a |
Subtraction of (constant) immediate value from secret register (vector) |
0x2b |
Subtraction of clear register (vector) from (constant) immediate value |
0x2c |
Subtraction of secret register (vector) from (constant) immediate value |
0x2d |
Prefix sum |
0x2e |
Extract part of vector |
0x2f |
Concatenate vectors |
0x30 |
Clear multiplication |
0x31 |
Multiply secret and clear value |
0x32 |
Multiplication of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x33 |
Multiplication of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x34 |
Clear division |
0x35 |
Division of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x36 |
Clear modular reduction |
0x37 |
Modular reduction of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x38 |
Clear Legendre symbol computation (a/p) over prime p (the computation modulus) |
0x39 |
Clear truncated hash computation |
0x3a |
Inverse of power of two modulo prime (the computation modulus) |
0x3b |
Clear integer floor division |
0x3f |
Zip vectors |
0x50 |
Store fresh random triple(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x51 |
Store fresh random triple(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x52 |
Store fresh random square(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x53 |
Store fresh random inverse(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x56 |
Store fresh random input mask(s) in secret register (vector) and clear register (vector) of the relevant player |
0x57 |
Store custom preprocessed data in secret register (vectors) |
0x58 |
Store fresh random daBit(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x59 |
Store fresh random loose edaBit(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x5a |
Store fresh random strict edaBit(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x5b |
Store fresh length-restricted random shares(s) in secret register (vectors) |
0x5c |
Store fresh random input mask(s) in secret register (vector) and clear register (vector) of the relevant player |
0x5d |
Store share(s) of a fresh secret random element in secret register (vectors) |
0x63 |
Read a variable number of clear values in internal representation from socket for a specified client id and store them in clear registers |
0x64 |
Read a variable number of secret shares (potentially with MAC) from a socket for a client id and store them in registers |
0x66 |
Write a variable number of secret shares (potentially with MAC) from registers into a socket for a specified client id |
0x69 |
Read a variable number of 32-bit integers from socket for a specified client id and store them in clear integer registers |
0x6b |
Write a variable number of shares (without MACs) from secret registers into socket for a specified client id |
0x6c |
Open a server socket on a party-specific port number and listen for client connections (non-blocking) |
0x6d |
Wait for a connection at the given port and write socket handle to clear integer register |
0x6e |
Close connection to client |
0x6f |
Initialize connection |
0x70 |
Logical AND of clear (vector) registers |
0x71 |
Logical XOR of clear (vector) registers |
0x72 |
Logical OR of clear (vector) registers |
0x73 |
Logical AND of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x74 |
Logical XOR of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x75 |
Logical OR of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x76 |
Clear logical NOT of a constant number of bits of clear (vector) register |
0x80 |
Bitwise left shift of clear register (vector) |
0x81 |
Bitwise right shift of clear register (vector) |
0x82 |
Bitwise left shift of clear register (vector) by (constant) immediate value |
0x83 |
Bitwise right shift of clear register (vector) by (constant) immediate value |
0x84 |
Bitwise right shift of secret register (vector) by (constant) immediate value |
0x90 |
Unconditional relative jump in the bytecode (compile-time parameter) |
0x91 |
Conditional relative jump in the bytecode |
0x92 |
Conditional relative jump in the bytecode |
0x93 |
Clear integer zero test |
0x94 |
Clear integer less than zero test |
0x95 |
Clear integer less-than comparison |
0x96 |
Clear integer greater-than comparison |
0x97 |
Clear integer equality test |
0x98 |
Unconditional relative jump in the bytecode (run-time parameter) |
0x99 |
Clear integer bit decomposition |
0x9a |
Store (constant) immediate value in clear integer register (vector) |
0x9b |
Clear integer register (vector) addition |
0x9c |
Clear integer register (vector) subtraction |
0x9d |
Clear integer register (element-wise vector) multiplication |
0x9e |
Clear integer register (element-wise vector) division with floor rounding |
0x9f |
Output clear integer register |
0xa5 |
Reveal secret registers (vectors) to clear registers (vectors) |
0xa6 |
(Element-wise) multiplication of secret registers (vectors) |
0xa7 |
Constant-vector multiplication of secret registers |
0xa8 |
Dot product of secret registers (vectors) |
0xa9 |
Probabilistic truncation if supported by the protocol |
0xaa |
Secret matrix multiplication from registers |
0xab |
Secret matrix multiplication reading directly from memory |
0xac |
Secret 2D convolution |
0xad |
Private output to cint |
0xaf |
Force MAC check in current thread and all idle thread if current thread is the main thread |
0xb1 |
Debugging output of clear register (vector) |
0xb2 |
Store insecure random value of specified length in clear integer register (vector) |
