Source code for Compiler.types

This module defines all types available in high-level programs.  These
include basic types such as secret integers or floating-point numbers
and container types. A single instance of the former uses one or more
so-called registers in the virtual machine while the latter use the
so-called memory.  For every register type, there is a corresponding
dedicated memory.

Registers are used for computation, allocated on an ongoing basis,
and thread-specific. The memory is allocated statically and shared
between threads. This means that memory-based types such as
:py:class:`Array` can be used to transfer information between threads.
Note that creating memory-based types outside the main thread is not

If viewing this documentation in processed form, many function signatures
appear generic because of the use of decorators. See the source code for the
correct signature.

Basic types

All basic types can be used as vectors, that is one instance representing
several values, with all operations being executed element-wise. For
example, the following computes ten multiplications of integers input
by party 0 and 1::

   sint.get_input_from(0, size=10) * sint.get_input_from(1, size=10)

The following types are available in arithmetic circuits and with
reduced functionality in binary circuits.

.. autosummary::


The following types are only available in arithmetic circuits.

.. autosummary::


Container types

.. autosummary::



from Compiler.program import Tape
from Compiler.exceptions import *
from Compiler.instructions import *
from Compiler.instructions_base import *
from .floatingpoint import two_power
from . import comparison, floatingpoint
import math
from . import util
from . import instructions
from .util import is_zero, is_one
import operator
from functools import reduce
import re

class ClientMessageType:
    """ Enum to define type of message sent to external client. Each may be array of length n."""
    # No client message type to be sent, for backwards compatibility - virtual machine relies on this value
    NoType = 0
    # 3 x sint x n
    TripleShares = 1
    # 1 x cint x n
    ClearModpInt = 2
    # 1 x regint x n
    Int32 = 3
    # 1 x cint (fixed point left shifted by precision) x n
    ClearModpFix = 4

class MPCThread(object):
    def __init__(self, target, name, args = [], runtime_arg = 0,
                 single_thread = False, finalize = True):
        """ Create a thread from a callable object. """
        if not callable(target):
            raise CompilerError('Target %s for thread %s is not callable' % (target,name)) = name = target
        self.args = args
        self.runtime_arg = runtime_arg
        self.running = 0
        self.tape_handle = program.new_tape(target, args, name,
        self.tape = program.tapes[self.tape_handle]
        self.run_handles = []
    def start(self, runtime_arg = None):
        self.running += 1
        self.run_handles.append(program.run_tape(self.tape_handle, \
                                           runtime_arg or self.runtime_arg))
    def join(self):
        if not self.running:
            raise CompilerError('Thread %s is not running' %
        self.running -= 1

def copy_doc(a, b):
        a.__doc__ = b.__doc__

def no_doc(operation):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return operation(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def vectorize(operation):
    def vectorized_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args):
            from .GC.types import bits
            if (isinstance(args[0], Tape.Register) or isinstance(args[0], sfloat)) \
                    and not isinstance(args[0], bits) \
                    and args[0].size != self.size:
                if min(args[0].size, self.size) == 1:
                    size = max(args[0].size, self.size)
                    self = self.expand_to_vector(size)
                    args = list(args)
                    args[0] = args[0].expand_to_vector(size)
                    raise VectorMismatch('Different vector sizes of operands: %d/%d'
                                         % (self.size, args[0].size))
            res = operation(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return res
    copy_doc(vectorized_operation, operation)
    return vectorized_operation

def vectorize_max(operation):
    def vectorized_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        size = self.size
        for arg in args:
                size = max(size, arg.size)
            except AttributeError:
            res = operation(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return res
    copy_doc(vectorized_operation, operation)
    return vectorized_operation

def vectorized_classmethod(function):
    def vectorized_function(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        size = None
        if 'size' in kwargs:
            size = kwargs.pop('size')
        if size is not None:
                res = function(cls, *args, **kwargs)
            res = function(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return res
    copy_doc(vectorized_function, function)
    return classmethod(vectorized_function)

def vectorize_init(function):
    def vectorized_init(*args, **kwargs):
        size = None
        if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], (_register, sfloat, cfix)):
            size = args[1].size
            if 'size' in kwargs and kwargs['size'] is not None \
                    and kwargs['size'] != size:
                raise CompilerError('Mismatch in vector size')
        if 'size' in kwargs and kwargs['size'] is not None:
            size = kwargs['size']
        if size is not None:
                res = function(*args, **kwargs)
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return res
    copy_doc(vectorized_init, function)
    return vectorized_init

def set_instruction_type(operation):
    def instruction_typed_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
            res = operation(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return res
    copy_doc(instruction_typed_operation, operation)
    return instruction_typed_operation

def read_mem_value(operation):
    def read_mem_operation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], MemValue):
            args = (args[0].read(),) + args[1:]
        return operation(self, *args, **kwargs)
    copy_doc(read_mem_operation, operation)
    return read_mem_operation

def type_comp(operation):
    def type_check(self, other, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(other, (type(self), int, regint, self.clear_type)):
            return NotImplemented
        return operation(self, other, *args, **kwargs)
    copy_doc(type_check, operation)
    return type_check

def inputmixed(*args):
    # helper to cover both cases
    if isinstance(args[-1], int):
        instructions.inputmixedreg(*(args[:-1] + (regint.conv(args[-1]),)))

class _number(Tape._no_truth):
    """ Number functionality. """

    def square(self):
        """ Square. """
        return self * self

    def __add__(self, other):
        """ Optimized addition.

        :param other: any compatible type """
        if is_zero(other):
            return self
            return self.add(other)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        """ Optimized multiplication.

        :param other: any compatible type """
        if is_zero(other):
            return 0
        elif is_one(other):
            return self
                return self.mul(other)
            except VectorMismatch:
                if type(self) != type(other) and 1 in (self.size, other.size):
                    # try reverse multiplication
                    return NotImplemented

    __radd__ = __add__
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __pow__(self, exp):
        """ Exponentation through square-and-multiply.

        :param exp: any type allowing bit decomposition """
        if isinstance(exp, int) and exp >= 0:
            if exp == 0:
                return self.__class__(1)
            exp = bin(exp)[3:]
            res = self
            for i in exp:
                res = res.square()
                if i == '1':
                    res *= self
            return res
        elif isinstance(exp, _int):
            bits = exp.bit_decompose()
            powers = [self]
            while len(powers) < len(bits):
                powers.append(powers[-1] ** 2)
            multiplicands = [b.if_else(p, 1) for b, p in zip(bits, powers)]
            res = util.tree_reduce(operator.mul, multiplicands)
            return res
            from .mpc_math import pow_fx
            return pow_fx(self, exp)

    def mul_no_reduce(self, other, res_params=None):
        return self * other

    def reduce_after_mul(self):
        return self

    def pow2(self, bit_length=None):
        return 2**self

    def min(self, other):
        """ Minimum.

        :param other: any compatible type """
        return (self < other).if_else(self, other)

    def max(self, other):
        """ Maximum.

        :param other: any compatible type """
        return (self < other).if_else(other, self)

    def dot_product(cls, a, b):
        from Compiler.library import for_range_opt_multithread
        res = MemValue(cls(0))
        l = min(len(a), len(b))
        xx = [a, b]
        for i, x in enumerate((a, b)):
            if not isinstance(x, Array):
                xx[i] = Array(l, cls)
        aa, bb = xx
        @for_range_opt_multithread(None, l)
        def _(i):
            res.iadd(res.value_type.conv(aa[i] * bb[i]))

    def __abs__(self):
        """ Absolute value. """
        return (self < 0).if_else(-self, self)

    def popcnt_bits(bits):
        return sum(bits)

    def zero_if_not(self, condition):
        return condition * self

    def iadd(self, other):
        """ Addition assignment. This uses :py:func:`update` internally. """
        self.update(self + other)

class _int(Tape._no_truth):
    """ Integer functionality. """

    def bit_adder(*args, **kwargs):
        """ Binary adder in arithmetic circuits.

        :param a: summand (list of 0/1 in compatible type)
        :param b: summand (list of 0/1 in compatible type)
        :param carry_in: input carry (default 0)
        :param get_carry: add final carry to output
        :returns: list of 0/1 in relevant type
        return intbitint.bit_adder(*args, **kwargs)

    def ripple_carry_adder(*args, **kwargs):
        return intbitint.ripple_carry_adder(*args, **kwargs)

    def if_else(self, a, b):
        """ MUX on bit in arithmetic circuits::

          print_ln('%s', sint(0).if_else(sint(2), sint(3)).reveal())
          print_ln('%s', sint(1).if_else(sint(4), sint(5)).reveal())

        This will output::


        :param a/b: any type supporting the necessary operations
        :return: a if :py:obj:`self` is 1, b if :py:obj:`self` is 0, undefined otherwise
        :rtype: depending on operands, secret if any of them is """
        if hasattr(a, 'for_mux'):
            f, a, b = a.for_mux(b)
            f = lambda x: x
        return f(self * (a - b) + b)

    def cond_swap(self, a, b):
        """ Swapping in arithmetic circuits.

        :param a/b: any type supporting the necessary operations
        :return: ``(a, b)`` if :py:obj:`self` is 0, ``(b, a)`` if :py:obj:`self` is 1, and undefined otherwise
        :rtype: depending on operands, secret if any of them is """
        prod = self * (a - b)
        return a - prod, b + prod

    def bit_xor(self, other):
        """ Single-bit XOR in arithmetic circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :return: type depends on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        if util.is_constant(other):
            if other:
                return 1 - self
                return self
        return self + other - 2 * self * other

    def bit_or(self, other):
        """ Single-bit OR in arithmetic circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :return: type depends on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        if util.is_constant(other):
            if other:
                return 1
                return 0
        return self + other - self * other

    def bit_and(self, other):
        """ Single-bit AND in arithmetic circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :rtype: depending on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self * other

    def bit_not(self):
        """ Single-bit NOT in arithmetic circuits. """
        return 1 - self

    def half_adder(self, other):
        """ Half adder in arithmetic circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :return: binary sum, carry
        :rtype: depending on inputs, secret if any is """
        carry = self * other
        return self + other - 2 * carry, carry

    def long_one():
        return 1

class _bit(Tape._no_truth):
    """ Binary functionality. """

    def bit_xor(self, other):
        """ XOR in binary circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :rtype: depending on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self ^ other

    def bit_and(self, other):
        """ AND in binary circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :rtype: depending on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self & other

    def bit_or(self, other):
        """ OR in binary circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :return: type depends on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self ^ other - self & other

    def bit_not(self):
        """ NOT in binary circuits. """
        return ~self

    def half_adder(self, other):
        """ Half adder in binary circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :return: binary sum, carry
        :rtype: depending on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self ^ other, self & other

    def carry_out(self, a, b):
        s = a ^ b
        return a ^ (s & (self ^ a))

    def cond_swap(self, a, b):
        prod = self * (a ^ b)
        return a ^ prod, b ^ prod

class _gf2n(_bit):
    r""" :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` functionality. """

    def if_else(self, a, b):
        r""" MUX in :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` circuits. Similar to :py:meth:`_int.if_else`. """
        return b ^ self * self.hard_conv(a ^ b)

    def cond_swap(self, a, b, t=None):
        r""" Swapping in :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)`. Similar to :py:meth:`_int.if_else`. """
        prod = self * self.hard_conv(a ^ b)
        res = a ^ prod, b ^ prod
        if t is None:
            return res
            return tuple(t.conv(r) for r in res)

    def bit_xor(self, other):
        r""" XOR in :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` circuits.

        :param self/other: 0 or 1 (any compatible type)
        :rtype: depending on inputs (secret if any of them is) """
        return self ^ other

    def bit_not(self):
        return self ^ 1

class _structure(Tape._no_truth):
    """ Interface for type-dependent container types. """

    MemValue = classmethod(lambda cls, value: MemValue(cls.conv(value)))
    """ Type-dependent memory value. """

    def Array(cls, size, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Type-dependent array. Example:

        .. code::

            a = sint.Array(10)
        return Array(size, cls, *args, **kwargs)

    def Matrix(cls, rows, columns, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Type-dependent matrix. Example:

        .. code::

            a = sint.Matrix(10, 10)
        return Matrix(rows, columns, cls, *args, **kwargs)

    def Tensor(cls, shape, **kwargs):
        Type-dependent tensor of any dimension::

            a = sfix.Tensor([10, 10])
        if len(shape) == 1:
            return Array(shape[0], cls, **kwargs)
        elif len(shape) == 2:
            return Matrix(*shape, cls, **kwargs)
            return MultiArray(shape, cls, **kwargs)

    def row_matrix_mul(cls, row, matrix, res_params=None):
        res = type(row[0].mul_no_reduce(
            matrix[0][0], res_params=res_params))(0, size=matrix.sizes[1])
        def _(k):
            res.iadd(row[k].mul_no_reduce(matrix[k].get_vector(), res_params))
        return res.reduce_after_mul()

    def mem_size():
        return 1

    def size_for_mem(self):
        return self.size

    def arg_type(cls):
        if issubclass(cls, _register):
            return cls.reg_type
        if issubclass(cls, (cfix, sfix)):
            return cls.int_type.reg_type
        raise CompilerError('type not supported as argument: %s' % cls)

class _secret_structure(_structure):
    def input_tensor_from(cls, player, shape):
        """ Input tensor secretly from player.

        :param player: int/regint/cint
        :param shape: tensor shape

        res = cls.Tensor(shape)
        return res

    def input_tensor_from_client(cls, client_id, shape):
        """ Input tensor secretly from client.

        :param client_id: client identifier (public)
        :param shape: tensor shape

        res = cls.Tensor(shape)
        res.assign_vector(cls.receive_from_client(1, client_id,
        return res

    def input_tensor_via(cls, player, content=None, shape=None, binary=True,
                         one_hot=False, skip_input=False, n_bytes=None):
        Input tensor-like data via a player. This overwrites the input
        file for the relevant player. The following returns an
        :py:class:`sint` matrix of dimension 2 by 2::

          M = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
          sint.input_tensor_via(0, M)

        Make sure to copy ``Player-Data/Input-P<player>-0`` or
        ``Player-Data/Input-Binary-P<player>-0`` if running
        on another host.

        :param player: player to input via (int)
        :param content: nested Python list or numpy array (binary mode only) or
          left out if not available
        :param shape: shape if content not given
        :param binary: binary mode (bool)
        :param one_hot: one-hot encoding (bool)

        if program.curr_tape != program.tapes[0]:
            raise CompilerError('only available in main thread')
        if content is not None:
            if isinstance(content, (_vectorizable, Tape.Register)):
                raise CompilerError('cannot input data already in the VM')
            requested_shape = shape
            if binary:
                import numpy
                content = numpy.array(content)
                if issubclass(cls, _fix):
                    min_k = \
                        math.ceil(math.log(abs(content).max() or 1, 2)) + cls.f + 1
                    if cls.k < min_k:
                        raise CompilerError(
                            "data outside fixed-point range, "
                            "use 'sfix.set_precision(%d, %d)'" % (cls.f, min_k))
                    if binary == 2:
                        t = numpy.double
                        t = numpy.single
                    if n_bytes == 1:
                        t = numpy.int8
                        t = numpy.int64
                if one_hot:
                    content = numpy.eye(content.max() + 1)[content]
                content = content.astype(t)
                f = program.get_binary_input_file(player)
                shape = content.shape
                shape = []
                tmp = content
                while True:
                        tmp = tmp[0]
                if not program.input_files.get(player, None):
                    program.input_files[player] = open(
                        'Player-Data/Input-P%d-0' % player, 'w')
                f = program.input_files[player]
                def traverse(content, level):
                    assert len(content) == shape[level]
                    if level == len(shape) - 1:
                        for x in content:
                            f.write(' ')
                        for x in content:
                            traverse(x, level + 1)
                traverse(content, 0)
            if requested_shape is not None and \
               list(shape) != list(requested_shape):
                raise CompilerError('content contradicts shape')
        if not skip_input:
            res = cls.Tensor(shape)
            res.input_from(player, binary=binary, n_bytes=n_bytes)
            return res

class _vec(Tape._no_truth):
    def link(self, other):
        assert len(self.v) == len(other.v)
        for x, y in zip(self.v, other.v):

class _register(Tape.Register, _number, _structure):
    def n_elements():
        return 1

    def new_vector(cls, size):
        return cls(size=size)

    def vector_size(self):
        return self.size

    def conv(cls, val):
        if isinstance(val, MemValue):
            val =
        if isinstance(val, cls):
            return val
        elif not isinstance(val, (_register, _vec)):
                return type(val)(cls.conv(v) for v in val)
            except TypeError:
            except CompilerError:
        return cls(val)

    def hard_conv(cls, val):
        if type(val) == cls:
            return val
        elif not isinstance(val, _register):
                return val.hard_conv_me(cls)
            except AttributeError:
                    return type(val)(cls.hard_conv(v) for v in val)
                except (TypeError, CompilerError):
        return cls(val)

    def _load_mem(cls, address, direct_inst, indirect_inst):
        if isinstance(address, _register):
            if address.size > 1:
                size = address.size
                size = get_global_vector_size()
            res = cls(size=size)
            indirect_inst(res, cls._expand_address(address,
            res = cls()
            direct_inst(res, address)
        return res

    def _expand_address(address, size):
        address = regint.conv(address)
        if size > 1 and address.size == 1:
            res = regint(size=size)
            incint(res, address, 1)
            return res
            return address

    def _store_in_mem(self, address, direct_inst, indirect_inst):
        if isinstance(address, _register):
            indirect_inst(self, self._expand_address(address, self.size))
            direct_inst(self, address)

    def prep_res(cls, other):
        return cls()

    def bit_compose(cls, bits):
        """ Compose value from bits.

        :param bits: iterable of any type implementing left shift """
        return sum(cls.conv(b) << i for i,b in enumerate(bits))

    def malloc(cls, size, creator_tape=None, **kwargs):
        """ Allocate memory (statically).

