Source code for

This module contains machine learning functionality. It is work in
progress, so you must expect things to change. The only tested
functionality for training is using consecutive layers.
This includes logistic regression. It can be run as

    sgd = ml.SGD([ml.Dense(n_examples, n_features, 1),
                  ml.Output(n_examples, approx=True)], n_epochs,

This loads measurements from party 0 and labels (0/1) from party
1. After running, the model is stored in :py:obj:`sgd.layers[0].W` and
:py:obj:`sgd.layers[0].b`. The :py:obj:`approx` parameter determines
whether to use an approximate sigmoid function. Setting it to 5 uses
a five-piece approximation instead of a three-piece one.

A simple network for MNIST using two dense layers can be trained as

    sgd = ml.SGD([ml.Dense(60000, 784, 128, activation='relu'),
                  ml.Dense(60000, 128, 10),
                  ml.MultiOutput(60000, 10)], n_epochs,

See `this repository <>`_
for scripts importing MNIST training data and further examples.

Inference can be run as follows::

    data = sfix.Matrix(n_test, n_features)
    res = sgd.eval(data)
    print_ln('Results: %s', [x.reveal() for x in res])

For inference/classification, this module offers the layers necessary
for neural networks such as DenseNet, ResNet, and SqueezeNet. A
minimal example using input from player 0 and model from player 1
looks as follows::

    graph = Optimizer()
    graph.layers = layers
    for layer in layers:
    res = layers[-1].Y

See the `readme <>`_ for
an example of how to run MP-SPDZ on TensorFlow graphs.

import math
import re

from Compiler import mpc_math, util
from Compiler.types import *
from Compiler.types import _unreduced_squant
from Compiler.library import *
from Compiler.util import is_zero, tree_reduce
from Compiler.comparison import CarryOutRawLE
from Compiler.GC.types import sbitint
from functools import reduce

def log_e(x):
    return mpc_math.log_fx(x, math.e)

use_mux = False

def exp(x):
    if use_mux:
        return mpc_math.mux_exp(math.e, x)
        return mpc_math.pow_fx(math.e, x)

def get_limit(x):
    exp_limit = 2 ** (x.k - x.f - 1)
    return math.log(exp_limit)

def sanitize(x, raw, lower, upper):
    limit = get_limit(x)
    res = (x > limit).if_else(upper, raw)
    return (x < -limit).if_else(lower, res)

