Source code for Compiler.library

This module defines functions directly available in high-level programs,
in particularly providing flow control and output.

from Compiler.types import cint,sint,cfix,sfix,sfloat,MPCThread,Array,MemValue,cgf2n,sgf2n,_number,_mem,_register,regint,Matrix,_types, cfloat, _single, localint, personal, copy_doc, _vec, SubMultiArray, _secret
from Compiler.instructions import *
from Compiler.util import tuplify,untuplify,is_zero
from Compiler.allocator import RegintOptimizer, AllocPool
from Compiler.program import Tape
from Compiler import instructions,instructions_base,comparison,util,types
import inspect,math
import random
import collections
import operator
import copy
from functools import reduce

def get_program():
    return instructions.program
def get_tape():
    return get_program().curr_tape
def get_block():
    return get_program().curr_block

def vectorize(function):
    def vectorized_function(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 0 and 'size' in dir(args[0]):
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        elif 'size' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['size']
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return res
    vectorized_function.__name__ = function.__name__
    copy_doc(vectorized_function, function)
    return vectorized_function

def set_instruction_type(function):
    def instruction_typed_function(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Tape.Register):
            if args[0].is_gf2n:
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return res
    instruction_typed_function.__name__ = function.__name__
    return instruction_typed_function

def _expand_to_print(val):
    return ('[' + ', '.join('%s' for i in range(len(val))) + ']',) + tuple(val)

[docs]def runtime_error(msg='', *args): """ Print an error message and abort the runtime. Parameters work as in :py:func:`print_ln` """ print_str('User exception: ') print_ln(msg, *args) crash()
[docs]def runtime_error_if(condition, msg='', *args): """ Conditionally print an error message and abort the runtime. :param condition: regint/cint/int/cbit :param msg: message :param args: list of public values to fit ``%s`` in the message """ print_ln_if(condition, msg, *args) crash(condition)
[docs]def crash(condition=None): """ Crash virtual machine. :param condition: crash if true (default: true) """ if isinstance(condition, localint): # allow crash on local values condition = condition._v if condition is None: condition = regint(1) instructions.crash(regint.conv(condition))
[docs]def public_input(): """ Public input read from ``Programs/Public-Input/<progname>``. """ res = cint() pubinput(res) return res
# mostly obsolete functions # use the equivalent from @vectorize def store_in_mem(value, address): if isinstance(value, int): value = regint(value) try: value.store_in_mem(address) except AttributeError: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for i, x in enumerate(value): store_in_mem(x, address + i) return # legacy if value.is_clear: if isinstance(address, cint): stmci(value, address) else: stmc(value, address) else: if isinstance(address, cint): stmsi(value, address) else: stms(value, address) @set_instruction_type @vectorize def reveal(secret): try: return secret.reveal() except AttributeError: if secret.is_clear: return secret if secret.is_gf2n: res = cgf2n() else: res = cint() instructions.asm_open(True, res, secret) return res
[docs]@vectorize def get_thread_number(): """ Returns the thread number. """ res = regint() ldtn(res) return res
[docs]@vectorize def get_arg(): """ Returns the thread argument. """ res = regint() ldarg(res) return res
[docs]def get_cmdline_arg(idx): """ Return run-time command-line argument. """ res = regint() cmdlinearg(res, regint.conv(idx)) return localint(res)
def make_array(l, t=None): if isinstance(l, types._structure): res = Array(len(l), t or type(l)) res[:] = l else: l = list(l) res = Array(len(l), t or type(l[0]) if l else cint) res.assign(l) return res class FunctionTapeCall: def __init__(self, thread, base, bases): self.thread = thread self.base = base self.bases = bases def start(self): self.thread.start(self.base) return self def join(self): self.thread.join() if self.base is not None:, 'ci') class Function: def __init__(self, function, name=None, compile_args=[]): self.last_key = None self.function = function = name if name is None: = self.function.__name__ self.compile_args = compile_args def __call__(self, *args): args = tuple( if isinstance(arg, MemValue) else arg for arg in args) runtime_args = [] reg_args = [] key = self.base_key(), for i,arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, types._vectorizable): key += (arg.shape, arg.value_type) else: arg = MemValue(arg) reg_args.append(arg) t = arg.value_type key += (arg.size, t) runtime_args.append(arg) if key != self.last_key: # first call outer_runtime_args = runtime_args def wrapped_function(*compile_args): addresses = regint.Array(len(outer_runtime_args), address=get_arg()) runtime_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(outer_runtime_args): if isinstance(arg, MemValue): arg = arg.value_type.load_mem( address=addresses[i], size=arg.size) runtime_args.append(arg) self.result = self.function( *(list(compile_args) + runtime_args)) return self.result self.on_first_call(wrapped_function) self.last_key = key addresses = regint.Array(len(runtime_args)) for i, arg in enumerate(reg_args): addresses[i] = arg.address return self.on_call(addresses._address, [(arg.value_type, arg.address) for arg in reg_args]) class FunctionTape(Function): # not thread-safe def __init__(self, function, name=None, compile_args=[], single_thread=False): Function.