        :param size: compile-time (int) """
        return program.malloc(size, cls, creator_tape=creator_tape, **kwargs)

    def free(cls, addr):, cls.reg_type)

    def __init__(self, reg_type, val, size):
        from .GC.types import sbits
        if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
            size = len(val)
        elif isinstance(val, sbits):
            size = val.n
        super(_register, self).__init__(reg_type, program.curr_tape, size=size)
        if isinstance(val, int):
        elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list)):
            for i, x in enumerate(val):
                if util.is_constant(x):
        elif val is not None:
                raise CompilerError(
                    "cannot convert '%s' to '%s'" % (type(val), type(self)))

    def _new_by_number(self, i, size=1):
        res = type(self)(size=size)
        res.i = i
        res.program = self.program
        return res

    def sizeof(self):
        return self.size

    def extend(self, n):
        return self

    def expand_to_vector(self, size=None):
        if size is None:
            size = get_global_vector_size()
        if self.size == size:
            return self
        assert self.size == 1
        return self._expand_to_vector(size)

    def _expand_to_vector(self, size):
        res = type(self)(size=size)
        for i in range(size):
  [i], self)
        return res

    def copy_from_part(self, source, base, size):
        set_global_vector_size(size), source.get_vector(base, size))

    def concat(cls, parts):
        parts = list(parts)
        res = cls(size=sum(len(part) for part in parts))
        base = 0
        for reg in parts:
  , reg.size), reg)
            base += reg.size
        return res

class _arithmetic_register(_register):
    """ Arithmetic circuit type. """
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if program.options.garbled:
            raise CompilerError('functionality only available in arithmetic circuits')
        super(_arithmetic_register, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_type(cls, length):
        return cls

    def two_power(n, size=None):
        return floatingpoint.two_power(n)

    def Norm(self, k, f, simplex_flag=False):
        return library.Norm(self, k, f, simplex_flag=simplex_flag)

class _clear(_arithmetic_register):
    """ Clear domain-dependent type. """
    __slots__ = []
    mov = staticmethod(movc)

    def load_other(self, val):
        if isinstance(val, type(self)):
            movc(self, val)

    def convert_from(self, val):
        if not isinstance(val, regint):
            val = regint(val)
        convint(self, val)

    def print_reg(self, comment=''):
        print_reg(self, comment)

    def print_reg_plain(self):
        """ Output. """

    def raw_output(self):

    def binary_output(self, player=None):
        """ Write 64-bit signed integer to

        :param player: only output on given player (default all)

    def clear_op(self, other, c_inst, ci_inst, reverse=False):
        cls = self.__class__
        res = self.prep_res(other)
        if isinstance(other, regint):
            other = cls(other)
        if isinstance(other, cls):
            if reverse:
                c_inst(res, other, self)
                c_inst(res, self, other)
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            if self.in_immediate_range(other):
                ci_inst(res, self, other)
                if reverse:
                    c_inst(res, cls(other), self)
                    c_inst(res, self, cls(other))
            return NotImplemented
        return res

    def coerce_op(self, other, inst, reverse=False):
        cls = self.__class__
        res = cls()
        if isinstance(other, (int, regint)):
            other = cls(other)
        elif not isinstance(other, cls):
            return NotImplemented
        if reverse:
            inst(res, other, self)
            inst(res, self, other)
        return res

    def add(self, other):
        """ Addition of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, addc, addci)

    def mul(self, other):
        """ Multiplication of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, mulc, mulci)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        """ Subtraction of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, subc, subci)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return self.clear_op(other, subc, subcfi, True)
    __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__

    def field_div(self, other):
        """ Field division of public values. Not available for
        computation modulo a power of two.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
            return other._rfield_div(self)
        except AttributeError:
            return self.clear_op(other, divc, divci)

    def __and__(self, other):
        """ Bit-wise AND of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, andc, andci)

    def __xor__(self, other):
        """ Bit-wise XOR of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, xorc, xorci)

    def __or__(self, other):
        """ Bit-wise OR of public values.

        :param other: convertible type (at least same as :py:obj:`self` and regint/int) """
        return self.clear_op(other, orc, orci)

