Source code for Compiler.GC.instructions

This module constrains instructions for binary circuits. Unlike
arithmetic instructions, they generally do not use the vector size in
the instruction code field. Instead the number of bits affected is
given as an extra argument.  Also note that a register holds 64 values
instead of just one as is the case for arithmetic
instructions. Therefore, an instruction for 65-128 bits will affect
two registers etc. Similarly, a memory cell holds 64 bits.

import Compiler.instructions_base as base
import Compiler.instructions as spdz
import as tools
import collections
import itertools
import math

class SecretBitsAF(base.RegisterArgFormat):
    reg_type = 'sb'
    name = 'sbit'
class ClearBitsAF(base.RegisterArgFormat):
    reg_type = 'cb'
    name = 'cbit'

base.ArgFormats['sb'] = SecretBitsAF
base.ArgFormats['sbw'] = SecretBitsAF
base.ArgFormats['cb'] = ClearBitsAF
base.ArgFormats['cbw'] = ClearBitsAF

opcodes = dict(
    XORS = 0x200,
    XORM = 0x201,
    ANDRS = 0x202,
    BITDECS = 0x203,
    BITCOMS = 0x204,
    CONVSINT = 0x205,
    LDMSDI = 0x206,
    STMSDI = 0x207,
    LDMSD = 0x208,
    STMSD = 0x209,
    LDBITS = 0x20a,
    ANDS = 0x20b,
    TRANS = 0x20c,
    BITB = 0x20d,
    ANDM = 0x20e,
    NOTS = 0x20f,
    LDMSB = 0x240,
    STMSB = 0x241,
    LDMSBI = 0x242,
    STMSBI = 0x243,
    MOVSB = 0x244,
    INPUTB = 0x246,
    INPUTBVEC = 0x247,
    SPLIT = 0x248,
    CONVCBIT2S = 0x249,
    ANDRSVEC = 0x24a,
    XORCBI = 0x210,
    BITDECC = 0x211,
    NOTCB = 0x212,
    CONVCINT = 0x213,
    REVEAL = 0x214,
    STMSDCI = 0x215,
    LDMCB = 0x217,
    STMCB = 0x218,
    XORCB = 0x219,
    ADDCB = 0x21a,
    ADDCBI = 0x21b,
    MULCBI = 0x21c,
    SHRCBI = 0x21d,
    SHLCBI = 0x21e,
    LDMCBI = 0x258,
    STMCBI = 0x259,
    CONVCINTVEC = 0x21f,
    PRINTREGB = 0x221,
    CONDPRINTSTRB = 0x224,
    CONVCBIT = 0x230,
    CONVCBITVEC = 0x231,

[docs]class BinaryCiscable(base.Ciscable): pass
class BinaryVectorInstruction(BinaryCiscable): is_vec = lambda self: True class NonVectorInstruction(base.Instruction): is_vec = lambda self: False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert(args[0].n is None or args[0].n <= args[0].unit) super(NonVectorInstruction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class NonVectorInstruction1(base.Instruction): is_vec = lambda self: False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert(args[1].n <= args[1].unit) super(NonVectorInstruction1, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class xors(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise XOR of secret bit register vectors. :param: number of arguments to follow (multiple of four) :param: number of bits (int) :param: result (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: (repeat from number of bits)... """ code = opcodes['XORS'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['int','sbw','sb','sb'])
[docs]class xorm(NonVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise XOR of single secret and clear bit registers. :param: number of bits (less or equal 64) :param: result (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: operand (cbit) """ code = opcodes['XORM'] arg_format = ['int','sbw','sb','cb']
[docs]class xorcb(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise XOR of two single clear bit registers. :param: result (cbit) :param: operand (cbit) :param: operand (cbit) """ code = opcodes['XORCB'] arg_format = ['int','cbw','cb','cb']
[docs]class xorcbi(NonVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise XOR of single clear bit register and immediate. :param: result (cbit) :param: operand (cbit) :param: immediate (int) """ code = opcodes['XORCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','int']
[docs]class andrs(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers. :param: number of arguments to follow (multiple of four) :param: number of bits (int) :param: result vector (sbit) :param: vector operand (sbit) :param: single operand (sbit) :param: (repeat from number of bits)... """ code = opcodes['ANDRS'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['int','sbw','sb','sb']) def add_usage(self, req_node): req_node.increment(('bit', 'triple'), sum(self.args[::4])) req_node.increment(('bit', 'mixed'), sum(int(math.ceil(x / 64)) for x in self.args[::4]))