0xb3 |
Output clear register |
0xb4 |
Output a single byte |
0xb5 |
Output four bytes |
0xb6 |
Store public input in clear register (vector) |
0xbc |
Output floating-number from clear registers |
0xbd |
Write shares to |
0xbe |
Read shares from |
0xbf |
Conditionally output four bytes |
0xc0 |
Convert clear integer register (vector) to clear register (vector) |
0xc1 |
Convert clear integer register (vector) to clear register (vector) |
0xca |
Assign clear integer memory value(s) to clear integer register (vector) by immediate address |
0xcb |
Assign clear integer register (vector) to clear integer memory value(s) by immediate address |
0xcc |
Assign clear integer memory value(s) to clear integer register (vector) by register address |
0xcd |
Assign clear integer register (vector) to clear integer memory value(s) by register address |
0xce |
Pushes clear integer register to the thread-local stack |
0xcf |
Pops from the thread-local stack to clear integer register |
0xd0 |
Copy clear integer register (vector) |
0xd1 |
Create incremental clear integer vector |
0xd2 |
Randomly shuffles clear integer vector with public randomness |
0xe0 |
Set number of digits after decimal point for |
0xe1 |
Conditionally output clear register (with precision) |
0xe2 |
Store number of players in clear integer register |
0xe3 |
Store maximal number of corrupt players in clear integer register |
0xe4 |
Store current player number in clear integer register |
0xe5 |
edaBit usage |
0xe6 |
Binary integer output |
0xe7 |
Binary floating-point output |
0xe8 |
Binary fixed-point input |
0xe9 |
Indicate whether program is compatible with malicious-security protocols |
0xea |
Output secret register |
0xeb |
Load command-line argument |
0xec |
Start tape/bytecode file in same thread |
0xed |
Pseudo instruction for arguments in connection with |
0xf2 |
Store private input in secret registers (vectors) |
0xf3 |
Store private input in secret registers (vectors) |
0xf4 |
Store private input in secret registers (vectors) |
0xf5 |
Private input from cint |
0xf6 |
Private input from cint |
0xfa |
Secure shuffling |
0xfb |
Generate secure shuffle to bit used several times |
0xfc |
Generate secure shuffle to bit used several times |
0xfd |
Delete secure shuffle |
0xfe |
Calculate the inverse permutation of a secret permutation |
0x136 |
Clear modular reduction |
0x137 |
Modular reduction of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value |
0x200 |
Bitwise XOR of secret bit register vectors |
0x201 |
Bitwise XOR of single secret and clear bit registers |
0x202 |
Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers |
0x203 |
Secret bit register decomposition |
0x204 |
Secret bit register decomposition |
0x205 |
Copy clear integer register to secret bit register |
0x20a |
Store immediate in secret bit register |
0x20b |
Bitwise AND of secret bit register vector |
0x20c |
Secret bit register vector transpose |
0x20d |
Copy fresh secret random bit to secret bit register |
0x20e |
Bitwise AND of single secret and clear bit registers |
0x20f |
Bitwise NOT of secret register vector |
0x210 |
Bitwise XOR of single clear bit register and immediate |
0x211 |
Clear bit register decomposition |
0x212 |
Bitwise NOT of secret register vector |
0x213 |
Copy clear integer register to clear bit register |
0x214 |
Reveal secret bit register vectors and copy result to clear bit register vectors |
0x217 |
Copy clear bit memory cell with compile-time address to clear bit register |
0x218 |
Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with compile-time address |
0x219 |
Bitwise XOR of two single clear bit registers |
0x21a |
Integer addition two single clear bit registers |
0x21b |
Integer addition single clear bit register and immediate |
0x21c |
Integer multiplication single clear bit register and immediate |
0x21d |
Right shift of clear bit register by immediate |
0x21e |
Left shift of clear bit register by immediate |
0x21f |
Copy clear register vector by bit to clear bit register vectors |
0x220 |
Signed output of clear bit register |
0x221 |
Debug output of clear bit register |
0x222 |
Output clear bit register |
0x223 |
Output floating-number from clear bit registers |
0x224 |
Conditionally output four bytes |
0x230 |
Copy clear bit register to clear integer register |
0x231 |
Copy clear bit register vector to clear register by bit |
0x240 |
Copy secret bit memory cell with compile-time address to secret bit register |
0x241 |
Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with compile-time address |
0x242 |
Copy secret bit memory cell with run-time address to secret bit register |
0x243 |
Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with run-time address |
0x244 |
Copy secret bit register |
0x246 |
Copy private input to secret bit register vectors |
0x247 |
Copy private input to secret bit registers bit by bit |
0x248 |
Local share conversion |
0x249 |
Copy clear bit register vector to secret bit register vector |
0x24a |
Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers (vectorized version) |
0x258 |
Copy clear bit memory cell with run-time address to clear bit register |
0x259 |
Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with run-time address |
Compiler.instructions module¶
This module contains all instruction types for arithmetic computation and general control of the virtual machine such as control flow.