    __rand__ = __and__
    __rxor__ = __xor__
    __ror__ = __or__

    def reveal(self):
        """ Identity. """
        return self

[docs]class cint(_clear, _int): """ Clear integer in same domain as secure computation (depends on protocol). A number operators are supported (``+, -, *, /, //, **, %, ^, &, |, ~, ==, !=, <<, >>``), returning either :py:class:`cint` if the other operand is public (cint/regint/int) or :py:class:`sint` if the other operand is :py:class:`sint`. Comparison operators (``==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``) are also supported, returning :py:func:`regint`. Comparisons and ``~`` require that the value is within the global bit length. The same holds for :py:func:`abs`. ``/`` runs field division if the modulus is a prime while ``//`` runs integer floor division. ``**`` requires the exponent to be compile-time integer or the base to be two. This type is restricted to arithmetic circuits due to the fact that only arithmetic protocols offer communication-less public-private integer operations. :param val: initialization (cint/regint/int/cgf2n or list thereof) :param size: vector size (int), defaults to 1 or size of list """ __slots__ = [] instruction_type = 'modp' reg_type = 'c'
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, client_id, n=1): """ Receive clear value(s) from client. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param n: number of values (default 1) :param size: vector size (default 1) :returns: cint (if n=1) or list of cint """ res = [cls() for i in range(n)] readsocketc(client_id, get_global_vector_size(), *res) if n == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs] @classmethod def write_to_socket(self, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send a list of clear values to a client. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param values: list of cint """ for value in values: assert(value.size == values[0].size) writesocketc(client_id, message_type, values[0].size, *values)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._load_mem(address, ldmc, ldmci)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self._store_in_mem(address, stmc, stmci)
@staticmethod def in_immediate_range(value, regint=False): if program.options.ring and not regint: if abs(value) > 2 ** int(program.options.ring): raise CompilerError('value outside range for domain') return value < 2**31 and value >= -2**31 @vectorize_init def __init__(self, val=None, size=None): super(cint, self).__init__('c', val=val, size=size) @vectorize def load_int(self, val): if val: # +1 for sign bit_length = 1 + int(math.ceil(math.log(abs(val)))) if program.options.ring: assert(bit_length <= int(program.options.ring)) elif program.options.field: program.curr_tape.require_bit_length(bit_length) if self.in_immediate_range(val): ldi(self, val) else: max = 2**31 - 1 sign = abs(val) // val val = abs(val) chunks = [] while val: mod = val % max val = (val - mod) // max chunks.append(mod) sum = cint(sign * chunks.pop()) for i,chunk in enumerate(reversed(chunks)): sum *= max if i == len(chunks) - 1: addci(self, sum, sign * chunk) elif chunk: sum += sign * chunk def load_other(self, val): if isinstance(val, cfix): val = val.v.round(val.k, val.f) super(cint, self).load_other(val)
[docs] @vectorize def to_regint(self, n_bits=64, dest=None): """ Convert to regint. :param n_bits: bit length (int) :return: regint """ dest = regint() if dest is None else dest convmodp(dest, self, bitlength=n_bits) return dest
def __mod__(self, other): """ Clear modulo. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self.clear_op(other, modc, modci) def __rmod__(self, other): """ Clear modulo. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self.coerce_op(other, modc, True) def __floordiv__(self, other): return self.coerce_op(other, floordivc) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return self.coerce_op(other, floordivc, True) def __truediv__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point division. :param other: any compatible type """ if isinstance(other, cint): return other.__rtruediv__(self) try: return cfix._new(self) / cfix._new(cint(other)) except: return NotImplemented def __rtruediv__(self, other): return cfix._new(other) / cfix._new(self)
[docs] @vectorize def less_than(self, other, bit_length): """ Clear comparison for particular bit length. :param other: cint/regint/int :param bit_length: signed bit length of inputs :return: 0/1 (regint), undefined if inputs outside range """ if not isinstance(other, (cint, regint, int)): return NotImplemented if bit_length <= 64: return regint(self) < regint(other) else: sint.require_bit_length(bit_length + 1) diff = self - other diff += 1 << bit_length shifted = diff >> bit_length res = 1 - regint(shifted & 1) return res
def __lt__(self, other): """ Clear comparison. :param other: cint/regint/int :return: 0/1 (regint) """ return self.less_than(other, program.bit_length) @vectorize def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (cint, regint, int)): return self.conv(other) < self else: return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): return 1 - (self > other) def __ge__(self, other): return 1 - (self < other) for op in __gt__, __le__, __ge__: op.__doc__ = __lt__.__doc__ del op @vectorize def __eq__(self, other): """ Clear equality test. :param other: cint/regint/int :return: 0/1 (regint) """ if not isinstance(other, (_clear, regint, int)): return NotImplemented res = 1 remaining = program.bit_length while remaining > 0: if isinstance(other, cint): o = other.to_regint(min(remaining, 64)) else: o = other % 2 ** 64 res *= (self.to_regint(min(remaining, 64)) == o) self >>= 64 other >>= 64 remaining -= 64 return res def __ne__(self, other): return 1 - (self == other) equal = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self.__eq__(other) def __lshift__(self, other): """ Clear left shift. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self.clear_op(other, shlc, shlci) def __rshift__(self, other): """ Clear right shift. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self.clear_op(other, shrc, shrci) def __neg__(self): """ Clear negation. """ return 0 - self def __abs__(self): """ Clear absolute. """ return (self >= 0).if_else(self, -self) @vectorize def __invert__(self): """ Clear inversion using global bit length. """ res = cint() notc(res, self, program.bit_length) return res def __rpow__(self, base): """ Clear power of two. :param other: 2 """ if base == 2: return 1 << self else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __rlshift__(self, other): """ Clear shift. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return cint(other) << self @vectorize def __rrshift__(self, other): """ Clear shift. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return cint(other) >> self
[docs] @read_mem_value def mod2m(self, other, bit_length=None, signed=None): """ Clear modulo a power of two. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self % 2**other
[docs] @read_mem_value def right_shift(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Clear shift. :param other: cint/regint/int """ return self >> other
def round(self, k, m, nearest=None, signed=False): if signed: self += 2 ** (k - 1) self += 2 ** (m - 1) res = self >> m if signed: res -= 2 ** (k - m - 1) return res @read_mem_value def greater_than(self, other, bit_length=None): return self > other
[docs] @vectorize def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None, maybe_mixed=None): """ Clear bit decomposition. :param bit_length: number of bits (default is global bit length) :return: list of cint """ if bit_length == 0: return [] bit_length = bit_length or program.bit_length return floatingpoint.bits(self, bit_length)
[docs] @vectorize def legendre(self): """ Clear Legendre symbol computation. """ res = cint() legendrec(res, self) return res
[docs] @vectorize def digest(self, num_bytes): """ Clear hashing (libsodium default). """ res = cint() digestc(res, self, num_bytes) return res
[docs] def print_if(self, string): """ Output if value is non-zero. :param string: bytearray """ cond_print_str(self, string)
def output_if(self, cond): cond_print_plain(self.conv(cond), self, cint(0, size=self.size))
[docs]class cgf2n(_clear, _gf2n): r""" Clear :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` value. n is chosen at runtime. A number operators are supported (``+, -, *, /, **, ^, &, |, ~, ==, !=, <<, >>``), returning either :py:class:`cgf2n` if the other operand is public (cgf2n/regint/int) or :py:class:`sgf2n` if the other operand is secret. The following operators require the other operand to be a compile-time integer: ``**, <<, >>``. ``*, /, **`` refer to field multiplication and division. :param val: initialization (cgf2n/cint/regint/int or list thereof) :param size: vector size (int), defaults to 1 or size of list """ __slots__ = [] instruction_type = 'gf2n' reg_type = 'cg'
[docs] @classmethod def bit_compose(cls, bits, step=None): r""" Clear :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` bit composition. :param bits: list of cgf2n :param step: set every :py:obj:`step`-th bit in output (defaults to 1) """ size = bits[0].size res = cls(size=size) vgbitcom(size, res, step or 1, *bits) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._load_mem(address, gldmc, gldmci)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self._store_in_mem(address, gstmc, gstmci)
@staticmethod def in_immediate_range(value): return value < 2**32 and value >= 0 def __init__(self, val=None, size=None): super(cgf2n, self).__init__('cg', val=val, size=size) @vectorize def load_int(self, val): if val < 0: raise CompilerError('Negative GF2n immediate') if self.in_immediate_range(val): gldi(self, val) else: chunks = [] while val: mod = val % 2**32 val >>= 32 chunks.append(mod) sum = cgf2n(chunks.pop()) for i,chunk in enumerate(reversed(chunks)): sum <<= 32 if i == len(chunks) - 1: gaddci(self, sum, chunk) elif chunk: sum += chunk def __neg__(self): """ Identity. """ return self __truediv__ = _clear.field_div def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self.coerce_op(other, divc, True) @vectorize def __invert__(self): """ Clear bit-wise inversion. """ res = cgf2n() gnotc(res, self) return res @vectorize def __lshift__(self, other): """ Left shift. :param other: compile-time (int) """ if isinstance(other, int): res = cgf2n() gshlci(res, self, other) return res else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __rshift__(self, other): """ Right shift. :param other: compile-time (int) """ if isinstance(other, int): res = cgf2n() gshrci(res, self, other) return res else: return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (cgf2n, int)): return (regint(self) == regint(other)) * \ (regint(self >> 64) == regint(other >> 64)) else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return 1 - (self == other)
[docs] @vectorize def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None, step=None): r""" Clear bit decomposition. :param bit_length: number of bits (defaults to global :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` bit length) :param step: extract every :py:obj:`step`-th bit (defaults to 1) """ bit_length = bit_length or program.galois_length step = step or 1 res = [type(self)() for _ in range(bit_length // step)] gbitdec(self, step, *res) return res
[docs]class regint(_register, _int): """ Clear 64-bit integer. Unlike :py:class:`cint` this is always a 64-bit integer. The type supports the following operations with :py:class:`regint` or Python integers, always returning :py:class:`regint`: ``+, -, *, %, /, //, **, ^, &, |, <<, >>, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``. For operations with other types, see the respective descriptions. Both ``/`` and ``//`` stand for floor division. :param val: initialization (cint/cgf2n/regint/int or list thereof) :param size: vector size (int), defaults to 1 or size of list """ __slots__ = [] reg_type = 'ci' instruction_type = 'modp' mov = staticmethod(movint)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._load_mem(address, ldmint, ldminti)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self._store_in_mem(address, stmint, stminti)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def pop(cls): """ Pop from stack. Made obsolete by :py:func:`update`. """ res = cls() popint(res) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def push(cls, value): """ Push to stack. Made obsolete by :py:func:`update`. :param value: any convertible type """ pushint(cls.conv(value))
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_random(cls, bit_length): """ Public insecure randomness. :param bit_length: number of bits (int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ if isinstance(bit_length, int): bit_length = regint(bit_length) res = cls() rand(res, bit_length) return res
[docs] @classmethod def inc(cls, size, base=0, step=1, repeat=1, wrap=None): """ Produce :py:class:`regint` vector with certain patterns. This is particularly useful for :py:meth:`SubMultiArray.direct_mul`. :param size: Result size :param base: First value :param step: Increase step :param repeat: Repeate this many times :param wrap: Start over after this many increases The following produces (1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7)::, 1, 2, 3) """ res = regint(size=size) if wrap is None: wrap = size incint(res, cls.conv(base, size=1), step, repeat, wrap) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, client_id, n=1): """ Receive clear integer value(s) from client. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param n: number of values (default 1) :param size: vector size (default 1) :returns: regint (if n=1) or list of regint """ res = [cls() for i in range(n)] readsocketint(client_id, get_global_vector_size(), *res) if n == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs] @classmethod def write_to_socket(self, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send a list of clear integers to a client. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param values: list of regint """ for value in values: assert(value.size == values[0].size) writesocketint(client_id, message_type, values[0].size, *values)
@vectorize_init def __init__(self, val=None, size=None): super(regint, self).__init__(self.reg_type, val=val, size=size) def load_int(self, val): if cint.in_immediate_range(val, regint=True): ldint(self, val) else: lower = val % 2**32 upper = val >> 32 if lower >= 2**31: lower -= 2**32 upper += 1 addint(self, regint(upper) * regint(2**16)**2, regint(lower)) @read_mem_value def load_other(self, val): if isinstance(val, cgf2n): gconvgf2n(self, val) elif isinstance(val, regint): addint(self, val, regint(0)) else: try: val.to_regint(dest=self) except AttributeError: raise CompilerError("Cannot convert '%s' to integer" % \ type(val)) def expand_to_vector(self, size=None): if size is None: size = get_global_vector_size() if self.size == size: return self assert self.size == 1 return, self, 0) @vectorize @read_mem_value def int_op(self, other, inst, reverse=False): if isinstance(other, (int, regint)): other = self.conv(other) else: return NotImplemented res = regint() if reverse: inst(res, other, self) else: inst(res, self, other) return res def add(self, other): """ Clear addition. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.int_op(other, addint) def __sub__(self, other): """ Clear subtraction. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.int_op(other, subint) def __rsub__(self, other): return self.int_op(other, subint, True) __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__ def mul(self, other): """ Clear multiplication. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.int_op(other, mulint) def __neg__(self): """ Clear negation. """ return 0 - self def __floordiv__(self, other): """ Clear integer division (rounding to floor). :param other: regint/cint/int """ if util.is_constant(other) and other >= 2 ** 64: return 0 return self.int_op(other, divint) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return self.int_op(other, divint, True) __rfloordiv__.__doc__ = __floordiv__.__doc__ def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, _gf2n): return NotImplemented else: return cint(self) / other def __rtruediv__(self, other): return other / cint(self) def __mod__(self, other): """ Clear modulo computation. :param other: regint/cint/int """ if util.is_constant(other) and other >= 2 ** 64: return self return self - (self // other) * other def __rmod__(self, other): """ Clear modulo computation. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return regint(other) % self def __rpow__(self, other): """ Clear power of two computation. :param other: regint/cint/int :rtype: cint """ return other**cint(self) def __eq__(self, other): """ Clear comparison. :param other: regint/cint/int :return: 0/1 """ return self.int_op(other, eqc, False) def __ne__(self, other): return 1 - (self == other) def __lt__(self, other): return self.int_op(other, ltc, False) def __gt__(self, other): return self.int_op(other, gtc, False) def __le__(self, other): return 1 - (self > other) def __ge__(self, other): return 1 - (self < other) for op in __le__, __lt__, __ge__, __gt__, __ne__: op.__doc__ = __eq__.__doc__ del op def cint_op(self, other, op): if isinstance(other, regint): return regint(op(cint(self), other)) else: return NotImplemented def __lshift__(self, other): """ Clear shift. :param other: regint/cint/int """ if isinstance(other, int): return self * 2**other else: return self.cint_op(other, operator.lshift) def __rshift__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self // 2**other else: return self.cint_op(other, operator.rshift) def __rlshift__(self, other): return regint(other << cint(self)) def __rrshift__(self, other): return regint(other >> cint(self)) for op in __rshift__, __rlshift__, __rrshift__: op.__doc__ = __lshift__.__doc__ del op def __and__(self, other): """ Clear bit-wise AND. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.cint_op(other, operator.and_) def __or__(self, other): """ Clear bit-wise OR. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.cint_op(other, operator.or_) def __xor__(self, other): """ Clear bit-wise XOR. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self.cint_op(other, operator.xor) __rand__ = __and__ __ror__ = __or__ __rxor__ = __xor__
[docs] def mod2m(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Clear modulo a power of two. :rtype: cint """ return cint(self).mod2m(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @vectorize def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None): """ Clear bit decomposition. :param bit_length: number of bits (defaults to global bit length) :return: list of regint """ bit_length = bit_length or min(64, program.bit_length) if bit_length > 64: raise CompilerError('too many bits demanded') res = [regint() for i in range(bit_length)] bitdecint(self, *res) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def bit_compose(bits): """ Clear bit composition. :param bits: list of regint/cint/int """ two = regint(2) res = 0 for bit in reversed(bits): res *= two res += bit return res
[docs] def shuffle(self): """ Returns insecure shuffle of vector. """ res = regint(size=len(self)) shuffle(res, self) return res
[docs] def reveal(self): """ Identity. """ return self
[docs] def print_reg_plain(self): """ Output. """ print_int(self)
[docs] def print_if(self, string): """ Output string if value is non-zero. :param string: Python string """ self._condition().print_if(string)
def output_if(self, cond): self._condition().output_if(cond) def _condition(self): if program.options.binary: from .GC.types import cbits return cbits.get_type(64)(self) else: return cint(self)
[docs] def binary_output(self, player=None): """ Write 64-bit signed integer to ``Player-Data/Binary-Output-P<playerno>-<threadno>``. :param player: only output on given player (default all) """ if player == None: player = -1 if not util.is_constant(player): raise CompilerError('Player number must be known at compile time') intoutput(player, self)
[docs]class localint(Tape._no_truth): """ Local integer that must prevented from leaking into the secure computation. Uses regint internally. :param value: initialization, convertible to regint """ def __init__(self, value=None): self._v = regint(value) self.size = 1
[docs] def output(self): """ Output. """ self._v.print_reg_plain()
""" Local comparison. """ __lt__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v < other) __le__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v <= other) __gt__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v > other) __ge__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v >= other) __eq__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v == other) __ne__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v != other) __add__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v + other) __radd__ = lambda self, other: localint(self._v + other)
[docs]class personal(Tape._no_truth): """ Value known to one player. Supports operations with public values and personal values known to the same player. Can be used with :py:func:`~Compiler.library.print_ln_to`. It is possible to convert to secret types like :py:class:`sint`. :param player: player (int) :param value: cleartext value (cint, cfix, cfloat) or array thereof """ def __init__(self, player, value): assert value is not NotImplemented assert not isinstance(value, _secret) while isinstance(value, personal): assert player == value.player value = value._v self.player = player self._v = value
[docs] @classmethod def read_int(cls, player, n_bytes=None): """ Read integer from ``Player-Data/Input-Binary-P<player>-<threadnum>`` only on party :py:obj:`player`. :param player: player (int) :return: personal cint """ tmp = cint() fixinput(player, tmp, n_bytes or 0, 0) return cls(player, tmp)
[docs] @classmethod def read_fix(cls, player, f, k, precision): """ Read fixed-point value from ``Player-Data/Input-Binary-P<player>-<threadnum>`` only on party :py:obj:`player`. :param player: player (int) :param f: fixed-point precision (int) :param k: fixed-point length (int) :param precision: input precision (1: single, 2: double) :return: personal cfix """ assert precision in (1, 2) tmp = cint() fixinput(player, tmp, f, precision) return cls(player, cfix._new(tmp, f=f, k=k))
@classmethod def read_int_from_socket(cls, player, socket, size=1): return cls.read_from_socket(player, socket, cint, size) @classmethod def read_fix_from_socket(cls, player, socket, size=1): return cls.read_from_socket(player, socket, cfix, size) @classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, player, socket, type, size): tmp = type(size=size) @library.if_(player == library.get_player_id()._v) def _():, size=size)) return cls(player, tmp)
[docs] def binary_output(self): """ Write binary output to ``Player-Data/Binary-Output-P<playerno>-<threadno>`` if supported by underlying type. Player must be known at compile time.""" self._v.binary_output(self.player)
[docs] def reveal_to(self, player): """ Pass personal value to another player. """ if isinstance(self._v, Array): source = self._v[:] else: source = self._v source = cint.conv(source) res = cint(size=source.size) sendpersonal(source.size, player, res, self.player, source) if isinstance(self._v, Array): res = Array.create_from(res) return personal(player, res)
[docs] def bit_decompose(self, length=None): """ Bit decomposition. :param length: number of bits """ return [personal(self.player, x) for x in self._v.bit_decompose(length)]