__init__(self, function, name, compile_args) self.single_thread = single_thread def on_first_call(self, wrapped_function): self.thread = MPCThread(wrapped_function,, args=self.compile_args, single_thread=self.single_thread) def on_call(self, base, bases): return FunctionTapeCall(self.thread, base, bases) @staticmethod def base_key(): pass class FunctionCallTape(FunctionTape): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FunctionTape, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instances = {} @staticmethod def get_key(args, kwargs): key = (get_program(),) def process_for_key(arg): nonlocal key if isinstance(arg, types._vectorizable): key += (arg.value_type, tuple(arg.shape)) elif isinstance(arg, Tape.Register): key += (type(arg), arg.size) elif isinstance(arg, list): key += (tuple(arg), 'l') else: key += (arg,) for arg in args: process_for_key(arg) for name, arg in sorted(kwargs.items()): key += (name, 'kw') process_for_key(arg) return key def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): key = self.get_key(args, kwargs) if key not in self.instances: my_args = [] def wrapped_function(): actual_call_args = [] def process_for_call(arg): if isinstance(arg, Tape.Register): my_arg = arg.same_type() call_arg(my_arg, base.vm_types[my_arg.reg_type]) my_args.append(my_arg) return my_arg elif isinstance(arg, types._vectorizable): my_arg = arg.same_shape(address=regint()) call_arg(my_arg.address, base.vm_types['ci']) my_args.append(my_arg) my_arg = arg.same_shape( address=MemValue(my_arg.address)) return my_arg actual_call_args.append(my_arg) else: my_args.append(arg) return arg for arg in args: actual_call_args.append(process_for_call(arg)) actual_call_kwargs = {} for name, arg in sorted(kwargs.items()): actual_call_kwargs[name] = process_for_call(arg) self.result = self.function(*actual_call_args, **actual_call_kwargs) if self.result is not None: self.result = list(tuplify(self.result)) for i, res in enumerate(self.result): if util.is_constant(res): self.result[i] = regint(res) self.on_first_call(wrapped_function, key, my_args) for name, arg in sorted(kwargs.items()): args += arg, return self.on_call(*self.instances[key], args) def on_first_call(self, wrapped_function, key, inside_args): program = get_program() program.curr_tape tape_handle = len(program.tapes) # entry for recursion self.instances[key] = tape_handle, None, inside_args assert tape_handle == program.new_tape( wrapped_function,, args=self.compile_args, single_thread=get_tape().singular, finalize=False, thread_pool=get_tape().free_threads) tape = program.tapes[tape_handle] if self.result is not None: self.result = list(tuplify(self.result)) for reg in self.result: reg.can_eliminate = False tape.return_values.append(reg) assert not tape.purged get_program().finalize_tape(tape) self.instances[key] = tape_handle, self.result, inside_args def on_call(self, tape_handle, result, inside_args, args): tape = get_program().tapes[tape_handle] if tape.ran_threads and tape.free_threads != get_tape().free_threads: raise CompilerError( 'cannot call thread-running tape from another thread') assert len(inside_args) == len(args) out_result = [] call_args = [] if result is not None: out_result = [reg.same_type() for reg in result] for x, y in zip(out_result, result): call_args += [ 1, instructions_base.vm_types[x.reg_type], x.size_for_mem(), x, y] for x, y in zip(inside_args, args): if isinstance(x, Tape.Register): call_args += [ 0, instructions_base.vm_types[x.reg_type], x.size_for_mem(), x, y] elif isinstance(x, types._vectorizable): call_args += [0, base.vm_types['ci'], 1, x.address, regint.conv(y.address)] call_tape(tape_handle, regint(0), *call_args) break_point('call-%s' % return untuplify(tuple(out_result)) class ExportFunction(FunctionCallTape): def __init__(self, function): super(ExportFunction, self).__init__(function) self.done = set() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs: raise CompilerError('keyword arguments not supported') def arg_signature(arg): if isinstance(arg, types._structure): return '%s:%d' % (arg.arg_type(), arg.size) elif isinstance(arg, types._vectorizable): from .GC.types import sbitvec if issubclass(arg.value_type, sbitvec): return 'sbv:[%dx%d]' % (arg.total_size(), arg.value_type.n_bits) else: return '%s:[%d]' % (arg.value_type.arg_type(), arg.total_size()) else: raise CompilerError('argument not supported: %s' % arg) signature = [] for arg in args: signature.append(arg_signature(arg)) signature = tuple(signature) key = self.get_key(args, kwargs) if key in self.instances and signature not in self.done: raise CompilerError('signature conflict') super(ExportFunction, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) if signature not in self.done: filename = '%s/%s/%s-%s' % (get_program().programs_dir, 'Functions',, '-'.join(signature)) print('Writing to', filename) out = open(filename, 'w') print(get_program().name, file=out) print(self.instances[key][0], file=out) result = self.instances[key][1] try: if result is not None: result = untuplify(result) print(arg_signature(result), result.i, file=out) else: print('- 0', file=out) except CompilerError: raise CompilerError('return type not supported: %s' % result) for arg in self.instances[key][2]: if isinstance(arg, types._structure): print(arg.i, end=' ', file=out) elif isinstance(arg, types._vectorizable): print(arg.address, end=' ', file=out) else: CompilerError('argument not supported: %s', arg) print(file=out) self.done.add(signature) def function_tape(function): return FunctionTape(function) def function_tape_with_compile_args(*args): def wrapper(function): return FunctionTape(function, compile_args=args) return wrapper def single_thread_function_tape(function): return FunctionTape(function, single_thread=True) def function_call_tape(function): if get_program().use_tape_calls: return FunctionCallTape(function) else: return function def method_call_tape(function): tapes = {} def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): def use(name): x = self.__dict__[name] return not isinstance(x, types.MultiArray) or \ x.array._address is not None key = (type(self),) + tuple(filter(use, sorted(self.__dict__))) member_key = key[1:] if key not in tapes: def f(*args, **kwargs): class Dummy(type(self)): __init__ = lambda self: None dummy = Dummy() members = args[:len(member_key)] real_args = args[len(member_key):] addresses = {} for name, member in zip(member_key, members): dummy.__dict__[name] = member if isinstance(member, types._vectorizable): addresses[name] = member.address res = function(dummy, *real_args, **kwargs) for name, member in zip(member_key, members): new_member = dummy.__dict__[name] desc = '%s in %s.%s' % (name, type(self).__name__, function.__name__) if id(new_member) != id(member): raise CompilerError('cannot change members ' 'in method tape (%s)' % desc) if isinstance(member, types._vectorizable) and \ id(new_member.address) != id(addresses[name]): raise CompilerError('cannot change memory address ' 'in method tape (%s)' % desc) if set(member_key) != set(dummy.__dict__): raise CompilerError('cannot add members ' 'in method tape (%s)' % desc) return res f.__name__ = '%s-%s' % (type(self).__name__, function.__name__) tapes[key] = function_call_tape(f) members = tuple(self.__dict__[x] for x in member_key) res = tapes[key](*(members + args), **kwargs) return res return wrapper