The parameter descriptions refer to the instruction arguments in the right order.
- class Compiler.instructions.acceptclientconnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Wait for a connection at the given port and write socket handle to clear integer register.
- Param
client id destination (regint)
- Param
port number (regint)
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Indicate whether program is compatible with malicious-security protocols.
- Param
0 for no, 1 for yes
- class Compiler.instructions.addc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear addition.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
summand (cint)
- Param
summand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.addci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Addition of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
summand (cint)
- Param
summand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.addint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer register (vector) addition.
- Param
result (regint)
- Param
summand (regint)
- Param
summand (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a + b.
- class Compiler.instructions.addm(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Mixed addition.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
summand (sint)
- Param
summand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.adds(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret addition.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
summand (sint)
- Param
summand (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.addsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Addition of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
summand (cint)
- Param
summand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.andc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logical AND of clear (vector) registers.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.andci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logical AND of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.applyshuffle(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Generate secure shuffle to bit used several times.
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
number of elements to be treated as one (int)
- Param
handle (regint)
- Param
reverse (0/1)
- class Compiler.instructions.asm_open(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Reveal secret registers (vectors) to clear registers (vectors).
- Param
number of argument to follow (odd number)
- Param
check after opening (0/1)
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat the last two)…
- class Compiler.instructions.bit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random triple(s) in secret register (vectors).
- Param
destination (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.bitdecint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer bit decomposition.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits minus one (int)
- Param
source (regint)
- Param
destination for least significant bit (regint)
- Param
(destination for one bit higher)…
- class Compiler.instructions.call_arg(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Pseudo instruction for arguments in connection with
.- Param
destination (register)
- Param
register type (see
- class Compiler.instructions.call_tape(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Start tape/bytecode file in same thread. Arguments/return values starting from
are optional.- Param
tape number (int)
- Param
arg (regint)
- Param
direction (0 for argument, 1 for return value)
- Param
register type (see
)- Param
register size (int)
- Param
destination register
- Param
source register
- Param
(repeat from direction)
- class Compiler.instructions.check(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Force MAC check in current thread and all idle thread if current thread is the main thread.
- class Compiler.instructions.cisc[source]¶
Meta instruction for emulation. This instruction is only generated when using
. The header looks as follows:- Param
number of arguments after name plus one
- Param
name (16 bytes, zero-padded)
Currently, the following names are supported:
Less than zero.
- param
number of arguments in this unit (must be 6)
- param
vector size
- param
result (sint)
- param
input (sint)
- param
bit length
- param
- param
- Trunc
- param
number of arguments in this unit (must be 8)
- param
vector size
- param
result (sint)
- param
input (sint)
- param
bit length
- param
number of bits to truncate
- param
- param
0 for unsigned or 1 for signed
- param
- FPDiv
Fixed-point division. Division by zero results in zero without error.
- param
number of arguments in this unit (must be at least 7)
- param
vector size
- param
result (sint)
- param
dividend (sint)
- param
divisor (sint)
- param
- param
fixed-point precision
- param
- exp2_fx
Fixed-point power of two.
- param
number of arguments in this unit (must be at least 6)
- param
vector size
- param
result (sint)
- param
exponent (sint)
- param
- param
fixed-point precision
- param
- log2_fx
Fixed-point logarithm with base 2.
- param
number of arguments in this unit (must be at least 6)
- param
vector size
- param
result (sint)
- param
input (sint)
- param
- param
fixed-point precision
- param
- class Compiler.instructions.closeclientconnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Close connection to client.
- Param
client id (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.cmdlinearg(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Load command-line argument.
- Param
dest (regint)
- Param
index (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.concats(*args)[source]¶
Concatenate vectors.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
start offset (int)
- Param
input (sint)
- Param
(repeat from offset)…
- class Compiler.instructions.cond_print_plain(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Conditionally output clear register (with precision). Outputs \(x \cdot 2^p\) where \(p\) is the precision.
- Param
condition (cint, no output if zero)
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
precision (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.cond_print_str(cond, val)[source]¶
Conditionally output four bytes.
- Param
condition (cint, no output if zero)
- Param
four bytes (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.conv2ds(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret 2D convolution.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
result (sint vector in row-first order)
- Param
inputs (sint vector in row-first order)
- Param
weights (sint vector in row-first order)
- Param
output height (int)
- Param
output width (int)
- Param
input height (int)
- Param
input width (int)
- Param
weight height (int)
- Param
weight width (int)
- Param
stride height (int)
- Param
stride width (int)
- Param
number of channels (int)
- Param
padding height (int)
- Param
padding width (int)
- Param
batch size (int)
- Param
repeat from result…
- class Compiler.instructions.convint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Convert clear integer register (vector) to clear register (vector).