def _san(self, other): if isinstance(other, personal): assert self.player == other.player return self._v def _div_san(self): return self._v.conv((library.get_player_id() == self.player)._v).if_else(self._v, 1) def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._san(value) self._v[index] = value __getitem__ = lambda self, index: personal(self.player, self._v[index]) __add__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) + other) __sub__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) - other) __mul__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) * other) __pow__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) ** other) __truediv__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) / other) __floordiv__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) // other) __mod__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) % other) __lt__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) < other) __gt__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) > other) __le__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) <= other) __ge__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) >= other) __eq__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) == other) __ne__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) != other) __and__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) & other) __xor__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) ^ other) __or__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) | other) __lshift__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) << other) __rshift__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, self._san(other) >> other) __neg__ = lambda self: personal(self.player, -self._v) __radd__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other + self._v) __rsub__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other - self._v) __rmul__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other * self._v) __rand__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other & self._v) __rxor__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other ^ self._v) __ror__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other | self._v) __rlshift__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other << self._v) __rrshift__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other >> self._v) __rtruediv__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other / self._div_san()) __rfloordiv__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other // self._div_san()) __rmod__ = lambda self, other: personal(self.player, other % self._div_san())
class longint: def __init__(self, value, length=None, n_limbs=None): assert length is None or n_limbs is None if isinstance(value, longint): if n_limbs is None: n_limbs = int(math.ceil(length / 64)) assert n_limbs <= len(value.v) self.v = value.v[:n_limbs] elif isinstance(value, list): assert length is None self.v = value[:] else: if length is None: length = 64 * n_limbs if isinstance(value, int): self.v = [(value >> i) for i in range(0, length, 64)] else: self.v = [(value >> i).to_regint(0) for i in range(0, length, 64)] def coerce(self, other): return longint(other, n_limbs=len(self.v)) def __eq__(self, other): return reduce(operator.mul, (x == y for x, y in zip(self.v, self.coerce(other).v))) def __add__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) assert len(self.v) == len(other.v) res = [] carry = 0 for x, y in zip(self.v, other.v): res.append(x + y + carry) carry = util.if_else(carry, (res[-1] + 2 ** 63) <= (x + 2 ** 63), (res[-1] + 2 ** 63) < (x + 2 ** 63)) return longint(res) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): return self + -other def bit_decompose(self, bit_length): assert bit_length <= 64 * len(self.v) res = [] for x in self.v: res += x.bit_decompose(64) return res[:bit_length] class _secret(_arithmetic_register, _secret_structure): __slots__ = [] mov = staticmethod(set_instruction_type(movs)) PreOR = staticmethod(lambda l: floatingpoint.PreORC(l)) PreOp = staticmethod(lambda op, l: floatingpoint.PreOpL(op, l)) @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_input_from(cls, player): """ Secret input from player. :param player: public (regint/cint/int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = cls() asm_input(res, player) return res @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_random_triple(cls): """ Secret random triple according to security model. :return: :math:`(a, b, ab)` :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = (cls(), cls(), cls()) triple(*res) return res @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_random_bit(cls): """ Secret random bit according to security model. :return: 0/1 50-50 :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = cls() bit(res) return res @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_random_square(cls): """ Secret random square according to security model. :return: :math:`(a, a^2)` :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = (cls(), cls()) square(*res) return res @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_random_inverse(cls): """ Secret random inverse tuple according to security model. :return: :math:`(a, a^{-1})` :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = (cls(), cls()) inverse(*res) return res @vectorized_classmethod @set_instruction_type def get_random_input_mask_for(cls, player): """ Secret random input mask according to security model. :return: mask (sint), mask (personal cint) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = cls(), personal(player, cls.clear_type()) inputmask(res[0], res[1]._v, player) return res @classmethod @set_instruction_type def dot_product(cls, x, y): """ Secret dot product. :param x: Iterable of secret values :param y: Iterable of secret values of same length and type :rtype: same as inputs """ if isinstance(x, cls) and isinstance(y, cls): assert len(x) == len(y) res = cls() matmuls(res, x, y, 1, len(x), 1) else: x = list(x) set_global_vector_size(x[0].size) res = cls() dotprods(res, x, y) reset_global_vector_size() return res @classmethod @set_instruction_type def row_matrix_mul(cls, row, matrix, res_params=None): assert len(row) == len(matrix) size = len(matrix[0]) res = cls(size=size) dotprods(*sum(([res[j], row, [matrix[k][j] for k in range(len(row))]] for j in range(size)), [])) return res @classmethod @set_instruction_type def matrix_mul(cls, A, B, n, res_params=None): assert len(A) % n == 0 assert len(B) % n == 0 size = len(A) * len(B) // n**2 res = cls(size=size) n_rows = len(A) // n n_cols = len(B) // n matmuls(res, A, B, n_rows, n, n_cols) return res @staticmethod def _new(self): # mirror sfix return self @no_doc def __init__(self, reg_type, val=None, size=None): if isinstance(val, self.clear_type): size = val.size super(_secret, self).__init__(reg_type, val=val, size=size) @set_instruction_type @vectorize def load_int(self, val): if self.clear_type.in_immediate_range(val): ldsi(self, val) else: self.load_clear(self.clear_type(val)) @vectorize def load_clear(self, val): addm(self, self.__class__(0), val) @set_instruction_type @read_mem_value @vectorize def load_other(self, val): from Compiler.GC.types import sbits, sbitvec if isinstance(val, self.clear_type): self.load_clear(val) elif isinstance(val, type(self)): movs(self, val) elif isinstance(val, sbits): assert(val.n == self.size) r = self.get_dabit() movs(self, r[0].bit_xor((r[1] ^ val).reveal().to_regint_by_bit())) elif isinstance(val, sbitvec): movs(self, sint.bit_compose(val)) else: self.load_clear(self.clear_type(val)) @classmethod def bit_compose(cls, bits): """ Compose value from bits. :param bits: iterable of any type convertible to sint """ from Compiler.GC.types import sbits, sbitintvec if isinstance(bits, sbits): bits = bits.bit_decompose() bits = list(bits) if (program.use_edabit() or program.use_split()) and isinstance(bits[0], sbits): if program.use_edabit(): mask = cls.get_edabit(len(bits), strict=True, size=bits[0].n) else: tmp = sint(size=bits[0].n) randoms(tmp, len(bits)) n_overflow_bits = min(program.use_split().bit_length(), int(program.options.ring) - len(bits)) mask_bits = tmp.bit_decompose(len(bits) + n_overflow_bits, maybe_mixed=True) if n_overflow_bits: overflow = sint.bit_compose( sint.conv(x) for x in mask_bits[-n_overflow_bits:]) mask = tmp - (overflow << len(bits)), \ mask_bits[:-n_overflow_bits] else: mask = tmp, mask_bits t = sbitintvec.get_type(len(bits) + 1) masked = t.from_vec(mask[1] + [0]) + t.from_vec(bits + [0]) overflow = masked.v[-1] masked = cls.bit_compose(x.reveal().to_regint_by_bit() for x in masked.v[:-1]) return masked - mask[0] + (cls(overflow) << len(bits)) else: return super(_secret, cls).bit_compose(bits) @set_instruction_type @read_mem_value @vectorize def secret_op(self, other, s_inst, m_inst, si_inst, reverse=False): res = self.prep_res(other) cls = type(res) if isinstance(other, regint): other = res.clear_type(other) if isinstance(other, cls): if reverse: s_inst(res, other, self) else: s_inst(res, self, other) elif isinstance(other, res.clear_type): if reverse: m_inst(res, other, self) else: m_inst(res, self, other) elif isinstance(other, int): if self.clear_type.in_immediate_range(other): si_inst(res, self, other) else: if reverse: m_inst(res, res.clear_type(other), self) else: m_inst(res, self, res.clear_type(other)) else: return NotImplemented return res def add(self, other): """ Secret addition. :param other: any compatible type """ return self.secret_op(other, adds, addm, addsi) @set_instruction_type def mul(self, other): """ Secret multiplication. Either both operands have the same size or one size 1 for a value-vector multiplication. :param other: any compatible type """ if isinstance(other, _register) and (1 in (self.size, other.size)) \ and (self.size, other.size) != (1, 1): x, y = (other, self) if self.size < other.size else (self, other) if not isinstance(other, _secret): return y.expand_to_vector(x.size) * x res = type(self)(size=x.size) mulrs(res, x, y) return res return self.secret_op(other, muls, mulm, mulsi) def __sub__(self, other): """ Secret subtraction. :param other: any compatible type """ return self.secret_op(other, subs, subml, subsi) def __rsub__(self, other): return self.secret_op(other, subs, submr, subsfi, True) __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__ def field_div(self, other): """ Secret field division. :param other: any compatible type """ try: one = self.clear_type(1, size=other.size) except AttributeError: one = self.clear_type(1) return self * one.field_div(other) @vectorize def _rfield_div(self, other): a,b = self.get_random_inverse() return other * a.field_div((a * self).reveal()) @set_instruction_type @vectorize def square(self): """ Secret square. """ if program.use_square(): res = self.__class__() sqrs(res, self) return res else: return self * self @set_instruction_type def secure_shuffle(self, unit_size=1): res = type(self)(size=self.size) secshuffle(res, self, unit_size) return res @set_instruction_type @vectorize def reveal(self, check=True): """ Reveal secret value publicly. :rtype: relevant clear type """ res = self.clear_type() asm_open(check, res, self) return res @set_instruction_type def reveal_to(self, player): """ Reveal secret value to :py:obj:`player`. :param player: int :returns: :py:class:`personal` """ mask = self.get_random_input_mask_for(player) masked = self + mask[0] res = personal(player, masked.reveal() - mask[1]) return res @set_instruction_type @vectorize def raw_right_shift(self, length): """ Local right shift in supported protocols. In integer-like protocols, the output is potentially off by one. :param length: number of bits """ res = type(self)() shrsi(res, self, length) return res def raw_mod2m(self, m): return self - (self.raw_right_shift(m) << m) @set_instruction_type @vectorize def output(self): print_reg_plains(self)
[docs]class sint(_secret, _int): """ Secret integer in the protocol-specific domain. It supports operations with :py:class:`sint`, :py:class:`cint`, :py:class:`regint`, and Python integers. Operations where one of the operands is an :py:class:`sint` either result in an :py:class:`sint` or an :py:class:`sintbit`, the latter for comparisons. The following operations work as expected in the computation domain (modulo a prime or a power of two): ``+, -, *``. ``/`` denotes a fixed-point division. Comparisons operators (``==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``) assume that the element in the computation domain represents a signed integer in a restricted range, see below. The same holds for ``abs()``, shift operators (``<<, >>``), modulo (``%``), and exponentation (``**``). Modulo only works if the right-hand operator is a compile-time power of two. Most non-linear operations require compile-time parameters for bit length. It defaults to the global parameters set by :py:meth:`program.set_bit_length`, and its default is output at the beginning of the compilation. If the computation domain is modulo a power of two, the operands will be truncated to the bit length. Modulo prime, the behaviour is undefined and potentially insecure if the operands are longer than the bit length. See :ref:`nonlinear` for an overview of how non-linear computation is implemented. :param val: initialization (sint/cint/regint/int/cgf2n or list thereof, sbits/sbitvec/sfix, or :py:class:`personal`) :param size: vector size (int), defaults to 1 or size of list When converting :py:class:`~Compiler.GC.types.sbits`, the result is a vector of bits, and when converting :py:class:`~Compiler.GC.types.sbitvec`, the result is a vector of values with bit length equal the length of the input. Initializing from a :py:class:`personal` value implies the relevant party inputting their value securely. """ __slots__ = [] instruction_type = 'modp' clear_type = cint reg_type = 's' PreOp = staticmethod(floatingpoint.PreOpL) PreOR = staticmethod(floatingpoint.PreOR) @classmethod def get_type(cls, n): cls.require_bit_length(n or 0) return cls @staticmethod def require_bit_length(n_bits): if program.options.ring: if int(program.options.ring) < n_bits: raise CompilerError('computation modulus too small') else: program.curr_tape.require_bit_length(n_bits)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_random_int(cls, bits): """ Secret random n-bit number according to security model. :param bits: compile-time integer (int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ if program.use_edabit(): return sint.get_edabit(bits, True)[0] elif program.use_split() > 2 and program.use_split() < 5: tmp = sint() randoms(tmp, bits) x = tmp.split_to_two_summands(bits, True) carry = comparison.CarryOutRawLE(x[1][:bits], x[0][:bits]) if program.use_split() > 3: from .GC.types import sbitint x = sbitint.full_adder(carry, x[0][bits], x[1][bits]) overflow = sint.conv(x[1]) * 2 + sint.conv(x[0]) else: overflow = sint.conv(carry) + sint.conv(x[0][bits]) return tmp - (overflow << bits) res = sint() comparison.PRandInt(res, bits) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_random(cls): """ Secret random ring element according to security model. :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ res = sint() randomfulls(res) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, binary=False, n_bytes=None): """ Secret input. :param player: public (regint/cint/int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ if binary: return cls(personal.read_int(player, n_bytes=n_bytes)) else: res = cls() inputmixed('int', res, player) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_dabit(cls): """ Bit in arithmetic and binary circuit according to security model """ from Compiler.GC.types import sbits res = cls(), sbits.get_type(get_global_vector_size())() dabit(*res) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_edabit(cls, n_bits, strict=False): """ Bits in arithmetic and binary circuit """ """ according to security model """ if not program.use_edabit_for(strict, n_bits): if program.use_dabit: a, b = zip(*(sint.get_dabit() for i in range(n_bits))) return sint.bit_compose(a), b else: a = [sint.get_random_bit() for i in range(n_bits)] return sint.bit_compose(a), a assert n_bits > 0 program.curr_tape.require_bit_length(n_bits - 2) whole = cls() size = get_global_vector_size() from Compiler.GC.types import sbits, sbitvec bits = [sbits.get_type(size)() for i in range(n_bits)] if strict: sedabit(whole, *bits) else: edabit(whole, *bits) return whole, bits
@staticmethod @vectorize def bit_decompose_clear(a, n_bits): return floatingpoint.bits(a, n_bits) @vectorized_classmethod def get_raw_input_from(cls, player): res = cls() rawinput(player, res) return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def receive_from_client(cls, n, client_id, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Securely obtain shares of values input by a client. This uses the triple-based input protocol introduced by `Damgård et al. <>`_ unless :py:obj:`` is set to false, in which case it uses random values to mask the clients' input. :param n: number of inputs (int) :param client_id: regint :param size: vector size (default 1) :returns: list of sint """ if # send shares of a triple to client triples = list(itertools.chain(*(sint.get_random_triple() for i in range(n)))) else: triples = [sint.get_random() for i in range(n)] sint.write_shares_to_socket(client_id, triples, message_type) received = util.tuplify(cint.read_from_socket(client_id, n)) y = [0] * n for i in range(n): y[i] = received[i] - triples[i * 3 if else i] return y
[docs] @classmethod def reveal_to_clients(cls, clients, values): """ Reveal securely to clients. Uses :py:obj:`` to determine whether to use triples for active security. :param clients: client ids (list or array) :param values: list of sint to reveal """ set_global_vector_size(values[0].size) to_send = [] for value in values: assert(value.size == values[0].size) r = sint.get_random(size=value.size) value += r - r.reveal() if r = sint.get_random() to_send += [value, r, value * r] else: to_send += [value] if isinstance(clients, Array): n_clients = clients.length else: n_clients = len(clients) set_global_vector_size(1) clients = Array.create_from(regint.conv(clients)) reset_global_vector_size() @library.for_range(n_clients) def loop_body(i): sint.write_shares_to_socket(clients[i], to_send) reset_global_vector_size()
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, client_id, n=1): """ Receive secret-shared value(s) from client. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param n: number of values (default 1) :param size: vector size of values (default 1) :returns: sint (if n=1) or list of sint """ res = [cls() for i in range(n)] readsockets(client_id, get_global_vector_size(), *res) if n == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def write_to_socket(cls, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send a list of shares and MAC shares to a client socket. :param client_id: regint :param values: list of sint """ writesockets(client_id, message_type, values[0].size, *values)
[docs] @vectorize def write_fully_to_socket(self, client_id, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send full secret to socket """ writesockets(client_id, message_type, self.size, self)
@vectorize def write_share_to_socket(self, client_id, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send only share to socket """ writesocketshare(client_id, message_type, self.size, self)
[docs] @classmethod def write_shares_to_socket(cls, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send shares of a list of values to a specified client socket. :param client_id: regint :param values: list of sint """ writesocketshare(client_id, message_type, values[0].size, *values)
[docs] @classmethod def read_from_file(cls, start, n_items=1, crash_if_missing=True, size=1): """ Read shares from ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data``. See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param start: starting position in number of shares from beginning (int/regint/cint) :param n_items: number of items (int) :param crash_if_missing: crash if file not found (default) :param size: vector size (int) :returns: destination for final position, -1 for eof reached, or -2 for file not found (regint) :returns: list of shares """ shares = [cls(size=size) for i in range(n_items)] stop = regint() readsharesfromfile(regint.conv(start), stop, *shares) if crash_if_missing: library.runtime_error_if(stop == -2, 'Persistence not found') return stop, shares
[docs] @staticmethod def write_to_file(shares, position=None): """ Write shares to ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data`` (appending at the end). See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param shares: (list or iterable of sint) :param position: start position (int/regint/cint), defaults to end of file """ if isinstance(shares, sint): shares = [shares] for share in shares: assert isinstance(share, sint) assert share.size == shares[0].size if position is None: position = -1 writesharestofile(regint.conv(position), *shares)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._load_mem(address, ldms, ldmsi)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self._store_in_mem(address, stms, stmsi)
@classmethod def direct_matrix_mul(cls, A, B, n, m, l, reduce=None, indices=None, indices_values=None): if indices is None: indices = [ for i in (n, m, m, l)] indices_values = [list(range(i)) for i in (n, m, m, l)] res = cls(size=indices[0].size * indices[3].size) if isinstance(A, int) and isinstance(B, int): first_factor_base_addresses = [A] second_factor_base_addresses = [B] else: first_factor_base_addresses = None second_factor_base_addresses = None matmulsm(res, regint(A), regint(B), len(indices[0]), len(indices[1]), len(indices[3]), *(list(indices) + [m, l]), first_factor_base_addresses=first_factor_base_addresses, second_factor_base_addresses=second_factor_base_addresses, indices_values=indices_values) return res @vectorize_init def __init__(self, val=None, size=None): from .GC.types import sbitvec if isinstance(val, personal): size = val._v.size super(sint, self).__init__('s', size=size) inputpersonal(size, val.player, self, self.clear_type.conv(val._v)) elif isinstance(val, _fix): super(sint, self).__init__('s', size=val.v.size) self.load_other(val.v.round(val.k, val.f, nearest=val.round_nearest)) elif isinstance(val, sbitvec): super(sint, self).__init__('s', val=val, size=val[0].n) else: super(sint, self).__init__('s', val=val, size=size) @vectorize def __neg__(self): """ Secret negation. """ return 0 - self @vectorize def __abs__(self): """ Secret absolute. Uses global parameters for comparison. """ return (self >= 0).if_else(self, -self) @read_mem_value @type_comp @vectorize def __lt__(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Secret comparison (signed). :param other: sint/cint/regint/int :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) :return: 0/1 (sintbit) """ res = sintbit() comparison.LTZ(res, self - other, (bit_length or program.bit_length) + 1) return res @read_mem_value @type_comp @vectorize def __gt__(self, other, bit_length=None): res = sintbit() comparison.LTZ(res, other - self, (bit_length or program.bit_length) + 1) return res @read_mem_value @type_comp def __le__(self, other, bit_length=None): return 1 - self.greater_than(other, bit_length) @read_mem_value @type_comp def __ge__(self, other, bit_length=None): return 1 - self.less_than(other, bit_length) @read_mem_value @type_comp @vectorize def __eq__(self, other, bit_length=None): return sintbit.conv( floatingpoint.EQZ(self - other, bit_length or program.bit_length)) @read_mem_value @type_comp def __ne__(self, other, bit_length=None): return 1 - self.equal(other, bit_length) less_than = __lt__ greater_than = __gt__ less_equal = __le__ greater_equal = __ge__ equal = __eq__ not_equal = __ne__ for op in __gt__, __le__, __ge__, __eq__, __ne__: op.__doc__ = __lt__.__doc__ del op @vectorize def __mod__(self, modulus): """ Secret modulo computation. Uses global parameters for bit length and security. :param modulus: power of two (int) """ if isinstance(modulus, int): l = math.log(modulus, 2) if 2**int(round(l)) == modulus: return self.mod2m(int(l)) raise NotImplementedError('Modulo only implemented for powers of two.')