[docs]def sigmoid(x): """ Sigmoid function. :param x: sfix """ return sigmoid_from_e_x(x, exp(-x))
def sigmoid_from_e_x(x, e_x): return sanitize(x, 1 / (1 + e_x), 0, 1)
[docs]def sigmoid_prime(x): """ Sigmoid derivative. :param x: sfix """ sx = sigmoid(x) return sx * (1 - sx)
@vectorize def approx_sigmoid(x, n=3): """ Piece-wise approximate sigmoid as in `Hong et al. <>`_ :param x: input :param n: number of pieces, 3 (default) or 5 """ if n == 5: cuts = [-5, -2.5, 2.5, 5] le = [0] + [x <= cut for cut in cuts] + [1] select = [le[i + 1] - le[i] for i in range(5)] outputs = [cfix(10 ** -4), 0.02776 * x + 0.145, 0.17 * x + 0.5, 0.02776 * x + 0.85498, cfix(1 - 10 ** -4)] return sum(a * b for a, b in zip(select, outputs)) else: a = x < -0.5 b = x > 0.5 return a.if_else(0, b.if_else(1, 0.5 + x)) def lse_0_from_e_x(x, e_x): return sanitize(-x, log_e(1 + e_x), x + 2 ** -x.f, 0) def lse_0(x): return lse_0_from_e_x(x, exp(x)) def approx_lse_0(x, n=3): assert n != 5 a = x < -0.5 b = x > 0.5 return a.if_else(0, b.if_else(x, 0.5 * (x + 0.5) ** 2)) - x
[docs]def relu_prime(x): """ ReLU derivative. """ return (0 <= x)
[docs]def relu(x): """ ReLU function (maximum of input and zero). """ return (0 < x).if_else(x, 0)
[docs]def argmax(x): """ Compute index of maximum element. :param x: iterable :returns: sint or 0 if :py:obj:`x` has length 1 """ def op(a, b): comp = (a[1] > b[1]) return comp.if_else(a[0], b[0]), comp.if_else(a[1], b[1]) return tree_reduce(op, enumerate(x))[0]
[docs]def softmax(x): """ Softmax. :param x: vector or list of sfix :returns: sfix vector """ return softmax_from_exp(exp_for_softmax(x)[0])
def exp_for_softmax(x): m = util.max(x) - get_limit(x[0]) + math.log(len(x)) mv = m.expand_to_vector(len(x)) try: x = x.get_vector() except AttributeError: x = sfix(x) if use_mux: return exp(x - mv), m else: return (x - mv > -get_limit(x)).if_else(exp(x - mv), 0), m def softmax_from_exp(x): return x / sum(x) report_progress = False def progress(x): if report_progress: print_ln(x) time() def set_n_threads(n_threads): Layer.n_threads = n_threads Optimizer.n_threads = n_threads def _no_mem_warnings(function): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): get_program().warn_about_mem.append(False) res = function(*args, **kwargs) get_program().warn_about_mem.pop() return res copy_doc(wrapper, function) return wrapper def _layer_method_call_tape(function): function = method_call_tape(function) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self._Y.alloc() if self.inputs and len(self.inputs) == 1: backup = self.inputs del self.inputs res = function(self, *args, **kwargs) self.inputs = backup return res else: return function(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class Tensor(MultiArray): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['alloc'] = False super(Tensor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def input_from(self, *args, **kwargs): self.alloc() super(Tensor, self).input_from(*args, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, *args): self.alloc() return super(Tensor, self).__getitem__(*args) def assign_all(self, *args): self.alloc() return super(Tensor, self).assign_all(*args) def assign_vector(self, *args, **kwargs): self.alloc() return super(Tensor, self).assign_vector(*args, **kwargs) def assign_vector_by_indices(self, *args): self.alloc() return super(Tensor, self).assign_vector_by_indices(*args) class Layer: n_threads = 1 inputs = [] input_bias = True thetas = lambda self: () debug_output = False back_batch_size = 128 print_random_update = False @property def shape(self): return list(self._Y.sizes) @property def X(self): self._X.alloc() return self._X @X.setter def X(self, value): self._X = value @property def Y(self): self._Y.alloc() return self._Y @Y.setter def Y(self, value): self._Y = value @_layer_method_call_tape def forward(self, batch=None, training=None): if batch is None: batch = Array.create_from(regint(0)) self._forward(batch) def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + str(self._Y.shape) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.Y.shape) class NoVariableLayer(Layer): input_from = lambda *args, **kwargs: None output_weights = lambda *args: None reveal_parameters_to_binary = lambda *args, **kwargs: None nablas = lambda self: () reset = lambda self: None
[docs]class Output(NoVariableLayer): """ Fixed-point logistic regression output layer. :param N: number of examples :param approx: :py:obj:`False` (default) or parameter for :py:obj:`approx_sigmoid` """ n_outputs = 2 @classmethod def from_args(cls, N, program): res = cls(N, approx='approx' in program.args) res.compute_loss = not 'no_loss' in program.args return res def __init__(self, N, debug=False, approx=False): self.N = N self.X = sfix.Array(N) self.Y = sfix.Array(N) self.nabla_X = sfix.Array(N) self.l = MemValue(sfix(-1)) self.e_x = sfix.Array(N) self.debug = debug self.weights = None self.approx = approx self.compute_loss = True self.d_out = 1 @staticmethod def divisor(divisor, size=1): return cfix(1.0 / divisor, size=size) def _forward(self, batch): if self.approx == 5: self.l.write(999) return N = len(batch) lse = sfix.Array(N) @multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(base, size): x = self.X.get_vector(base, size) y = self.Y.get(batch.get_vector(base, size)) if self.approx: if self.compute_loss: lse.assign(approx_lse_0(x, self.approx) + x * (1 - y), base) return e_x = exp(-x) self.e_x.assign(e_x, base) if self.compute_loss: lse.assign(lse_0_from_e_x(-x, e_x) + x * (1 - y), base) self.l.write(sum(lse) * \ self.divisor(N, 1)) def eval(self, size, base=0, top=False): if top: return self.X.get_vector(base, size) > 0 if self.approx: return approx_sigmoid(self.X.get_vector(base, size), self.approx) else: return sigmoid(self.X.get_vector(base, size)) def backward(self, batch): N = len(batch) @multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(base, size): diff = self.eval(size, base) - \ self.Y.get(batch.get_vector(base, size)) if self.weights is not None: assert N == len(self.weights) diff *= self.weights.get_vector(base, size) assert self.weight_total == N self.nabla_X.assign(diff, base) # @for_range_opt(len(diff)) # def _(i): # self.nabla_X[i] = self.nabla_X[i] * self.weights[i] if self.debug_output: print_ln('sigmoid X %s', self.X.reveal_nested()) print_ln('sigmoid nabla %s', self.nabla_X.reveal_nested()) print_ln('batch %s', batch.reveal_nested()) def set_weights(self, weights): assert sfix.f == cfix.f self.weights = cfix.Array(len(weights)) self.weights.assign(weights) self.weight_total = sum(weights) def average_loss(self, N): return self.l.reveal() def reveal_correctness(self, n=None, Y=None, debug=False): if n is None: n = self.X.sizes[0] if Y is None: Y = self.Y assert isinstance(Y, Array) n_correct = MemValue(0) n_printed = MemValue(0) @for_range_opt(n) def _(i): truth = Y[i].reveal() b = self.X[i].reveal() if debug: nabla = self.nabla_X[i].reveal() guess = b > 0 correct = truth == guess n_correct.iadd(correct) if debug: to_print = (1 - correct) * (n_printed < 10) n_printed.iadd(to_print) print_ln_if(to_print, '%s: %s %s %s %s', i, truth, guess, b, nabla) return n_correct
class LinearOutput(NoVariableLayer): n_outputs = -1 def __init__(self, N, n_targets=1): if n_targets == 1: shape = N, else: shape = N, n_targets self.X = sfix.Tensor(shape) self.Y = sfix.Tensor(shape) self.nabla_X = sfix.Tensor(shape) self.l = MemValue(sfix(0)) self.d_out = n_targets def _forward(self, batch): assert len(self.X.shape) == 1 N = len(batch) guess = self.X.get_vector(0, N) truth = self.Y.get(batch.get_vector(0, N)) diff = guess - truth self.nabla_X.assign_vector(diff) #print_ln('%s %s %s', diff.reveal(), truth.reveal(), guess.reveal()) self.l.write(sum((diff) ** 2) * Output.divisor(N)) def backward(self, batch): pass def reveal_correctness(*args): return 0 def average_loss(self, N): return self.l.reveal() def eval(self, size, base=0, top=False): return self.X.get_part(base, size) class MultiOutputBase(NoVariableLayer): def __init__(self, N, d_out, approx=False, debug=False): self.X = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) self.Y = sint.Matrix(N, d_out) self.nabla_X = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) self.l = MemValue(sfix(-1)) self.losses = sfix.Array(N) self.approx = None self.N = N self.d_out = d_out self.compute_loss = True def eval(self, N): d_out = self.X.sizes[1] res = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) res.assign_vector(self.X.get_part_vector(0, N)) return res def average_loss(self, N): return sum(self.losses.get_vector(0, N)).reveal() / N def reveal_correctness(self, n=None, Y=None, debug=False): if n is None: n = self.X.sizes[0] if Y is None: Y = self.Y n_printed = MemValue(0) assert n <= len(self.X) assert n <= len(Y) Y.address = MemValue.if_necessary(Y.address) @map_sum(None if debug else self.n_threads, None, n, 1, regint) def _(i): a = Y[i].reveal_list() b = self.X[i].reveal_list() if debug: loss = self.losses[i].reveal() exp = self.get_extra_debugging(i) nabla = self.nabla_X[i].reveal_list() truth = argmax(a) guess = argmax(b) correct = truth == guess if debug: to_print = (1 - correct) * (n_printed < 10) n_printed.iadd(to_print) print_ln_if(to_print, '%s: %s %s %s %s %s %s', i, truth, guess, loss, b, exp, nabla) return correct return _() @property def n_outputs(self): return self.d_out def get_extra_debugging(self, i): return '' @staticmethod def from_args(program, N, n_output): if 'relu_out' in program.args: res = ReluMultiOutput(N, n_output) else: res = MultiOutput(N, n_output, approx='approx' in program.args) res.cheaper_loss = 'mse' in program.args res.compute_loss = not 'no_loss' in program.args for arg in program.args: m = re.match('approx=(.*)', arg) if m: res.approx = float( return res
[docs]class MultiOutput(MultiOutputBase): """ Output layer for multi-class classification with softmax and cross entropy. :param N: number of examples :param d_out: number of classes :param approx: use ReLU division instead of softmax for the loss """ def __init__(self, N, d_out, approx=False, debug=False): MultiOutputBase.__init__(self, N, d_out) self.exp = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) self.approx = approx self.positives = sint.Matrix(N, d_out) self.relus = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) self.cheaper_loss = False self.debug = debug self.true_X = sfix.Array(N) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s, approx=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.N, self.d_out, self.approx) def _forward(self, batch): N = len(batch) d_out = self.X.sizes[1] tmp = self.losses @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(i): if self.approx: if self.cheaper_loss or isinstance(self.approx, float): limit = 0 else: limit = 0.1 positives = self.X[i].get_vector() > limit relus = positives.if_else(self.X[i].get_vector(), 0) self.positives[i].assign_vector(positives) self.relus[i].assign_vector(relus) if self.compute_loss: if self.cheaper_loss: s = sum(relus) tmp[i] = sum((self.Y[batch[i]][j] * s - relus[j]) ** 2 for j in range(d_out)) / s ** 2 * 0.5 else: div = relus / sum(relus).expand_to_vector(d_out) self.losses[i] = -sfix.dot_product( self.Y[batch[i]].get_vector(), log_e(div)) else: e, m = exp_for_softmax(self.X[i]) self.exp[i].assign_vector(e) if self.compute_loss: true_X = sfix.dot_product(self.Y[batch[i]], self.X[i]) tmp[i] = m + log_e(sum(e)) - true_X self.true_X[i] = true_X self.l.write(sum(tmp.get_vector(0, N)) / N) def eval(self, N, top=False): d_out = self.X.sizes[1] if top: res = sint.Array(N) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(i): res[i] = argmax(self.X[i]) return res res = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) if self.approx: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(i): relus = (self.X[i].get_vector() > 0).if_else( self.X[i].get_vector(), 0) res[i].assign_vector(relus / sum(relus).expand_to_vector(d_out)) return res @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(i): x = self.X[i].get_vector() - \ util.max(self.X[i].get_vector()).expand_to_vector(d_out) e = exp(x) res[i].assign_vector(e / sum(e).expand_to_vector(d_out)) return res def backward(self, batch): d_out = self.X.sizes[1] if self.approx: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): if self.cheaper_loss: s = sum(self.relus[i]) ss = s * s * s inv = 1 / ss @for_range_opt(d_out) def _(j): res = 0 for k in range(d_out): relu = self.relus[i][k] summand = relu - self.Y[batch[i]][k] * s summand *= (sfix.from_sint(j == k) - relu) res += summand fallback = -self.Y[batch[i]][j] res *= inv self.nabla_X[i][j] = self.positives[i][j].if_else(res, fallback) return relus = self.relus[i].get_vector() if isinstance(self.approx, float): relus += self.approx positives = self.positives[i].get_vector() inv = (1 / sum(relus)).expand_to_vector(d_out) truths = self.Y[batch[i]].get_vector() raw = truths / relus - inv self.nabla_X[i] = -positives.if_else(raw, truths) self.maybe_debug_backward(batch) return @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): div = softmax_from_exp(self.exp[i]) self.nabla_X[i][:] = -self.Y[batch[i]][:] + div self.maybe_debug_backward(batch) def maybe_debug_backward(self, batch): if self.debug: @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): check = 0 for j in range(self.X.sizes[1]): to_check = self.nabla_X[i][j].reveal() check += (to_check > len(batch)) + (to_check < -len(batch)) print_ln_if(check, 'X %s', self.X[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln_if(check, 'exp %s', self.exp[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln_if(check, 'nabla X %s', self.nabla_X[i].reveal_nested()) def get_extra_debugging(self, i): if self.approx: return self.relus[i].reveal_list() else: return self.exp[i].reveal_list()
[docs]class ReluMultiOutput(MultiOutputBase): """ Output layer for multi-class classification with back-propagation based on ReLU division. :param N: number of examples :param d_out: number of classes """ def forward(self, batch, training=None): self.l.write(999) def backward(self, batch): N = len(batch) d_out = self.X.sizes[1] relus = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): positives = self.X[i].get_vector() > 0 relus = positives.if_else(self.X[i].get_vector(), 0) s = sum(relus) inv = 1 / s prod = relus * inv res = prod - self.Y[batch[i]].get_vector() self.nabla_X[i].assign_vector(res)