[docs]def function(function): """ Create a run-time function. The arguments can be memory or basic types, and return values can be basic types:: @function def f(x, y, z): y.write(1) z[0] = 2 return x + 3 a = MemValue(sint(0)) b = sint.Array(10) c = f(sint(4), a, b) print_ln('%s %s %s', a.reveal(), b[0].reveal(), c.reveal()) This should output:: 1 2 7 You can use run-time functions recursively but without return values in this case. """ return FunctionCallTape(function)
def export(function): return ExportFunction(function) def memorize(x, write=True): if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): return tuple(memorize(i, write=write) for i in x) elif x is None: return else: return MemValue(x, write=write) def unmemorize(x): if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): return tuple(unmemorize(i) for i in x) elif x is None: return else: return def write_mem(dest, source): if isinstance(dest, (tuple, list)): assert len(dest) == len(source) for x, y in zip(dest, source): write_mem(x, y) elif dest is None: return else: dest.write(source) class FunctionBlock(Function): def on_first_call(self, wrapped_function): p_return_address = get_tape().program.malloc(1, 'ci') old_block = get_tape().active_basicblock parent_node = old_block.req_node get_tape().open_scope(lambda x: x[0], None, 'begin-' + block = get_tape().active_basicblock block.alloc_pool = AllocPool(parent=block.alloc_pool) del parent_node.children[-1] self.node = block.req_node if get_program().verbose: print('Compiling function', result = wrapped_function(*self.compile_args) if result is not None: self.result = memorize(result) else: self.result = None if get_program().verbose: print('Done compiling function', get_tape().function_basicblocks[block] = p_return_address return_address = regint.load_mem(p_return_address) get_tape().active_basicblock.set_exit(instructions.jmpi(return_address, add_to_prog=False)) self.last_sub_block = get_tape().active_basicblock get_tape().close_scope(old_block, parent_node, 'end-' + old_block.set_exit(, add_to_prog=False), get_tape().active_basicblock) self.basic_block = block def on_call(self, base, bases): if base is not None: instructions.starg(regint(base)) block = self.basic_block if block not in get_tape().function_basicblocks: raise CompilerError('unknown function') old_block = get_tape().active_basicblock old_block.set_exit(, add_to_prog=False), block) p_return_address = get_tape().function_basicblocks[block] return_address = regint() old_block.return_address_store = instructions.ldint(return_address, 0) return_address.store_in_mem(p_return_address) get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name='call-' + get_tape().active_basicblock.set_return(old_block, self.last_sub_block) get_block().req_node.children.append(self.node) if self.result is not None: return unmemorize(self.result) @staticmethod def base_key(): return get_tape() def function_block(function): return FunctionBlock(function) def function_block_with_compile_args(*args): def wrapper(function): return FunctionBlock(function, compile_args=args) return wrapper def method_block(function): # If you use this, make sure to use MemValue for all member # variables. compiled_functions = {} def wrapper(self, *args): if self in compiled_functions: return compiled_functions[self](*args) else: name = '%s-%s' % (type(self).__name__, function.__name__) block = FunctionBlock(function, name=name, compile_args=(self,)) compiled_functions[self] = block return block(*args) return wrapper def cond_swap(x, y, key_indices=None): from .types import SubMultiArray if isinstance(x, (Array, SubMultiArray)): assert len(key_indices) == 1 b = x[key_indices[0]] > y[key_indices[0]] return list(zip(*[b.cond_swap(xx, yy) for xx, yy in zip(x, y)])) b = x < y if isinstance(x, sfloat): res = ([], []) for i,j in enumerate(('v','p','z','s')): xx = x.__getattribute__(j) yy = y.__getattribute__(j) bx = b * xx by = b * yy res[0].append(bx + yy - by) res[1].append(xx - bx + by) return sfloat(*res[0]), sfloat(*res[1]) return b.cond_swap(y, x) def sort(a): print("WARNING: you're using bubble sort") res = a for i in range(len(a)): for j in reversed(list(range(i))): res[j], res[j+1] = cond_swap(res[j], res[j+1]) return res def odd_even_merge(a): if len(a) == 2: a[0], a[1] = cond_swap(a[0], a[1]) else: even = a[::2] odd = a[1::2] odd_even_merge(even) odd_even_merge(odd) a[0] = even[0] for i in range(1, len(a) // 2): a[2*i-1], a[2*i] = cond_swap(odd[i-1], even[i]) a[-1] = odd[-1] def odd_even_merge_sort(a): if len(a) == 1: return elif len(a) % 2 == 0: aa = a a = list(a) lower = a[:len(a)//2] upper = a[len(a)//2:] odd_even_merge_sort(lower) odd_even_merge_sort(upper) a[:] = lower + upper odd_even_merge(a) aa[:] = a else: raise CompilerError('Length of list must be power of two') def chunky_odd_even_merge_sort(a): raise CompilerError( 'This function has been removed, use loopy_odd_even_merge_sort instead') def chunkier_odd_even_merge_sort(a, n=None, max_chunk_size=512, n_threads=7, use_chunk_wraps=False): raise CompilerError( 'This function has been removed, use loopy_odd_even_merge_sort instead') def loopy_chunkier_odd_even_merge_sort(a, n=None, max_chunk_size=512, n_threads=7): raise CompilerError( 'This function has been removed, use loopy_odd_even_merge_sort instead') def loopy_odd_even_merge_sort(a, sorted_length=1, n_parallel=32, n_threads=None, key_indices=None): a_in = a if isinstance(a_in, list): a = Array.create_from(a) steps = {} l = sorted_length while l < len(a): l *= 2 k = 1 while k < l: k *= 2 n_innermost = 1 if k == 2 else k // 2 - 1 key = k if key not in steps: @function_block def step(l): l = MemValue(l) m = 2 ** int(math.ceil(math.log(len(a), 2))) @for_range_opt_multithread(n_threads, m // k) def _(i): n_inner = l // k j = i % n_inner i //= n_inner base = i*l + j step = l//k def swap(base, step): if m == len(a): a[base], a[base + step] = \ cond_swap(a[base], a[base + step], key_indices=key_indices) else: # ignore values outside range go = base + step < len(a) x = a.maybe_get(go, base) y = a.maybe_get(go, base + step) tmp = cond_swap(x, y, key_indices=key_indices) for i, idx in enumerate((base, base + step)): a.maybe_set(go, idx, tmp[i]) if k == 2: swap(base, step) else: @for_range_opt(n_innermost) def f(i): m1 = step + i * 2 * step m2 = m1 + base swap(m2, step) steps[key] = step steps[key](l) if isinstance(a_in, list): a_in[:] = list(a) def mergesort(A): if not get_program().options.insecure: raise CompilerError('mergesort reveals the order of elements, ' 'use --insecure to activate it') B = Array(len(A), sint) def merge(i_left, i_right, i_end): i0 = MemValue(i_left) i1 = MemValue(i_right) @for_range(i_left, i_end) def loop(j): if_then(and_(lambda: i0 < i_right, or_(lambda: i1 >= i_end, lambda: regint(reveal(A[i0] <= A[i1]))))) B[j] = A[i0] i0.iadd(1) else_then() B[j] = A[i1] i1.iadd(1) end_if() width = MemValue(1) @do_while def width_loop(): @for_range(0, len(A), 2 * width) def merge_loop(i): merge(i, i + width, i + 2 * width) A.assign(B) width.imul(2) return width < len(A) def _range_prep(start, stop, step): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 if step is None: step = 1 if util.is_zero(step): raise CompilerError('step must not be zero') return start, stop, step def range_loop(loop_body, start, stop=None, step=None): start, stop, step = _range_prep(start, stop, step) def loop_fn(i): res = loop_body(i) return util.if_else(res == 0, stop, i + step) if isinstance(step, int): if step > 0: condition = lambda x: x < stop elif step < 0: condition = lambda x: x > stop else: b = step > 0 condition = lambda x: b * (x < stop) + (1 - b) * (x > stop) while_loop(loop_fn, condition, start, g=loop_body.__globals__) if isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(stop, int) \ and isinstance(step, int): # known loop count if condition(start): get_block().req_node.children[-1].aggregator = \ lambda x: int(ceil(((stop - start) / step))) * x[0]
[docs]def for_range(start, stop=None, step=None): """ Decorator to execute loop bodies consecutively. Arguments work as in Python :py:func:`range`, but they can be any public integer. Information has to be passed out via container types such as :py:class:`~Compiler.types.Array` or using :py:func:`update`. Note that changing Python data structures such as lists within the loop is not possible, but the compiler cannot warn about this. :param start/stop/step: regint/cint/int The following should output 10:: n = 10 a = sint.Array(n) x = sint(0) @for_range(n) def _(i): a[i] = i x.update(x + 1) print_ln('%s', x.reveal()) """ def decorator(loop_body): get_tape().unused_decorators.pop(decorator) range_loop(loop_body, start, stop, step) return loop_body get_tape().unused_decorators[decorator] = 'for_range' return decorator
[docs]def for_range_parallel(n_parallel, n_loops): """ Decorator to execute a loop :py:obj:`n_loops` up to :py:obj:`n_parallel` loop bodies with optimized communication in a single thread. In most cases, it is easier to use :py:func:`for_range_opt`. Using any other control flow instruction inside the loop breaks the optimization. :param n_parallel: optimization parameter (int) :param n_loops: regint/cint/int or list of int Example: .. code:: @for_range_parallel(n_parallel, n_loops) def _(i): a[i] = a[i] * a[i] Multidimensional ranges are supported as well. The following executes ``f(0, 0)`` to ``f(4, 2)``, two calls in parallel. .. code:: @for_range_parallel(2, [5, 3]) def f(i, j): ... """ if isinstance(n_loops, (list, tuple)): return for_range_multithread(None, n_parallel, n_loops) return map_reduce_single(n_parallel, n_loops)
[docs]def for_range_opt(start, stop=None, step=None, budget=None): """ Execute loop bodies in parallel up to an optimization budget. This prevents excessive loop unrolling. The budget is respected even with nested loops. Note that the optimization is rather rudimentary for runtime :py:obj:`n_loops` (regint/cint). Consider using :py:func:`for_range_parallel` in this case. Using further control flow constructions inside other than :py:func:`for_range_opt` (e.g, :py:func:`for_range`) breaks the optimization. :param start/stop/step: int/regint/cint (used as in :py:func:`range`) or :py:obj:`start` only as list/tuple of int (see below) :param budget: number of instructions after which to start optimization (default is 1000 or as given with ``--budget``) Example: .. code:: @for_range_opt(n) def _(i): ... Multidimensional ranges are supported as well. The following executes ``f(0, 0)`` to ``f(4, 2)`` in parallel according to the budget. .. code:: @for_range_opt([5, 3]) def f(i, j): ... """ if stop is not None: start, stop, step = _range_prep(start, stop, step) def wrapper(loop_body): range_ = stop-start n_loops = ((range_% step) != 0) + range_ // step @for_range_opt(n_loops, budget=budget) def _(i): return loop_body(start + i * step) return wrapper n_loops = start if isinstance(n_loops, (list, tuple)): return for_range_opt_multithread(None, n_loops) return map_reduce_single(None, n_loops, budget=budget)
def map_reduce_single(n_parallel, n_loops, initializer=lambda *x: [], reducer=lambda *x: [], mem_state=None, budget=None): budget = budget or get_program().budget if not (isinstance(n_parallel, int) or n_parallel is None): raise CompilerError('Number of parallel executions must be constant') n_parallel = 1 if is_zero(n_parallel) else n_parallel if mem_state is None: # default to list of MemValues to allow varying types mem_state = [MemValue(x) for x in initializer()] use_array = False else: # use Arrays for multithread version use_array = True if not util.is_constant(n_loops): budget //= 10 n_loops = regint(n_loops) def decorator(loop_body): my_n_parallel = n_parallel if isinstance(n_parallel, int): if isinstance(n_loops, int): loop_rounds = n_loops // n_parallel \ if n_parallel < n_loops else 0 else: loop_rounds = n_loops // n_parallel def write_state_to_memory(r): if use_array: mem_state.assign(r) else: # cannot do mem_state = [...] due to scope issue for j,x in enumerate(r): mem_state[j].write(x) if n_parallel is not None: # will be optimized out if n_loops <= n_parallel @for_range(loop_rounds) def f(i): state = tuplify(initializer()) start_block = get_block() j = i * n_parallel one = regint(1) for k in range(n_parallel): state = reducer(tuplify(loop_body(j)), state) j += one if n_parallel > 1 and start_block != get_block(): print('WARNING: parallelization broken ' 'by control flow instruction') r = reducer(mem_state, state) write_state_to_memory(r) else: if is_zero(n_loops): return n_opt_loops_reg = regint(0) n_opt_loops_inst = get_block().instructions[-1] parent_block = get_block() prevent_breaks = get_program().prevent_breaks get_program().prevent_breaks = False @while_do(lambda x: x + n_opt_loops_reg <= n_loops, regint(0)) def _(i): state = tuplify(initializer()) k = 0 block = get_block() assert not isinstance(n_loops, int) or n_loops > 0 pre = copy.copy(loop_body.