[docs]class andrsvec(base.VarArgsInstruction, base.Mergeable, base.DynFormatInstruction, BinaryCiscable): """ Constant-vector AND of secret bit registers (vectorized version). :param: total number of arguments to follow (int) :param: number of arguments to follow for one operation / operation vector size plus three (int) :param: vector size (int) :param: result vector (sbit) :param: (repeat)... :param: constant operand (sbits) :param: vector operand :param: (repeat)... :param: (repeat from number of arguments to follow for one operation)... """ code = opcodes['ANDRSVEC'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(andrsvec, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for i, n in self.bases(iter(self.args)): size = self.args[i + 1] for x in self.args[i + 2:i + n]: assert x.n == size @classmethod def dynamic_arg_format(cls, args): yield 'int' for i, n in cls.bases(args): yield 'int' n_args = (n - 3) // 2 assert n_args > 0 for j in range(n_args): yield 'sbw' for j in range(n_args + 1): yield 'sb' yield 'int' def add_usage(self, req_node): for i, n in self.bases(iter(self.args)): size = self.args[i + 1] n = (n - 3) // 2 req_node.increment(('bit', 'triple'), size * n) if n > 1: req_node.increment(('bit', 'mixed'), size * ((n + 63) // 64)) def copy(self, size, subs): return type(self)(*self.get_new_args(size, subs))
[docs]class ands(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise AND of secret bit register vector. :param: number of arguments to follow (multiple of four) :param: number of bits (int) :param: result (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: (repeat from number of bits)... """ code = opcodes['ANDS'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['int','sbw','sb','sb']) def add_usage(self, req_node): req_node.increment(('bit', 'triple'), sum(self.args[::4]))
[docs]class andm(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise AND of single secret and clear bit registers. :param: number of bits (less or equal 64) :param: result (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) :param: operand (cbit) """ code = opcodes['ANDM'] arg_format = ['int','sbw','sb','cb']
[docs]class nots(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise NOT of secret register vector. :param: number of bits (less or equal 64) :param: result (sbit) :param: operand (sbit) """ code = opcodes['NOTS'] arg_format = ['int','sbw','sb']
[docs]class notcb(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Bitwise NOT of secret register vector. :param: number of bits :param: result (cbit) :param: operand (cbit) """ code = opcodes['NOTCB'] arg_format = ['int','cbw','cb']
[docs]class addcb(NonVectorInstruction): """ Integer addition two single clear bit registers. :param: result (cbit) :param: summand (cbit) :param: summand (cbit) """ code = opcodes['ADDCB'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','cb']
[docs]class addcbi(NonVectorInstruction): """ Integer addition single clear bit register and immediate. :param: result (cbit) :param: summand (cbit) :param: summand (int) """ code = opcodes['ADDCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','int']
[docs]class mulcbi(NonVectorInstruction): """ Integer multiplication single clear bit register and immediate. :param: result (cbit) :param: factor (cbit) :param: factor (int) """ code = opcodes['MULCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','int']
[docs]class bitdecs(NonVectorInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction): """ Secret bit register decomposition. :param: number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int) :param: source (sbit) :param: destination for least significant bit (sbit) :param: (destination for one bit higher)... """ code = opcodes['BITDECS'] arg_format = tools.chain(['sb'], itertools.repeat('sbw'))
[docs]class bitcoms(NonVectorInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction): """ Secret bit register decomposition. :param: number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int) :param: destination (sbit) :param: source for least significant bit (sbit) :param: (source for one bit higher)... """ code = opcodes['BITCOMS'] arg_format = tools.chain(['sbw'], itertools.repeat('sb'))
[docs]class bitdecc(NonVectorInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction): """ Clear bit register decomposition. :param: number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int) :param: source (sbit) :param: destination for least significant bit (sbit) :param: (destination for one bit higher)... """ code = opcodes['BITDECC'] arg_format = tools.chain(['cb'], itertools.repeat('cbw'))
[docs]class shrcbi(NonVectorInstruction): """ Right shift of clear bit register by immediate. :param: destination (cbit) :param: source (cbit) :param: number of bits to shift (int) """ code = opcodes['SHRCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','int']
[docs]class shlcbi(NonVectorInstruction): """ Left shift of clear bit register by immediate. :param: destination (cbit) :param: source (cbit) :param: number of bits to shift (int) """ code = opcodes['SHLCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','cb','int']
[docs]class ldbits(NonVectorInstruction): """ Store immediate in secret bit register. :param: destination (sbit) :param: number of bits (int) :param: immediate (int) """ code = opcodes['LDBITS'] arg_format = ['sbw','i','i']