class DenseBase(Layer): thetas = lambda self: (self.W, self.b) nablas = lambda self: (self.nabla_W, self.nabla_b) def output_weights(self): self.W.print_reveal_nested() print_ln('%s', self.b.reveal_nested()) def reveal_parameters_to_binary(self, reshape=None): if reshape: trans = self.W.transpose() O = trans.sizes[0] tmp = MultiArray([O] + reshape, value_type=self.W.value_type, address=trans.address) X, Y, C = reshape @for_range(O) def _(i): @for_range(C) def _(j): part = tmp.get_vector_by_indices(i, None, None, j) part.reveal().binary_output() else: self.W.transpose().reveal_to_binary_output() if self.input_bias: self.b.reveal_to_binary_output() def backward_params(self, f_schur_Y, batch): N = len(batch) tmp = Matrix(self.d_in, self.d_out, unreduced_sfix) A = sfix.Matrix(N, self.d_out, address=f_schur_Y.address) B = sfix.Matrix(self.N, self.d_in, address=self.X.address) @multithread(self.n_threads, self.d_in) def _(base, size): mp = B.direct_trans_mul(A, reduce=False, indices=(, base), batch.get_vector(),, tmp.assign_part_vector(mp, base) progress('nabla W (matmul)') @multithread(self.n_threads, self.d_in * self.d_out, max_size=get_program().budget) def _(base, size): self.nabla_W.assign_vector( tmp.get_vector(base, size).reduce_after_mul(), base=base) if self.print_random_update: print_ln('backward %s', self) i = regint.get_random(64) % self.d_in j = regint.get_random(64) % self.d_out print_ln('%s at (%s, %s): before=%s after=%s A=%s B=%s', str(self.nabla_W), i, j, tmp[i][j].v.reveal(), self.nabla_W[i][j].reveal(), A.get_column(j).reveal(), B.get_column_by_row_indices( batch.get_vector(), i).reveal()) print_ln('batch=%s B=%s', batch, [self.X[bi][0][i].reveal() for bi in batch]) progress('nabla W') self.nabla_b.assign_vector(sum(sum(f_schur_Y[k][j].get_vector() for k in range(N)) for j in range(self.d))) progress('nabla b') if self.debug_output: print_ln('dense nabla Y %s', self.nabla_Y.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dense W %s', self.W.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dense nabla X %s', self.nabla_X.reveal_nested()) if self.debug: limit = N * self.debug @for_range_opt(self.d_in) def _(i): @for_range_opt(self.d_out) def _(j): to_check = self.nabla_W[i][j].reveal() check = sum(to_check > limit) + sum(to_check < -limit) @if_(check) def _(): print_ln('nabla W %s %s %s: %s', i, j, self.W.sizes, to_check) print_ln('Y %s', [f_schur_Y[k][0][j].reveal() for k in range(N)]) print_ln('X %s', [self.X[k][0][i].reveal() for k in range(N)]) @for_range_opt(self.d_out) def _(j): to_check = self.nabla_b[j].reveal() check = sum(to_check > limit) + sum(to_check < -limit) @if_(check) def _(): print_ln('nabla b %s %s: %s', j, len(self.b), to_check) print_ln('Y %s', [f_schur_Y[k][0][j].reveal() for k in range(N)]) @for_range_opt(len(batch)) def _(i): to_check = self.nabla_X[i].get_vector().reveal() check = sum(to_check > limit) + sum(to_check < -limit) @if_(check) def _(): print_ln('X %s %s', i, self.X[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('Y %s %s', i, f_schur_Y[i].reveal_nested())
[docs]class Dense(DenseBase): """ Fixed-point dense (matrix multiplication) layer. :param N: number of examples :param d_in: input dimension :param d_out: output dimension """ def __init__(self, N, d_in, d_out, d=1, activation='id', debug=False): if activation == 'id': self.activation_layer = None elif activation == 'relu': self.activation_layer = Relu([N, d, d_out]) elif activation == 'square': self.activation_layer = Square([N, d, d_out]) else: raise CompilerError('activation not supported: %s', activation) self.N = N self.d_in = d_in self.d_out = d_out self.d = d self.activation = activation self.X = Tensor([N, d, d_in], sfix) self.Y = Tensor([N, d, d_out], sfix) self.W = Tensor([d_in, d_out], sfix) self.b = sfix.Array(d_out) back_N = min(N, self.back_batch_size) self.nabla_Y = Tensor([back_N, d, d_out], sfix) self.nabla_X = Tensor([back_N, d, d_in], sfix) self.nabla_W = sfix.Matrix(d_in, d_out) self.nabla_b = sfix.Array(d_out) self.debug = debug l = self.activation_layer if l: self.f_input = l.X l.Y = self.Y l.nabla_Y = self.nabla_Y else: self.f_input = self.Y def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s, %s, activation=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.N, self.d_in, self.d_out, repr(self.activation)) def reset(self): d_in = self.d_in d_out = self.d_out r = math.sqrt(6.0 / (d_in + d_out)) print('Initializing dense weights in [%f,%f]' % (-r, r)) self.W.randomize(-r, r, n_threads=self.n_threads) self.b.assign_all(0) def input_from(self, player, **kwargs): self.W.input_from(player, **kwargs) if self.input_bias: self.b.input_from(player, **kwargs) def compute_f_input(self, batch): N = len(batch) assert self.d == 1 if self.input_bias: prod = MultiArray([N, self.d, self.d_out], sfix) else: prod = self.f_input max_size = get_program().budget @multithread(self.n_threads, N, max_size) def _(base, size): X_sub = sfix.Matrix(self.N, self.d_in, address=self.X.address) prod.assign_part_vector( X_sub.direct_mul(self.W, indices=( batch.get_vector(base, size),,,, base) if self.input_bias: if self.d_out == 1: @multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(base, size): v = prod.get_vector(base, size) + self.b.expand_to_vector(0, size) self.f_input.assign_vector(v, base) else: @for_range_multithread(self.n_threads, 100, N) def _(i): v = prod[i].get_vector() + self.b.get_vector() self.f_input[i].assign_vector(v) progress('f input') def _forward(self, batch=None): if batch is None: batch = regint.Array(self.N) batch.assign( self.compute_f_input(batch=batch) if self.activation_layer: self.activation_layer.forward(batch) if self.debug_output: print_ln('dense X %s', self.X.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dense W %s', self.W.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dense b %s', self.b.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dense Y %s', self.Y.reveal_nested()) if self.debug: limit = self.debug @for_range_opt(len(batch)) def _(i): @for_range_opt(self.d_out) def _(j): to_check = self.Y[i][0][j].reveal() check = to_check > limit @if_(check) def _(): print_ln('dense Y %s %s %s %s', i, j, self.W.sizes, to_check) print_ln('X %s', self.X[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('W %s', [self.W[k][j].reveal() for k in range(self.d_in)]) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=True, batch=None): N = len(batch) d = self.d d_out = self.d_out X = self.X Y = self.Y W = self.W b = self.b nabla_X = self.nabla_X nabla_Y = self.nabla_Y nabla_W = self.nabla_W nabla_b = self.nabla_b if self.activation_layer: self.activation_layer.backward(batch) f_schur_Y = self.activation_layer.nabla_X else: f_schur_Y = nabla_Y if compute_nabla_X: nabla_X.alloc() @multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(base, size): B = sfix.Matrix(N, d_out, address=f_schur_Y.address) nabla_X.assign_part_vector( B.direct_mul_trans(W, indices=(, base),,,, base) if self.print_random_update: print_ln('backward %s', self) index = regint.get_random(64) % self.nabla_X.total_size() print_ln('%s nabla_X at %s: %s', str(self.nabla_X), index, self.nabla_X.to_array()[index].reveal()) progress('nabla X') self.backward_params(f_schur_Y, batch=batch)
class QuantizedDense(DenseBase): def __init__(self, N, d_in, d_out): self.N = N self.d_in = d_in self.d_out = d_out self.d = 1 self.H = math.sqrt(1.5 / (d_in + d_out)) self.W = sfix.Matrix(d_in, d_out) self.nabla_W = self.W.same_shape() self.T = sint.Matrix(d_in, d_out) self.b = sfix.Array(d_out) self.nabla_b = self.b.same_shape() self.X = Tensor([N, 1, d_in], sfix) self.Y = Tensor([N, 1, d_out], sfix) self.nabla_Y = self.Y.same_shape() def reset(self): @for_range(self.d_in) def _(i): @for_range(self.d_out) def _(j): self.W[i][j] = sfix.get_random(-1, 1) self.b.assign_all(0) def _forward(self): @for_range_opt(self.d_in) def _(i): @for_range_opt(self.d_out) def _(j): over = self.W[i][j] > 0.5 under = self.W[i][j] < -0.5 self.T[i][j] = over.if_else(1, under.if_else(-1, 0)) over = self.W[i][j] > 1 under = self.W[i][j] < -1 self.W[i][j] = over.if_else(1, under.if_else(-1, self.W[i][j])) @for_range_opt(self.N) def _(i): assert self.d_out == 1 self.Y[i][0][0] = self.b[0] + self.H * sfix._new( sint.dot_product([self.T[j][0] for j in range(self.d_in)], [self.X[i][0][j].v for j in range(self.d_in)])) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=False): assert not compute_nabla_X self.backward_params(self.nabla_Y)
[docs]class Dropout(NoVariableLayer): """ Dropout layer. :param N: number of examples :param d1: total dimension :param alpha: probability (power of two) """ def __init__(self, N, d1, d2=1, alpha=0.5): self.N = N self.d1 = d1 self.d2 = d2 self.X = Tensor([N, d1, d2], sfix) self.Y = Tensor([N, d1, d2], sfix) self.nabla_Y = Tensor([N, d1, d2], sfix) self.nabla_X = Tensor([N, d1, d2], sfix) self.alpha = alpha self.B = MultiArray([N, d1, d2], sint) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s, alpha=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.N, self.d1, self.alpha) def forward(self, batch, training=False): if training: n_bits = -math.log(self.alpha, 2) assert n_bits == int(n_bits) n_bits = int(n_bits) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): size = self.d1 * self.d2 self.B[i].assign_vector(util.tree_reduce( util.or_op, (sint.get_random_bit(size=size) for i in range(n_bits)))) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): self.Y[i].assign_vector(1 / (1 - self.alpha) * self.X[batch[i]].get_vector() * self.B[i].get_vector()) else: @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): self.Y[i] = self.X[batch[i]] if self.debug_output: print_ln('dropout X %s', self.X.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dropout Y %s', self.Y.reveal_nested()) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=True, batch=None): if compute_nabla_X: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch)) def _(i): self.nabla_X[batch[i]].assign_vector( self.nabla_Y[i].get_vector() * self.B[i].get_vector()) if self.debug_output: print_ln('dropout nabla_Y %s', self.nabla_Y.reveal_nested()) print_ln('dropout nabla_X %s', self.nabla_X.reveal_nested())
class ElementWiseLayer(NoVariableLayer): def __init__(self, shape, inputs=None): self.X = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.Y = Tensor(shape, sfix) backward_shape = list(shape) backward_shape[0] = min(shape[0], self.back_batch_size) self.nabla_X = Tensor(backward_shape, sfix) self.nabla_Y = Tensor(backward_shape, sfix) self.inputs = inputs def f_part(self, base, size): return self.f(self.X.get_vector(base, size)) def f_prime_part(self, base, size): return self.f_prime(self.Y.get_vector(base, size)) def _forward(self, batch=[0]): n_per_item = reduce(operator.mul, self.X.sizes[1:]) @multithread(self.n_threads, len(batch) * n_per_item, max_size=program.budget) def _(base, size): self.Y.assign_vector(self.f_part(base, size), base) if self.debug_output: name = self @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): print_ln('%s X %s %s', name, i, self.X[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s Y %s %s', name, i, self.Y[i].reveal_nested()) def backward(self, batch): f_prime_bit = MultiArray(self.X.sizes, self.prime_type) n_elements = len(batch) * reduce(operator.mul, f_prime_bit.sizes[1:]) @multithread(self.n_threads, n_elements) def _(base, size): f_prime_bit.assign_vector(self.f_prime_part(base, size), base) progress('f prime') @multithread(self.n_threads, n_elements) def _(base, size): self.nabla_X.assign_vector(self.nabla_Y.get_vector(base, size) * f_prime_bit.get_vector(base, size), base) progress('f prime schur Y') if self.debug_output: name = self @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): print_ln('%s X %s %s', name, i, self.X[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s f_prime %s %s', name, i, f_prime_bit[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s nabla Y %s %s', name, i, self.nabla_Y[i].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s nabla X %s %s', name, i, self.nabla_X[i].reveal_nested())
[docs]class Relu(ElementWiseLayer): """ Fixed-point ReLU layer. :param shape: input/output shape (tuple/list of int) """ prime_type = sint def __init__(self, shape, inputs=None): super(Relu, self).__init__(shape) self.comparisons = MultiArray(shape, sint) def f_part(self, base, size): x = self.X.get_vector(base, size) c = x > 0 self.comparisons.assign_vector(c, base) return c.if_else(x, 0) def f_prime_part(self, base, size): return self.comparisons.get_vector(base, size)
[docs]class Square(ElementWiseLayer): """ Fixed-point square layer. :param shape: input/output shape (tuple/list of int) """ f = staticmethod(lambda x: x ** 2) f_prime = staticmethod(lambda x: cfix(2, size=x.size) * x) prime_type = sfix
class PoolBase(NoVariableLayer): def __init__(self, shape, strides=(1, 2, 2, 1), ksize=(1, 2, 2, 1), padding='VALID'): assert len(shape) == 4 assert min(shape) > 0, shape for x in strides, ksize: for i in 0, 3: assert x[i] == 1 self.X = Tensor(shape, sfix) if padding == 'SAME': output_shape = [int(math.ceil(shape[i] / strides[i])) for i in range(4)] padding = [0, 0] else: if padding == 'VALID': padding = 0 if isinstance(padding, int): padding = [padding, padding] output_shape = [shape[0]] + [ (shape[i + 1] + 2 * padding[i] - ksize[i + 1]) // \ strides [i + 1] + 1 for i in range(2)] + [shape[3]] self.Y = Tensor(output_shape, sfix) self.strides = strides self.ksize = ksize self.padding = padding self.nabla_X = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.nabla_Y = Tensor(output_shape, sfix) self.N = shape[0] self.comparisons = MultiArray([self.N, self.X.sizes[3], output_shape[1], output_shape[2], ksize[1] * ksize[2]], sint) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, strides=%s, ksize=%s, padding=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.X.sizes, self.strides, self.ksize, self.padding) def traverse(self, batch, process): need_padding = [self.strides[i] * (self.Y.sizes[i] - 1) + self.ksize[i] > self.X.sizes[i] for i in range(4)] @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [len(batch), self.X.sizes[3]]) def _(l, k): bi = batch[l] XX = self.X[bi] @for_range_opt(self.Y.sizes[1]) def _(i): h_base = self.strides[1] * i - self.padding[1] hs = [h_base + jj for jj in range(self.ksize[1])] if need_padding[1]: h_ins = [(h < self.X.sizes[1]) * (h >= 0) for h in hs] else: h_ins = [True] * self.ksize[1] @for_range_opt(self.Y.sizes[2]) def _(j): w_base = self.strides[2] * j - self.padding[1] pool = [] ws = [w_base + jj for jj in range(self.ksize[2])] if need_padding[2]: w_ins = [(w < self.X.sizes[2]) * (w >= 0) for w in ws] else: w_ins = [True] * self.ksize[2] for ii in range(self.ksize[1]): h = hs[ii] h_in = h_ins[ii] XXX = XX[h_in * h] for jj in range(self.ksize[2]): w = ws[jj] w_in = w_ins[jj] if not is_zero(h_in * w_in): pool.append([h_in * w_in * XXX[w_in * w][k], h_in, w_in, h, w]) process(pool, bi, k, i, j)