__globals__) while (not util.is_constant(n_loops) or k < n_loops) \ and (len(get_block()) < budget or k == 0) \ and block is get_block(): j = i + k state = reducer(tuplify(loop_body(j)), state) k += 1 RegintOptimizer().run(block.instructions, get_program()) _link(pre, loop_body.__globals__) r = reducer(mem_state, state) write_state_to_memory(r) global n_opt_loops n_opt_loops = k n_opt_loops_inst.args[1] = k return i + k my_n_parallel = n_opt_loops loop_rounds = n_loops // my_n_parallel blocks = get_tape().basicblocks n_to_merge = 5 get_program().prevent_breaks = prevent_breaks if util.is_one(loop_rounds) and parent_block is blocks[-n_to_merge]: # merge blocks started by if and do_while def exit_elimination(block): if block.exit_condition is not None: for reg in block.exit_condition.get_used(): reg.can_eliminate = True exit_elimination(parent_block) merged = parent_block merged.exit_condition = blocks[-1].exit_condition merged.exit_block = blocks[-1].exit_block assert parent_block is blocks[-n_to_merge] assert blocks[-n_to_merge + 1].req_node is \ get_block().req_node.children[-1].nodes[0] for block in blocks[-n_to_merge + 1:]: merged.instructions += block.instructions exit_elimination(block) block.purge(retain_usage=False) del blocks[-n_to_merge + 1:] del get_block().req_node.children[-1] merged.children = [] RegintOptimizer().run(merged.instructions, get_program()) get_tape().active_basicblock = merged else: if get_program().verbose: print(n_opt_loops, 'repetitions') assert not get_program().prevent_breaks req_node = get_block().req_node.children[-1].nodes[0] if util.is_constant(loop_rounds): req_node.children[0].aggregator = lambda x: loop_rounds * x[0] if isinstance(n_loops, int): state = mem_state for j in range(loop_rounds * my_n_parallel, n_loops): state = reducer(tuplify(loop_body(j)), state) else: @for_range(loop_rounds * my_n_parallel, n_loops) def f(j): r = reducer(tuplify(loop_body(j)), mem_state) write_state_to_memory(r) state = mem_state if use_array and len(state) and \ isinstance(types._register, types._vectorizable): mem_state[:] = state.get_vector() else: for i,x in enumerate(state): if use_array: mem_state[i] = x else: mem_state[i].write(x) def returner(): return untuplify(tuple(state)) return returner return decorator
[docs]def for_range_multithread(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, thread_mem_req={}, budget=None): """ Execute :py:obj:`n_loops` loop bodies in up to :py:obj:`n_threads` threads, up to :py:obj:`n_parallel` in parallel per thread. :param n_threads/n_parallel: compile-time (int) :param n_loops: regint/cint/int """ return map_reduce(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, \ lambda *x: [], lambda *x: [], thread_mem_req, budget=budget)
[docs]def for_range_opt_multithread(n_threads, n_loops, budget=None): """ Execute :py:obj:`n_loops` loop bodies in up to :py:obj:`n_threads` threads, in parallel up to an optimization budget per thread similar to :py:func:`for_range_opt`. Note that optimization is rather rudimentary for runtime :py:obj:`n_loops` (regint/cint). Consider using :py:func:`for_range_multithread` in this case. :param n_threads: compile-time (int) :param n_loops: regint/cint/int The following will execute loop bodies 0-9 in one thread, 10-19 in another etc: .. code:: @for_range_opt_multithread(8, 80) def _(i): ... Multidimensional ranges are supported as well. The following executes ``f(0, 0)`` to ``f(2, 0)`` in one thread and ``f(2, 1)`` to ``f(4, 2)`` in another. .. code:: @for_range_opt_multithread(2, [5, 3]) def f(i, j): ... Note that you cannot use registers across threads. Use :py:class:`~Compiler.types.MemValue` instead:: a = MemValue(sint(0)) @for_range_opt_multithread(8, 80) def _(i): b = a + 1 """ return for_range_multithread(n_threads, None, n_loops, budget=budget)
[docs]def multithread(n_threads, n_items=None, max_size=None): """ Distribute the computation of :py:obj:`n_items` to :py:obj:`n_threads` threads, but leave the in-thread repetition up to the user. :param n_threads: compile-time (int) :param n_items: regint/cint/int (default: :py:obj:`n_threads`) :param max_size: maximum size to be processed at once (default: no limit) The following executes ``f(0, 8)``, ``f(8, 8)``, and ``f(16, 9)`` in three different threads: .. code:: @multithread(3, 25) def f(base, size): ... """ if n_items is None: n_items = n_threads if max_size is None or n_items <= max_size: return map_reduce(n_threads, None, n_items, initializer=lambda: [], reducer=None, looping=False) else: max_size = max(1, max_size) def wrapper(function): @multithread(n_threads, n_items) def new_function(base, size): @for_range(size // max_size) def _(i): function(base + i * max_size, max_size) rem = size % max_size if rem: function(base + size - rem, rem) return wrapper
def map_reduce(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, initializer, reducer, \ thread_mem_req={}, looping=True, budget=None): assert(n_threads != 0) if isinstance(n_loops, (list, tuple)): split = n_loops n_loops = reduce(operator.mul, n_loops) def decorator(loop_body): def new_body(i): indices = [] for n in reversed(split): indices.insert(0, i % n) i //= n return loop_body(*indices) return new_body new_dec = map_reduce(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, initializer, reducer, thread_mem_req) return lambda loop_body: new_dec(decorator(loop_body)) n_loops = MemValue.if_necessary(n_loops) if n_threads == None or util.is_one(n_loops): if not looping: return lambda loop_body: loop_body(0, n_loops) dec = map_reduce_single(n_parallel, n_loops, initializer, reducer) if thread_mem_req: thread_mem = Array(thread_mem_req[regint], regint) return lambda loop_body: dec(lambda i: loop_body(i, thread_mem)) else: return dec def decorator(loop_body): thread_rounds = MemValue.if_necessary(n_loops // n_threads) if util.is_constant(thread_rounds): remainder = n_loops % n_threads else: remainder = 0 for t in thread_mem_req: if t != regint: raise CompilerError('Not implemented for other than regint') args = Matrix(n_threads, 2 + thread_mem_req.get(regint, 0), 'ci') state = initializer() if len(state) == 0: state_type = cint elif isinstance(state, (tuple, list)): state_type = type(state[0]) else: state_type = type(state) prevent_breaks = get_program().prevent_breaks def f(inc): get_program().prevent_breaks = prevent_breaks base = args[get_arg()][0] get_program().base_addresses[base] = None if not util.is_constant(thread_rounds): i = base // thread_rounds overhang = n_loops % n_threads inc = i < overhang base += inc.if_else(i, overhang) if not looping: return loop_body(base, thread_rounds + inc) if thread_mem_req: thread_mem = Array(thread_mem_req[regint], regint, \ args[get_arg()].address + 2) mem_state = Array(len(state), state_type, args[get_arg()][1]) @map_reduce_single(n_parallel, thread_rounds + inc, \ initializer, reducer, mem_state) def f(i): if thread_mem_req: return loop_body(base + i, thread_mem) else: return loop_body(base + i) prog = get_program() thread_args = [] if prog.curr_tape.singular: prog.n_running_threads = n_threads if not util.is_zero(thread_rounds): prog.prevent_breaks = False tape = prog.new_tape(f, (0,), 'multithread') for i in range(n_threads - remainder): mem_state = make_array(initializer()) args[remainder + i][0] = i * thread_rounds if len(mem_state): args[remainder + i][1] = mem_state.address thread_args.append((tape, remainder + i)) if remainder: prog.prevent_breaks = False tape1 = prog.new_tape(f, (1,), 'multithread1') for i in range(remainder): mem_state = make_array(initializer()) args[i][0] = (n_threads - remainder + i) * thread_rounds + i if len(mem_state): args[i][1] = mem_state.address thread_args.append((tape1, i)) prog.n_running_threads = None prog.prevent_breaks = False threads = prog.run_tapes(thread_args) for thread in threads: prog.join_tape(thread) prog.free_later() prog.prevent_breaks = prevent_breaks if len(state): if not util.is_zero(thread_rounds): for i in range(n_threads - remainder): state = reducer(Array(len(state), state_type, \ args[remainder + i][1]), state) if remainder: for i in range(remainder): state = reducer(Array(len(state), state_type, \ args[i][1]), state) def returner(): return untuplify(state) return returner return decorator def map_sum(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, n_items, value_types): value_types = tuplify(value_types) if len(value_types) == 1: value_types *= n_items elif len(value_types) != n_items: raise CompilerError('Incorrect number of value_types.') initializer = lambda: [t(0) for t in value_types] def summer(x,y): return tuple(a + b for a,b in zip(x,y)) return map_reduce(n_threads, n_parallel, n_loops, initializer, summer)
[docs]def map_sum_opt(n_threads, n_loops, types): """ Multi-threaded sum reduction. The following computes a sum of ten squares in three threads:: @map_sum_opt(3, 10, [sint]) def summer(i): return sint(i) ** 2 result = summer() :param n_threads: number of threads (int) :param n_loops: number of loop runs (regint/cint/int) :param types: return type, must match the return statement in the loop """ return map_sum(n_threads, None, n_loops, len(types), types)
[docs]def map_sum_simple(n_threads, n_loops, type, size): """ Vectorized multi-threaded sum reduction. The following computes a 100 sums of ten squares in three threads:: @map_sum_simple(3, 10, sint, 100) def summer(i): return sint(, i, 0)) ** 2 result = summer() :param n_threads: number of threads (int) :param n_loops: number of loop runs (regint/cint/int) :param type: return type, must match the return statement in the loop :param size: vector size, must match the return statement in the loop """ initializer = lambda: type(0, size=size) def summer(*args): assert len(args) == 2 args = list(args) for i in (0, 1): if isinstance(args[i], tuple): assert len(args[i]) == 1 args[i] = args[i][0] for i in (0, 1): assert len(args[i]) == size if isinstance(args[i], Array): args[i] = args[i][:] return args[0] + args[1] return map_reduce(n_threads, 1, n_loops, initializer, summer)
[docs]def tree_reduce_multithread(n_threads, function, vector): """ Round-efficient reduction in several threads. The following code computes the maximum of an array in 10 threads:: tree_reduce_multithread(10, lambda x, y: x.max(y), a) :param n_threads: number of threads (int) :param function: reduction function taking exactly two arguments :param vector: register vector or array """ inputs = vector.Array(len(vector)) inputs.assign_vector(vector) outputs = vector.Array(len(vector) // 2) left = len(vector) while left > 1: @multithread(n_threads, left // 2) def _(base, size): outputs.assign_vector( function(inputs.get_vector(2 * base, size), inputs.get_vector(2 * base + size, size)), base) inputs.assign_vector(outputs.get_vector(0, left // 2)) if left % 2 == 1: inputs[left // 2] = inputs[left - 1] left = (left + 1) // 2 return inputs[0]
[docs]def tree_reduce(function, sequence): """ Round-efficient reduction. The following computes the maximum of the list :py:obj:`l`:: m = tree_reduce(lambda x, y: x.max(y), l) :param function: reduction function taking two arguments :param sequence: list, vector, or array """ return util.tree_reduce(function, sequence)
[docs]def foreach_enumerate(a): """ Run-time loop over public data. This uses ``Player-Data/Public-Input/<progname>``. Example: .. code:: @foreach_enumerate([2, 8, 3]) def _(i, j): print_ln('%s: %s', i, j) This will output: .. code:: 0: 2 1: 8 2: 3 """ for x in a: get_program().public_input(' '.join(str(y) for y in tuplify(x))) def decorator(loop_body): @for_range(len(a)) def f(i): loop_body(i, *(public_input() for j in range(len(tuplify(a[0]))))) return f return decorator
def while_loop(loop_body, condition, arg=None, g=None): if not callable(condition): raise CompilerError('Condition must be callable') if arg is None: pre_condition = condition() def loop_fn(): loop_body() return condition() else: pre_condition = condition(arg) arg = regint(arg) def loop_fn(): result = loop_body(arg) if isinstance(result, MemValue): result = return condition(result) if not isinstance(pre_condition, (bool,int)) or pre_condition: if_statement(pre_condition, lambda: do_while(loop_fn, g=g))
[docs]def while_do(condition, *args): """ While-do loop. :param condition: function returning public integer (regint/cint/int) The following executes an ten-fold loop: .. code:: i = regint(0) @while_do(lambda: i < 10) def f(): ... i.update(i + 1) ... """ def decorator(loop_body): while_loop(loop_body, condition, *args) return loop_body return decorator