[docs]class ldmsb(base.DirectMemoryInstruction, base.ReadMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction): """ Copy secret bit memory cell with compile-time address to secret bit register. :param: destination (sbit) :param: memory address (int) """ code = opcodes['LDMSB'] arg_format = ['sbw','long']
[docs]class stmsb(base.DirectMemoryWriteInstruction, base.VectorInstruction): """ Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with compile-time address. :param: source (sbit) :param: memory address (int) """ code = opcodes['STMSB'] arg_format = ['sb','long']
# def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(type(self), self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # import inspect # self.caller = [frame[1:] for frame in inspect.stack()[1:]]
[docs]class ldmcb(base.DirectMemoryInstruction, base.ReadMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction): """ Copy clear bit memory cell with compile-time address to clear bit register. :param: destination (cbit) :param: memory address (int) """ code = opcodes['LDMCB'] arg_format = ['cbw','long']
[docs]class stmcb(base.DirectMemoryWriteInstruction, base.VectorInstruction): """ Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with compile-time address. :param: source (cbit) :param: memory address (int) """ code = opcodes['STMCB'] arg_format = ['cb','long']
[docs]class ldmsbi(base.ReadMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction, base.IndirectMemoryInstruction): """ Copy secret bit memory cell with run-time address to secret bit register. :param: destination (sbit) :param: memory address (regint) """ code = opcodes['LDMSBI'] arg_format = ['sbw','ci'] direct = staticmethod(ldmsb)
[docs]class stmsbi(base.WriteMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction, base.IndirectMemoryInstruction): """ Copy secret bit register to secret bit memory cell with run-time address. :param: source (sbit) :param: memory address (regint) """ code = opcodes['STMSBI'] arg_format = ['sb','ci'] direct = staticmethod(stmsb)
[docs]class ldmcbi(base.ReadMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction, base.IndirectMemoryInstruction): """ Copy clear bit memory cell with run-time address to clear bit register. :param: destination (cbit) :param: memory address (regint) """ code = opcodes['LDMCBI'] arg_format = ['cbw','ci'] direct = staticmethod(ldmcb)
[docs]class stmcbi(base.WriteMemoryInstruction, base.VectorInstruction, base.IndirectMemoryInstruction): """ Copy clear bit register to clear bit memory cell with run-time address. :param: source (cbit) :param: memory address (regint) """ code = opcodes['STMCBI'] arg_format = ['cb','ci'] direct = staticmethod(stmcb)
class ldmsdi(base.ReadMemoryInstruction): code = opcodes['LDMSDI'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['sbw','cb','int']) class stmsdi(base.WriteMemoryInstruction): code = opcodes['STMSDI'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['sb','cb']) class ldmsd(base.ReadMemoryInstruction): code = opcodes['LDMSD'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['sbw','int','int']) class stmsd(base.WriteMemoryInstruction): code = opcodes['STMSD'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['sb','int']) class stmsdci(base.WriteMemoryInstruction): code = opcodes['STMSDCI'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['cb','cb'])
[docs]class convsint(NonVectorInstruction1): """ Copy clear integer register to secret bit register. :param: number of bits (int) :param: destination (sbit) :param: source (regint) """ code = opcodes['CONVSINT'] arg_format = ['int','sbw','ci']
[docs]class convcint(NonVectorInstruction): """ Copy clear integer register to clear bit register. :param: number of bits (int) :param: destination (cbit) :param: source (regint) """ code = opcodes['CONVCINT'] arg_format = ['cbw','ci']
[docs]class convcbit(NonVectorInstruction1): """ Copy clear bit register to clear integer register. :param: destination (regint) :param: source (cbit) """ code = opcodes['CONVCBIT'] arg_format = ['ciw','cb']
[docs]@base.vectorize class convcintvec(base.Instruction): """ Copy clear register vector by bit to clear bit register vectors. This means that the first destination will hold the least significant bits of all inputs etc. :param: number of arguments to follow / number of bits plus one (int) :param: source (cint) :param: destination for least significant bits (sbit) :param: (destination for bits one step higher)... """ code = opcodes['CONVCINTVEC'] arg_format = tools.chain(['c'], tools.cycle(['cbw']))
[docs]class convcbitvec(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Copy clear bit register vector to clear register by bit. This means that every element of the destination register vector will hold one bit. :param: number of bits / vector length (int) :param: destination (regint) :param: source (cbit) """ code = opcodes['CONVCBITVEC'] arg_format = ['int','ciw','cb'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(convcbitvec, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert(args[2].n == args[0]) args[1].set_size(args[0])