[docs]class MaxPool(PoolBase): """ Fixed-point MaxPool layer. :param shape: input shape (tuple/list of four int) :param strides: strides (tuple/list of four int, first and last must be 1) :param ksize: kernel size (tuple/list of four int, first and last must be 1) :param padding: :py:obj:`'VALID'` (default), :py:obj:`'SAME'`, integer, or list/tuple of integers """ @_layer_method_call_tape def forward(self, batch=None, training=False): if batch is None: batch = Array.create_from(regint(0)) def process(pool, bi, k, i, j): def m(a, b): c = a[0] > b[0] l = [c * x for x in a[1]] l += [(1 - c) * x for x in b[1]] return c.if_else(a[0], b[0]), l red = util.tree_reduce(m, [(x[0], [1] if training else []) for x in pool]) self.Y[bi][i][j][k] = red[0] for ii, x in enumerate(red[1]): self.comparisons[bi][k][i][j][ii] = x self.traverse(batch, process) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=True, batch=None): if compute_nabla_X: self.nabla_X.alloc() self.nabla_X.assign_all(0) break_point() def process(pool, bi, k, i, j): for (x, h_in, w_in, h, w), c \ in zip(pool, self.comparisons[bi][k][i][j]): hh = h * h_in ww = w * w_in res = h_in * w_in * c * self.nabla_Y[bi][i][j][k] get_program().protect_memory(True) self.nabla_X[bi][hh][ww][k] += res get_program().protect_memory(False) self.traverse(batch, process)
[docs]class Argmax(NoVariableLayer): """ Fixed-point Argmax layer. :param shape: input shape (tuple/list of two int) """ def __init__(self, shape): assert len(shape) == 2 self.X = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.Y = Array(shape[0], sint) def _forward(self, batch=[0]): assert len(batch) == 1 self.Y[batch[0]] = argmax(self.X[batch[0]])
[docs]class Concat(NoVariableLayer): """ Fixed-point concatentation layer. :param inputs: two input layers (tuple/list) :param dimension: dimension for concatenation (must be 3) """ def __init__(self, inputs, dimension): self.inputs = inputs self.dimension = dimension shapes = [inp.shape for inp in inputs] assert dimension == 3 assert len(shapes[0]) == 4 for shape in shapes: assert len(shape) == len(shapes[0]) shape = [] for i in range(len(shapes[0])): if i == dimension: shape.append(sum(x[i] for x in shapes)) else: shape.append(shapes[0][i]) self.Y = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.bases = [sum(x[dimension] for x in shapes[:k]) for k in range(len(shapes))] self.addresses = Array.create_from(regint(list( x.Y.address for x in inputs))) def _forward(self, batch=[0]): assert len(batch) == 1 @for_range_multithread(self.n_threads, 1, self.Y.sizes[1:3]) def _(i, j): if len(set(self.bases)) == 1: @for_range(len(self.inputs)) def _(k): self.Y[batch[0]][i][j].assign_part_vector( MultiArray( self.inputs[0].shape, address=self.addresses[k])[i][j].get_vector(), k * self.bases[1]) else: X = [x.Y[batch[0]] for x in self.inputs] for k in range(len(self.inputs)): self.Y[batch[0]][i][j].assign_part_vector( X[k][i][j].get_vector(), self.bases[k])
[docs]class Add(NoVariableLayer): """ Fixed-point addition layer. :param inputs: two input layers with same shape (tuple/list) """ def __init__(self, inputs): assert len(inputs) > 1 shape = inputs[0].shape for inp in inputs: assert inp.shape == shape self.Y = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.inputs = inputs def _forward(self, batch=[0]): @multithread(self.n_threads, self.Y[0].total_size()) def _(base, size): for bb in batch: tmp = sum(inp.Y[bb].get_vector(base, size) for inp in self.inputs) self.Y[bb].assign_vector(tmp, base)
[docs]class FusedBatchNorm(Layer): """ Fixed-point fused batch normalization layer (inference only). :param shape: input/output shape (tuple/list of four int) """ def __init__(self, shape, inputs=None): assert len(shape) == 4 self.X = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.Y = Tensor(shape, sfix) self.weights = sfix.Array(shape[3]) self.bias = sfix.Array(shape[3]) self.inputs = inputs def input_from(self, player, **kwargs): self.weights.input_from(player, **kwargs) self.bias.input_from(player, **kwargs) tmp = sfix.Array(len(self.bias)) tmp.input_from(player, **kwargs) tmp.input_from(player, **kwargs) def _forward(self, batch=[0]): assert len(batch) == 1 @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, self.X.sizes[1:3]) def _(i, j): self.Y[batch[0]][i][j].assign_vector( self.X[batch[0]][i][j].get_vector() * self.weights.get_vector() + self.bias.get_vector())
[docs]class BatchNorm(Layer): """ Fixed-point batch normalization layer. :param shape: input/output shape (tuple/list of four int) :param approx: use approximate square root """ thetas = lambda self: (self.weights, self.bias) nablas = lambda self: (self.nabla_weights, self.nabla_bias) def __init__(self, shape, approx=True, args=None): assert len(shape) in (2, 3, 4) self.Y = sfix.Tensor(shape) if len(shape) == 4: shape = [shape[0], shape[1] * shape[2], shape[3]] elif len(shape) == 2: shape = [shape[0], 1, shape[1]] self.my_Y = sfix.Tensor(shape, address=self.Y.address) tensors = (Tensor(shape, sfix) for i in range(3)) self.X, self.nabla_X, self.nabla_Y = tensors arrays = (sfix.Array(shape[2]) for i in range(4)) self.var,, self.weights, self.bias = arrays arrays = (sfix.Array(shape[2]) for i in range(4)) self.mu_hat, self.var_hat, self.nabla_weights, self.nabla_bias = arrays self.epsilon = 2 ** (-sfix.f * 2 // 3 + 1) self.momentum = 0.1 if args != None: approx = 'precisebn' not in args self.approx = approx if approx: print('Approximate square root inverse in batch normalization') self.InvertSqrt = mpc_math.InvertSqrt else: print('Precise square root inverse in batch normalization') self.InvertSqrt = lambda x: 1 / mpc_math.sqrt(x) self.is_trained = False def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, approx=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.X.sizes, self.approx) def reset(self): self.bias.assign_all(0) self.weights.assign_all(1) self.mu_hat.assign_all(0) self.var_hat.assign_all(0) def _output(self, batch, mu, var): factor = sfix.Array(len(mu)) factor[:] = self.InvertSqrt(var[:] + self.epsilon) * self.weights[:] @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [len(batch), self.X.sizes[1]]) def _(i, j): tmp = (self.X[i][j][:] - mu[:]) * factor[:] self.my_Y[i][j][:] = self.bias[:] + tmp @_layer_method_call_tape def forward(self, batch, training=False): if training or not self.is_trained: d = self.X.sizes[1] d_in = self.X.sizes[2] s = sfix.Array(d_in) @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): return (self.X[batch[i]][j].get_vector()) s.assign(_()) @multithread(self.n_threads, d_in) def _(base, size): s.get_vector(base, size) / (len(batch) * d), base) @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): item = self.X[batch[i]][j].get_vector() return ((item -[:]) ** 2) self.var.assign(_()) @multithread(self.n_threads, d_in) def _(base, size): self.var.assign_vector( self.var.get_vector(base, size) / (len(batch) * d - 1), base) for x, y, in (self.mu_hat,, (self.var_hat, self.var): x[:] = self.momentum * y[:] + (1 - self.momentum) * x[:] self._output(batch,, self.var) if self.print_random_update: i = regint.get_random(64) % len(batch) j = regint.get_random(64) % d k = regint.get_random(64) % d_in for x in, self.var: print_ln('%s at %s: %s', str(x), k, x[k].reveal()) print_ln('%s at (%s, %s, %s): in=%s out=%s', str(self.Y), i, j, k, self.X[i][j][k].reveal(), self.my_Y[i][j][k].reveal()) else: self._output(batch, self.mu_hat, self.var_hat) def backward(self, batch, compute_nabla_X=True): factor = Array.create_from( self.InvertSqrt(self.var[:] + self.epsilon)) mynYf = self.X.same_shape() gamnY = self.X.same_shape() gamnYd = self.X.same_shape() nYdf = self.X.same_shape() d = self.X.sizes[1] d_in = self.X.sizes[2] @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d]) def _(i, j): tmp = self.weights[:] * self.nabla_Y[i][j][:] gamnY[i][j] = tmp gamnYd[i][j] = tmp * (self.X[i][j][:] -[:]) mynYf[i][j] = tmp * factor[:] nYdf[i][j] = self.nabla_Y[i][j][:] * \ (self.X[i][j][:] -[:]) * factor[:] @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): return (self.nabla_Y[i][j][:]) self.nabla_bias.assign(_()) @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): return (nYdf[i][j]) self.nabla_weights.assign(_()) factor3 = Array.create_from(factor[:] ** 3) @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): return (mynYf[i][j]) s1 = Array.create_from(_()) @multithread(self.n_threads, len(s1)) def _(base, size): s1.assign_vector(s1.get_vector(base, size) / (len(batch) * d), base) @map_sum_simple(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d], sfix, d_in) def _(i, j): return (gamnYd[i][j][:] * factor3[:]) s2 = Array.create_from(_()) @multithread(self.n_threads, len(s2)) def _(base, size): s2.assign_vector( s2.get_vector(base, size) / (len(batch) * d - 1), base) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [len(batch), d]) def _(i, j): self.nabla_X[i][j][:] = mynYf[i][j][:] \ - s1[:] - (self.X[i][j][:] -[:]) * s2[:] if self.print_random_update: print_ln('backward %s', self) i = regint.get_random(64) % len(batch) j = regint.get_random(64) % d k = regint.get_random(64) % d_in for x in self.nabla_bias, self.nabla_weights: print_ln('%s at %s: %s', str(x), k, x[k].reveal()) print_ln('%s at (%s, %s, %s): in=%s out=%s', str(self.Y), i, j, k, self.nabla_Y[i][j][k].reveal(), self.nabla_X[i][j][k].reveal()) def reveal_parameters_to_binary(self): for param in self.thetas() + (self.mu_hat, self.var_hat): param.reveal().binary_output()
class QuantBase(object): bias_before_reduction = True @staticmethod def new_squant(): class _(squant): @classmethod def get_params_from(cls, player): cls.set_params(sfloat.get_input_from(player), sint.get_input_from(player)) @classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, size=None): return cls._new(sint.get_input_from(player, size=size)) return _ def const_div(self, acc, n): logn = int(math.log(n, 2)) acc = (acc + n // 2) if 2 ** logn == n: acc = acc.round(self.output_squant.params.k + logn, logn, nearest=True) else: acc = acc.int_div(sint(n), self.output_squant.params.k + logn) return acc class FixBase: bias_before_reduction = False class my_squant(sfix): params = None @classmethod def new_squant(cls): return cls.my_squant def input_params_from(self, player): pass def const_div(self, acc, n): return (sfix._new(acc) * self.output_squant(1 / n)).v class BaseLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, inputs=None): self.input_shape = input_shape self.output_shape = output_shape self.input_squant = self.new_squant() self.output_squant = self.new_squant() self.X = Tensor(input_shape, self.input_squant) self.Y = Tensor(output_shape, self.output_squant) back_shapes = list(input_shape), list(output_shape) for x in back_shapes: x[0] = min(x[0], self.back_batch_size) self.nabla_X = Tensor(back_shapes[0], self.input_squant) self.nabla_Y = Tensor(back_shapes[1], self.output_squant) self.inputs = inputs def temp_shape(self): return [0] @property def N(self): return self.input_shape[0] class ConvBase(BaseLayer): fewer_rounds = True use_conv2ds = True temp_weights = None temp_inputs = None thetas = lambda self: (self.weights, self.bias) nablas = lambda self: (self.nabla_weights, self.nabla_bias) @classmethod def init_temp(cls, layers): size = 0 for layer in layers: size = max(size, reduce(operator.mul, layer.temp_shape())) cls.temp_weights = sfix.Array(size) cls.temp_inputs = sfix.Array(size) def __init__(self, input_shape, weight_shape, bias_shape, output_shape, stride, padding='SAME', tf_weight_format=False, inputs=None, weight_type=None): super(ConvBase, self).__init__(input_shape, output_shape, inputs=inputs) self.weight_shape = weight_shape self.bias_shape = bias_shape self.stride = stride self.tf_weight_format = tf_weight_format if padding == 'SAME': # self.padding = [] for i in 1, 2: s = stride[i - 1] assert output_shape[i] >= input_shape[i] // s if tf_weight_format: w = weight_shape[i - 1] else: w = weight_shape[i] if (input_shape[i] % stride[1] == 0): pad_total = max(w - s, 0) else: pad_total = max(w - (input_shape[i] % s), 0) self.padding.append(pad_total // 2) elif padding == 'VALID': self.padding = [0, 0] elif isinstance(padding, int): self.padding = [padding, padding] else: self.padding = padding if weight_type: self.weight_squant = weight_type else: self.weight_squant = self.new_squant() self.bias_squant = self.new_squant() self.weights = Tensor(weight_shape, self.weight_squant) self.bias = Array(output_shape[-1], self.bias_squant) self.nabla_weights = Tensor(weight_shape, self.weight_squant) self.nabla_bias = Array(output_shape[-1], self.bias_squant) self.unreduced = Tensor(self.output_shape, sint, address=self.Y.address) if tf_weight_format: weight_in = weight_shape[2] else: weight_in = weight_shape[3] assert(weight_in == input_shape[-1]) assert(bias_shape[0] == output_shape[-1]) assert(len(bias_shape) == 1) assert(len(input_shape) == 4) assert(len(output_shape) == 4) assert(len(weight_shape) == 4) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, padding=%s, tf_weight_format=%s)' % \ (type(self).__name__, self.X.sizes, self.weight_shape, self.bias_shape, self.Y.sizes, self.stride, repr(self.padding), self.tf_weight_format) def input_from(self, player, **kwargs): self.input_params_from(player) self.weights.input_from(player, budget=100000, **kwargs) if self.input_bias: self.bias.input_from(player, **kwargs) def output_weights(self): self.weights.print_reveal_nested() print_ln('%s', self.bias.reveal_nested()) def reveal_parameters_to_binary(self): assert not self.tf_weight_format n_filters = self.weights.shape[0] n_channels = self.weights.shape[3] @for_range(n_filters) def _(i): @for_range(n_channels) def _(j): part = self.weights.get_vector_by_indices(i, None, None, j) part.reveal().binary_output() self.bias.reveal_to_binary_output() def dot_product(self, iv, wv, out_y, out_x, out_c): bias = self.bias[out_c] acc = self.output_squant.unreduced_dot_product(iv, wv) acc.v += bias.v acc.res_params = self.output_squant.params #self.Y[0][out_y][out_x][out_c] = acc.reduce_after_mul() self.unreduced[0][out_y][out_x][out_c] = acc.v def reduction(self, batch_length=1): unreduced = self.unreduced n_summands = self.n_summands() #start_timer(2) n_outputs = batch_length * reduce(operator.mul, self.output_shape[1:]) @multithread(self.n_threads, n_outputs, max_size=program.budget) def _(base, n_per_thread): res = self.input_squant().unreduced( sint.load_mem(unreduced.address + base, size=n_per_thread), self.weight_squant(), self.output_squant.params, n_summands).reduce_after_mul() res.store_in_mem(self.Y.address + base) #stop_timer(2) def temp_shape(self): return list(self.output_shape[1:]) + [self.n_summands()] def prepare_temp(self): shape = self.temp_shape() inputs = MultiArray(shape, self.input_squant, address=self.temp_inputs) weights = MultiArray(shape, self.weight_squant, address=self.temp_weights) return inputs, weights class Conv2d(ConvBase): def n_summands(self): _, weights_h, weights_w, _ = self.weight_shape _, inputs_h, inputs_w, n_channels_in = self.input_shape return weights_h * weights_w * n_channels_in def _forward(self, batch): if self.tf_weight_format: assert(self.weight_shape[3] == self.output_shape[-1]) weights_h, weights_w, _, _ = self.weight_shape else: assert(self.weight_shape[0] == self.output_shape[-1]) _, weights_h, weights_w, _ = self.weight_shape _, inputs_h, inputs_w, n_channels_in = self.input_shape _, output_h, output_w, n_channels_out = self.output_shape stride_h, stride_w = self.stride padding_h, padding_w = self.padding if self.use_conv2ds: part_size = 1 @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [len(batch), n_channels_out]) def _(i, j): inputs = self.X.get_slice_vector( batch.get_part(i * part_size, part_size)) if self.tf_weight_format: weights = self.weights.get_vector_by_indices(None, None, None, j) else: weights = self.weights.get_part_vector(j) inputs = inputs.pre_mul() weights = weights.pre_mul() res = sint(size = output_h * output_w * part_size) conv2ds(res, inputs, weights, output_h, output_w, inputs_h, inputs_w, weights_h, weights_w, stride_h, stride_w, n_channels_in, padding_h, padding_w, part_size) if self.bias_before_reduction: res += self.bias.expand_to_vector(j, res.size).v else: res += self.bias.expand_to_vector(j, res.size).v << \ self.weight_squant.f addresses =, self.unreduced[i * part_size].address + j, n_channels_out) res.store_in_mem(addresses) self.reduction(len(batch)) if self.debug_output: print_ln('%s weights %s', self, self.weights.reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s bias %s', self, self.bias.reveal_nested()) @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): print_ln('%s X %s %s', self, i, self.X[batch[i]].