[docs] @vectorize @read_mem_value def mod2m(self, m, bit_length=None, signed=True): """ Secret modulo power of two. :param m: secret or public integer (sint/cint/regint/int) :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ bit_length = bit_length or program.bit_length if isinstance(m, int): if m == 0: return 0 if m >= bit_length: return self res = sint() comparison.Mod2m(res, self, bit_length, m, signed=signed) else: res, pow2 = floatingpoint.Trunc(self, bit_length, m, compute_modulo=True) return res
@vectorize def __rpow__(self, base): """ Secret power computation. Base must be two. Uses global parameters for bit length and security. """ if base == 2: return self.pow2() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @vectorize def pow2(self, bit_length=None): """ Secret power of two. :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ return floatingpoint.Pow2(self, bit_length or program.bit_length)
def __lshift__(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Secret left shift. :param other: secret or public integer (sint/cint/regint/int) :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ return self * util.pow2_value(other, bit_length) @vectorize @read_mem_value def __rshift__(self, other, bit_length=None, signed=True): """ Secret right shift. :param other: secret or public integer (sint/cint/regint/int) :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ bit_length = bit_length or program.bit_length if isinstance(other, int): if other == 0: return self res = sint() comparison.Trunc(res, self, bit_length, other, signed) return res elif isinstance(other, sint): return floatingpoint.Trunc(self, bit_length, other) else: return floatingpoint.Trunc(self, bit_length, sint(other)) left_shift = __lshift__ right_shift = __rshift__ def __rlshift__(self, other): """ Secret left shift. Bit length of :py:obj:`self` uses global value. :param other: secret or public integer (sint/cint/regint/int) """ return other * 2**self @vectorize def __rrshift__(self, other): """ Secret right shift. :param other: secret or public integer (sint/cint/regint/int) of globale bit length if secret """ return floatingpoint.Trunc(other, program.bit_length, self)
[docs] @vectorize def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None, maybe_mixed=False): """ Secret bit decomposition. """ if bit_length == 0: return [] bit_length = bit_length or program.bit_length return program.non_linear.bit_dec(self, bit_length, bit_length, maybe_mixed)
def TruncMul(self, other, k, m, nearest=False): return (self * other).round(k, m, nearest, signed=True) def TruncPr(self, k, m, signed=True): return floatingpoint.TruncPr(self, k, m, signed=signed)
[docs] @vectorize def round(self, k, m, nearest=False, signed=False): """ Truncate and maybe round secret :py:obj:`k`-bit integer by :py:obj:`m` bits. :py:obj:`m` can be secret if :py:obj:`nearest` is false, in which case the truncation will be exact. For public :py:obj:`m`, :py:obj:`nearest` chooses between nearest rounding (rounding half up) and probablistic truncation. :param k: int :param m: secret or compile-time integer (sint/int) :param nearest: bool :param signed: bool """ secret = isinstance(m, sint) if nearest: if secret: raise NotImplementedError() return comparison.TruncRoundNearest(self, k, m, signed=signed) else: if secret: return floatingpoint.Trunc(self, k, m) return self.TruncPr(k, m, signed=signed)
def __truediv__(self, other): """ Secret fixed-point division. :param other: any compatible type """ if isinstance(other, sint): return other.__rtruediv__(self) try: return sfix._new(self) / cfix._new(cint(other), f=sfix.f, k=sfix.k) except: return NotImplemented def __rtruediv__(self, other): return sfix._new(other) / sfix._new(self)
[docs] @vectorize def int_div(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Secret integer division. Note that the domain bit length needs to be about four times the bit length. :param other: sint :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ k = bit_length or program.bit_length tmp = library.IntDiv(self, other, k) res = type(self)() comparison.Trunc(res, tmp, 2 * k, k, signed=True) return res
[docs] @vectorize def int_mod(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Secret integer modulo. Note that the domain bit length needs to be about four times the bit length. :param other: sint :param bit_length: bit length of input (default: global bit length) """ return self - other * self.int_div(other, bit_length=bit_length)
def trunc_zeros(self, n_zeros, bit_length=None, signed=True): bit_length = bit_length or program.bit_length return comparison.TruncZeros(self, bit_length, n_zeros, signed) def split_to_n_summands(self, length, n): comparison.require_ring_size(length, 'splitting') from .GC.types import sbits from .GC.instructions import split columns = [[sbits.get_type(self.size)() for i in range(n)] for i in range(length)] split(n, self, *sum(columns, [])) return columns def split_to_two_summands(self, length, get_carry=False): n = program.use_split() assert n columns = self.split_to_n_summands(length, n) return _bitint.wallace_tree_without_finish(columns, get_carry)
[docs] def reveal_to(self, player): """ Reveal secret value to :py:obj:`player`. :param player: public integer (int/regint/cint) :returns: :py:class:`personal` """ if not util.is_constant(player): secret_mask = sint(size=self.size) player_mask = cint(size=self.size) inputmaskreg(secret_mask, player_mask, regint.conv(player).expand_to_vector(self.size)) return personal(player, (self + secret_mask).reveal(False) - player_mask) else: res = personal(player, self.clear_type(size=self.size)) privateoutput(self.size, player, res._v, self) return res
[docs] def private_division(self, divisor, active=None, dividend_length=None, divisor_length=None): """ Private integer division as per `Veugen and Abspoel <>`_ :param divisor: public (cint/regint) or personal value thereof :param active: whether to check on the party knowing the divisor (active security) :param dividend_length: bit length of the dividend (default: global bit length) :param dividend_length: bit length of the divisor (default: global bit length) """ d = divisor l = divisor_length or program.bit_length m = dividend_length or program.bit_length sigma = min_length = m + l + 2 * sigma + 1 if program.options.ring: comparison.require_ring_size(min_length, 'private division') else: program.curr_tape.require_bit_length(min_length) r = sint.get_random_int(l + sigma) r_prime = sint.get_random_int(m + sigma) r_pprime = sint.get_random_int(l + sigma) d_shared = sint(d) h = (r + (r_prime << (l + sigma))) * d_shared z_shared = ((self << (l + sigma)) + h + r_pprime) z = z_shared.reveal_to(0) if active is None: active = if active: z_prime = [sint(x) for x in (z // d).bit_decompose(min_length)] check = [(x * (1 - x)).reveal() == 0 for x in z_prime] z_pp = [sint(x) for x in (z % d).bit_decompose(l)] check += [(x * (1 - x)).reveal() == 0 for x in z_pp] library.runtime_error_if(sum(check) != len(check), 'private division') z_pp = sint.bit_compose(z_pp) beta1 = z_pp.less_than(d_shared, l) beta2 = z_shared - sint.bit_compose(z_prime) * d_shared - z_pp library.runtime_error_if(beta1.reveal() != 1, 'private div') library.runtime_error_if(beta2.reveal() != 0, 'private div') y_prime = sint.bit_compose(z_prime[:l + sigma]) y = sint.bit_compose(z_prime[l + sigma:]) else: program.semi_honest() y = sint(z // (d << (l + sigma))) y_prime = sint((z // d) % (2 ** (l + sigma))) b = r.greater_than(y_prime, l + sigma) w = y - b - r_prime return w
@staticmethod def get_secure_shuffle(n): res = regint() gensecshuffle(res, n) return res @read_mem_value def secure_permute(self, shuffle, unit_size=1, reverse=False): res = sint(size=self.size) applyshuffle(res, self, unit_size, shuffle, reverse) return res def inverse_permutation(self): if program.use_invperm(): # If enabled, we use the low-level INVPERM instruction. # This instruction has only been implemented for a semi-honest two-party environement. res = sint(size=self.size) inverse_permutation(res, self) else: shuffle = sint.get_secure_shuffle(len(self)) shuffled = self.secure_permute(shuffle).reveal() idx = Array.create_from(shuffled) res = Array.create_from(sint( res.secure_permute(shuffle, reverse=False) res.assign_slice_vector(idx, res.get_vector()) library.break_point() res = res.get_vector() return res
[docs] @vectorize def prefix_sum(self): """ Prefix sum. """ res = sint() prefixsums(res, self) return res
def sum(self): res = type(self)(size=1) picks(res, self.prefix_sum(), len(self) - 1, 0) return res def _expand_to_vector(self, size): res = type(self)(size=size) picks(res, self, 0, 0) return res def copy_from_part(self, source, base, size): picks(self, source, base, 1) def get_reverse_vector(self): res = type(self)(size=self.size) picks(res, self, self.size - 1, -1) return res def get_vector(self, base=0, size=None, skip=1): if size is None: size = len(self) - base if base == 0 and size == len(self): return self assert base + size <= len(self) res = type(self)(size=size) picks(res, self, base, skip) return res @classmethod def concat(cls, parts): parts = list(parts) res = cls(size=sum(len(part) for part in parts)) args = sum(([len(part), part] for part in parts), []) concats(res, *args) return res @classmethod def zip(cls, *parts): res = cls(size=sum(len(part) for part in parts)) zips(res, *parts) return res
[docs]class sintbit(sint): """ :py:class:`sint` holding a bit, supporting binary operations (``&, |, ^``). """ @classmethod def prep_res(cls, other): return sint() @read_mem_value def load_other(self, other): if isinstance(other, sint): movs(self, other) else: super(sintbit, self).load_other(other) @vectorize def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sintbit): res = sintbit() muls(res, self, other) return res elif util.is_zero(other): return 0 elif util.is_one(other): return self else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sintbit): res = sintbit() adds(res, self, other - self * other) return res elif util.is_zero(other): return self elif util.is_one(other): return 1 else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __xor__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sintbit): res = sintbit() adds(res, self, other - 2 * self * other) return res elif util.is_zero(other): return self elif util.is_one(other): res = sintbit() submr(res, cint(1), self) return res else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __rsub__(self, other): if util.is_one(other): res = sintbit() subsfi(res, self, 1) return res else: return super(sintbit, self).__rsub__(other) __rand__ = __and__ __rxor__ = __xor__ __ror__ = __or__
[docs]class sgf2n(_secret, _gf2n): r""" Secret :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` value. n is chosen at runtime. A number operators are supported (``+, -, *, /, **, ^, ~, ==, !=, <<``), :py:class:`sgf2n`. Operators generally work with cgf2n/regint/cint/int, except ``**, <<``, which require a compile-time integer. ``/`` refers to field division. ``*, /, **`` refer to field multiplication and division. :param val: initialization (sgf2n/cgf2n/regint/int/cint or list thereof) :param size: vector size (int), defaults to 1 or size of list """ __slots__ = [] instruction_type = 'gf2n' clear_type = cgf2n reg_type = 'sg' long_one = staticmethod(lambda: 1) @classmethod def get_raw_input_from(cls, player): res = cls() grawinput(player, res) return res def add(self, other): r""" Secret :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` addition (XOR). :param other: sg2fn/cgf2n/regint/int """ if isinstance(other, sgf2nint): return NotImplemented else: return super(sgf2n, self).add(other) def mul(self, other): r""" Secret :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` multiplication. :param other: sg2fn/cgf2n/regint/int """ if isinstance(other, (sgf2nint)): return NotImplemented else: return super(sgf2n, self).mul(other)
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._load_mem(address, gldms, gldmsi)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self._store_in_mem(address, gstms, gstmsi)
@vectorize_init def __init__(self, val=None, size=None): super(sgf2n, self).__init__('sg', val=val, size=size) def __neg__(self): """ Identity. """ return self __truediv__ = _secret.field_div __rtruediv__ = _secret._rfield_div @vectorize def __invert__(self): """ Secret bit-wise inversion. """ return self ^ cgf2n(2**program.galois_length - 1) def __xor__(self, other): """ Secret bit-wise XOR. :param other: sg2fn/cgf2n/regint/int """ if is_zero(other): return self else: return super(sgf2n, self).add(other) __rxor__ = __xor__ @vectorize def __and__(self, other): """ Secret bit-wise AND. :param other: sg2fn/cgf2n/regint/int """ if isinstance(other, int): other_bits = [(other >> i) & 1 \ for i in range(program.galois_length)] else: other_bits = other.bit_decompose() self_bits = self.bit_decompose() return sum((x * y) << i \ for i,(x,y) in enumerate(zip(self_bits, other_bits))) __rand__ = __and__ @vectorize def __lshift__(self, other): """ Secret left shift py public value. :param other: regint/cint/int """ return self * cgf2n(1 << other)
[docs] @vectorize def right_shift(self, other, bit_length=None): r""" Secret right shift by public value: :param other: compile-time (int) :param bit_length: number of bits of :py:obj:`self` (defaults to :math:`\mathrm{GF}(2^n)` bit length) """ bits = self.bit_decompose(bit_length) return sum(b << i for i,b in enumerate(bits[other:]))
[docs] def equal(self, other, bit_length=None, expand=1): """ Secret comparison. :param other: sgf2n/cgf2n/regint/int :return: 0/1 (sgf2n) """ bits = [1 - bit for bit in (self - other).bit_decompose(bit_length)][::expand] while len(bits) > 1: bits.insert(0, bits.pop() * bits.pop()) return bits[0]
[docs] def not_equal(self, other, bit_length=None): """ Secret comparison. """ return 1 - self.equal(other, bit_length)
not_equal.__doc__ = equal.__doc__ __eq__ = equal __ne__ = not_equal
[docs] @vectorize def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None, step=1): """ Secret bit decomposition. :param bit_length: number of bits :param step: use every :py:obj:`step`-th bit :return: list of sgf2n """ if bit_length == 0: return [] bit_length = bit_length or program.galois_length random_bits = [self.get_random_bit() \ for i in range(0, bit_length, step)] one = cgf2n(1) masked = sum([b * (one << (i * step)) for i,b in enumerate(random_bits)], self).reveal( check=False) masked_bits = masked.bit_decompose(bit_length,step=step) return [m + r for m,r in zip(masked_bits, random_bits)]
@vectorize def bit_decompose_embedding(self): random_bits = [self.get_random_bit() \ for i in range(8)] one = cgf2n(1) wanted_positions = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35] masked = sum([b * (one << wanted_positions[i]) for i,b in enumerate(random_bits)], self).reveal( check=False) return [self.clear_type((masked >> wanted_positions[i]) & one) + r for i,r in enumerate(random_bits)]
for t in (sint, sgf2n): t.basic_type = t t.default_type = t sint.bit_type = sintbit sgf2n.bit_type = sgf2n class _bitint(Tape._no_truth): bits = None log_rounds = False linear_rounds = False comp_result = staticmethod(lambda x: x) @staticmethod def half_adder(a, b): return a.half_adder(b) @classmethod def bit_adder(cls, a, b, carry_in=0, get_carry=False): a, b = list(a), list(b) a += [0] * (len(b) - len(a)) b += [0] * (len(a) - len(b)) return cls.bit_adder_selection(a, b, carry_in=carry_in, get_carry=get_carry) @classmethod def bit_adder_selection(cls, a, b, carry_in=0, get_carry=False): if cls.log_rounds: return cls.carry_lookahead_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in, get_carry=get_carry) elif cls.linear_rounds: return cls.ripple_carry_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in, get_carry=get_carry) else: return cls.carry_select_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in, get_carry=get_carry) @classmethod def carry_lookahead_adder(cls, a, b, fewer_inv=False, carry_in=0, get_carry=False): lower = [] a, b = a[:], b[:] for (ai, bi) in zip(a[:], b[:]): if is_zero(ai) or is_zero(bi): lower.append(ai + bi) a.pop(0) b.pop(0) else: break carries = cls.get_carries(a, b, fewer_inv=fewer_inv, carry_in=carry_in) res = lower + cls.sum_from_carries(a, b, carries) if get_carry: res += [carries[-1]] return res @classmethod def get_carries(cls, a, b, fewer_inv=False, carry_in=0): d = [cls.half_adder(ai, bi) for (ai,bi) in zip(a,b)] carry = floatingpoint.carry if fewer_inv: pre_op = floatingpoint.PreOpL2 else: pre_op = floatingpoint.PreOpL if d: carries = list(zip(*pre_op(carry, [(0, carry_in)] + d)))[1] else: carries = [] return carries @staticmethod def sum_from_carries(a, b, carries): return [ai.bit_xor(bi).bit_xor(carry) \ for (ai, bi, carry) in zip(a, b, carries)] @classmethod def carry_select_adder(cls, a, b, get_carry=False, carry_in=0): a += [0] * (len(b) - len(a)) b += [0] * (len(a) - len(b)) n = len(a) for m in range(100): if sum(range(m + 1)) + 1 >= n: break for k in range(m, -1, -1): if sum(range(m, k - 1, -1)) + 1 >= n: break blocks = list(range(m, k, -1)) blocks.append(n - sum(blocks)) blocks.reverse() #print 'blocks:', blocks if len(blocks) > 1 and blocks[0] > blocks[1]: raise Exception('block size not increasing:', blocks) if sum(blocks) != n: raise Exception('blocks not summing up: %s != %s' % \ (sum(blocks), n)) res = [] carry = carry_in cin_one = util.long_one(a + b) for m in blocks: aa = a[:m] bb = b[:m] a = a[m:] b = b[m:] cc = [cls.ripple_carry_adder(aa, bb, i) for i in (0, cin_one)] for i in range(m): res.append(util.if_else(carry, cc[1][i], cc[0][i])) carry = util.if_else(carry, cc[1][m], cc[0][m]) if get_carry: res += [carry] return res @classmethod def ripple_carry_adder(cls, a, b, carry_in=0, get_carry=True): carry = carry_in res = [] for aa, bb in zip(a, b): cc, carry = cls.full_adder(aa, bb, carry) res.append(cc) if get_carry: res.append(carry) return res @staticmethod def full_adder(a, b, carry): s = a ^ b return s ^ carry, a ^ (s & (carry ^ a)) @staticmethod def bit_comparator(a, b): long_one = util.long_one(a + b) op = lambda y,x,*args: (util.if_else(x[1], x[0], y[0]), \ util.if_else(x[1], long_one, y[1])) return floatingpoint.KOpL(op, [(bi, ai + bi) for (ai,bi) in zip(a,b)]) @classmethod def bit_less_than(cls, a, b): x, not_equal = cls.bit_comparator(a, b) return util.if_else(not_equal, x, 0) @staticmethod def get_highest_different_bits(a, b, index): diff = [ai + bi for (ai,bi) in reversed(list(zip(a,b)))] preor = floatingpoint.PreOR(diff, raw=True) highest_diff = [x - y for (x,y) in reversed(list(zip(preor, [0] + preor)))] raw = sum(map(operator.mul, highest_diff, (a,b)[index])) return raw.bit_decompose()[0] def add(self, other): if type(other) == self.bin_type: raise CompilerError('Unclear addition') a = self.bit_decompose() b = util.bit_decompose(other, self.n_bits) return self.compose(self.bit_adder(a, b)) @ret_cisc def mul(self, other): if type(other) == self.bin_type: raise CompilerError('Unclear multiplication') self_bits = self.bit_decompose() if isinstance(other, int): other_bits = util.bit_decompose(other, self.n_bits) bit_matrix = [[x * y for y in self_bits] for x in other_bits] else: try: other_bits = other.bit_decompose() if len(other_bits) == 1: return type(self)(other_bits[0] * self) if len(self_bits) != len(other_bits): raise NotImplementedError('Multiplication of different lengths') except AttributeError: pass try: other = self.bin_type(other) except CompilerError: return NotImplemented bit_matrix = self.get_bit_matrix(self_bits, other) return self.compose(self.wallace_tree_from_matrix(bit_matrix, False)) @classmethod def wallace_tree_from_matrix(cls, bit_matrix, get_carry=True): columns = [[_f for _f in (bit_matrix[j][i-j] \ for j in range(min(len(bit_matrix), i + 1))) \ if not is_zero(_f)] \ for i in range(len(bit_matrix[0]))] return cls.wallace_tree_from_columns(columns, get_carry) @classmethod def wallace_tree_without_finish(cls, columns, get_carry=True): self = cls columns = [col[:] for col in columns] while max(len(c) for c in columns) > 2: new_columns = [[] for i in range(len(columns) + 1)] for i,col in enumerate(columns): while len(col) > 2: s, carry = self.full_adder(*(col.pop() for i in range(3))) new_columns[i].append(s) new_columns[i+1].append(carry) if len(col) == 2: s, carry = self.half_adder(*(col.pop() for i in range(2))) new_columns[i].append(s) new_columns[i+1].append(carry) else: new_columns[i].extend(col) if get_carry: columns = new_columns else: columns = new_columns[:-1] for col in columns: col.extend([0] * (2 - len(col))) return tuple(list(x) for x in zip(*columns)) @classmethod def wallace_tree_from_columns(cls, columns, get_carry=True): summands = cls.wallace_tree_without_finish(columns, get_carry) return cls.bit_adder(*summands) @classmethod def wallace_tree(cls, rows): return cls.wallace_tree_from_columns([list(x) for x in zip(*rows)]) @classmethod def wallace_reduction(cls, a, b, c, get_carry=True): assert len(a) == len(b) == len(c) tmp = zip(*(cls.full_adder(*x) for x in zip(a, b, c))) sums, carries = (list(x) for x in tmp) carries = [0] + carries if get_carry: sums += [0] else: del carries[-1] return sums, carries def expand(self, other): a = self.bit_decompose() b = util.bit_decompose(other, self.n_bits) return a, b def __sub__(self, other): if type(other) == sgf2n: raise CompilerError('Unclear subtraction') from util import bit_not, bit_and, bit_xor try: a, b = self.expand(other) except: return NotImplemented n = 1 for x in (a + b): try: n = x.n break except: pass d = [(bit_not(bit_xor(ai, bi), n), bit_and(bit_not(ai, n), bi)) for (ai,bi) in zip(a,b)] borrow = lambda y,x,*args: \ (bit_and(x[0], y[0]), util.OR(x[1], bit_and(x[0], y[1]))) borrows = (0,) + list(zip(*floatingpoint.PreOpL(borrow, d)))[1] return self.compose(reduce(util.bit_xor, (ai, bi, borrow)) \ for (ai,bi,borrow) in zip(a,b,borrows)) def __rsub__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError() def __truediv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError() def __truerdiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError() def __lshift__(self, other): return self.compose(([0] * other + self.bit_decompose())[:self.n_bits]) def __rshift__(self, other): return self.compose(self.bit_decompose()[other:]) def bit_decompose(self, n_bits=None): if self.bits is None: self.bits = self.force_bit_decompose(self.n_bits) if n_bits is None: return self.bits[:] else: return self.bits[:n_bits] + [self.fill_bit()] * (n_bits - self.n_bits) def fill_bit(self): return self.bits[-1] @staticmethod def prep_comparison(a, b): a[-1], b[-1] = b[-1], a[-1] def comparison(self, other, const_rounds=False, index=None): a, b = self.expand(other) self.prep_comparison(a, b) if const_rounds: return self.get_highest_different_bits(a, b, index) else: return self.bit_comparator(a, b) def __lt__(self, other): if program.options.comparison == 'log': x, not_equal = self.comparison(other) res = util.if_else(not_equal, x, 0) else: res = self.comparison(other, True, 1) return self.comp_result(res) def __le__(self, other): if program.options.comparison == 'log': x, not_equal = self.comparison(other) res = util.if_else(not_equal, x, x.long_one()) else: res = self.comparison(other, True, 0).bit_not() return self.comp_result(res) def __ge__(self, other): return (self < other).bit_not() def __gt__(self, other): return (self <= other).bit_not() def __eq__(self, other, bit_length=None): diff = self ^ other diff_bits = [x.bit_not() for x in diff.bit_decompose()[:bit_length]] return self.comp_result(util.tree_reduce(lambda x, y: x.bit_and(y), diff_bits)) def __ne__(self, other): return (self == other).bit_not() equal = __eq__ def __neg__(self): bits = self.bit_decompose() n = 1 for b in bits: try: n = x.n break except: pass return 1 + self.compose(util.bit_not(b, n) for b in bits) def __abs__(self): return util.if_else(self.bit_decompose()[-1], -self, self) less_than = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self < other greater_than = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self > other less_equal = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self <= other greater_equal = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self >= other equal = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self == other not_equal = lambda self, other, *args, **kwargs: self != other class intbitint(_bitint, sint): @staticmethod def full_adder(a, b, carry): s = a.bit_xor(b) return s.bit_xor(carry), util.if_else(s, carry, a) @staticmethod def sum_from_carries(a, b, carries): return [a[i] + b[i] + carries[i] - 2 * carries[i + 1] \ for i in range(len(a))] @classmethod def bit_adder_selection(cls, a, b, carry_in=0, get_carry=False): if cls.linear_rounds: return cls.ripple_carry_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in) # experimental cut-off with dead code elimination elif len(a) < 122 or cls.log_rounds: return cls.carry_lookahead_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in, get_carry=get_carry) else: return cls.carry_select_adder(a, b, carry_in=carry_in) class sgf2nint(_bitint, sgf2n): bin_type = sgf2n @classmethod def compose(cls, bits): bits = list(bits) if len(bits) > cls.n_bits: raise CompilerError('Too many bits') res = cls() res.bits = bits + [0] * (cls.n_bits - len(bits)) gmovs(res, sum(b << i for i,b in enumerate(bits))) return res @staticmethod def get_bit_matrix(self_bits, other): products = [x * other for x in self_bits] return [util.bit_decompose(x, len(self_bits)) for x in products] def load_int(self, other): if -2**(self.n_bits-1) <= other < 2**(self.n_bits-1): self.bin_type.load_int(self, other + 2**self.n_bits \ if other < 0 else other) else: raise CompilerError('Invalid signed %d-bit integer: %d' % \ (self.n_bits, other)) @vectorize def load_other(self, other): if isinstance(other, sgf2nint): gmovs(self, self.compose(other.bit_decompose(self.n_bits))) elif isinstance(other, sgf2n): gmovs(self, other) else: gaddm(self, sgf2n(0), cgf2n(other)) def force_bit_decompose(self, n_bits=None): return sgf2n(self).bit_decompose(n_bits) class sgf2nuint(sgf2nint): def load_int(self, other): if 0 <= other < 2**self.n_bits: sgf2n.load_int(self, other) else: raise CompilerError('Invalid unsigned %d-bit integer: %d' % \ (self.n_bits, other)) def fill_bit(self): return 0 @staticmethod def prep_comparison(a, b): pass class sgf2nuint32(sgf2nuint): n_bits = 32 class sgf2nint32(sgf2nint): n_bits = 32 def get_sgf2nint(n): class sgf2nint_spec(sgf2nint): n_bits = n #sgf2nint_spec.__name__ = 'sgf2unint' + str(n) return sgf2nint_spec def get_sgf2nuint(n): class sgf2nuint_spec(sgf2nint): n_bits = n #sgf2nuint_spec.__name__ = 'sgf2nuint' + str(n) return sgf2nuint_spec class sgf2nfloat(sgf2n): @classmethod def set_precision(cls, vlen, plen): cls.vlen = vlen cls.plen = plen class v_type(sgf2nuint): n_bits = 2 * vlen + 1 class p_type(sgf2nint): n_bits = plen class pdiff_type(sgf2nuint): n_bits = plen cls.v_type = v_type cls.p_type = p_type cls.pdiff_type = pdiff_type def __init__(self, val, p=None, z=None, s=None): super(sgf2nfloat, self).__init__() if p is None and type(val) == sgf2n: bits = val.bit_decompose(self.vlen + self.plen + 1) self.v = self.v_type.compose(bits[:self.vlen]) self.p = self.p_type.compose(bits[self.vlen:-1]) self.s = bits[-1] self.z = util.tree_reduce(operator.mul, (1 - b for b in self.v.bits)) else: if p is None: v, p, z, s = sfloat.convert_float(val, self.vlen, self.plen) # correct sfloat p += self.vlen - 1 v_bits = util.bit_decompose(v, self.vlen) p_bits = util.bit_decompose(p, self.plen) self.v = self.v_type.compose(v_bits) self.p = self.p_type.compose(p_bits) self.z = z self.s = s else: self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s = val, p, z, s v_bits = val.bit_decompose()[:self.vlen] p_bits = p.bit_decompose()[:self.plen] gmovs(self, util.bit_compose(v_bits + p_bits + [self.s])) def add(self, other): a = self.p < other.p b = self.p == other.p c = self.v < other.v other_dominates = (b.if_else(c, a)) pmax, pmin = a.cond_swap(self.p, other.p, self.p_type) vmax, vmin = other_dominates.cond_swap(self.v, other.v, self.v_type) s3 = self.s ^ other.s pdiff = self.pdiff_type(pmax - pmin) d = self.vlen < pdiff pow_delta = util.pow2(d.if_else(0, pdiff).bit_decompose(util.log2(self.vlen))) v3 = vmax v4 = self.v_type(sgf2n(vmax) * pow_delta) + self.v_type(s3.if_else(-vmin, vmin)) v = self.v_type(sgf2n(d.if_else(v3, v4) << self.vlen) / pow_delta) v >>= self.vlen - 1 h = floatingpoint.PreOR(v.bits[self.vlen+1::-1]) tmp = sum(util.if_else(b, 0, 1 << i) for i,b in enumerate(h)) pow_p0 = 1 + self.v_type(tmp) v = (v * pow_p0) >> 2 p = pmax - sum(self.p_type.compose([1 - b]) for b in h) + 1 v = self.z.if_else(other.v, other.z.if_else(self.v, v)) z = v == 0 p = z.if_else(0, self.z.if_else(other.p, other.z.if_else(self.p, p))) s = other_dominates.if_else(other.s, self.s) s = self.z.if_else(other.s, other.z.if_else(self.s, s)) return sgf2nfloat(v, p, z, s) def mul(self, other): v = (self.v * other.v) >> (self.vlen - 1) b = v.bits[self.vlen] v = b.if_else(v >> 1, v) p = self.p + other.p + self.p_type.compose([b]) s = self.s + other.s z = util.or_op(self.z, other.z) return sgf2nfloat(v, p, z, s) sgf2nfloat.set_precision(24, 8) def parse_type(other, k=None, f=None): # converts type to cfix/sfix depending on the case if isinstance(other, cfix.scalars): return cfix(other, k=k, f=f) elif isinstance(other, cint): tmp = cfix(k=k, f=f) tmp.load_int(other) return tmp elif isinstance(other, sint): tmp = sfix(k=k, f=f) tmp.load_int(other) return tmp elif isinstance(other, sfloat): tmp = sfix(other, k=k, f=f) return tmp else: return other
[docs]class cfix(_number, _structure): """ Clear fixed-point number represented as clear integer. It supports basic arithmetic (``+, -, *, /``), returning either :py:class:`cfix` if the other operand is public (cfix/regint/cint/int) or :py:class:`sfix` if the other operand is an sfix. It also support comparisons (``==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``), returning either :py:class:`regint` or :py:class:`sbitint`. Similarly to :py:class:`Compiler.types.cint`, this type is restricted to arithmetic circuits due to the fact that only arithmetic protocols offer communication-less public-private integer operations. :param v: cfix/float/int """ __slots__ = ['value', 'f', 'k'] reg_type = 'c' scalars = (int, float, regint, cint)
[docs] @classmethod def set_precision(cls, f, k = None): """ Set the precision of the integer representation. The initial defaults are chosen to allow the best optimization of probabilistic truncation in computation modulo 2^64 (2*k < 64). Generally, 2*k must be at most the integer length for rings and at most m-s-1 for computation modulo an m-bit prime and statistical security s (default 40). :param f: bit length of decimal part (initial default 16) :param k: whole bit length of fixed point, defaults to twice :py:obj:`f` if not given (initial default 31) """ cls.f = f if k is None: cls.k = 2 * f else: cls.k = k
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._new(cint.load_mem(address))
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, client_id, n=1): """ Receive clear fixed-point value(s) from client. The client needs to convert the values to the right integer representation. :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param n: number of values (default 1) :param: vector size (int) :returns: cfix (if n=1) or list of cfix """ cint_inputs = cint.read_from_socket(client_id, n) if n == 1: return cfix._new(cint_inputs) else: return list(map(cfix._new, cint_inputs))
[docs] @classmethod def write_to_socket(self, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send a list of clear fixed-point values to a client (represented as clear integers). :param client_id: Client id (regint) :param values: list of cint """ for value in values: assert(value.size == values[0].size) def cfix_to_cint(fix_val): return cint(fix_val.v) cint_values = list(map(cfix_to_cint, values)) writesocketc(client_id, message_type, values[0].size, *cint_values)
@staticmethod def malloc(size, creator_tape=None): return program.malloc(size, cint, creator_tape=creator_tape) @classmethod def free(cls, addr): return @staticmethod def n_elements(): return 1 @classmethod def from_int(cls, other): res = cls() res.load_int(other) return res @classmethod def _new(cls, other, k=None, f=None): assert not isinstance(other, (list, tuple)) res = cls(k=k, f=f) res.v = cint.conv(other) return res @staticmethod def int_rep(v, f, k=None): if isinstance(v, regint): v = cint(v) res = v * (2 ** f) try: res = int(round(res)) if k and res >= 2 ** (k - 1) or res < -2 ** (k - 1): limit = 2 ** (k - f - 1) raise CompilerError( 'Value out of fixed-point range [-%d, %d). ' 'Use `sfix.set_precision(f, k)` with k being at least f+%d' % (limit, limit, res.bit_length() - f + 1)) except TypeError: pass return res @vectorize_init @read_mem_value def __init__(self, v=None, k=None, f=None, size=None): f = self.f if f is None else f k = self.k if k is None else k self.f = f self.k = k if isinstance(v, cfix.scalars): v = self.int_rep(v, f=f, k=k) self.v = cint(v, size=size) elif isinstance(v, cfix): self.v = v.v elif v is None: self.v = cint(0) else: raise CompilerError('cannot initialize cfix with %s' % v) def __iter__(self): for x in self.v: yield self._new(x, self.k, self.f) def __len__(self): return len(self.v) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return [self._new(x, k=self.k, f=self.f) for x in self.v[index]] return self._new(self.v[index], k=self.k, f=self.f) def get_vector(self): return self @vectorize def load_int(self, v): self.v = cint(v) * (2 ** self.f) @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return other else: return cls(other)
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self.v.store_in_mem(address)
@property def size(self): return self.v.size def sizeof(self): return self.size * 4 @read_mem_value def parse_type(self, other): res = parse_type(other, f=self.f, k=self.k) # check attributes if available try: assert res.k == self.k assert res.f == self.f except AttributeError: pass return res @vectorize def add(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point addition. :param other: cfix/cint/regint/int """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return cfix._new(self.v + other.v, k=self.k, f=self.f) else: return NotImplemented def mul(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point multiplication. :param other: cfix/cint/regint/int/sint """ if isinstance(other, sint): return sfix._new(self.v * other, k=self.k, f=self.f) if isinstance(other, (int, regint, cint)): return cfix._new(self.v * cint(other), k=self.k, f=self.f) other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): assert self.f == other.f sgn = cint(1 - 2 * ((self < 0) ^ (other < 0))) absolute = self.v * other.v * sgn val = sgn * (absolute >> self.f) return cfix._new(val, k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, sfix): return NotImplemented else: raise CompilerError('Invalid type %s for cfix.__mul__' % type(other)) def positive_mul(self, other): assert isinstance(other, float) assert other >= 0 v = self.v * int(round(other * 2 ** self.f)) return self._new(v >> self.f, k=self.k, f=self.f) @vectorize def __sub__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point subtraction. :param other: cfix/cint/regint/int """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return cfix._new(self.v - other.v, k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, sfix): return sfix._new(self.v - other.v, k=self.k, f=self.f) else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __neg__(self): """ Clear fixed-point negation. """ # cfix type always has .v return cfix._new(-self.v, f=self.f, k=self.k) def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__ @vectorize def __eq__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. :param other: cfix/cint/regint/int :return: 0/1 :rtype: regint """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return self.v == other.v elif isinstance(other, sfix): return other.v.equal(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __lt__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): assert self.k == other.k return self.v.less_than(other.v, self.k) elif isinstance(other, sfix): if(self.k != other.k or self.f != other.f): raise TypeError('Incompatible fixed point types in comparison') return other.v.greater_than(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __le__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return 1 - (self > other) elif isinstance(other, sfix): return other.v.greater_equal(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __gt__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return other.__lt__(self) elif isinstance(other, sfix): return other.v.less_than(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __ge__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return 1 - (self < other) elif isinstance(other, sfix): return other.v.less_equal(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __ne__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point comparison. """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return self.v != other.v elif isinstance(other, sfix): return other.v.not_equal(self.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError for op in __le__, __lt__, __ge__, __gt__, __ne__: op.__doc__ = __eq__.__doc__ del op @vectorize def __truediv__(self, other): """ Clear fixed-point division. :param other: cfix/cint/regint/int """ other = self.parse_type(other) if isinstance(other, cfix): return cfix._new(library.cint_cint_division( self.v, other.v, self.k, self.f), k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, sfix): assert self.k == other.k assert self.f == other.f return sfix._new(library.FPDiv(self.v, other.v, self.k, self.f, nearest=sfix.round_nearest), k=self.k, f=self.f) else: raise TypeError('Incompatible fixed point types in division') @vectorize def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Fixed-point division. :param other: sfix/sint/cfix/cint/regint/int """ other = self.parse_type(other) return other / self def reveal(self): return self
[docs] @vectorize def print_plain(self): """ Clear fixed-point output. """ print_float_plain(cint.conv(self.v), cint(-self.f), \ cint(0), cint(0), cint(0))
def output_if(self, cond): cond_print_plain(cint.conv(cond), self.v, cint(-self.f, size=self.size))
[docs] def binary_output(self, player=None): """ Write double-precision floating-point number to ``Player-Data/Binary-Output-P<playerno>-<threadno>``. :param player: only output on given player (default all) """ if player == None: player = -1 if not util.is_constant(player): raise CompilerError('Player number must be known at compile time') set_global_vector_size(self.size) floatoutput(player, self.v, cint(-self.f), cint(0), cint(0)) reset_global_vector_size()
def link(self, other): def update(self, other): self.v.update(other.v)
class _single(_number, _secret_structure): """ Representation as single integer preserving the order """ """ E.g. fixed-point numbers """ __slots__ = ['v'] round_nearest = False """ Whether to round deterministically to nearest instead of probabilistically, e.g. after fixed-point multiplication. """ @vectorized_classmethod def receive_from_client(cls, n, client_id, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Securely obtain shares of values input by a client via :py:func:`sint.receive_from_client`. Assumes client has already converted values to integer representation. :param n: number of inputs (int) :param client_id: regint :param size: vector size (default 1) :returns: list of length ``n`` """ sint_inputs = cls.int_type.receive_from_client(n, client_id, message_type) return list(map(cls._new, sint_inputs)) @classmethod def reveal_to_clients(cls, clients, values): """ Reveal securely to clients via :py:func:`sint.reveal_to_clients`. :param clients: client ids (list or array) :param values: list of values of this class """ cls.int_type.reveal_to_clients(clients, [x.v for x in values]) @vectorized_classmethod def write_shares_to_socket(cls, client_id, values, message_type=ClientMessageType.NoType): """ Send shares of integer representations of a list of values to a specified client socket. :param client_id: regint :param values: list of values of this type """ cls.int_type.write_shares_to_socket( client_id, [x.v for x in values], message_type) @vectorized_classmethod def read_from_socket(cls, client_id, n=1): return util.untuplify([cls._new(x) for x in util.tuplify( cls.int_type.read_from_socket(client_id, n))]) @classmethod def write_to_socket(cls, client_id, values): cls.int_type.write_to_socket(client_id, [x.v for x in values]) def write_fully_to_socket(self, client_id): self.v.write_fully_to_socket(client_id) @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ return cls._new(cls.int_type.load_mem(address)) @classmethod @read_mem_value def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return other elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): return type(other)(cls.conv(x) for x in other) else: return cls(other) @classmethod def coerce(cls, other): return cls.conv(other) @classmethod def malloc(cls, size, creator_tape=None): return cls.int_type.malloc(size, creator_tape=creator_tape) @classmethod def free(cls, addr): return @classmethod def n_elements(cls): return cls.int_type.n_elements() @classmethod def mem_size(cls): return cls.int_type.mem_size() @classmethod def dot_product(cls, x, y, res_params=None): """ Secret dot product. :param x: iterable of appropriate secret type :param y: iterable of appropriate secret type and same length """ return cls.unreduced_dot_product(x, y, res_params).reduce_after_mul() @classmethod def unreduced_dot_product(cls, x, y, res_params=None): dp = cls.int_type.dot_product([xx.pre_mul() for xx in x], [yy.pre_mul() for yy in y]) return x[0].unreduced(dp, y[0], res_params, len(x)) @classmethod def row_matrix_mul(cls, row, matrix, res_params=None): int_matrix = [y.get_vector().pre_mul() for y in matrix] col = cls.int_type.row_matrix_mul([x.pre_mul() for x in row], int_matrix) res = row[0].unreduced(col, matrix[0][0], res_params, len(row)).reduce_after_mul() return res @classmethod def matrix_mul(cls, A, B, n, res_params=None): AA = A.pre_mul() BB = B.pre_mul() CC = cls.int_type.matrix_mul(AA, BB, n) res = A.unreduced(CC, B, res_params, n).reduce_after_mul() return res @classmethod def read_from_file(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Read shares from ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data``. Precision must be the same as when storing. See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param start: starting position in number of shares from beginning (int/regint/cint) :param n_items: number of items (int) :param crash_if_missing: crash if file not found (default) :returns: destination for final position, -1 for eof reached, or -2 for file not found (regint) :returns: list of shares """ stop, shares = cls.int_type.read_from_file(*args, **kwargs) return stop, [cls._new(x) for x in shares] @classmethod def write_to_file(cls, shares, position=None): """ Write shares of integer representation to ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data``. See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param shares: (list or iterable of sfix) :param position: start position (int/regint/cint), defaults to end of file """ cls.int_type.write_to_file([x.v for x in shares], position) def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ self.v.store_in_mem(address) @property def size(self): return self.v.size def sizeof(self): return self.size def __len__(self): """ Vector length. """ return len(self.v) @vectorize def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtraction. :param other: appropriate public or secret (incl. sint/cint/regint/int) """ other = self.coerce(other) return self + (-other) def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__ @vectorize def __eq__(self, other): """ Comparison. :param other: appropriate public or secret (incl. sint/cint/regint/int) :return: 0/1 :rtype: same as internal representation""" other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.equal(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __le__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.less_equal(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __lt__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.less_than(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __ge__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.greater_equal(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __gt__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.greater_than(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError @vectorize def __ne__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (cfix, _single)): return self.v.not_equal(other.v, self.k) else: raise NotImplementedError for op in __le__, __lt__, __ge__, __gt__, __ne__: op.__doc__ = __eq__.__doc__ del op def link(self, other): def get_vector(self): return self class _fix(_single): """ Secret fixed point type. """ __slots__ = ['v', 'f', 'k'] is_clear = False def set_precision(cls, f, k = None): cls.f = f # default bitlength = 2*precision if k is None: cls.k = 2 * f else: cls.k = k set_precision.__doc__ = cfix.set_precision.