Bytecode Utilities

Memory usage

Scripts/ <program-with-args> gives you an estimate of the minimum RAM usage per party. The range is relatively large due to fact the bytecode is independent of the secret sharing.

Preprocessing usage

Scripts/ <program-with-args> gives you an upper limit for the usage of preprocessing data such as triples. Note that the exact number depends on the protocol in various ways, and that the usage is sometimes unpredictable resulting in inf given. For an exact number, you have to run the virtual machine or script using the --verbose argument.

Human-readable bytecode/circuit representation

Scripts/ <program-with-args> produces human-readable version of the bytecode in Programs/Bytecode. The filename format is Programs/Bytecode/<program-with-args>-<tapeid>.asm. For example, after compiling and decompiling the tutorial, you will find Programs/Bytecode/tutorial-0.asm. You can find the full list of tape names in the third line of Programs/Schedule/tutorial.sch. See this section for an explanation of instruction names.