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s Y %s %s', self, i, self.Y[i].reveal_nested()) return else: assert len(batch) == 1 if self.fewer_rounds: inputs, weights = self.prepare_temp() @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [output_h, output_w, n_channels_out]) def _(out_y, out_x, out_c): in_x_origin = (out_x * stride_w) - padding_w in_y_origin = (out_y * stride_h) - padding_h iv = [] wv = [] for filter_y in range(weights_h): in_y = in_y_origin + filter_y inside_y = (0 <= in_y) * (in_y < inputs_h) for filter_x in range(weights_w): in_x = in_x_origin + filter_x inside_x = (0 <= in_x) * (in_x < inputs_w) inside = inside_y * inside_x if is_zero(inside): continue for in_c in range(n_channels_in): iv += [self.X[0][in_y * inside_y] [in_x * inside_x][in_c]] wv += [self.weights[out_c][filter_y][filter_x][in_c]] wv[-1] *= inside if self.fewer_rounds: inputs[out_y][out_x][out_c].assign(iv) weights[out_y][out_x][out_c].assign(wv) else: self.dot_product(iv, wv, out_y, out_x, out_c) if self.fewer_rounds: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, list(self.output_shape[1:])) def _(out_y, out_x, out_c): self.dot_product(inputs[out_y][out_x][out_c], weights[out_y][out_x][out_c], out_y, out_x, out_c) self.reduction() class QuantConvBase(QuantBase): def input_params_from(self, player): for s in self.input_squant, self.weight_squant, self.bias_squant, self.output_squant: s.get_params_from(player) print('WARNING: assuming that bias quantization parameters are correct') self.output_squant.params.precompute(self.input_squant.params, self.weight_squant.params) class QuantConv2d(QuantConvBase, Conv2d): pass
[docs]class FixConv2d(Conv2d, FixBase): """ Fixed-point 2D convolution layer. :param input_shape: input shape (tuple/list of four int) :param weight_shape: weight shape (tuple/list of four int) :param bias_shape: bias shape (tuple/list of one int) :param output_shape: output shape (tuple/list of four int) :param stride: stride (tuple/list of two int) :param padding: :py:obj:`'SAME'` (default), :py:obj:`'VALID'`, or tuple/list of two int :param tf_weight_format: weight shape format is (height, width, input channels, output channels) instead of the default (output channels, height, width, input channels) """ def reset(self): assert not self.tf_weight_format n_in = reduce(operator.mul, self.weight_shape[1:]) r = math.sqrt(6.0 / (n_in + self.weight_shape[0])) print('Initializing convolution weights in [%f,%f]' % (-r, r)) self.weights.randomize(-r, r, n_threads=self.n_threads) self.bias.assign_all(0) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=True, batch=None): assert self.use_conv2ds assert not self.tf_weight_format _, weights_h, weights_w, _ = self.weight_shape _, inputs_h, inputs_w, n_channels_in = self.input_shape _, output_h, output_w, n_channels_out = self.output_shape stride_h, stride_w = self.stride padding_h, padding_w = self.padding N = len(batch) self.nabla_bias.assign_all(0) @for_range(N) def _(i): self.nabla_bias.assign_vector( self.nabla_bias.get_vector() + sum(sum( self.nabla_Y[i][j][k].get_vector() for k in range(output_w)) for j in range(output_h))) input_size = inputs_h * inputs_w * N batch_repeat = regint.Matrix(N, inputs_h * inputs_w) batch_repeat.assign_vector(batch.get(, 0, 1, 1, N)) * reduce(operator.mul, self.input_shape[1:])) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [n_channels_in, n_channels_out]) def _(i, j): a =, self.X.address + i, n_channels_in, N, inputs_h * inputs_w) inputs = sfix.load_mem(batch_repeat.get_vector() + a).pre_mul() b = * output_w * output_h, self.nabla_Y.address + j, n_channels_out, N) rep_out = * output_w * N, 0, 1, 1, N) * \ reduce(operator.mul, self.output_shape[1:]) nabla_outputs = sfix.load_mem(rep_out + b).pre_mul() res = sint(size = weights_h * weights_w) conv2ds(res, inputs, nabla_outputs, weights_h, weights_w, inputs_h, inputs_w, output_h, output_w, -stride_h, -stride_w, N, padding_h, padding_w, 1) reduced = unreduced_sfix._new(res).reduce_after_mul() self.nabla_weights.assign_vector_by_indices(reduced, j, None, None, i) if compute_nabla_X: assert tuple(self.stride) == (1, 1) reverse_weights = MultiArray( [n_channels_in, weights_h, weights_w, n_channels_out], sfix) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, n_channels_in) def _(l): @for_range(weights_h) def _(j): @for_range(weights_w) def _(k): addresses =, self.weights[0][j][weights_w-k-1].get_address(l), reduce(operator.mul, self.weights.sizes[1:])) reverse_weights[l][weights_h-j-1][k].assign_vector( self.weights.value_type.load_mem(addresses)) padded_w = inputs_w + 2 * padding_w padded_h = inputs_h + 2 * padding_h if padding_h or padding_w: output = MultiArray( [N, padded_h, padded_w, n_channels_in], sfix) else: output = self.nabla_X @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [N, n_channels_in]) def _(i, j): res = sint(size = (padded_w * padded_h)) conv2ds(res, self.nabla_Y[i].get_vector().pre_mul(), reverse_weights[j].get_vector().pre_mul(), padded_h, padded_w, output_h, output_w, weights_h, weights_w, 1, 1, n_channels_out, weights_h - 1, weights_w - 1, 1) output.assign_vector_by_indices( unreduced_sfix._new(res).reduce_after_mul(), i, None, None, j) if padding_h or padding_w: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, N) def _(i): @for_range(inputs_h) def _(j): @for_range(inputs_w) def _(k): jj = j + padding_w kk = k + padding_w self.nabla_X[i][j][k].assign_vector( output[i][jj][kk].get_vector()) if self.debug_output: @for_range(len(batch)) def _(i): print_ln('%s X %s %s', self, i, list(self.X[i].reveal_nested())) print_ln('%s nabla Y %s %s', self, i, list(self.nabla_Y[i].reveal_nested())) if compute_nabla_X: print_ln('%s nabla X %s %s', self, i, self.nabla_X[batch[i]].reveal_nested()) print_ln('%s nabla weights %s', self, (self.nabla_weights.reveal_nested())) print_ln('%s weights %s', self, (self.weights.reveal_nested())) print_ln('%s nabla b %s', self, (self.nabla_bias.reveal_nested())) print_ln('%s bias %s', self, (self.bias.reveal_nested()))
class QuantDepthwiseConv2d(QuantConvBase, Conv2d): def n_summands(self): _, weights_h, weights_w, _ = self.weight_shape return weights_h * weights_w def _forward(self, batch): assert len(batch) == 1 assert(self.weight_shape[-1] == self.output_shape[-1]) assert(self.input_shape[-1] == self.output_shape[-1]) _, weights_h, weights_w, _ = self.weight_shape _, inputs_h, inputs_w, n_channels_in = self.input_shape _, output_h, output_w, n_channels_out = self.output_shape stride_h, stride_w = self.stride padding_h, padding_w = self.padding depth_multiplier = 1 if self.use_conv2ds: assert depth_multiplier == 1 assert self.weight_shape[0] == 1 @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, n_channels_in) def _(j): inputs = self.X.get_vector_by_indices(0, None, None, j) assert not self.tf_weight_format weights = self.weights.get_vector_by_indices(0, None, None, j) inputs = inputs.pre_mul() weights = weights.pre_mul() res = sint(size = output_h * output_w) conv2ds(res, inputs, weights, output_h, output_w, inputs_h, inputs_w, weights_h, weights_w, stride_h, stride_w, 1, padding_h, padding_w, 1) res += self.bias.expand_to_vector(j, res.size).v self.unreduced.assign_vector_by_indices(res, 0, None, None, j) self.reduction() return else: if self.fewer_rounds: inputs, weights = self.prepare_temp() @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [output_h, output_w, n_channels_in]) def _(out_y, out_x, in_c): for m in range(depth_multiplier): oc = m + in_c * depth_multiplier in_x_origin = (out_x * stride_w) - padding_w in_y_origin = (out_y * stride_h) - padding_h iv = [] wv = [] for filter_y in range(weights_h): for filter_x in range(weights_w): in_x = in_x_origin + filter_x in_y = in_y_origin + filter_y inside = (0 <= in_x) * (in_x < inputs_w) * \ (0 <= in_y) * (in_y < inputs_h) if is_zero(inside): continue iv += [self.X[0][in_y][in_x][in_c]] wv += [self.weights[0][filter_y][filter_x][oc]] wv[-1] *= inside if self.fewer_rounds: inputs[out_y][out_x][oc].assign(iv) weights[out_y][out_x][oc].assign(wv) else: self.dot_product(iv, wv, out_y, out_x, oc) if self.fewer_rounds: @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, list(self.output_shape[1:])) def _(out_y, out_x, out_c): self.dot_product(inputs[out_y][out_x][out_c], weights[out_y][out_x][out_c], out_y, out_x, out_c) self.reduction() class AveragePool2d(BaseLayer): def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, filter_size, strides=(1, 1)): super(AveragePool2d, self).__init__(input_shape, output_shape) self.filter_size = filter_size self.strides = strides for i in (0, 1): if strides[i] == 1: assert output_shape[1+i] == 1 assert filter_size[i] == input_shape[1+i] else: assert strides[i] == filter_size[i] assert output_shape[1+i] * strides[i] == input_shape[1+i] def input_from(self, player, raw=False): self.input_params_from(player) def _forward(self, batch=[0]): assert len(batch) == 1 _, input_h, input_w, n_channels_in = self.input_shape _, output_h, output_w, n_channels_out = self.output_shape assert n_channels_in == n_channels_out padding_h, padding_w = (0, 0) stride_h, stride_w = self.strides filter_h, filter_w = self.filter_size n = filter_h * filter_w print('divisor: ', n) @for_range_opt_multithread(self.n_threads, [output_h, output_w, n_channels_in]) def _(out_y, out_x, c): in_x_origin = (out_x * stride_w) - padding_w in_y_origin = (out_y * stride_h) - padding_h fxs = util.max(-in_x_origin, 0) #fxe = min(filter_w, input_w - in_x_origin) fys = util.max(-in_y_origin, 0) #fye = min(filter_h, input_h - in_y_origin) acc = 0 #fc = 0 for i in range(filter_h): filter_y = fys + i for j in range(filter_w): filter_x = fxs + j in_x = in_x_origin + filter_x in_y = in_y_origin + filter_y acc += self.X[0][in_y][in_x][c].v #fc += 1 acc = self.const_div(acc, n) self.Y[0][out_y][out_x][c] = self.output_squant._new(acc)
[docs]def easyConv2d(input_shape, batch_size, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, **kwargs): """ More convenient interface to :py:class:`FixConv2d`. :param input_shape: input shape (tuple/list of four int) :param out_channels: output channels (int) :param kernel_size: kernel size (int or tuple/list of two int) :param stride: stride (int or tuple/list of two int) :param padding: :py:obj:`'SAME'`, :py:obj:`'VALID'`, int, or tuple/list of two int """ if isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size) if isinstance(stride, int): stride = (stride, stride) weight_shape = [out_channels] + list(kernel_size) + [input_shape[-1]] output_shape = [batch_size] + list( apply_padding(input_shape[1:3], kernel_size, stride, padding)) + \ [out_channels] padding = padding.upper() if isinstance(padding, str) \ else padding return FixConv2d(input_shape, weight_shape, (out_channels,), output_shape, stride, padding, **kwargs)
[docs]def easyMaxPool(input_shape, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0): """ More convenient interface to :py:class:`MaxPool`. :param input_shape: input shape (tuple/list of four int) :param kernel_size: kernel size (int or tuple/list of two int) :param stride: stride (int or tuple/list of two int) :param padding: :py:obj:`'SAME'`, :py:obj:`'VALID'`, int, or tuple/list of two int """ kernel_size, stride, padding = \ _standardize_pool_options(kernel_size, stride, padding) return MaxPool(input_shape, [1] + list(stride) + [1], [1] + list(kernel_size) + [1], padding)
def _standardize_pool_options(kernel_size, stride, padding): if isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size) if isinstance(stride, int): stride = (stride, stride) if stride == None: stride = kernel_size padding = padding.upper() if isinstance(padding, str) \ else padding return kernel_size, stride, padding class QuantAveragePool2d(QuantBase, AveragePool2d): def input_params_from(self, player): print('WARNING: assuming that input and output quantization parameters are the same') for s in self.input_squant, self.output_squant: s.get_params_from(player)
[docs]class FixAveragePool2d(PoolBase, FixBase): """ Fixed-point 2D AvgPool layer. :param input_shape: input shape (tuple/list of four int) :param output_shape: output shape (tuple/list of four int) :param filter_size: filter size (int or tuple/list of two int) :param strides: strides (int or tuple/list of two int) :param padding: :py:obj:`'SAME'`, :py:obj:`'VALID'`, int, or tuple/list of two int """ def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, filter_size, strides=(1, 1), padding=0): filter_size, strides, padding = \ _standardize_pool_options(filter_size, strides, padding) PoolBase.__init__(self, input_shape, [1] + list(strides) + [1], [1] + list(filter_size) + [1], padding) self.pool_size = reduce(operator.mul, filter_size) self.d_out = self.Y.shape[-1] if output_shape: assert self.Y.shape == list(output_shape) def _forward(self, batch): def process(pool, bi, k, i, j): self.Y[bi][i][j][k] = sum(x[0] for x in pool) * (1 / self.pool_size) self.traverse(batch, process) def backward(self, compute_nabla_X=True, batch=None): if compute_nabla_X: self.nabla_X.alloc() self.nabla_X.assign_all(0) break_point() def process(pool, bi, k, i, j): part = self.nabla_Y[bi][i][j][k] * (1 / self.pool_size) for x, h_in, w_in, h, w in pool: hh = h * h_in ww = w * w_in res = h_in * w_in * part get_program().protect_memory(True) self.nabla_X[bi][hh][ww][k] += res get_program().protect_memory(False) self.traverse(batch, process)