def _run_and_link(function, g=None, lock_lists=True, allow_return=False): if g is None: g = function.__globals__ if lock_lists: class A(list): def __init_(self, l): self[:] = l def __setitem__(*args): raise Exception('you cannot change lists in branches, ' 'use Array or MultiArray instead') __delitem__ = append = clear = extend = insert = __setitem__ pop = remove = reverse = sort = __setitem__ for x in g: if isinstance(g[x], list): g[x] = A(g[x]) pre = copy.copy(g) res = function() if res is not None and not allow_return: raise CompilerError('Conditional blocks cannot return values. ' 'Use if_else instead:') _link(pre, g) return res def _link(pre, g): if g: from .types import _single for name, var in pre.items(): if isinstance(var, (Tape.Register, _single, _vec)): new_var = g[name] if util.is_constant_float(new_var): raise CompilerError('cannot reassign constants in blocks') if id(new_var) != id(var):
[docs]def do_while(loop_fn, g=None): """ Do-while loop. The loop is stopped if the return value is zero. It must be public. The following executes exactly once: .. code:: @do_while def _(): ... return regint(0) """ scope = instructions.program.curr_block parent_node = get_block().req_node # possibly unknown loop count get_tape().open_scope(lambda x: x[0].set_all(float('Inf')), \ name='begin-loop') get_tape().loop_breaks.append([]) loop_block = instructions.program.curr_block condition = _run_and_link(loop_fn, g, allow_return=True) if callable(condition): condition = condition() branch = instructions.jmpnz(regint.conv(condition), 0, add_to_prog=False) instructions.program.curr_block.set_exit(branch, loop_block) get_tape().close_scope(scope, parent_node, 'end-loop') for loop_break in get_tape().loop_breaks.pop(): loop_break.set_exit(jmp(0, add_to_prog=False), get_block()) return loop_fn
[docs]def break_loop(): """ Break out of loop. """ get_tape().loop_breaks[-1].append(get_block()) break_point('break')
def if_then(condition): class State: pass state = State() if callable(condition): condition = condition() try: if not condition.is_clear: raise CompilerError( 'cannot branch on secret values, use if_else instead: ' '') except AttributeError: pass state.condition = regint.conv(condition) state.start_block = instructions.program.curr_block state.req_child = get_tape().open_scope(lambda x: x[0].max(x[1]), \ name='if-block') state.has_else = False state.closed_if = False state.caller = [frame[1:] for frame in inspect.stack()[1:]] instructions.program.curr_tape.if_states.append(state) def else_then(): try: state = instructions.program.curr_tape.if_states[-1] except IndexError: raise CompilerError('No open if block') if state.has_else: raise CompilerError('else block already defined') # run the else block state.if_exit_block = instructions.program.curr_block req_node = state.req_child.add_node(get_tape(), 'else-block') instructions.program.curr_tape.start_new_basicblock(state.start_block, \ name='else-block', req_node=req_node) state.else_block = instructions.program.curr_block state.has_else = True def end_if(): try: state = instructions.program.curr_tape.if_states.pop() except IndexError: raise CompilerError('No open if/else block') branch = instructions.jmpeqz(regint.conv(state.condition), 0, \ add_to_prog=False) # start next block get_tape().close_scope(state.start_block, state.req_child.parent, 'end-if') if state.has_else: # jump to else block if condition == 0 state.start_block.set_exit(branch, state.else_block) # set if block to skip else jump =, add_to_prog=False) state.if_exit_block.set_exit(jump, instructions.program.curr_block) else: # set start block's conditional jump to next block state.start_block.set_exit(branch, instructions.program.curr_block) # nothing to compute without else state.req_child.aggregator = lambda x: x[0] def if_statement(condition, if_fn, else_fn=None): if condition is True or condition is False: # condition known at compile time if condition: if_fn() elif else_fn is not None: else_fn() else: state = if_then(condition) if_fn() if else_fn is not None: else_then() else_fn() end_if()
[docs]def if_(condition): """ Conditional execution without else block. :param condition: regint/cint/int Usage: .. code:: @if_(x > 0) def _(): ... """ try: condition = bool(condition) except: pass def decorator(body): if isinstance(condition, bool): if condition: _run_and_link(body) else: if_then(condition) _run_and_link(body) end_if() return decorator
[docs]def if_e(condition): """ Conditional execution with else block. Use :py:class:`~Compiler.types.MemValue` to assign values that live beyond. :param condition: regint/cint/int Usage: .. code:: y = MemValue(0) @if_e(x > 0) def _(): y.write(1) @else_ def _(): y.write(0) """ try: condition = bool(condition) except: pass def decorator(body): if isinstance(condition, bool): get_tape().if_states.append(condition) if condition: _run_and_link(body) else: if_then(condition) _run_and_link(body) get_tape().if_states[-1].closed_if = True return decorator
def else_(body): if_states = get_tape().if_states if isinstance(if_states[-1], bool): if not if_states[-1]: _run_and_link(body) if_states.pop() else: if not if_states[-1].closed_if: raise CompilerError('@if_e not closed before else block') else_then() _run_and_link(body) end_if() def and_(*terms): def load_result(): res = regint(0) for term in terms: if_then(term()) old_res = res res = regint(1) for term in terms: else_then() end_if() return res return load_result def or_(*terms): def load_result(): res = regint(1) for term in terms: if_then(term()) else_then() old_res = res res = regint(0) for term in terms: end_if() return res return load_result def not_(term): return lambda: 1 - term()
[docs]def start_timer(timer_id=0): """ Start timer. Timer 0 runs from the start of the program. The total time of all used timers is output at the end. Fails if already running. :param timer_id: compile-time (int) """ get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name='pre-start-timer') start(timer_id) get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name='post-start-timer')
[docs]def stop_timer(timer_id=0): """ Stop timer. Fails if not running. :param timer_id: compile-time (int) """ get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name='pre-stop-timer') stop(timer_id) get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name='post-stop-timer')
[docs]def get_number_of_players(): """ :return: the number of players :rtype: regint """ res = regint() nplayers(res) return res
[docs]def get_threshold(): """ The threshold is the maximal number of corrupted players. :rtype: regint """ res = regint() threshold(res) return res