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.convmodp(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Convert clear integer register (vector) to clear register (vector). If the bit length is zero, the unsigned conversion is used, otherwise signed conversion is used. This makes a difference when computing modulo a prime \(p\). Signed conversion of \(p-1\) results in -1 while signed conversion results in \((p-1) \mod 2^{64}\).
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
bit length (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.crash(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Crash runtime if the value in the register is not zero.
- Param
Crash condition (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.dabit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random daBit(s) in secret register (vectors).
- Param
arithmetic part (sint)
- Param
binary part (sbit)
- class Compiler.instructions.delshuffle(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Delete secure shuffle.
- Param
handle (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.digestc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear truncated hash computation.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
input (cint)
- Param
byte length of hash value used (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.divc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear division.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
dividend (cint)
- Param
divisor (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.divci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Division of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
dividend (cint)
- Param
divisor (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.divint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer register (element-wise vector) division with floor rounding.
- Param
result (regint)
- Param
dividend (regint)
- Param
divisor (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a // b.
- class Compiler.instructions.dotprods(*args)[source]¶
Dot product of secret registers (vectors). Note that the vectorized version works element-wise.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
twice the dot product length plus two (I know…)
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first factor (sint)
- Param
first factor (sint)
- Param
second factor (sint)
- Param
second factor (sint)
- Param
(remaining factors)…
- Param
(repeat from dot product length)…
- class Compiler.instructions.edabit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random loose edaBit(s) in secret register (vectors). The length is the first argument minus one.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus two (int)
- Param
arithmetic (sint)
- Param
binary (sbit)
- Param
- class Compiler.instructions.eqc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer equality test. The result is 1 if the operands are equal and 0 otherwise.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
first operand (regint)
- Param
second operand (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a == b.
- class Compiler.instructions.eqzc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer zero test. The result is 1 for true and 0 for false.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
operand (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.fixinput(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Binary fixed-point input.
- Param
player (int)
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
exponent (int, for float/double) / byte length (1/8, for integer)
- Param
input type (0: 64-bit integer, 1: float, 2: double)
- class Compiler.instructions.floatoutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Binary floating-point output.
- Param
player (int)
- Param
significand (cint)
- Param
exponent (cint)
- Param
zero bit (cint)
- Param
sign bit (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.floordivc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer floor division.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
dividend (cint)
- Param
divisor (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.gensecshuffle(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Generate secure shuffle to bit used several times.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
size (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.gtc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer greater-than comparison. The result is 1 if the first operand is greater and 0 otherwise.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
first operand (regint)
- Param
second operand (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a > b.
- class Compiler.instructions.incint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create incremental clear integer vector. For example, vector size 10, base 1, increment 2, repeat 3, and wrap 2 produces the following:
(1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3)
This is because the first number is always the
, every number is repeatedrepeat
times, after whichincrement
is added, and afterwrap
increments the number returns tobase
.- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
base (non-vector regint)
- Param
increment (int)
- Param
repeat (int)
- Param
wrap (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.initclientconnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Initialize connection.
- Param
client id destination (regint)
- Param
port number (regint)
- Param
my client id (regint)
- Param
hostname (variable string)
- class Compiler.instructions.inputmask(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random input mask(s) in secret register (vector) and clear register (vector) of the relevant player.
- Param
mask (sint)
- Param
mask (cint, player only)
- Param
player (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.inputmaskreg(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random input mask(s) in secret register (vector) and clear register (vector) of the relevant player.
- Param
mask (sint)
- Param
mask (cint, player only)
- Param
player (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.inputmixed(name, *args)[source]¶
Store private input in secret registers (vectors). The input is read as integer or floating-point number and the latter is then converted to the internal representation using the given precision. This instruction uses compile-time player numbers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
type (0: integer, 1: fixed-point, 2: floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
fixed-point precision or precision of floating-point significand (int, not with integer)
- Param
input player (int)
- Param
(repeat from type parameter)…
- class Compiler.instructions.inputmixedreg(*args)[source]¶
Store private input in secret registers (vectors). The input is read as integer or floating-point number and the latter is then converted to the internal representation using the given precision. This instruction uses run-time player numbers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
type (0: integer, 1: fixed-point, 2: floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
destination (sint, only for floating-point)
- Param
fixed-point precision or precision of floating-point significand (int, not with integer)
- Param
input player (regint)
- Param
(repeat from type parameter)…
- class Compiler.instructions.inputpersonal(*args)[source]¶
Private input from cint.
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
player (int)
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
(repeat from vector size)…
- class Compiler.instructions.intoutput(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Binary integer output.
- Param
player (int)
- Param
- class Compiler.instructions.inv2m(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Inverse of power of two modulo prime (the computation modulus).
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
exponent (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.inverse(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random inverse(s) in secret register (vectors).
- Param
value (sint)
- Param
inverse (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.inverse_permutation(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Calculate the inverse permutation of a secret permutation.