class QuantReshape(QuantBase, BaseLayer): def __init__(self, input_shape, _, output_shape): super(QuantReshape, self).__init__(input_shape, output_shape) def input_from(self, player): print('WARNING: assuming that input and output quantization parameters are the same') _ = self.new_squant() for s in self.input_squant, _, self.output_squant: s.set_params(sfloat.get_input_from(player), sint.get_input_from(player)) for i in range(2): sint.get_input_from(player) def _forward(self, batch): assert len(batch) == 1 # reshaping is implicit self.Y.assign(self.X) class QuantSoftmax(QuantBase, BaseLayer): def input_from(self, player): print('WARNING: assuming that input and output quantization parameters are the same') for s in self.input_squant, self.output_squant: s.set_params(sfloat.get_input_from(player), sint.get_input_from(player)) def _forward(self, batch): assert len(batch) == 1 assert(len(self.input_shape) == 2) # just print the best def comp(left, right): c = left[1].v.greater_than(right[1].v, self.input_squant.params.k) #print_ln('comp %s %s %s', c.reveal(), left[1].v.reveal(), right[1].v.reveal()) return [c.if_else(x, y) for x, y in zip(left, right)] print_ln('guess: %s', util.tree_reduce(comp, list(enumerate(self.X[0])))[0].reveal())
[docs]class Optimizer: """ Base class for graphs of layers. """ n_threads = Layer.n_threads always_shuffle = True shuffle = True time_layers = False revealing_correctness = False early_division = False output_diff = False output_grad = False output_stats = False print_accuracy = True time_training = True @staticmethod def from_args(program, layers): if 'adam' in program.args or 'adamapprox' in program.args: res = Adam(layers, 1, approx='adamapprox' in program.args) elif 'amsgrad' in program.args: res = Adam(layers, approx=True, amsgrad=True) elif 'amsgradprec' in program.args: res = Adam(layers, approx=False, amsgrad=True) elif 'quotient' in program.args: res = Adam(layers, approx=True, amsgrad=True, normalize=True) else: res = SGD(layers, 1) res.early_division = 'early_div' in program.args res.output_diff = 'output_diff' in program.args res.output_grad = 'output_grad' in program.args res.output_stats = 'output_stats' in program.args return res def __init__(self, layers=[], report_loss=None, time_layers=False): if get_program().options.binary: raise CompilerError( 'machine learning code not compatible with binary circuits') self.tol = 0.000 self.report_loss = report_loss self.X_by_label = None self.print_update_average = False self.print_random_update = False self.print_losses = False self.print_loss_reduction = False self.i_epoch = MemValue(0) self.stopped_on_loss = MemValue(0) self.stopped_on_low_loss = MemValue(0) self.layers = layers self.time_layers = time_layers if time_layers: for i, layer in enumerate(layers): print('Timer %d: %s' % (100 + i, repr(layer))) @property def layers(self): """ Get all layers. """ return self._layers @layers.setter def layers(self, layers): """ Construct linear graph from list of layers. """ self._layers = layers self.thetas = [] prev = None for layer in layers: if not layer.inputs and prev is not None: layer.inputs = [prev] prev = layer self.thetas.extend(layer.thetas())
[docs] def set_layers_with_inputs(self, layers): """ Construct graph from :py:obj:`inputs` members of list of layers. """ self._layers = layers used = set([None]) for layer in reversed(layers): layer.last_used = list(filter(lambda x: x not in used, layer.inputs)) used.update(layer.inputs)
def set_learning_rate(self, lr): print('Setting learning rate to', lr) self.gamma = MemValue(cfix(lr))
[docs] def reset(self): """ Initialize weights. """ for layer in self.layers: layer.reset() self.i_epoch.write(0) self.stopped_on_loss.write(0)
def batch_for(self, layer, batch): if layer in (self.layers[0], self.layers[-1]): assert not isinstance(layer, BatchNorm) return batch else: batch = regint.Array(len(batch)) batch.assign( return batch
[docs] @_no_mem_warnings def forward(self, N=None, batch=None, keep_intermediate=True, model_from=None, training=False, run_last=True): """ Compute graph. :param N: batch size (used if batch not given) :param batch: indices for computation (:py:class:`~Compiler.types.Array` or list) :param keep_intermediate: do not free memory of intermediate results after use """ if batch is None: batch = regint.Array(N) batch.assign( for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if layer.inputs and len(layer.inputs) == 1 and layer.inputs[0] is not None: layer._X.address = layer.inputs[0].Y.address layer.Y.alloc() if model_from is not None: layer.input_from(model_from) break_point() if self.time_layers: start_timer(100 + i) if i != len(self.layers) - 1 or run_last: for theta in layer.thetas(): theta.alloc() layer.forward(batch=self.batch_for(layer, batch), training=training) if self.print_random_update: print_ln('forward layer %s', layer) l = min(100, layer.Y[i].total_size()) i = regint.get_random(64) % len(batch) if l < 100: j = 0 else: j = regint.get_random(64) % \ (layer.Y[i].total_size() - l) print_ln('forward layer %s at (%s, %s): %s', layer, i, j, layer.Y[i].to_array().get_vector(j, l).reveal()) i = regint.get_random(64) % layer.Y[0].total_size() print_ln('forward layer %s vertical at %s: %s', layer, i, [layer.Y[j].to_array()[i].reveal() for j in range(len(batch))]) if self.time_layers: stop_timer(100 + i) break_point() if not keep_intermediate: for l in layer.last_used: l.Y.delete() for theta in layer.thetas(): theta.delete()
[docs] @_no_mem_warnings def eval(self, data, batch_size=None, top=False): """ Compute evaluation after training. :param data: sample data (:py:class:`Compiler.types.Matrix` with one row per sample) :param top: return top prediction instead of probability distribution :returns: sfix/sint Array (depening on :py:obj:`top`) """ if isinstance(self.layers[-1].Y, Array) or top: if top: res = sint.Array(len(data)) else: res = sfix.Array(len(data)) else: res = sfix.Matrix(len(data), self.layers[-1].d_out) def f(start, batch_size, batch): batch.assign_vector(, start)) self.forward(batch=batch, run_last=False) part = self.layers[-1].eval(batch_size, top=top) res.assign_part_vector(part.get_vector(), start) if self.output_stats: for layer in self.layers[:-1]: print_ln(layer) self.stat(' Y', layer.Y) self.run_in_batches(f, data, batch_size or len(self.layers[1].X)) return res
[docs] @_no_mem_warnings def backward(self, batch): """ Compute backward propagation. """ for i, layer in reversed(list(enumerate(self.layers))): assert len(batch) <= layer.back_batch_size if self.time_layers: start_timer(200 + i) if not layer.inputs: layer.backward(compute_nabla_X=False, batch=self.batch_for(layer, batch)) else: layer.nabla_X.alloc() layer.backward(batch=self.batch_for(layer, batch)) if len(layer.inputs) == 1: layer.inputs[0].nabla_Y.address = \ layer.nabla_X.address if i == len(self.layers) - 1 and self.early_division: layer.nabla_X.assign_vector( layer.nabla_X.get_vector() / len(batch)) if self.time_layers: stop_timer(200 + i)
@classmethod def stat(cls, name, tensor): zero, neg, small = (cint.Array(cls.n_threads) for i in range(3)) s, mx, mn = (cfix.Array(cls.n_threads) for i in range(3)) for x in zero, neg, small, s, mx, mn: x.assign_all(0) total = tensor.total_size() @multithread(cls.n_threads, total) def _(base, size): tn = get_thread_number() - 1 tmp = Array.create_from( tensor.get_vector(base, size).reveal()) @for_range_opt(size, budget=1000) def _(i): zero[tn] += tmp[i] == 0 neg[tn] += tmp[i] < 0 small[tn] += abs(tmp[i]) < 2 ** (-tmp[i].f / 2) s[tn] += tmp[i] mx[tn] = util.max(mx[tn], tmp[i]) mn[tn] = util.min(mn[tn], tmp[i]) tmp.delete() print_str( ' %s 0:%s/%s, <0:%s/%s, >0:%s/%s, ~0:%s/%s sum:%s max:%s min:%s ', name, sum(zero), total, sum(neg), total, total - sum(zero) - sum(neg), total, sum(small) - sum(zero), total, sum(s), util.max(mx), util.min(mn)) if len(tensor.shape) == 4: corners = sum(([tensor[0][i][j][0] for j in (0, -1)] for i in (0, -1)), []) elif len(tensor.shape) == 1: x = tensor.to_array() corners = [x[i] for i in (0, len(x) // 2 - 1, -1)] else: x = tensor[0].to_array() corners = [x[i] for i in (0, len(x) // 2 - 1, -1)] print_ln('corners:%s shape:%s', util.reveal(corners), tensor.shape) def update(self, i_epoch, i_batch, batch): if self.output_grad: @if_(i_batch % 100 == 0) def _(): for layer in self.layers[:-1]: cfix(10000).binary_output() break_point() layer.nabla_Y.get_vector(size=2000).reveal().binary_output() break_point() for theta, nabla in zip(layer.thetas(), layer.nablas()): cfix(5000).binary_output() break_point() nabla.get_vector().reveal().binary_output() break_point() if self.output_stats: old_params = [] @if_((i_batch % self.output_stats == 0).bit_or(i_epoch == 0)) def _(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers[:-1]): print_ln(layer) if layer == self.layers[0]: x = Array.create_from(layer.X.get_slice_vector(batch)) self.stat(' 0 X', x) else: self.stat(' %d X' % i, layer.X) self.stat(' %d Y' % i, layer.Y) self.stat(' %d nabla_Y' % i, layer.nabla_Y) for nabla in layer.nablas(): self.stat(' %d grad' % i, nabla) for theta in layer.thetas(): self.stat(' %d param' % i, theta) if theta.total_size() < 1000: old_params.append(theta.get_vector()) if self.time_layers: start_timer(1000) self._update(i_epoch, MemValue(i_batch), batch) if self.time_layers: stop_timer(1000) if self.output_stats: @if_(i_batch % self.output_stats == 0) def _(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers[:-1]): for theta in layer.thetas(): if theta.total_size() < 1000: print_ln(layer) self.stat(' %d diff' % i, Array.create_from( theta.get_vector() - old_params[0])) del old_params[0]
[docs] @_no_mem_warnings def run(self, batch_size=None, stop_on_loss=0): """ Run training. :param batch_size: batch size (defaults to example size of first layer) :param stop_on_loss: stop when loss falls below this (default: 0) """ if self.n_epochs == 0: return if batch_size is not None: N = batch_size else: N = self.layers[0].N i = self.i_epoch n_iterations = MemValue(0) self.n_correct = MemValue(0) @for_range(self.n_epochs) def _(_): if self.X_by_label is None: self.X_by_label = [[None] * self.layers[0].N] assert len(self.X_by_label) in (1, 2) assert N % len(self.X_by_label) == 0 n = N // len(self.X_by_label) n_per_epoch = int(math.ceil(1. * max(len(X) for X in self.X_by_label) / n)) print('%d runs per epoch' % n_per_epoch) indices_by_label = [] for label, X in enumerate(self.X_by_label): indices = regint.Array(n * n_per_epoch) indices_by_label.append(indices) indices.assign( missing = len(indices) - len(X) if missing: indices.assign_vector( regint.get_random(int(math.log2(len(X))), size=missing), base=len(X)) if self.shuffle and (self.always_shuffle or n_per_epoch > 1): indices.shuffle() loss_sum = MemValue(sfix(0)) self.n_correct.write(0) @for_range(n_per_epoch) def _(j): n_iterations.iadd(1) batch = regint.Array(N) for label, X in enumerate(self.X_by_label): indices = indices_by_label[label] batch.assign(indices.get_vector(j * n, n) + regint(label * len(self.X_by_label[0]), size=n), label * n) self.forward(batch=batch, training=True) self.backward(batch=batch) self.update(i, j, batch=batch) loss_sum.iadd(self.layers[-1].l) if self.print_loss_reduction: before = self.layers[-1].average_loss(N) self.forward(batch=batch) after = self.layers[-1].average_loss(N) print_ln('loss reduction in batch %s: %s (%s - %s)', j, before - after, before, after) elif self.print_losses: print_str('\rloss in batch %s: %s/%s', j, self.layers[-1].average_loss(N), loss_sum.reveal() / (j + 1)) if self.revealing_correctness: part_truth = self.layers[-1].Y.same_shape() part_truth.assign_vector( self.layers[-1].Y.get_slice_vector(batch)) self.n_correct.iadd( self.layers[-1].reveal_correctness(batch_size, part_truth)) if stop_on_loss: loss = self.layers[-1].average_loss(N) res = (loss < stop_on_loss) * (loss >= -1) self.stopped_on_loss.write(1 - res) print_ln_if( self.stopped_on_loss, 'aborting epoch because loss is outside range: %s', loss) return res if self.print_losses: print_ln() self.missing_newline = False if self.report_loss and self.layers[-1].compute_loss and self.layers[-1].approx != 5: print_ln('loss in epoch %s: %s', i, (loss_sum.reveal() * cfix(1 / n_per_epoch))) else: print_str('done with epoch %s', i) if self.time_training or self.print_losses: print_ln() else: print_str('\r') self.missing_newline = True if self.time_training: time() i.iadd(1) res = True if self.tol > 0: res *= (1 - (loss_sum >= 0) * \ (loss_sum < self.tol * n_per_epoch)).reveal() self.stopped_on_low_loss.write(1 - res) return res
[docs] def reveal_correctness(self, data, truth, batch_size=128, running=False): """ Test correctness by revealing results. :param data: test sample data :param truth: test labels :param batch_size: batch size :param running: output after every batch """ N = data.sizes[0] n_correct = MemValue(0) loss = MemValue(sfix(0)) def f(start, batch_size, batch): batch.assign_vector(, start)) self.forward(batch=batch, run_last=False) part_truth = truth.get_part(start, batch_size) n_correct.iadd( self.layers[-1].reveal_correctness(batch_size, part_truth)) loss.iadd(self.layers[-1].l * batch_size) if running: total = start + batch_size print_str('\rpart acc: %s (%s/%s) ', cfix(n_correct, k=63, f=31) / total, n_correct, total) self.run_in_batches(f, data, batch_size, truth) if running: print_ln() loss = loss.reveal() if cfix.f < 31: loss = cfix._new(loss.v << (31 - cfix.f), k=63, f=31) return n_correct, loss / N