[docs]def get_player_id(): """ :return: player number :rtype: localint (cannot be used for computation) """ res = localint() playerid(res._v) return res
[docs]def listen_for_clients(port): """ Listen for clients on specific port base. :param port: port base (int/regint/cint) """ instructions.listen(regint.conv(port))
[docs]def accept_client_connection(port, players=None): """ Accept client connection on specific port base. :param port: port base (int/regint/cint) :param players: subset of players (default: all) :returns: client id """ res = regint() if players is None: instructions.acceptclientconnection(res, regint.conv(port)) else: @if_e(sum(regint(players) == get_player_id()._v.expand_to_vector(len(players)))) def _(): res.update(accept_client_connection(port)) @else_ def _(): res.update(-1) return res
[docs]def init_client_connection(host, port, my_id, relative_port=True): """ Initiate connection to another party as client. :param host: hostname :param port: port base (int/regint/cint) :param my_id: client id to use :param relative_port: whether to add party number to port number :returns: connection id """ if relative_port: port = (port + get_player_id())._v res = regint() instructions.initclientconnection( res, regint.conv(port), regint.conv(my_id), host) return res
[docs]def break_point(name=''): """ Insert break point. This makes sure that all following code will be executed after preceding code. :param name: Name for identification (optional) """ get_tape().start_new_basicblock(name=name)
[docs]def check_point(): """ Force MAC checks in current thread and all idle threads if the current thread is the main thread. This implies a break point. """ break_point('pre-check') check() break_point('post-check')
# Fixed point ops from math import ceil, log from .floatingpoint import PreOR, TruncPr, two_power def approximate_reciprocal(divisor, k, f, theta): """ returns aproximation of 1/divisor where type(divisor) = cint """ def twos_complement(x): bits = x.bit_decompose(k)[::-1] twos_result = cint(0) for i in range(k): val = twos_result val <<= 1 val += 1 - bits[i] twos_result = val return twos_result + 1 bits = divisor.bit_decompose(k)[::-1] flag = regint(0) cnt_leading_zeros = regint(0) normalized_divisor = divisor for i in range(k): flag = flag | (bits[i] == 1) flag_zero = cint(flag == 0) cnt_leading_zeros += flag_zero normalized_divisor <<= flag_zero q = two_power(k) e = twos_complement(normalized_divisor) for i in range(theta): q += (q * e) >> k e = (e * e) >> k res = q >> cint(2*k - 2*f - cnt_leading_zeros) return res def cint_cint_division(a, b, k, f): """ Goldschmidt method implemented with SE aproximation: """ # theta can be replaced with something smaller # for safety we assume that is the same theta from previous GS method if get_program().options.ring: assert 2 * f < int(get_program().options.ring) theta = int(ceil(log(k/3.5) / log(2))) two = cint(2) * two_power(f) sign_b = cint(1) - 2 * cint(b.less_than(0, k)) sign_a = cint(1) - 2 * cint(a.less_than(0, k)) absolute_b = b * sign_b absolute_a = a * sign_a w0 = approximate_reciprocal(absolute_b, k, f, theta) A = absolute_a B = absolute_b W = w0 corr = cint(1) << (f - 1) for i in range(theta): A = (A * W + corr) >> f B = (B * W + corr) >> f W = two - B return (sign_a * sign_b) * A from Compiler.program import Program @instructions_base.ret_cisc def sint_cint_division(a, b, k, f, nearest=False): """ type(a) = sint, type(b) = cint """ theta = int(ceil(log(k/3.5) / log(2))) two = cint(2) * two_power(f) sign_b = cint(1) - 2 * cint(b.less_than(0, k)) sign_a = sint(1) - 2 * comparison.LessThanZero(a, k) absolute_b = b * sign_b absolute_a = a * sign_a w0 = approximate_reciprocal(absolute_b, k, f, theta) A = absolute_a B = absolute_b W = w0 for i in range(1, theta): A = (A * W).round(2 * k, f, nearest=nearest, signed=True) temp = (B * W + 2 * (f - 1)) >> f W = two - temp B = temp return (sign_a * sign_b) * A def IntDiv(a, b, k): l = 2 * k + 1 b = a.conv(b) return FPDiv(a.extend(l) << k, b.extend(l) << k, l, k, nearest=True) @instructions_base.ret_cisc def FPDiv(a, b, k, f, simplex_flag=False, nearest=False): """ Goldschmidt method as presented in Catrina10, """ prime = get_program().prime if 2 * k == int(get_program().options.ring) or \ (prime and 2 * k <= (prime.bit_length() - 1)): # not fitting otherwise nearest = True if get_program().options.binary: # no probabilistic truncation in binary circuits nearest = True res_f = f f = max((k - nearest) // 2 + 1, f) assert 2 * f > k - nearest theta = int(ceil(log(k/3.5) / log(2))) l_y = k + 3 * f - res_f comparison.require_ring_size( l_y, 'division (') base.set_global_vector_size(b.size) alpha = b.get_type(2 * k).two_power(2*f, size=b.size) w = AppRcr(b, k, f, simplex_flag, nearest).extend(2 * k) x = alpha - b.extend(2 * k) * w base.reset_global_vector_size() y = a.extend(l_y) * w y = y.round(l_y, f, nearest, signed=True) for i in range(theta - 1): x = x.extend(2 * k) y = y.extend(l_y) * (alpha + x).extend(l_y) x = x * x y = y.round(l_y, 2*f, nearest, signed=True) x = x.round(2*k, 2*f, nearest, signed=True) x = x.extend(2 * k) y = y.extend(l_y) * (alpha + x).extend(l_y) y = y.round(l_y, 3 * f - res_f, nearest, signed=True) return y def AppRcr(b, k, f, simplex_flag=False, nearest=False): """ Approximate reciprocal of [b]: Given [b], compute [1/b] """ alpha = b.get_type(2 * k)(int(2.9142 * 2**k)) c, v = b.Norm(k, f, simplex_flag) #v should be 2**{k - m} where m is the length of the bitwise repr of [b] d = alpha - 2 * c w = d * v w = w.round(2 * k + 1, 2 * (k - f), nearest, signed=True) # now w * 2 ^ {-f} should be an initial approximation of 1/b return w def Norm(b, k, f, simplex_flag=False): """ Computes secret integer values [c] and [v_prime] st. 2^{k-1} <= c < 2^k and c = b*v_prime """ # For simplex, we can get rid of computing abs(b) temp = None if simplex_flag == False: temp = b.less_than(0, k) elif simplex_flag == True: temp = cint(0) sign = 1 - 2 * temp # 1 - 2 * [b < 0] absolute_val = sign * b #next 2 lines actually compute the SufOR for little indian encoding bits = absolute_val.bit_decompose(k, maybe_mixed=True)[::-1] suffixes = PreOR(bits)[::-1] z = [0] * k for i in range(k - 1): z[i] = suffixes[i] - suffixes[i+1] z[k - 1] = suffixes[k-1] acc = b.bit_compose(reversed(z)) part_reciprocal = absolute_val * acc signed_acc = sign * acc return part_reciprocal, signed_acc