__doc__ set_precision = classmethod(set_precision) @classmethod def set_precision_from_args(cls, program, adapt_ring=False): f = None k = None for arg in program.args: m = re.match('f([0-9]+)$', arg) if m: f = int( m = re.match('k([0-9]+)$', arg) if m: k = int( if f is not None: print ('Setting fixed-point precision to %d/%s' % (f, k)) cls.set_precision(f, k) cfix.set_precision(f, k) elif k is not None: raise CompilerError('need to set fractional precision') if 'nearest' in program.args: print('Nearest rounding instead of probabilistic ' 'for fixed-point computation') cls.round_nearest = True if adapt_ring and program.options.ring \ and 'fix_ring' not in program.args \ and 2 * cls.k > int(program.options.ring): need = 2 ** int(math.ceil(math.log(2 * cls.k, 2))) if need != int(program.options.ring): print('Changing computation modulus to 2^%d' % need) program.set_ring_size(need) @classmethod def coerce(cls, other, equal_precision=None): if isinstance(other, (_fix, cls.clear_type)): return other else: return cls.conv(other) @classmethod def from_sint(cls, other, k=None, f=None): """ Convert secret integer. :param other: sint """ res = cls(k=k, f=f) res.load_int(cls.int_type.conv(other)) return res @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, _fix) and (cls.k, cls.f) == (other.k, other.f): return other else: return super(_fix, cls).conv(other) @classmethod def _new(cls, other, k=None, f=None): res = cls(k=k, f=f, initialize=False) res.v = cls.int_type.conv(other) return res @vectorize_init def __init__(self, _v=None, k=None, f=None, size=None, initialize=True): if k is None: k = self.k else: self.k = k if f is None: f = self.f else: self.f = f assert k is not None assert f is not None def adjust(v): f_diff = v.f - f v = v.v if f_diff < 0: v <<= -f_diff elif f_diff > 0: v >>= f_diff return v if _v is None: if initialize: self.v = self.int_type(0) else: return elif isinstance(_v, self.int_type): self.load_int(_v) elif isinstance(_v, cfix.scalars): self.v = self.int_type(cfix.int_rep(_v, f=f, k=k), size=size) elif isinstance(_v, self.float_type): p = (f + _v.p) b = (p.greater_equal(0, _v.vlen)) a = b*(_v.v << (p)) + (1-b)*(_v.v >> (-p)) self.v = (1-2*_v.s)*a elif isinstance(_v, type(self)): self.v = _v.v elif isinstance(_v, cfix): self.v = self.int_type(adjust(_v)) elif isinstance(_v, (MemValue, MemFix)): #this is a memvalue object self.v = type(self)( elif isinstance(_v, (list, tuple)): self.v = self.int_type(list(self.conv(x).v for x in _v)) elif isinstance(_v, personal): self.v = self.int_type(personal(_v.player, adjust(_v._v))) else: raise CompilerError('cannot convert %s to sfix' % _v) if not isinstance(self.v, self.int_type): raise CompilerError('sfix conversion failure: %s/%s' % (_v, self.v)) def load_int(self, v): self.v = self.int_type(v) << self.f def __getitem__(self, index): return self._new(self.v[index]) @vectorize def add(self, other): """ Secret fixed-point addition. :param other: sfix/cfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ other = self.coerce(other) if isinstance(other, (_fix, cfix)): return self._new(self.v + other.v, k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, cfix.scalars): tmp = cfix(other, k=self.k, f=self.f) return self + tmp else: return NotImplemented def mul(self, other): """ Secret fixed-point multiplication. :param other: sfix/cfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ if isinstance(other, (sint, cint, regint, int)): return self._new(self.v * other, k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, float): if int(other) == other: return self.mul(int(other)) v = int(round(other * 2 ** self.f)) if v == 0: return 0 f = self.f while v % 2 == 0: f -= 1 v //= 2 k = len(bin(abs(v))) - 1 other = self.multipliable(v, k, f, self.size) try: other = self.coerce(other, equal_precision=False) except: return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, (_fix, self.clear_type)): k = max(self.k, other.k) max_f = max(self.f, other.f) min_f = min(self.f, other.f) val = self.v.TruncMul(other.v, k + min_f, min_f, nearest=self.round_nearest) if 'vec' not in self.__dict__: return self._new(val, k=k, f=max_f) else: return self.vec._new(val, k=k, f=max_f) elif isinstance(other, cfix.scalars): scalar_fix = cfix(other) return self * scalar_fix else: return NotImplemented @vectorize def __neg__(self): """ Secret fixed-point negation. """ return self._new(-self.v, k=self.k, f=self.f) @vectorize def __truediv__(self, other): """ Secret fixed-point division. :param other: sfix/cfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ if util.is_constant_float(other): assert other != 0 log = math.ceil(math.log(abs(other), 2)) if 2 ** log == other and log < self.f: return self * 2 ** -log other_length = self.f + log if other_length >= self.k - 1: factor = 2 ** (self.k - other_length - 2) self *= factor other *= factor if util.is_zero(self): return 0 other = self.coerce(other) assert self.k == other.k assert self.f == other.f if isinstance(other, (_fix, cfix)): v = library.FPDiv(self.v, other.v, self.k, self.f, nearest=self.round_nearest) else: raise TypeError('Incompatible fixed point types in division') return self._new(v, k=self.k, f=self.f) @vectorize def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Secret fixed-point division. :param other: sfix/cfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ return self.coerce(other) / self @vectorize def compute_reciprocal(self): """ Secret fixed-point reciprocal. """ return type(self)(library.FPDiv(cint(2) ** self.f, self.v, self.k, self.f, nearest=True)) def reveal(self): """ Reveal secret fixed-point number. :return: relevant clear type """ val = self.v.reveal() class revealed_fix(self.clear_type): f = self.f k = self.k return revealed_fix._new(val) def bit_decompose(self, n_bits=None): """ Bit decomposition. """ return self.v.bit_decompose(n_bits or self.k) def update(self, other): """ Update register. Useful in loops like :py:func:`~Compiler.library.for_range`. :param other: any convertible type """ other = self.conv(other) assert self.f == other.f self.v.update(other.v)
[docs]class sfix(_fix): """ Secret fixed-point number represented as secret integer, by multiplying with ``2^f`` and then rounding. See :py:class:`sint` for security considerations of the underlying integer operations. The secret integer is stored as the :py:obj:`v` member. It supports basic arithmetic (``+, -, *, /``), returning :py:class:`sfix`, and comparisons (``==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``), returning :py:class:`sbitint`. The other operand can be any of sfix/sint/cfix/regint/cint/int/float. It also supports ``abs()`` and ``**``. Note that the default precision (16 bits after the dot, 31 bits in total) only allows numbers up to :math:`2^{31-16-1} \\approx 16000` with the smallest non-zero number being :math:`2^{-16}`. You can change this using :py:func:`set_precision`. :params _v: int/float/regint/cint/sint/sfloat """ int_type = sint bit_type = sintbit clear_type = cfix get_type = staticmethod(lambda n: sint) default_type = sint @classmethod def get_prec_type(cls, f, k=None): class sfix_prec(cls): pass sfix_prec.set_precision(f, k) return sfix_prec
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, binary=False, n_bytes=None): """ Secret fixed-point input. :param player: public (regint/cint/int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ cls.int_type.require_bit_length(cls.k) if binary: return cls(personal.read_fix(player, cls.f, cls.k, int(binary))) else: v = cls.int_type() inputmixed('fix', v, cls.f, player) return cls._new(v)
@vectorized_classmethod def get_raw_input_from(cls, player): return cls._new(cls.int_type.get_raw_input_from(player))
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_random(cls, lower, upper, symmetric=True, public_randomness=False): """ Uniform secret random number around centre of bounds. Actual range can be smaller but never larger. :param lower: float :param upper: float :param symmetric: symmetric distribution at higher cost :param public_randomness: use public randomness (avoids preprocessing) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ if public_randomness: get_random_int = regint.get_random get_random_bit = lambda: regint.get_random(1) else: get_random_int = cls.int_type.get_random_int get_random_bit = cls.int_type.get_random_bit f = cls.f k = cls.k log_range = int(math.log(upper - lower, 2)) n_bits = log_range + cls.f gen_range = (2 ** (n_bits) - 1) / 2 ** cls.f diff = upper - lower factor = diff / gen_range real = lambda x: cfix.int_rep(x, f, k) * 2 ** -f real_range = real(real(factor) * gen_range) average = lower + 0.5 * (upper - lower) lower = average - 0.5 * real_range upper = average + 0.5 * real_range r = cls._new(get_random_int(n_bits)) * factor + lower if symmetric: lowest = math.floor(lower * 2 ** cls.f) / 2 ** cls.f highest = math.ceil(upper * 2 ** cls.f) / 2 ** cls.f if program.verbose: print('randomness range [%f,%f], ' 'fringes half the probability' % \ (lowest, highest)) return get_random_bit().if_else(r, -r + 2 * average) else: if program.verbose: print('randomness range [%f,%f], %d bits' % \ (real(lower), real(lower) + real_range, n_bits)) return r
@classmethod def direct_matrix_mul(cls, A, B, n, m, l, reduce=True, indices=None): # pre-multiplication must be identity tmp = cls.int_type.direct_matrix_mul(A, B, n, m, l, indices=indices) res = unreduced_sfix._new(tmp) if reduce: res = res.reduce_after_mul() return res
[docs] @classmethod def dot_product(cls, x, y, res_params=None): """ Secret dot product. :param x: iterable of appropriate secret type :param y: iterable of appropriate secret type and same length """ x, y = list(x), list(y) if res_params is None: if isinstance(x[0], cls.int_type): x, y = y, x if isinstance(y[0], cls.int_type): return cls._new(cls.int_type.dot_product((xx.v for xx in x), y), k=x[0].k, f=x[0].f) return super().dot_product(x, y, res_params)
def expand_to_vector(self, size): return self._new(self.v.expand_to_vector(size), k=self.k, f=self.f) @read_mem_value def coerce(self, other, equal_precision=True): res = parse_type(other, k=self.k, f=self.f) if equal_precision: # check parameters if available try: assert res.k == self.k assert res.f == self.f except AttributeError: pass return res def hard_conv_me(self, cls): assert cls == sint return self.v def mul_no_reduce(self, other, res_params=None): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return self * other assert self.f == other.f assert self.k == other.k return self.unreduced(self.v * other.v) def pre_mul(self): return self.v def unreduced(self, v, other=None, res_params=None, n_summands=1): assert res_params is None or \ (res_params.k == self.k and res_params.f == self.f) if other is None: return unreduced_sfix(v, self.k + self.f, self.f) else: return unreduced_sfix(v, self.k + other.f, other.f) @staticmethod def multipliable(v, k, f, size): return cfix._new(cint.conv(v, size=size), k, f)
[docs] def dot(self, other): """ Dot product with any vector or iterable. """ if isinstance(other, sint): return self._new(sint.dot_product(self.v, other), k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, sfix): assert self.k == other.k assert self.f == other.f return self._new(sint.dot_product(self.v, other.v).round( self.k + other.f, self.f, nearest=self.round_nearest, signed=True), k=self.k, f=self.f) elif isinstance(other, (_int, cfix)): return (self * other).sum() else: other = list(other) assert len(self) == len(other) return sum(a * b for a, b in zip(self, other))
[docs] def reveal_to(self, player): """ Reveal secret value to :py:obj:`player`. :param player: public integer (int/regint/cint) :returns: :py:class:`personal` """ return personal(player, cfix._new(self.v.reveal_to(player)._v, self.k, self.f))
def secure_shuffle(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._new(self.v.secure_shuffle(*args, **kwargs), k=self.k, f=self.f) def secure_permute(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._new(self.v.secure_permute(*args, **kwargs), k=self.k, f=self.f) def prefix_sum(self): return self._new(self.v.prefix_sum(), k=self.k, f=self.f) def sum(self): return self._new(self.v.sum()) def get_reverse_vector(self): return self._new(self.v.get_reverse_vector(), k=self.k, f=self.f) def get_vector(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._new(self.v.get_vector(*args, **kwargs), k=self.k, f=self.f) @classmethod def concat(cls, parts): parts = list(parts) int_parts = [] f = parts[0].f k = parts[0].k for part in parts: assert part.f == f assert part.k == k int_parts.append(part.v) return cls._new(cls.int_type.concat(int_parts), k=k, f=f) @classmethod def zip(cls, *parts): int_parts = [] f = parts[0].f k = parts[0].k for part in parts: assert part.f == f assert part.k == k int_parts.append(part.v) return cls._new(*int_parts), k=k, f=f) def __repr__(self): return '<sfix{f=%d,k=%d} at %s>' % (self.f, self.k, self.v)
class unreduced_sfix(_single): int_type = sint @classmethod def _new(cls, v): return cls(v, sfix.k + sfix.f, sfix.f) def __init__(self, v, k, m): self.v = v self.k = k self.m = m assert self.k is not None assert self.m is not None def __add__(self, other): if is_zero(other): return self assert self.k == other.k assert self.m == other.m return unreduced_sfix(self.v + other.v, self.k, self.m) __radd__ = __add__ @vectorize def reduce_after_mul(self): v = sfix.int_type.round(self.v, self.k, self.m, nearest=sfix.round_nearest, signed=True) return sfix._new(v, k=self.k - self.m, f=self.m) def update(self, other): assert self.k == other.k assert self.m == other.m self.v.update(other.v) sfix.unreduced_type = unreduced_sfix sfix.set_precision(16, 31) cfix.set_precision(16, 31) class squant(_single): """ Quantization as in ArXiv:1712.05877v1 """ __slots__ = ['params'] int_type = sint clamp = True @classmethod def set_params(cls, S, Z=0, k=8): cls.params = squant_params(S, Z, k) @classmethod def from_sint(cls, other): raise CompilerError('sint to squant conversion not implemented') @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, squant): return other else: return cls(other) @classmethod def _new(cls, value, params=None): res = cls(params=params) res.v = value return res @read_mem_value def __init__(self, value=None, params=None): if params is not None: self.params = params if value is None: # need to set v manually pass elif isinstance(value, cfix.scalars): set_global_vector_size(1) q = util.round_to_int(value / self.S + self.Z) if util.is_constant(q) and (q < 0 or q >= 2**self.k): raise CompilerError('%f not quantizable' % value) self.v = self.int_type(q) reset_global_vector_size() elif isinstance(value, squant) and value.params == self.params: self.v = value.v else: raise CompilerError('cannot convert %s to squant' % value) def __getitem__(self, index): return type(self)._new(self.v[index], self.params) def get_params(self): return self.params @property def S(self): return self.params.S @property def Z(self): return self.params.Z @property def k(self): return self.params.k def coerce(self, other): other = self.conv(other) return self._new(util.expand(other.v, self.size), other.params) @vectorize def add(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) assert self.get_params() == other.get_params() return self._new(self.v + other.v - util.expand(self.Z, self.v.size)) def mul(self, other, res_params=None): return self.mul_no_reduce(other, res_params).reduce_after_mul() def mul_no_reduce(self, other, res_params=None): if isinstance(other, (sint, cint, regint)): return self._new(other * (self.v - self.Z) + self.Z, params=self.get_params()) other = self.coerce(other) tmp = (self.v - self.Z) * (other.v - other.Z) return _unreduced_squant(tmp, (self.get_params(), other.get_params()), res_params=res_params) def pre_mul(self): return self.v - util.expand(self.Z, self.v.size) def unreduced(self, v, other, res_params=None, n_summands=1): return _unreduced_squant(v, (self.get_params(), other.get_params()), res_params, n_summands) @vectorize def for_mux(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) assert self.params == other.params f = lambda x: self._new(x, self.params) return f, self.v, other.v @vectorize def __neg__(self): return self._new(-self.v + 2 * util.expand(self.Z, self.v.size)) class _unreduced_squant(Tape._no_truth): def __init__(self, v, params, res_params=None, n_summands=1): self.v = v self.params = params self.n_summands = n_summands self.res_params = res_params or params[0] def __add__(self, other): if is_zero(other): return self assert self.params == other.params assert self.res_params == other.res_params return _unreduced_squant(self.v + other.v, self.params, self.res_params, self.n_summands + other.n_summands) __radd__ = __add__ def reduce_after_mul(self): return squant_params.conv(self.res_params).reduce(self) class squant_params(object): max_n_summands = 2048 @staticmethod def conv(other): if isinstance(other, squant_params): return other else: return squant_params(*other) def __init__(self, S, Z=0, k=8): try: self.S = float(S) except: self.S = S self.Z = MemValue.if_necessary(Z) self.k = k self._store = {} if program.options.ring: # cheaper probabilistic truncation self.max_length = int(program.options.ring) - 1 else: # safe choice for secret shift self.max_length = 71 def __iter__(self): yield self.S yield self.Z yield self.k def is_constant(self): return util.is_constant_float(self.S) and util.is_constant(self.Z) def get(self, input_params, n_summands): p = input_params M = p[0].S * p[1].S / self.S logM = util.log2(M) n_shift = self.max_length - p[0].k - p[1].k - util.log2(n_summands) if util.is_constant_float(M): n_shift -= logM int_mult = int(round(M * 2 ** (n_shift))) else: int_mult = MemValue(M.v << (n_shift + M.p)) shifted_Z = MemValue.if_necessary(self.Z << n_shift) return n_shift, int_mult, shifted_Z def precompute(self, *input_params): self._store[input_params] = self.get(input_params, self.max_n_summands) def get_stored(self, unreduced): assert unreduced.n_summands <= self.max_n_summands return self._store[unreduced.params] def reduce(self, unreduced): ps = (self,) + unreduced.params if reduce(operator.and_, (p.is_constant() for p in ps)): n_shift, int_mult, shifted_Z = self.get(unreduced.params, unreduced.n_summands) else: n_shift, int_mult, shifted_Z = self.get_stored(unreduced) size = unreduced.v.size n_shift = util.expand(n_shift, size) shifted_Z = util.expand(shifted_Z, size) int_mult = util.expand(int_mult, size) tmp = unreduced.v * int_mult + shifted_Z shifted = tmp.round(self.max_length, n_shift, nearest=squant.round_nearest, signed=True) if squant.clamp: length = max(self.k, self.max_length - n_shift) + 1 top = (1 << self.k) - 1 over = shifted.greater_than(top, length) under = shifted.less_than(0, length) shifted = over.if_else(top, shifted) shifted = under.if_else(0, shifted) return squant._new(shifted, params=self)
[docs]class sfloat(_number, _secret_structure): r""" Secret floating-point number. Represents :math:`(1 - 2s) \cdot (1 - z)\cdot v \cdot 2^p`. v: significand p: exponent z: zero flag s: sign bit This uses integer operations internally, see :py:class:`sint` for security considerations. See `Aliasgari et al. <>`_ for details. The type supports basic arithmetic (``+, -, *, /``), returning :py:class:`sfloat`, and comparisons (``==, !=, <, <=, >, >=``), returning :py:class:`sint`. The other operand can be any of sint/cfix/regint/cint/int/float. This data type only works with arithmetic computation. :param v: initialization (sfloat/sfix/float/int/sint/cint/regint) """ __slots__ = ['v', 'p', 'z', 's', 'size'] # single precision vlen = 24 plen = 8 round_nearest = False @staticmethod def n_elements(): return 4 @classmethod def malloc(cls, size, creator_tape=None): return program.malloc(size * cls.n_elements(), sint, creator_tape=creator_tape) @classmethod def is_address_tuple(cls, address): if isinstance(address, (list, tuple)): assert(len(address) == cls.n_elements()) return True return False
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None): """ Load from memory by public address. """ size = get_global_vector_size() if cls.is_address_tuple(address): return sfloat(*(sint.load_mem(a, size=size) for a in address)) res = [] for i in range(4): res.append(sint.load_mem(address + i * size, size=size)) return sfloat(*res)
@classmethod def set_error(cls, error): # incompatible with loops #cls.error += error - cls.error * error cls.error = error pass @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return other else: return cls(other) @classmethod def coerce(cls, other): return cls.conv(other) @staticmethod def convert_float(v, vlen, plen): if v < 0: s = 1 else: s = 0 if v == 0: v = 0 p = 0 z = 1 else: p = int(math.floor(math.log(abs(v), 2))) - vlen + 1 vv = v v = int(round(abs(v) * 2 ** (-p))) if v == 2 ** vlen: p += 1 v //= 2 z = 0 if p < -2 ** (plen - 1): print('Warning: %e truncated to zero' % vv) v, p, z = 0, 0, 1 if p >= 2 ** (plen - 1): raise CompilerError('Cannot convert %s to float ' \ 'with %d exponent bits' % (vv, plen)) return v, p, z, s
[docs] @vectorized_classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player): """ Secret floating-point input. :param player: public (regint/cint/int) :param size: vector size (int, default 1) """ v = sint() p = sint() z = sint() s = sint() inputmixed('float', v, p, z, s, cls.vlen, player) return cls(v, p, z, s)
@vectorize_init @read_mem_value def __init__(self, v, p=None, z=None, s=None, size=None): if program.options.binary: raise CompilerError( 'floating-point operations not supported with binary circuits') self.size = get_global_vector_size() if p is None: if isinstance(v, sfloat): p = v.p z = v.z s = v.s v = v.v elif isinstance(v, sfix): f = v.f v, p, z, s = floatingpoint.Int2FL(v.v, v.k, self.vlen) p = p - f elif util.is_constant_float(v): v, p, z, s = self.convert_float(v, self.vlen, self.plen) else: v, p, z, s = floatingpoint.Int2FL(sint.conv(v), program.bit_length, self.vlen) if isinstance(v, int): if not ((v >= 2**(self.vlen-1) and v < 2**(self.vlen)) or v == 0): raise CompilerError('Floating point number malformed: significand') if isinstance(p, int): if not (p >= -2**(self.plen - 1) and p < 2**(self.plen - 1)): raise CompilerError('Floating point number malformed: exponent %d not unsigned %d-bit integer' % (p, self.plen)) if isinstance(z, int): if not (z == 0 or z == 1): raise CompilerError('Floating point number malformed: zero bit') if isinstance(s, int): if not (s == 0 or s == 1): raise CompilerError('Floating point number malformed: sign') # copying necessary for update to work properly self.v = sint(v) self.p = sint(p) self.z = sint(z) self.s = sint(s) def __getitem__(self, index): return sfloat(*(x[index] for x in self)) def __iter__(self): yield self.v yield self.p yield self.z yield self.s
[docs] def store_in_mem(self, address): """ Store in memory by public address. """ if self.is_address_tuple(address): for a, x in zip(address, self): x.store_in_mem(a) return for i,x in enumerate((self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s)): x.store_in_mem(address + i * self.size)