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
source (sint)
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Unconditional relative jump in the bytecode (compile-time parameter). The parameter is added to the regular jump of one after every instruction. This means that a jump of 0 results in a no-op while a jump of -1 results in an infinite loop.
- Param
number of instructions (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.jmpeqz(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Conditional relative jump in the bytecode. The parameter is added to the regular jump of one after every instruction. This means that a jump of 0 results in a no-op while a jump of -1 results in an infinite loop.
- Param
condition (regint, only jump if zero)
- Param
number of instructions (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.jmpi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Unconditional relative jump in the bytecode (run-time parameter). The parameter is added to the regular jump of one after every instruction. This means that a jump of 0 results in a no-op while a jump of -1 results in an infinite loop.
- Param
number of instructions (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.jmpnz(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Conditional relative jump in the bytecode. The parameter is added to the regular jump of one after every instruction. This means that a jump of 0 results in a no-op while a jump of -1 results in an infinite loop.
- Param
condition (regint, only jump if not zero)
- Param
number of instructions (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.join_tape(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Join thread.
- Param
virtual machine thread number (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldarg(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store the argument passed to the current thread in clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign (constant) immediate value to clear register (vector).
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
value (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store (constant) immediate value in clear integer register (vector).
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
immediate (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldmc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear memory value(s) to clear register (vector) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldmci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear memory value(s) to clear register (vector) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.ldmint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear integer memory value(s) to clear integer register (vector) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldminti(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear integer memory value(s) to clear integer register (vector) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.ldms(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign secret memory value(s) to secret register (vector) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldmsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign secret memory value(s) to secret register (vector) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.ldsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign (constant) immediate value to secret register (vector).
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
value (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.ldtn(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store the number of the current thread in clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.legendrec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear Legendre symbol computation (a/p) over prime p (the computation modulus).
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
a (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.listen(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Open a server socket on a party-specific port number and listen for client connections (non-blocking).
- Param
port number (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.ltc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer less-than comparison. The result is 1 if the first operand is less and 0 otherwise.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
first operand (regint)
- Param
second operand (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a < b.
- class Compiler.instructions.ltzc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer less than zero test. The result is 1 for true and 0 for false.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
operand (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.matmuls(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret matrix multiplication from registers. All matrices are represented as vectors in row-first order.
- Param
result (sint vector)
- Param
first factor (sint vector)
- Param
second factor (sint vector)
- Param
number of rows in first factor and result (int)
- Param
number of columns in first factor and rows in second factor (int)
- Param
number of columns in second factor and result (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.matmulsm(*args, first_factor_base_addresses=None, second_factor_base_addresses=None, indices_values=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret matrix multiplication reading directly from memory.
- Param
result (sint vector in row-first order)
- Param
base address of first factor (regint value)
- Param
base address of second factor (regint value)
- Param
number of rows in first factor and result (int)
- Param
number of columns in first factor and rows in second factor (int)
- Param
number of columns in second factor and result (int)
- Param
rows of first factor to use (regint vector, length as number of rows in first factor)
- Param
columns of first factor to use (regint vector, length as number of columns in the first factor)
- Param
rows of second factor to use (regint vector, length as number of columns in the first factor)
- Param
columns of second factor to use (regint vector, length as number of columns in the second factor)
- Param
total number of columns in the first factor, equal to used number of columns when all columns are used (int)
- Param
total number of columns in the second factor, equal to used number of columns when all columns are used (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.modc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear modular reduction.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
dividend (cint)
- Param
divisor (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.modci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Modular reduction of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
dividend (cint)
- Param
divisor (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.movc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear register (vector).
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.movint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear integer register (vector).
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.movs(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret register (vector).
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.mulc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear multiplication.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
factor (cint)
- Param
factor (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.mulci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiplication of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
factor (cint)
- Param
factor (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.mulint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer register (element-wise vector) multiplication.
- Param
result (regint)
- Param
factor (regint)
- Param
factor (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a * b.
- class Compiler.instructions.mulm(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiply secret and clear value.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
factor (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.mulrs(res, x, y)[source]¶
Constant-vector multiplication of secret registers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
vector factor (sint)
- Param
constant factor (sint)
- Param
(repeat the last four)…
- class Compiler.instructions.muls(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
(Element-wise) multiplication of secret registers (vectors).
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
(repeat the last four)…
- class Compiler.instructions.mulsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiplication of secret register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
factor (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.notc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear logical NOT of a constant number of bits of clear (vector) register.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
bit length (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.nplayers(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store number of players in clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.orc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logical OR of clear (vector) registers.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.orci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logical OR of clear register (vector) and (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.picks(*args)[source]¶
Extract part of vector.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
input (sint)
- Param
start offset (int)
- Param
- class Compiler.instructions.playerid(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store current player number in clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.popint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Pops from the thread-local stack to clear integer register. Considered obsolete.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.prefixsums(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Prefix sum.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
input (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.prep(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store custom preprocessed data in secret register (vectors).