def run_in_batches(self, f, data, batch_size, truth=None): batch_size = min(batch_size, data.sizes[0]) training_data = self.layers[0]._X.array._address training_truth = self.layers[-1].Y.address self.layers[0]._X.address = data.address if truth: self.layers[-1].Y.address = truth.address N = data.sizes[0] batch = regint.Array(batch_size) @for_range(N // batch_size) def _(i): start = i * batch_size f(start, batch_size, batch) batch_size = N % batch_size if batch_size: start = N - batch_size f(start, batch_size, regint.Array(batch_size)) self.layers[0].X.address = training_data self.layers[-1].Y.address = training_truth @_no_mem_warnings def run_by_args(self, program, n_runs, batch_size, test_X, test_Y, acc_batch_size=None, reset=True): MultiArray.disable_index_checks() Array.check_indices = False if acc_batch_size is None: acc_batch_size = batch_size depreciation = None if program is None: class A: pass program = A() program.args = [] for arg in program.args: m = re.match('rate(.*)', arg) if m: self.set_learning_rate(float( m = re.match('dep(.*)', arg) if m: depreciation = float( if 'nomom' in program.args: self.momentum = 0 self.print_losses |= 'print_losses' in program.args self.print_random_update = 'print_random_update' in program.args Layer.print_random_update = self.print_random_update self.time_layers = 'time_layers' in program.args self.revealing_correctness &= not 'no_acc' in program.args self.layers[-1].compute_loss = not 'no_loss' in program.args if 'full_cisc' in program.args: program.options.keep_cisc = 'FPDiv,exp2_fx,log2_fx' model_input = 'model_input' in program.args acc_first = model_input and not 'train_first' in program.args if model_input: for layer in self.layers: layer.input_from(0) elif reset and not 'no_reset' in program.args: self.reset() else: for layer in self.layers: for theta in layer.thetas(): theta.alloc() if 'one_iter' in program.args: print_float_prec(16) self.output_weights() print_ln('loss') self.eval( self.layers[0].X.get_part(0, batch_size), batch_size=batch_size).print_reveal_nested() for layer in self.layers: layer.X.get_part(0, batch_size).print_reveal_nested() print_ln('%s', self.layers[-1].Y.get_part(0, batch_size).reveal_nested()) batch = Array.create_from( self.forward(batch=batch, training=True) self.backward(batch=batch) self.update(0, batch=batch) print_ln('loss %s', self.layers[-1].l.reveal()) self.output_weights() return if 'bench10' in program.args or 'bench1' in program.args: n = 1 if 'bench1' in program.args else 10 print('benchmarking %s iterations' % n) # force allocatoin self.layers[0].X, self.layers[-1].Y @for_range(n) def _(i): batch = Array.create_from( self.forward(batch=batch, training=True) self.backward(batch=batch) self.update(0, batch=batch, i_batch=0) return @for_range(n_runs) def _(i): if not acc_first: if self.time_training: start_timer(1), stop_on_loss=0 if 'no_loss' in program.args else 100) if self.time_training: stop_timer(1) if 'no_acc' in program.args: return N = self.layers[0].X.sizes[0] n_trained = (N + batch_size - 1) // batch_size * batch_size if not acc_first and self.print_accuracy and \ self.revealing_correctness: print_ln('train_acc: %s (%s/%s)', cfix(self.n_correct, k=63, f=31) / n_trained, self.n_correct, n_trained) if test_X and test_Y: print('use test set') n_test = len(test_Y) n_correct, loss = self.reveal_correctness( test_X, test_Y, acc_batch_size, running='part_acc' in program.args) print_ln('test loss: %s', loss) if self.print_accuracy: print_ln('acc: %s (%s/%s)', cfix(n_correct, k=63, f=31) / n_test, n_correct, n_test) if acc_first: if self.time_training: start_timer(1) if self.time_training: stop_timer(1) else: @if_(util.or_op(self.stopped_on_loss, (n_correct < int(n_test // self.layers[-1].n_outputs * 1.2)) if test_X and test_Y else 0)) def _(): self.gamma.imul(.5) if 'crash' in program.args: @if_(self.gamma == 0) def _(): runtime_error('diverging') self.reset() print_ln('reset after reducing learning rate to %s', self.gamma) if depreciation: self.gamma.imul(depreciation) print_ln('reducing learning rate to %s', self.gamma) print_ln_if(self.stopped_on_low_loss, 'aborting run because of low loss') return 1 - self.stopped_on_low_loss if self.missing_newline: print_ln('') if 'model_output' in program.args: self.output_weights()
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, epochs=1, batch_size=128, validation_data=(None, None), program=None, reset=True, print_accuracy=False, print_loss=False): """ Train model. :param X: training sample data (sfix tensor) :param Y: training labels (sint/sfix tensor) :param epochs: number of epochs (int) :param batch_size: batch size (int) :param validation_data: tuple of test sample data and labels for accuracy testing (optional; reveals labels) :param program: :py:class:`~Compile.program.Program` instance to use command-line parameters (optional) :param reset: whether to initialize model :param print_accuracy: print accuracy on training data (reveals labels) :param print_loss: reveal and print training loss after every batch """ self.layers[0].X = X self.layers[-1].Y = Y self.revealing_correctness = print_accuracy self.print_losses = print_loss self.time_training = False self.run_by_args(program, epochs, batch_size, *validation_data, reset=reset)
def output_weights(self): print_float_precision(max(6, sfix.f // 3)) for layer in self.layers: layer.output_weights() def summary(self): sizes = [var.total_size() for var in self.thetas] print(sizes) print('Trainable params:', sum(sizes)) @property def trainable_variables(self): return list(self.thetas)
[docs] def reveal_model_to_binary(self): """ Reveal model and store it in the binary output file, see :ref:`reveal-model` for details. """ input_shape = self.layers[0]._X.shape for layer in self.layers: if len(input_shape) == 4 and isinstance(layer, DenseBase): layer.reveal_parameters_to_binary(reshape=input_shape[1:]) else: layer.reveal_parameters_to_binary() input_shape = layer._Y.shape
[docs]class Adam(Optimizer): """ Adam/AMSgrad optimizer. :param layers: layers of linear graph :param approx: use approximation for inverse square root (bool) :param amsgrad: use AMSgrad (bool) """ def __init__(self, layers, n_epochs=1, approx=False, amsgrad=False, normalize=False): super(Adam, self).__init__() self.set_learning_rate(.001) self.beta1 = 0.9 self.beta2 = 0.999 self.beta1_power = MemValue(cfix(1)) self.beta2_power = MemValue(cfix(1)) self.epsilon = max(2 ** -((sfix.k - sfix.f - 8) / (1 + approx)), 10 ** -8) self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.approx = approx self.amsgrad = amsgrad self.normalize = normalize if amsgrad: print_both('Using AMSgrad ', end='') else: print_both('Using Adam ', end='') if approx: print_both('with inverse square root approximation') else: print_both('with more precise inverse square root') if normalize: print_both('Normalize gradient') self.layers = layers = [] self.vs = [] = [] self.vhats = [] for layer in layers: for nabla in layer.nablas(): for x in, self.vs: x.append(nabla.same_shape()) if amsgrad: self.vhats.append(nabla.same_shape()) def _update(self, i_epoch, i_batch, batch): self.beta1_power *= self.beta1 self.beta2_power *= self.beta2 m_factor = MemValue(1 / (1 - self.beta1_power)) v_factor = MemValue(1 / (1 - self.beta2_power)) for i_layer, (m, v, g, theta) in enumerate(zip(, self.vs,, self.thetas)): if self.normalize: abs_g = g.same_shape() @multithread(self.n_threads, g.total_size()) def _(base, size): abs_g.assign_vector(abs(g.get_vector(base, size)), base) max_g = tree_reduce_multithread(self.n_threads, util.max, abs_g.get_vector()) scale = MemValue(sfix._new(library.AppRcr( max_g.v, max_g.k, max_g.f, simplex_flag=True))) @multithread(self.n_threads, m.total_size(), max_size=get_program().budget) def _(base, size): m_part = m.get_vector(base, size) v_part = v.get_vector(base, size) g_part = g.get_vector(base, size) if self.normalize: g_part *= scale.expand_to_vector(size) m_part = self.beta1 * m_part + (1 - self.beta1) * g_part v_part = self.beta2 * v_part + (1 - self.beta2) * g_part ** 2 m.assign_vector(m_part, base) v.assign_vector(v_part, base) mhat = m_part * m_factor.expand_to_vector(size) vhat = v_part * v_factor.expand_to_vector(size) if self.amsgrad: v_max = self.vhats [i_layer].get_vector(base, size) vhat = util.max(vhat, v_max) self.vhats[i_layer].assign_vector(vhat, base) diff = self.gamma.expand_to_vector(size) * mhat if self.approx: diff *= mpc_math.InvertSqrt(vhat + self.epsilon ** 2) else: diff /= mpc_math.sqrt(vhat) + self.epsilon theta.assign_vector(theta.get_vector(base, size) - diff, base) if self.output_diff: @if_(i_batch % 100 == 0) def _(): diff.reveal().binary_output() if self.output_stats and m.total_size() < 1000: @if_(i_batch % self.output_stats == 0) def _(): self.stat('g', g) self.stat('m', m) self.stat('v', v) self.stat('vhat', self.vhats[i_layer]) self.stat('theta', theta)
[docs]class SGD(Optimizer): """ Stochastic gradient descent. :param layers: layers of linear graph :param n_epochs: number of epochs for training :param report_loss: disclose and print loss """ def __init__(self, layers, n_epochs=1, debug=False, report_loss=None): super(SGD, self).__init__(report_loss=report_loss) self.momentum = 0.9 self.layers = layers self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.nablas = [] self.momentum_values = [] self.delta_thetas = [] for layer in layers: self.nablas.extend(layer.nablas()) for theta in layer.thetas(): self.momentum_values.append(theta.same_shape()) self.delta_thetas.append(theta.same_shape()) self.set_learning_rate(0.01) self.debug = debug print_both('Using SGD')
[docs] @_no_mem_warnings def reset(self, X_by_label=None): """ Reset layer parameters. :param X_by_label: if given, set training data by public labels for balancing """ self.X_by_label = X_by_label if X_by_label is not None: for label, X in enumerate(X_by_label): @for_range_multithread(self.n_threads, 1, len(X)) def _(i): j = i + label * len(X_by_label[0]) self.layers[0].X[j] = X[i] self.layers[-1].Y[j] = label for y in self.momentum_values: y.assign_all(0) for y in self.delta_thetas: y.assign_all(0) super(SGD, self).reset()
def _update(self, i_epoch, i_batch, batch): for nabla, theta, momentum_value, delta_theta in zip(self.nablas, self.thetas, self.momentum_values, self.delta_thetas): @multithread(self.n_threads, nabla.total_size()) def _(base, size): old = momentum_value.get_vector(base, size) red_old = self.momentum * old rate = self.gamma.expand_to_vector(size) nabla_vector = nabla.get_vector(base, size) log_batch_size = math.log(len(batch), 2) # divide by len(batch) by truncation # increased rate if len(batch) is not a power of two diff = red_old - nabla_vector pre_trunc = diff.v * rate.v momentum_value.assign_vector(diff, base) k = max(nabla_vector.k, rate.k) + rate.f m = rate.f + int(log_batch_size) if self.early_division: v = pre_trunc else: v = pre_trunc.round(k, m, signed=True, nearest=sfix.round_nearest) new = nabla_vector._new(v) delta_theta.assign_vector(new, base) theta.assign_vector(theta.get_vector(base, size) + delta_theta.get_vector(base, size), base) if self.print_update_average: vec = abs(delta_theta.get_vector().reveal()) print_ln('update average: %s (%s)', sum(vec) * cfix(1 / len(vec)), len(vec)) if self.debug: limit = int(self.debug) d = delta_theta.get_vector().reveal() aa = [cfix.Array(len(d.v)) for i in range(3)] a = aa[0] a.assign(d) @for_range(len(a)) def _(i): x = a[i] print_ln_if((x > limit) + (x < -limit), 'update epoch=%s %s index=%s %s',, str(delta_theta), i, x) a = aa[1] a.assign(nabla.get_vector().reveal()) @for_range(len(a)) def _(i): x = a[i] print_ln_if((x > len(batch) * limit) + (x < -len(batch) * limit), 'nabla epoch=%s %s index=%s %s',, str(nabla), i, x) a = aa[2] a.assign(theta.get_vector().reveal()) @for_range(len(a)) def _(i): x = a[i] print_ln_if((x > limit) + (x < -limit), 'theta epoch=%s %s index=%s %s',, str(theta), i, x) if self.print_random_update: print_ln('update') l = min(100, nabla.total_size()) if l < 100: index = 0 else: index = regint.get_random(64) % (nabla.total_size() - l) print_ln('%s at %s: nabla=%s update=%s theta=%s', str(theta), index, nabla.to_array().get_vector(index, l).reveal(), delta_theta.to_array().get_vector(index, l).reveal(), theta.to_array().get_vector(index, l).reveal()) self.gamma.imul(1 - 10 ** - 6)
def apply_padding(input_shape, kernel_size, strides, padding): if isinstance(padding, int): padding = [padding, padding] if isinstance(padding, (tuple, list)): input_shape = [input_shape[i] + 2*padding[i] for i in range(len(input_shape))] padding = 'valid' if padding.lower() == 'valid': res = (input_shape[0] - kernel_size[0]) // strides[0] + 1, \ (input_shape[1] - kernel_size[1]) // strides[1] + 1, assert min(res) > 0, (input_shape, kernel_size, strides, padding) return res elif padding.lower() == 'same': return (input_shape[0]) // strides[0], \ (input_shape[1]) // strides[1], else: raise Exception('invalid padding: %s' % padding) class keras: class layers: Flatten = lambda *args, **kwargs: ('flatten', args, kwargs) Dense = lambda *args, **kwargs: ('dense', args, kwargs) def Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', activation=None, input_shape=None): return 'conv2d', {'filters': filters, 'kernel_size': kernel_size, 'strides': strides, 'padding': padding, 'activation': activation} def MaxPooling2D(pool_size=2, strides=None, padding='valid'): return 'maxpool', {'pool_size': pool_size, 'strides': strides, 'padding': padding} def AveragePooling2D(pool_size=2, strides=None, padding='valid'): return 'avgpool', {'filter_size': pool_size, 'strides': strides, 'padding': padding} def Dropout(rate): l = math.log(rate, 2) if int(l) != l: raise Exception('rate needs to be a power of two') return 'dropout', rate def Activation(activation): assert(activation == 'relu') return activation, def BatchNormalization(): return 'batchnorm', class optimizers: SGD = lambda *args, **kwargs: ('sgd', args, kwargs) Adam = lambda *args, **kwargs: ('adam', args, kwargs) class models: class Sequential: def __init__(self, layers): self.layers = layers self.optimizer = None self.opt = None def compile(self, optimizer): self.optimizer = optimizer def compile_by_args(self, program): if 'adam' in program.args: self.optimizer = 'adam', [], {} elif 'amsgrad' in program.args: self.optimizer = 'adam', [], {'amsgrad': True} elif 'amsgradprec' in program.args: self.optimizer = 'adam', [], {'amsgrad': True, 'approx': False} else: self.optimizer = 'sgd', [], {} @property def trainable_variables(self): if self.opt == None: raise Exception('need to run build() or fit() first') return list(self.opt.thetas) def summary(self): self.opt.summary() def build(self, input_shape, batch_size=128, program=None): data_input_shape = input_shape if self.opt != None and \ input_shape == self.opt.layers[0]._X.sizes and \ batch_size <= self.batch_size and \ type(self.opt).__name__.lower() == self.optimizer[0]: return if self.optimizer == None: self.optimizer = 'inference', [], {} if input_shape == None: raise Exception('must specify number of samples') Layer.back_batch_size = batch_size layers = [] for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): name = layer[0] if name == 'dense': if len(layers) == 0: N = input_shape[0] n_units = reduce(operator.mul, input_shape[1:]) else: N = batch_size n_units = reduce(operator.mul, layers[-1].Y.sizes[1:]) if i == len(self.layers) - 1: activation = layer[2].get('activation', None) if activation in ('softmax', 'sigmoid'): layer[2].pop('activation', None) if activation == 'softmax' and layer[1][0] == 1: raise CompilerError( 'softmax requires more than one output neuron') layers.append(Dense(N, n_units, layer[1][0], **layer[2])) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes elif name == 'conv2d': input_shape = list(input_shape) + \ [1] * (4 - len(input_shape)) print (layer[1]) kernel_size = layer[1]['kernel_size'] filters = layer[1]['filters'] strides = layer[1]['strides'] padding = layer[1]['padding'] layers.append(easyConv2d( input_shape, batch_size, filters, kernel_size, strides, padding)) output_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes input_shape = output_shape print('conv output shape', output_shape) elif name == 'maxpool': pool_size = layer[1]['pool_size'] strides = layer[1]['strides'] padding = layer[1]['padding'] layers.append(easyMaxPool(input_shape, pool_size, strides, padding)) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes elif name == 'avgpool': layers.append(FixAveragePool2d(input_shape, None, **layer[1])) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes elif name == 'dropout': layers.append(Dropout(batch_size, reduce( operator.mul, layers[-1].Y.sizes[1:]), alpha=layer[1])) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes elif name == 'flatten': pass elif name == 'relu': layers.append(Relu(layers[-1].Y.sizes)) elif name == 'batchnorm': input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes layers.append(BatchNorm(layers[-1].Y.sizes)) else: raise Exception(layer[0] + ' not supported') if layers[-1].d_out == 1: layers.append(Output(data_input_shape[0])) else: shape = data_input_shape[0], layers[-1].d_out if program: layers.append(MultiOutput.from_args(program, *shape)) else: layers.append(MultiOutput(*shape)) if self.optimizer[1]: raise Exception('use keyword arguments for optimizer') opt = self.optimizer[0] opts = self.optimizer[2] if opt == 'sgd': opt = SGD(layers, 1) momentum = opts.pop('momentum', None) if momentum != None: opt.momentum = momentum elif opt == 'adam': opt = Adam(layers, amsgrad=opts.pop('amsgrad', None), approx=opts.pop('approx', True)) beta1 = opts.pop('beta_1', None) beta2 = opts.pop('beta_2', None) epsilon = opts.pop('epsilon', None) if beta1 != None: opt.beta1 = beta1 if beta2: opt.beta2 = beta2 if epsilon: if epsilon < opt.epsilon: print('WARNING: epsilon smaller than default might ' 'cause overflows') opt.epsilon = epsilon elif opt == 'inference': opt = Optimizer() opt.layers = layers else: raise Exception(opt + ' not supported') lr = opts.pop('learning_rate', None) if lr != None: opt.set_learning_rate(lr) if opts: raise Exception(opts + ' not supported') self.batch_size = batch_size self.opt = opt def fit(self, x, y, batch_size, epochs=1, validation_data=None): assert len(x) == len(y), batch_size) if x.total_size() != self.opt.layers[0]._X.total_size(): raise Exception('sample data size mismatch') if y.total_size() != self.opt.layers[-1].Y.total_size(): print (y, self.opt.layers[-1].Y) raise Exception('label size mismatch') if validation_data == None: validation_data = None, None else: if len(validation_data[0]) != len(validation_data[1]): raise Exception('test set size mismatch') self.opt.layers[0]._X.address = x.address self.opt.layers[-1].Y.address = y.address self.opt.run_by_args(get_program(), epochs, batch_size, validation_data[0], validation_data[1], batch_size) return self.opt def predict(self, x, batch_size=None): if self.opt == None: raise Exception('need to run fit() or build() first') if batch_size != None: batch_size = min(batch_size, self.batch_size) return self.opt.eval(x, batch_size=batch_size)