[docs]class convcbit2s(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Copy clear bit register vector to secret bit register vector. :param: number of bits (int) :param: destination (sbit) :param: source (cbit) """ code = opcodes['CONVCBIT2S'] arg_format = ['int','sbw','cb']
[docs]@base.vectorize class split(base.Instruction): """ Local share conversion. This instruction use the vector length in the instruction code field. :param: number of arguments to follow (number of bits times number of additive shares plus one) :param: source (sint) :param: first share of least significant bit (sbit) :param: second share of least significant bit (sbit) :param: (remaining share of least significant bit)... :param: (repeat from first share for bit one step higher)... """ code = opcodes['SPLIT'] arg_format = tools.chain(['int','s'], tools.cycle(['sbw'])) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(split_class, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert (len(args) - 2) % args[0] == 0
[docs]class movsb(BinaryVectorInstruction): """ Copy secret bit register. :param: destination (sbit) :param: source (sbit) """ code = opcodes['MOVSB'] arg_format = ['int', 'sbw','sb']
[docs]class trans(base.VarArgsInstruction, base.DynFormatInstruction): """ Secret bit register vector transpose. The first destination vector will contain the least significant bits of all source vectors etc. :param: number of arguments to follow (int) :param: number of outputs (int) :param: destination for least significant bits (sbit) :param: (destination for bits one step higher)... :param: source (sbit) :param: (source)... """ code = opcodes['TRANS'] is_vec = lambda self: True @classmethod def dynamic_arg_format(cls, args): yield 'int' n = next(args) for i in range(n): yield 'sbw' next(args) while True: try: yield 'sb' next(args) except StopIteration: break
[docs]class bitb(NonVectorInstruction): """ Copy fresh secret random bit to secret bit register. :param: destination (sbit) """ code = opcodes['BITB'] arg_format = ['sbw'] def add_usage(self, req_node): req_node.increment(('bit', 'bit'), 1)
[docs]class reveal(BinaryVectorInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction, base.Mergeable): """ Reveal secret bit register vectors and copy result to clear bit register vectors. :param: number of arguments to follow (multiple of three) :param: number of bits (int) :param: destination (cbit) :param: source (sbit) :param: (repeat from number of bits)... """ code = opcodes['REVEAL'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['int','cbw','sb'])
[docs]class inputb(base.DoNotEliminateInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction): """ Copy private input to secret bit register vectors. The input is read as floating-point number, multiplied by a power of two, and then rounded to an integer. :param: number of arguments to follow (multiple of four) :param: player number (int) :param: number of bits in output (int) :param: exponent to power of two factor (int) :param: destination (sbit) """ __slots__ = [] code = opcodes['INPUTB'] arg_format = tools.cycle(['p','int','int','sbw']) is_vec = lambda self: True def add_usage(self, req_node): for i in range(0, len(self.args), 4): req_node.increment(('bit', 'input', self.args[i]), self.args[i + 1])
[docs]class inputbvec(base.DoNotEliminateInstruction, base.VarArgsInstruction, base.Mergeable, base.DynFormatInstruction): """ Copy private input to secret bit registers bit by bit. The input is read as floating-point number, multiplied by a power of two, rounded to an integer, and then decomposed into bits. :param: total number of arguments to follow (int) :param: number of arguments to follow for one input / number of bits plus three (int) :param: exponent to power of two factor (int) :param: player number (int) :param: destination for least significant bit (sbit) :param: (destination for one bit higher)... :param: (repeat from number of arguments to follow for one input)... """ __slots__ = [] code = opcodes['INPUTBVEC'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(inputbvec, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def dynamic_arg_format(cls, args): yield 'int' for i, n in cls.bases(args): yield 'int' yield 'p' assert n > 3 for j in range(n - 3): yield 'sbw' yield 'int' @staticmethod def get_arg_tuples(args): i = 0 while i < len(args): yield args[i:i+args[i]] i += args[i] assert i == len(args) def add_usage(self, req_node): for x in self.get_arg_tuples(self.args): req_node.increment(('bit', 'input', x[2]), x[0] - 3)
[docs]class cond_print_strb(base.IOInstruction): """ Conditionally output four bytes. :param: condition (cbit, no output if zero) :param: four bytes (int) """ code = opcodes['CONDPRINTSTRB'] arg_format = ['cb', 'int'] def __init__(self, cond, val): super(cond_print_strb, self).__init__(cond, self.str_to_int(val))