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
tag (16 bytes / 4 units, cut off at first zero byte)
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
(repeat destination)…
- class Compiler.instructions.print_float_plain(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output floating-number from clear registers.
- Param
significand (cint)
- Param
exponent (cint)
- Param
zero bit (cint, zero output if bit is one)
- Param
sign bit (cint, negative output if bit is one)
- Param
NaN (cint, regular number if zero)
- class Compiler.instructions.print_float_prec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Set number of digits after decimal point for
.- Param
number of digits (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.print_int(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output clear integer register.
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.print_reg(reg, comment='')[source]¶
Debugging output of clear register (vector).
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
comment (4 bytes / 1 unit)
- class Compiler.instructions.print_reg_plain(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output clear register.
- Param
source (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.print_reg_plains(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output secret register.
- Param
source (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.privateoutput(*args)[source]¶
Private output to cint.
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
player (int)
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat from vector size)…
- class Compiler.instructions.pubinput(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store public input in clear register (vector).
- Param
destination (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.pushint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Pushes clear integer register to the thread-local stack. Considered obsolete.
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.rand(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store insecure random value of specified length in clear integer register (vector).
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
length (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.randomfulls(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store share(s) of a fresh secret random element in secret register (vectors).
- Param
destination (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.randoms(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh length-restricted random shares(s) in secret register (vectors). This is only implemented for protocols that also implement local share conversion with
.- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
length (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.rawinput(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store private input in secret registers (vectors). The input is read in the internal binary format according to the protocol.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of two)
- Param
player number (int)
- Param
destination (sint)
Read shares from
.- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of shares plus two (int)
- Param
starting position in number of shares from beginning (regint)
- Param
destination for final position, -1 for eof reached, or -2 for file not found (regint)
- Param
destination for share (sint)
- Param
(repeat from destination for share)…
- class Compiler.instructions.readsocketc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read a variable number of clear values in internal representation from socket for a specified client id and store them in clear registers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of inputs minus one (int)
- Param
client id (regint)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
(repeat destination)…
- class Compiler.instructions.readsocketint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read a variable number of 32-bit integers from socket for a specified client id and store them in clear integer registers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of inputs minus one (int)
- Param
client id (regint)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
(repeat destination)…
- class Compiler.instructions.readsockets(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read a variable number of secret shares (potentially with MAC) from a socket for a client id and store them in registers. If the protocol uses MACs, the client should be different for every party.
- Param
client id (regint)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat source)…
- class Compiler.instructions.reqbl(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Requirement on computation modulus. Minimal bit length of prime if positive, minus exact bit length of power of two if negative.
- Param
requirement (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.run_tape(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Start tape/bytecode file in another thread.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of three)
- Param
virtual machine thread number (int)
- Param
tape number (int)
- Param
tape argument (int)
- Param
(repeat the last three)…
- class Compiler.instructions.secshuffle(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secure shuffling.
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
source (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.sedabit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random strict edaBit(s) in secret register (vectors). The length is the first argument minus one.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus two (int)
- Param
arithmetic (sint)
- Param
binary (sbit)
- Param
- class Compiler.instructions.sendpersonal(*args)[source]¶
Private input from cint.
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
destination player (int)
- Param
destination (cint)
- Param
source player (int)
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
(repeat from vector size)…
- class Compiler.instructions.shlc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise left shift of clear register (vector).
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.shlci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise left shift of clear register (vector) by (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.shrc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise right shift of clear register (vector).
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.shrci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise right shift of clear register (vector) by (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.shrsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise right shift of secret register (vector) by (constant) immediate value. This only makes sense in connection with protocols allowing local share conversion (i.e., based on additive secret sharing modulo a power of two). Moreover, the result is not a secret sharing of the right shift of the secret value but needs to be corrected using the overflow. This is explained by Dalskov et al. in the appendix.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (sint)
- Param
second operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.shuffle(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Randomly shuffles clear integer vector with public randomness.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.square(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random square(s) in secret register (vectors).
- Param
value (sint)
- Param
square (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.starg(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear integer register to the thread argument.
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.stmc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear register (vector) to clear memory value(s) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.stmci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear register (vector) to clear memory value(s) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.stmint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear integer register (vector) to clear integer memory value(s) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (regint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.stminti(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign clear integer register (vector) to clear integer memory value(s) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (regint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.stms(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign secret register (vector) to secret memory value(s) by immediate address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
memory address base (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.stmsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Assign secret register (vector) to secret memory value(s) by register address. The vectorized version starts at the base address and then iterates the memory address.