[docs]def layers_from_torch(model, data_input_shape, batch_size, input_via=None, regression=False, layer_args={}, program=None): """ Convert a PyTorch Module object to MP-SPDZ layers. :param model: PyTorch Module object :param data_input_shape: input shape (list of four int) :param batch_size: batch size (int) :param input_via: player to input model data via (default: don't) :param regression: regression (default: classification) """ layers = [] named_layers = {} def mul(x): return reduce(operator.mul, x) import torch def process(item, inputs, input_shape, args, kwargs={}): if item == if len(inputs) > 1: layers.append( Concat(inputs, dimension=len(inputs[0].shape) - 1)) return elif item == operator.add: layers.append(Add(inputs)) return elif item in (torch.flatten, 'flatten', 'size'): return elif item == 'view': assert -1 in args or \ reduce(operator.mul, args) == reduce(operator.mul, input_shape) return elif item == torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d: layers.append(FixAveragePool2d(input_shape, None, args[1], kwargs.get('stride', args[1]), kwargs.get('padding', 0))) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.shape return # single-input layers from here if inputs and len(inputs) > 1: raise CompilerError('multi-input layer %s not supported' % item) name = type(item).__name__ if name == 'Linear': assert mul(input_shape[1:]) == item.in_features assert item.bias is not None layers.append(Dense(input_shape[0], item.in_features, item.out_features)) if input_via is not None: shapes = [x.shape for x in (layers[-1].W, layers[-1].b)] import numpy swapped = item.weight.detach().numpy() if len(input_shape) == 4: print (swapped.shape) swapped = numpy.reshape( swapped, [item.out_features, input_shape[3]] + input_shape[1:3]) print (swapped.shape) swapped = numpy.moveaxis(swapped, 1, -1) print (swapped.shape) swapped = numpy.reshape( swapped, [item.out_features, item.in_features]) print (swapped.shape) swapped = numpy.swapaxes(swapped, 0, 1) layers[-1].W = sfix.input_tensor_via( input_via, swapped) layers[-1].b = sfix.input_tensor_via( input_via, item.bias.detach()) assert layers[-1].W.shape == shapes[0] assert layers[-1].b.shape == shapes[1] input_shape = [batch_size, item.out_features] elif name == 'Conv2d': layers.append(easyConv2d(input_shape, batch_size, item.out_channels, item.kernel_size, item.stride, item.padding, **layer_args.get(item, {}))) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.shape if input_via is not None: shapes = [x.shape for x in (layers[-1].weights, layers[-1].bias)] import numpy swapped = numpy.moveaxis( numpy.array(item.weight.detach()), 1, -1) layers[-1].weights = \ layers[-1].weights.value_type.input_tensor_via( input_via, swapped) assert layers[-1].weights.shape == shapes[0] if isinstance(item.bias, torch.Tensor): layers[-1].bias = sfix.input_tensor_via( input_via, item.bias.detach()) assert layers[-1].bias.shape == shapes[1] elif name == 'MaxPool2d': layers.append(easyMaxPool(input_shape, item.kernel_size, item.stride, item.padding)) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.shape elif name == 'AvgPool2d': layers.append(FixAveragePool2d(input_shape, None, item.kernel_size, item.stride, item.padding)) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.shape elif name == 'AdaptiveAvgPool2d' or \ item == torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d: if name == 'AdaptiveAvgPool2d': output = item.output_size else: output = args[1] for i in (0, 1): assert input_shape[1 + i] % output[i] == 0 stride = [input_shape[1 + i] // output[i] for i in (0, 1)] kernel_size = [input_shape[1 + i] - (output[i] - 1) * stride[i] for i in (0, 1)] layers.append(FixAveragePool2d(input_shape, None, kernel_size, stride, padding=0)) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.shape elif name == 'ReLU' or item == torch.nn.functional.relu: layers.append(Relu(input_shape)) elif name == 'Flatten': return elif name == 'BatchNorm2d': layers.append(BatchNorm(layers[-1].Y.sizes)) if input_via is not None: layers[-1].epsilon = item.eps layers[-1].weights = sfix.input_tensor_via(input_via, item.weight.detach()) layers[-1].bias = sfix.input_tensor_via(input_via, item.bias.detach()) elif name == 'Dropout': layers.append(Dropout(input_shape[0], mul(layers[-1].Y.sizes[1:]), alpha=item.p)) input_shape = layers[-1].Y.sizes else: raise CompilerError('unknown PyTorch module: %s' % item) layers[-1].inputs = inputs input_shape = data_input_shape + [1] * (4 - len(data_input_shape)) torch_layers = list(torch.fx.symbolic_trace(model).graph.nodes) for i, layer in enumerate(torch_layers[1:-1]): if layer.op == 'call_module': target = model for attr in'.'): target = getattr(target, attr) else: target = if not layers: assert layer.args == (torch_layers[i],) inputs = None else: if len(layer.args) < 2 or (layer.args[1] != 1 and layer.args[1] != (1, 1)): args = layer.args elif isinstance(layer.args[0], list): args = layer.args[0] else: args = layer.args[0], inputs = [] try: for x in args: inputs.append(named_layers[x]) except KeyError: pass if len(inputs) == 1: if isinstance(inputs[0], (Dropout, BatchNorm)): input_shape = inputs[0].inputs[0].Y.shape else: input_shape = inputs[0]._Y.shape else: input_shape = None process(target, inputs, input_shape, layer.args, layer.kwargs) if layers: named_layers[layer] = layers[-1] if regression: layers.append(LinearOutput(data_input_shape[0], layers[-1].d_out)) elif layers[-1].d_out == 1: layers.append(Output(data_input_shape[0])) else: shape = data_input_shape[0], layers[-1].d_out if program: layers.append(MultiOutput.from_args(program, *shape)) else: layers.append(MultiOutput(*shape)) return layers
class OneLayerSGD: def __init__(self, n_epochs=1, batch_size=1, program=None): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.program = program Layer.back_batch_size = max(Layer.back_batch_size, batch_size) def fit(self, X_train, y_train): """ Train classifier. :param X_train: training data (sfix matrix) :param y_train: training binary labels (sint/sfix array) """ self.init(X_train), y_train, self.n_epochs, self.batch_size, program=self.program, print_accuracy=False, print_loss=False) def fit_with_testing(self, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test): """ Train classifier with accuracy output after every epoch. This reveals all labels to simplify the accuracy computation. :param X_train: training data (sfix matrix) :param y_train: training labels (sint/sfix array) :param X_test: testing data (sfix matrix) :param y_test: testing labels (sint/sfix array) """ self.init(X_train) self.opt.print_accuracy = self.print_accuracy, y_train, self.n_epochs, self.batch_size, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), program=self.program, print_accuracy=self.print_accuracy, print_loss=True) def predict(self, X): """ Use model for prediction. :param X: sample data with row-wise samples (sfix matrix) :returns: sfix array """ return self.opt.eval(X)
[docs]class SGDLogistic(OneLayerSGD): """ Logistic regression using SGD. The member :py:obj:`opt` refers to the internal instance of :py:class:`Optimizer`, which allows to use the funcionality therein. :param n_epochs: number of epochs :param batch_size: batch size :param program: program object to use command-line options from (default is not to use any) """ print_accuracy = True def init(self, X): dense = Dense(*X.sizes, 1) if self.program: sigmoid = Output.from_args(X.sizes[0], self.program) self.opt = Optimizer.from_args(self.program, [dense, sigmoid]) else: sigmoid = Output(X.sizes[0]) self.opt = SGD([dense, sigmoid], 1)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Use model to predict labels. :param X: sample data with row-wise samples (sfix matrix) :returns: sint array """ return self.opt.eval(X, top=True)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Use model for probility estimates. :param X: sample data with row-wise samples (sfix matrix) :returns: sfix array """ return super(SGDLogistic, self).predict(X)
[docs]class SGDLinear(OneLayerSGD): """ Linear regression using SGD. :param n_epochs: number of epochs :param batch_size: batch size :param program: program object to use command-line options from (default is not to use any) """ print_accuracy = False def init(self, X): dense = Dense(*X.sizes, 1) output = LinearOutput(X.sizes[0]) if self.program: self.opt = Optimizer.from_args(self.program, [dense, output]) else: self.opt = SGD([dense, output], 1)
[docs]def solve_linear(A, b, n_iterations, progress=False, n_threads=None, stop=False, already_symmetric=False, precond=False): """ Iterative linear solution approximation for :math:`Ax=b`. :param progress: print some information on the progress (implies revealing) :param n_threads: number of threads to use :param stop: whether to stop when converged (implies revealing) """ assert len(b) == A.sizes[0] x = sfix.Array(A.sizes[1]) x.assign_vector(sfix.get_random(-1, 1, size=len(x))) if already_symmetric: AtA = A r = Array.create_from(b - AtA * x) else: AtA = sfix.Matrix(len(x), len(x)) A.trans_mul_to(A, AtA, n_threads=n_threads) r = Array.create_from(A.transpose() * b - AtA * x) if precond: return solve_linear_diag_precond(AtA, b, x, r, n_iterations, progress, stop) v = sfix.Array(A.sizes[1]) v.assign_all(0) Av = sfix.Array(len(x)) @for_range(n_iterations) def _(i): v[:] = r - sfix.dot_product(r, Av) / sfix.dot_product(v, Av) * v Av[:] = AtA * v v_norm = sfix.dot_product(v, Av) vr = sfix.dot_product(v, r) alpha = (v_norm == 0).if_else(0, vr / v_norm) x[:] = x + alpha * v r[:] = r - alpha * Av if progress: print_ln('%s alpha=%s vr=%s v_norm=%s', i, alpha.reveal(), vr.reveal(), v_norm.reveal()) if stop: return (alpha > 0).reveal() if not already_symmetric: AtA.delete() return x
def solve_linear_diag_precond(A, b, x, r, n_iterations, progress=False, stop=False): m = 1 / A.diag() mr = Array.create_from(m * r[:]) d = Array.create_from(mr) @for_range(n_iterations) def _(i): Ad = A * d d_norm = sfix.dot_product(d, Ad) alpha = (d_norm == 0).if_else(0, sfix.dot_product(r, mr) / d_norm) x[:] = x[:] + alpha * d[:] r_norm = sfix.dot_product(r, mr) r[:] = r[:] - alpha * Ad tmp = m * r[:] beta = (r_norm == 0).if_else(0, sfix.dot_product(r, tmp) / r_norm) mr[:] = tmp d[:] = tmp + beta * d if progress: print_ln('%s alpha=%s beta=%s r_norm=%s d_norm=%s', i, alpha.reveal(), beta.reveal(), r_norm.reveal(), d_norm.reveal()) if stop: return (alpha > 0).reveal() return x
[docs]def mr(A, n_iterations, stop=False): """ Iterative matrix inverse approximation. This is based on the conjugate gradients algorithm in Section 10.2.4 of `these lecture notes <>`_. :param A: matrix to invert :param n_iterations: maximum number of iterations :param stop: whether to stop when converged (implies revealing) """ assert len(A.sizes) == 2 assert A.sizes[0] == A.sizes[1] M = A.same_shape() n = A.sizes[0] @for_range(n) def _(i): e = sfix.Array(n) e.assign_all(0) e[i] = 1 M[i] = solve_linear(A, e, n_iterations, stop=stop) return M.transpose()
[docs]def var(x): """ Variance. """ mean = MemValue(type(x[0])(0)) @for_range_opt(len(x)) def _(i): mean.iadd(x[i]) mean /= len(x) res = MemValue(type(x[0])(0)) @for_range_opt(len(x)) def _(i): res.iadd((x[i] - ** 2) return
[docs]def cholesky(A, reveal_diagonal=False): """ Cholesky decomposition. :returns: lower triangular matrix """ assert len(A.shape) == 2 assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] L = A.same_shape() L.assign_all(0) diag_inv = A.value_type.Array(A.shape[0]) @for_range(A.shape[0]) def _(i): @for_range(i + 1) def _(j): sum = sfix.dot_product(L[i], L[j]) @if_e(i == j) def _(): L[i][j] = mpc_math.sqrt(A[i][i] - sum) diag_inv[i] = 1 / L[i][j] if reveal_diagonal: print_ln('L[%s][%s] = %s = sqrt(%s - %s)', i, j, L[i][j].reveal(), A[i][j].reveal(), sum.reveal()) @else_ def _(): L[i][j] = (diag_inv[j] * (A[i][j] - sum)) return L
[docs]def solve_lower(A, b): """ Linear solver where :py:obj:`A` is lower triangular quadratic. """ assert len(A.shape) == 2 assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] assert len(b) == A.shape[0] b = Array.create_from(b) res = sfix.Array(len(b)) @for_range(len(b)) def _(i): res[i] = b[i] / A[i][i] b[:] -= res[i] * A.get_column(i) return res
[docs]def solve_upper(A, b): """ Linear solver where :py:obj:`A` is upper triangular quadratic. """ assert len(A.shape) == 2 assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] assert len(b) == A.shape[0] b = Array.create_from(b) res = sfix.Array(len(b)) @for_range(len(b) - 1, -1, -1) def _(i): res[i] = b[i] / A[i][i] b[:] -= res[i] * A.get_column(i) return res
[docs]def solve_cholesky(A, b, debug=False): """ Linear solver using Cholesky decomposition. """ L = cholesky(A, reveal_diagonal=debug) if debug: Optimizer.stat('L', L) x = solve_lower(L, b) if debug: Optimizer.stat('intermediate', x) return solve_upper(L.transpose(), x)