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
memory address base (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.instructions.subc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear subtraction.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.subcfi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtraction of clear register (vector) from (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (int)
- Param
second operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.subci(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtraction of (constant) immediate value from clear register (vector).
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.subint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear integer register (vector) subtraction.
- Param
result (regint)
- Param
first operand (regint)
- Param
second operand (regint)
- op(b, /)¶
Same as a - b.
- class Compiler.instructions.subml(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtract clear from secret value.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (sint)
- Param
second operand (cint)
- class Compiler.instructions.submr(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtract secret from clear value.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (cint)
- Param
second operand (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.subs(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret subtraction.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (sint)
- Param
second operand (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.subsfi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtraction of secret register (vector) from (constant) immediate value.
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (int)
- Param
second operand (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.subsi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Subtraction of (constant) immediate value from secret register (vector).
- Param
result (sint)
- Param
first operand (sint)
- Param
second operand (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.threshold(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store maximal number of corrupt players in clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- class Compiler.instructions.triple(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store fresh random triple(s) in secret register (vectors).
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
factor (sint)
- Param
product (sint)
- class Compiler.instructions.trunc_pr(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Probabilistic truncation if supported by the protocol.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
destination (sint)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
bit length of source (int)
- Param
number of bits to truncate (int)
- class Compiler.instructions.use(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Offline data usage. Necessary to avoid reusage while using preprocessing from files. Also used to multithreading for expensive preprocessing.
- Param
domain (0: integer, 1: \(\mathrm{GF}(2^n)\), 2: bit)
- Param
type (0: triple, 1: square, 2: bit, 3: inverse, 6: daBit)
- Param
number (int, -1 for unknown)
- class Compiler.instructions.use_edabit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
edaBit usage. Necessary to avoid reusage while using preprocessing from files. Also used to multithreading for expensive preprocessing.
- Param
loose/strict (0/1)
- Param
length (int)
- Param
number (int, -1 for unknown)
- class Compiler.instructions.use_inp(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Input usage. Necessary to avoid reusage while using preprocessing from files.
- Param
domain (0: integer, 1: \(\mathrm{GF}(2^n)\), 2: bit)
- Param
input player (int)
- Param
number (int, -1 for unknown)
- class Compiler.instructions.use_matmul(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Matrix multiplication usage. Used for multithreading of preprocessing.
- Param
number of left-hand rows (int)
- Param
number of left-hand columns/right-hand rows (int)
- Param
number of right-hand columns (int)
- Param
number (int, -1 for unknown)
- class Compiler.instructions.use_prep(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Custom preprocessed data usage.
- Param
tag (16 bytes / 4 units, cut off at first zero byte)
- Param
number of items to use (int, -1 for unknown)
Write shares to
(appending at the end).- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of shares plus one (int)
- Param
position (regint, -1 for appending)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat from source)…
- class Compiler.instructions.writesockets(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a variable number of secret shares (potentially with MAC) from registers into a socket for a specified client id. If the protocol uses MACs, the client should be different for every party.
- Param
number of arguments to follow
- Param
client id (regint)
- Param
message type (must be 0)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat source)…
Write a variable number of shares (without MACs) from secret registers into socket for a specified client id.
- Param
client id (regint)
- Param
message type (must be 0)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
(repeat source)…
- class Compiler.instructions.xorc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logical XOR of clear (vector) registers.
- Param
result (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
- Param
operand (cint)
Compiler.GC.instructions module¶
This module constrains instructions for binary circuits. Unlike arithmetic instructions, they generally do not use the vector size in the instruction code field. Instead the number of bits affected is given as an extra argument. Also note that a register holds 64 values instead of just one as is the case for arithmetic instructions. Therefore, an instruction for 65-128 bits will affect two registers etc. Similarly, a memory cell holds 64 bits.
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.addcb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Integer addition two single clear bit registers.
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
summand (cbit)
- Param
summand (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.addcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Integer addition single clear bit register and immediate.
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
summand (cbit)
- Param
summand (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.andm(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise AND of single secret and clear bit registers.
- Param
number of bits (less or equal 64)
- Param
result (sbit)
- Param
operand (sbit)
- Param
operand (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.andrs(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
result vector (sbit)
- Param
vector operand (sbit)
- Param
single operand (sbit)
- Param
(repeat from number of bits)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.andrsvec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers (vectorized version).
- Param
total number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
number of arguments to follow for one operation / operation vector size plus three (int)
- Param
vector size (int)
- Param
result vector (sbit)
- Param
- Param
constant operand (sbits)
- Param
vector operand
- Param
- Param
(repeat from number of arguments to follow for one operation)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ands(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise AND of secret bit register vector.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
result (sbit)
- Param
operand (sbit)
- Param
operand (sbit)
- Param
(repeat from number of bits)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.bitb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy fresh secret random bit to secret bit register.
- Param
destination (sbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.bitcoms(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret bit register decomposition.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int)
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
source for least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
(source for one bit higher)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.bitdecc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Clear bit register decomposition.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int)
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
destination for least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
(destination for one bit higher)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.bitdecs(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret bit register decomposition.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int)
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
destination for least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
(destination for one bit higher)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.cond_print_strb(cond, val)[source]¶
Conditionally output four bytes.
- Param
condition (cbit, no output if zero)
- Param
four bytes (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convcbit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit register to clear integer register.
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
source (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convcbit2s(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit register vector to secret bit register vector.
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
source (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convcbitvec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit register vector to clear register by bit. This means that every element of the destination register vector will hold one bit.
- Param
number of bits / vector length (int)
- Param
destination (regint)
- Param
source (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convcint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear integer register to clear bit register.
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convcintvec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear register vector by bit to clear bit register vectors. This means that the first destination will hold the least significant bits of all inputs etc.
- Param
number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int)
- Param
source (cint)
- Param
destination for least significant bits (sbit)
- Param
(destination for bits one step higher)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.convsint(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear integer register to secret bit register.
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
source (regint)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.inputb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy private input to secret bit register vectors. The input is read as floating-point number, multiplied by a power of two, and then rounded to an integer.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of four)
- Param
player number (int)
- Param
number of bits in output (int)
- Param
exponent to power of two factor (int)
- Param
destination (sbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.inputbvec(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy private input to secret bit registers bit by bit. The input is read as floating-point number, multiplied by a power of two, rounded to an integer, and then decomposed into bits.
- Param
total number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
number of arguments to follow for one input / number of bits plus three (int)
- Param
exponent to power of two factor (int)
- Param
player number (int)
- Param
destination for least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
(destination for one bit higher)…
- Param
(repeat from number of arguments to follow for one input)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ldbits(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Store immediate in secret bit register.
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
immediate (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ldmcb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit memory cell with compile-time address to clear bit register.
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
memory address (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ldmcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit memory cell with run-time address to clear bit register.
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
memory address (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ldmsb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret bit memory cell with compile-time address to secret bit register.
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
memory address (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.ldmsbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret bit memory cell with run-time address to secret bit register.
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
memory address (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.movsb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret bit register.
- Param
destination (sbit)
- Param
source (sbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.mulcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Integer multiplication single clear bit register and immediate.
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
factor (cbit)
- Param
factor (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.notcb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise NOT of secret register vector.
- Param
number of bits
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
operand (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.nots(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise NOT of secret register vector.
- Param
number of bits (less or equal 64)
- Param
result (sbit)
- Param
operand (sbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.print_float_plainb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output floating-number from clear bit registers.
- Param
significand (cbit)
- Param
exponent (cbit)
- Param
zero bit (cbit, zero output if bit is one)
- Param
sign bit (cbit, negative output if bit is one)
- Param
NaN (cbit, regular number if zero)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.print_reg_plainb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output clear bit register.
- Param
source (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.print_reg_signed(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Signed output of clear bit register.
- Param
bit length (int)
- Param
source (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.print_regb(reg, comment='')[source]¶
Debug output of clear bit register.
- Param
source (cbit)
- Param
comment (4 bytes / 1 unit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.reveal(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Reveal secret bit register vectors and copy result to clear bit register vectors.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (multiple of three)
- Param
number of bits (int)
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
(repeat from number of bits)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.shlcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Left shift of clear bit register by immediate.
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
source (cbit)
- Param
number of bits to shift (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.shrcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Right shift of clear bit register by immediate.
- Param
destination (cbit)
- Param
source (cbit)
- Param
number of bits to shift (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.split(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Local share conversion. This instruction use the vector length in the instruction code field.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (number of bits times number of additive shares plus one)
- Param
source (sint)
- Param
first share of least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
second share of least significant bit (sbit)
- Param
(remaining share of least significant bit)…
- Param
(repeat from first share for bit one step higher)…
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.stmcb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with compile-time address.
- Param
source (cbit)
- Param
memory address (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.stmcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with run-time address.
- Param
source (cbit)
- Param
memory address (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.stmsb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with compile-time address.
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
memory address (int)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.stmsbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with run-time address.
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
memory address (regint)
- direct¶
alias of
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.trans(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Secret bit register vector transpose. The first destination vector will contain the least significant bits of all source vectors etc.
- Param
number of arguments to follow (int)
- Param
number of outputs (int)
- Param
destination for least significant bits (sbit)
- Param
(destination for bits one step higher)…
- Param
source (sbit)
- Param
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.xorcb(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise XOR of two single clear bit registers.
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
operand (cbit)
- Param
operand (cbit)
- class Compiler.GC.instructions.xorcbi(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Bitwise XOR of single clear bit register and immediate.
- Param
result (cbit)
- Param
operand (cbit)
- Param
immediate (int)