def sizeof(self): return self.size * self.n_elements() @vectorize def add(self, other): """ Secret floating-point addition. :param other: sfloat/float/sfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ other = self.conv(other) if isinstance(other, sfloat): a,c,d,e = [sint() for i in range(4)] t = sint() t2 = sint() v1 = self.v v2 = other.v p1 = self.p p2 = other.p s1 = self.s s2 = other.s z1 = self.z z2 = other.z a = p1.less_than(p2, self.plen) b = floatingpoint.EQZ(p1 - p2, self.plen) c = v1.less_than(v2, self.vlen) ap1 = a*p1 ap2 = a*p2 aneg = 1 - a bneg = 1 - b cneg = 1 - c av1 = a*v1 av2 = a*v2 cv1 = c*v1 cv2 = c*v2 pmax = ap2 + p1 - ap1 pmin = p2 - ap2 + ap1 vmax = bneg*(av2 + v1 - av1) + b*(cv2 + v1 - cv1) vmin = bneg*(av1 + v2 - av2) + b*(cv1 + v2 - cv2) s3 = s1 + s2 - 2 * s1 * s2 comparison.LTZ(d, self.vlen + pmin - pmax + sfloat.round_nearest, self.plen) pow_delta = floatingpoint.Pow2((1 - d) * (pmax - pmin), self.vlen + 1 + sfloat.round_nearest) # deviate from paper for more precision #v3 = 2 * (vmax - s3) + 1 v3 = vmax v4 = vmax * pow_delta + (1 - 2 * s3) * vmin to_trunc = (d * v3 + (1 - d) * v4) if program.options.ring: to_trunc <<= 1 + sfloat.round_nearest v = floatingpoint.TruncInRing(to_trunc, 2 * (self.vlen + 1 + sfloat.round_nearest), pow_delta) else: to_trunc *= two_power(self.vlen + sfloat.round_nearest) v = to_trunc * floatingpoint.Inv(pow_delta) comparison.Trunc(t, v, 2 * self.vlen + 1 + sfloat.round_nearest, self.vlen - 1, signed=False) v = t u = floatingpoint.BitDec(v, self.vlen + 2 + sfloat.round_nearest, self.vlen + 2 + sfloat.round_nearest, list(range(1 + sfloat.round_nearest, self.vlen + 2 + sfloat.round_nearest))) # using u[0] doesn't seem necessary h = floatingpoint.PreOR(u[:sfloat.round_nearest:-1]) p0 = self.vlen + 1 - sum(h) pow_p0 = 1 + sum([two_power(i) * (1 - h[i]) for i in range(len(h))]) if self.round_nearest: t2, overflow = \ floatingpoint.TruncRoundNearestAdjustOverflow(pow_p0 * v, self.vlen + 3, self.vlen) p0 = p0 - overflow else: comparison.Trunc(t2, pow_p0 * v, self.vlen + 2, 2, signed=False) v = t2 # deviate for more precision #p = pmax - p0 + 1 - d p = pmax - p0 + 1 zz = self.z*other.z zprod = 1 - self.z - other.z + zz v = zprod*t2 + self.z*v2 + other.z*v1 z = floatingpoint.EQZ(v, self.vlen) p = (zprod*p + self.z*p2 + other.z*p1)*(1 - z) s = (1 - b)*(a*other.s + aneg*self.s) + b*(c*other.s + cneg*self.s) s = zprod*s + (other.z - zz)*self.s + (self.z - zz)*other.s return sfloat(v, p, z, s) else: return NotImplemented @vectorize_max def mul(self, other): """ Secret floating-point multiplication. :param other: sfloat/float/sfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ other = self.conv(other) if isinstance(other, sfloat): v1 = sint() v2 = sint() b = sint() c2expl = cint() comparison.ld2i(c2expl, self.vlen) if sfloat.round_nearest: v1 = comparison.TruncRoundNearest(self.v*other.v, 2*self.vlen, self.vlen-1) else: comparison.Trunc(v1, self.v*other.v, 2*self.vlen, self.vlen-1, signed=False) t = v1 - c2expl comparison.LTZ(b, t, self.vlen+1) comparison.Trunc(v2, b*v1 + v1, self.vlen+1, 1, signed=False) z1, z2, s1, s2, p1, p2 = (x.expand_to_vector() for x in \ (self.z, other.z, self.s, other.s, self.p, other.p)) z = z1 + z2 - self.z*other.z # = OR(z1, z2) s = s1 + s2 - self.s*other.s*2 # = XOR(s1,s2) p = (p1 + p2 - b + self.vlen)*(1 - z) return sfloat(v2, p, z, s) else: return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point subtraction. :param other: sfloat/float/sfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ return self + -other def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other __rsub__.__doc__ = __sub__.__doc__ @vectorize def __truediv__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point division. :param other: sfloat/float/sfix/sint/cint/regint/int """ other = self.conv(other) v = floatingpoint.SDiv(self.v, other.v + other.z * (2**self.vlen - 1), self.vlen, round_nearest=self.round_nearest) b = v.less_than(two_power(self.vlen-1), self.vlen + 1) overflow = v.greater_equal(two_power(self.vlen), self.vlen + 1) underflow = v.less_than(two_power(self.vlen-2), self.vlen + 1) v = (v + b * v) * (1 - overflow) * (1 - underflow) + \ overflow * (2**self.vlen - 1) + \ underflow * (2**(self.vlen-1)) * (1 - self.z) p = (1 - self.z) * (self.p - other.p - self.vlen - b + 1) z = self.z s = self.s + other.s - 2 * self.s * other.s sfloat.set_error(other.z) return sfloat(v, p, z, s) def __rtruediv__(self, other): return self.conv(other) / self __rtruediv__.__doc__ = __truediv__.__doc__ @vectorize def __neg__(self): """ Secret floating-point negation. """ return sfloat(self.v, self.p, self.z, (1 - self.s) * (1 - self.z)) @vectorize def __lt__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. :param other: sfloat/float/sfix/sint/cint/regint/int :return: 0/1 (sint) """ other = self.conv(other) if isinstance(other, sfloat): z1 = self.z z2 = other.z s1 = self.s s2 = other.s a = self.p.less_than(other.p, self.plen) c = floatingpoint.EQZ(self.p - other.p, self.plen) d = ((1 - 2*self.s)*self.v).less_than((1 - 2*other.s)*other.v, self.vlen + 1) cd = c*d ca = c*a b1 = cd + a - ca b2 = cd + 1 + ca - c - a s12 = self.s*other.s z12 = self.z*other.z b = (z1 - z12)*(1 - s2) + (z2 - z12)*s1 + (1 + z12 - z1 - z2)*(s1 - s12 + (1 + s12 - s1 - s2)*b1 + s12*b2) return b else: return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. """ return 1 - (self < other) @vectorize def __gt__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. """ return self.conv(other) < self @vectorize def __le__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. """ return self.conv(other) >= self @vectorize def __eq__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. """ other = self.conv(other) # the sign can be both ways for zeroes both_zero = self.z * other.z return floatingpoint.EQZ(self.v - other.v, self.vlen) * \ floatingpoint.EQZ(self.p - other.p, self.plen) * \ (1 - self.s - other.s + 2 * self.s * other.s) * \ (1 - both_zero) + both_zero def __ne__(self, other): """ Secret floating-point comparison. """ return 1 - (self == other) for op in __gt__, __le__, __ge__, __eq__, __ne__: op.__doc__ = __lt__.__doc__ del op def log2(self): up = self.v.greater_than(1 << (self.vlen - 1), self.vlen) return self.p + self.vlen - 1 + up
[docs] def round_to_int(self): """ Secret floating-point rounding to integer. :return: sint """ direction = self.p.greater_equal(-self.vlen, self.plen) right = self.v.right_shift(-self.p - 1, self.vlen + 1) up = right.mod2m(1, self.vlen + 1) right = right.right_shift(1, self.vlen + 1) + up abs_value = direction * right return self.s.if_else(-abs_value, abs_value)
def value(self): # Gets actual floating point value, if emulation is enabled. return (1 - 2*self.s.value)*(1 - self.z.value)*self.v.value/float(2**self.p.value)
[docs] def reveal(self): """ Reveal secret floating-point number. :return: cfloat """ return cfloat(self.v.reveal(), self.p.reveal(), self.z.reveal(), self.s.reveal())
[docs] def update(self, other): """ Update register. Useful in loops like :py:func:`~Compiler.library.for_range`. :param other: any convertible type """ self.v.update(other.v) self.p.update(other.p) self.z.update(other.z) self.s.update(other.s)
def for_mux(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) f = lambda x: type(self)(*x) return f, sint(list(self)), sint(list(other))
[docs]class cfloat(Tape._no_truth): """ Helper class for printing revealed sfloats. """ __slots__ = ['v', 'p', 'z', 's', 'nan'] @vectorize_init def __init__(self, v, p=None, z=None, s=None, nan=0): """ Parameters as with :py:class:`sfloat` but public. """ if s is None: parts = [cint.conv(x) for x in (v.v, v.p, v.z, v.s, v.nan)] else: parts = [cint.conv(x) for x in (v, p, z, s, nan)] self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s, self.nan = parts @property def size(self): return self.v.size
[docs] @vectorize def print_float_plain(self): """ Output. """ print_float_plain(self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s, self.nan)
[docs] def binary_output(self, player=None): """ Write double-precision floating-point number to ``Player-Data/Binary-Output-P<playerno>-<threadno>``. :param player: only output on given player (default all) """ if player == None: player = -1 floatoutput(player, self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s)
sfix.float_type = sfloat _types = { 'c': cint, 's': sint, 'sg': sgf2n, 'cg': cgf2n, 'ci': regint, } def _get_type(t): if t in _types: return _types[t] else: return t class _vectorizable: @classmethod def check(cls, index, length, sizes): if isinstance(index, _clear): index = regint.conv(index) if length is not None: from .GC.types import cbits if isinstance(index, int): index += length * (index < 0) if index >= length or index < 0: raise IndexError('index %s, length %s' % \ (str(index), str(length))) elif cls.check_indices and not isinstance(index, cbits): library.runtime_error_if( (index >= length).bit_or(index < 0), 'overflow: %s/%s', index, sizes) return index def reveal_to_clients(self, clients): """ Reveal contents to list of clients. :param clients: list or array of client identifiers """ self.value_type.reveal_to_clients(clients, [self.get_vector()])
[docs]class Array(_vectorizable): """ Array accessible by public index. That is, ``a[i]`` works for an array ``a`` and ``i`` being a :py:class:`regint`, :py:class:`cint`, or a Python integer. :param length: compile-time integer (int) or :py:obj:`None` for unknown length (need to specify :py:obj:`address`) :param value_type: basic type :param address: if given (regint/int), the array will not be allocated You can convert between arrays and register vectors by using slice indexing. This allows for element-wise operations as long as supported by the basic type. The following adds 10 secret integers from the first two parties:: a = sint.Array(10) a.input_from(0) b = sint.Array(10) b.input_from(1) a[:] += b[:] Arrays aren't initialized on creation, you need to call :py:func:`assign_all` to initialize them to a constant value. """ check_indices = True
[docs] @classmethod def create_from(cls, l): """ Convert Python iterator or vector to array or copy another array. Basic type will be taken from first element, further elements must to be convertible to that. :param l: Python iterable, register vector, or array :returns: :py:class:`Array` of appropriate type containing the contents of :py:obj:`l` """ if isinstance(l, cls): res = l.same_shape() res[:] = l[:] return res if isinstance(l, _number): tmp = l t = type(l) else: tmp = list(l) t = type(tmp[0]) res = cls(len(tmp), t) res.assign(tmp) return res
def __init__(self, length, value_type, address=None, debug=None, alloc=True): value_type = _get_type(value_type) self.address = address self.length = length self.value_type = value_type self.address = address self.address_cache = {} self.debug = debug self.creator_tape = program.curr_tape self.sink = None if alloc: self.alloc() def alloc(self): if self._address is None: try: self.address = self.value_type.malloc(self.length, self.creator_tape) except AttributeError: raise CompilerError('cannot create Array of %s' % \ self.value_type) def delete(self): self.address = None @property def address(self): if self._address is None: raise CompilerError('trying access unallocated memory') return self._address @address.setter def address(self, address): self._address = address @read_mem_value def get_address(self, index, size=None): if isinstance(index, (_secret, _single)): raise CompilerError('need cleartext index') key = str(index), size or 1 index = self.check(index, self.length, self.length) if (program.curr_block, key) not in self.address_cache: n = self.value_type.n_elements() length = self.length if n == 1: # length can be None for single-element arrays length = 0 base = self.address + index * self.value_type.mem_size() if size is not None and isinstance(base, _register) \ and not issubclass(self.value_type, _vec): base = regint._expand_address(base, size) self.address_cache[program.curr_block, key] = \ util.untuplify([base + i * length \ for i in range(n)]) if self.debug: library.print_ln_if(index >= self.length, 'OF:' + self.debug) library.print_ln_if(self.address_cache[program.curr_block, key] >= program.allocated_mem[self.value_type.reg_type], 'AOF:' + self.debug) return self.address_cache[program.curr_block, key] def get_slice(self, index): if index.stop is None and self.length is None: raise CompilerError('Cannot slice array of unknown length') if index.step == 0: raise CompilerError('slice step cannot be zero') return index.start or 0, \ index.stop if self.length is None else \ min(index.stop or self.length, self.length), index.step or 1 def __getitem__(self, index): """ Reading from array. :param index: public (regint/cint/int/slice) :return: vector if slice is given, basic type otherwise""" if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = self.get_slice(index) if step == 1: return self.get_vector(start, stop - start) else: res_length = (stop - start - 1) // step + 1 addresses =, start, step) return self.get_vector(addresses, res_length) return self._load(self.get_address(index)) def __setitem__(self, index, value): """ Writing to array. :param index: public (regint/cint/int) :param value: convertible for relevant basic type """ if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = self.get_slice(index) if step == 1: return self.assign(value, start) else: res_length = (stop - start - 1) // step + 1 addresses =, start, step) return self.assign(value, addresses) self._store(value, self.get_address(index)) def to_array(self): return self def get_sub(self, start, stop=None): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 return Array(stop - start, self.value_type, address=self.address + start)
[docs] def maybe_get(self, condition, index): """ Return entry if condition is true. :param condition: 0/1 (regint/cint/int) :param index: regint/cint/int """ return self[condition * index].zero_if_not(condition)
[docs] def maybe_set(self, condition, index, value): """ Change entry if condition is true. :param condition: 0/1 (regint/cint/int) :param index: regint/cint/int :param value: updated value """ if self.sink is None: self.sink = self.value_type.Array( 1, address=self.value_type.malloc(1, creator_tape=program.tapes[0])) addresses = (condition.if_else(x, y) for x, y in zip(util.tuplify(self.get_address(condition * index)), util.tuplify(self.sink.get_address(0)))) self._store(value, util.untuplify(tuple(addresses)))
# the following two are useful for compile-time lengths # and thus differ from the usual Python syntax def get_range(self, start, size): return [self[start + i] for i in range(size)] def set_range(self, start, values): for i, value in enumerate(values): self[start + i] = value def _load(self, address): return self.value_type.load_mem(address) def _store(self, value, address): tmp = self.value_type.conv(value) if not isinstance(tmp, _vec) and tmp.size != self.value_type.mem_size(): raise CompilerError('size mismatch in array assignment') tmp.store_in_mem(address) def __len__(self): if self.length is None: raise CompilerError('this functionality is not available ' 'for variable-length arrays') return self.length def total_size(self): return self.length * self.value_type.n_elements() @property def shape(self): return [self.length] def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.length): yield self[i]
[docs] def same_shape(self, **kwargs): """ Array of same length and type. """ return Array(self.length, self.value_type, **kwargs)
[docs] def assign(self, other, base=0): """ Assignment. :param other: vector/Array/Matrix/MultiArray/iterable of compatible type and smaller size :param base: index to start assignment at """ try: other = other.get_vector() except: pass try: other = self.value_type.conv(other) other.store_in_mem(self.get_address(base, other.size)) if len(self) != None and util.is_constant(base): assert len(self) >= other.size + base except (AttributeError, CompilerError): if isinstance(other, Array): @library.for_range_opt(len(other)) def _(i): self[base + i] = other[i] else: for i,j in enumerate(other): self[base + i] = j return self
assign_vector = assign assign_part_vector = assign
[docs] def assign_all(self, value, n_threads=None, conv=True): """ Assign the same value to all entries. :param value: convertible to basic type """ from Compiler.GC.types import bits use_vector = util.is_constant(value) and \ not issubclass(self.value_type, (bits, squant)) if not use_vector: if conv: value = self.value_type.conv(value) if value.size != 1: raise CompilerError('cannot assign vector to all elements') mem_value = MemValue(value) if not util.is_constant(self.length) or program.options.garbled or \ not program.curr_tape.singular: n_threads = None if n_threads is not None: self.address = MemValue.if_necessary(self.address) @library.multithread(n_threads, self.length, max_size=program.budget) def _(base, size): if use_vector: self.assign_vector(self.value_type(value, size=size), base) else: v = if isinstance(v, (sint, sfix)): self.assign_vector(v.expand_to_vector(size), base=base) else: @library.for_range_opt(size) def _(i): self[base + i] = mem_value return self
[docs] def get_vector(self, base=0, size=None): """ Return vector with content. :param base: starting point (regint/cint/int) :param size: length (compile-time int) """ size = size or self.length - base return self.value_type.load_mem(self.get_address(base, size), size=size)
get_part_vector = get_vector
[docs] def get_reverse_vector(self): """ Return vector with content in reverse order. """ size = self.length address =, size - 1, -1) return self.value_type.load_mem(self.address + address, size=size)
[docs] def get_part(self, base, size): """ Part array. :param base: start index (regint/cint/int) :param size: integer :returns: Array of same type """ return Array(size, self.value_type, self.get_address(base))
[docs] def get(self, indices): """ Vector from arbitrary indices. :param indices: regint vector or array """ return self.value_type.load_mem(, self.address, 0) + indices, size=len(indices))
def get_slice_addresses(self, slice): assert self.value_type.n_elements() == 1 assert len(slice) <= self.total_size() base =, slice.address, 1, 1) inc =, self.address, 1, 1, 1) addresses = regint.conv(slice.value_type.load_mem(base)) + inc return addresses def get_slice_vector(self, slice): addresses = self.get_slice_addresses(slice) return self.value_type.load_mem(addresses) def assign_slice_vector(self, slice, vector): addresses = self.get_slice_addresses(slice) vector.store_in_mem(addresses)
[docs] def permute(self, permutation, reverse=False, n_threads=None): """ Public permutation. :param permutation: cleartext :py:class`Array` containing number in :math:`[0,n-1]` where :math:`n` is the length of this array :param reverse: whether to apply the inverse of the permutation """ if reverse: self.assign_slice_vector(permutation, self.get_vector()) else: self.assign_vector(self.get_slice_vector(permutation))
[docs] def expand_to_vector(self, index, size): """ Create vector from single entry. :param index: regint/cint/int :param size: int """ assert self.value_type.n_elements() == 1 address = regint(size=size) incint(address, regint(self.get_address(index), size=1), 0) return self.value_type.load_mem(address, size=size)
def get_mem_value(self, index): return MemValue(self[index], self.get_address(index))
[docs] def concat(self, other): """ Concatenate two arrays. """ assert self.value_type == other.value_type res = Array(len(self) + len(other), self.value_type) res.assign_vector(self[:]) res.assign_vector(other[:], len(self)) return res
[docs] def input_from(self, player, budget=None, raw=False, **kwargs): """ Fill with inputs from player if supported by type. :param player: public (regint/cint/int) """ if raw or program.always_raw(): input_from = self.value_type.get_raw_input_from else: input_from = self.value_type.get_input_from try: @library.multithread(None, len(self), max_size=budget or program.budget) def _(base, size): self.assign(input_from(player, size=size, **kwargs), base) except (TypeError, CompilerError): print (budget) @library.for_range_opt(self.length, budget=budget) def _(i): self[i] = input_from(player, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_from_file(self, start, *args, **kwargs): """ Read content from ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data``. Precision must be the same as when storing if applicable. See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param start: starting position in number of shares from beginning (int/regint/cint) :param crash_if_missing: crash if file not found (default) :returns: destination for final position, -1 for eof reached, or -2 for file not found (regint) """ start = regint(start) res = MemValue(0) @library.multithread(None, len(self), max_size=program.budget) def _(base, size): stop, shares = self.value_type.read_from_file( start, *args, size=size, **kwargs) self.assign(shares[0], base=base) start.iadd(size) res.write(stop) return res
[docs] def write_to_file(self, position=None): """ Write shares of integer representation to ``Persistence/Transactions-P<playerno>.data``. See :ref:`this section <persistence>` for details on the data format. :param position: start position (int/regint/cint), defaults to end of file """ if position is not None: position = regint(position) @library.multithread(None, len(self), max_size=program.budget) def _(base, size): self.value_type.write_to_file(self.get_vector(base=base, size=size), position) if position is not None: position.iadd(size)
[docs] def read_from_socket(self, socket, debug=False): """ Read content from socket. """ if debug: library.print_str('reading %s...' % self) # hard-coded budget for interopability @library.multithread(None, len(self), max_size=10 ** 6) def _(base, size): self.assign_vector( self.value_type.read_from_socket(socket, size=size), base=base) if debug: library.print_ln('done')
[docs] def write_to_socket(self, socket, debug=False): """ Write content to socket. """ if debug: library.print_ln('writing %s' % self) # hard-coded budget for interopability @library.multithread(None, len(self), max_size=10 ** 6) def _(base, size): self.value_type.write_to_socket( socket, [self.get_vector(base=base, size=size)])
def __add__(self, other): """ Vector addition. :param other: vector or container of same length and type that supports operations with type of this array """ if is_zero(other): return self return self.get_vector() + other def __sub__(self, other): """ Vector subtraction. :param other: vector or container of same length and type that supports operations with type of this array """ return self.get_vector() - other def __rsub__(self, other): return other - self.get_vector() def __mul__(self, value): """ Vector multiplication. :param other: vector or container of same length and type that supports operations with type of this array """ return self.get_vector() * value def __truediv__(self, value): """ Vector division. :param other: vector or container of same length and type that supports operations with type of this array """ return self.get_vector() / value def __pow__(self, value): """ Vector power-of computation. :param other: compile-time integer (int) """ return self.get_vector() ** value def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_vector() == other def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_vector() != other def __lt__(self, other): return self.get_vector() < other def __le__(self, other): return self.get_vector() <= other def __gt__(self, other): return self.get_vector() > other def __ge__(self, other): return self.get_vector() >= other __radd__ = __add__ __rmul__ = __mul__ def __iadd__(self, other): self[:] += other.get_vector() return self def __isub__(self, other): self[:] -= other.get_vector() return self def __imul__(self, other): self[:] *= other.get_vector() return self def __itruediv__(self, other): self[:] /= other.get_vector() return self def __neg__(self): return -self.get_vector()
[docs] def dot(self, other): """ Dot product with another array. """ M = Matrix(1, len(self), self.value_type, address=self.address) return
[docs] def shuffle(self): """ Insecure shuffle in place. """ self.assign_vector(self.get(
[docs] def secure_shuffle(self): """ Secure shuffle in place according to the security model. See :py:func:`MultiArray.secure_shuffle` for references. """ self.assign_vector(self.get_vector().secure_shuffle())
[docs] def secure_permute(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Secure permute in place according to the security model. See :py:func:`MultiArray.secure_shuffle` for references. :param permutation: output of :py:func:`sint.get_secure_shuffle()` :param reverse: whether to apply inverse (default: False) """ self.assign_vector(self.get_vector().secure_permute(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def randomize(self, *args): """ Randomize array according to data type. If it is :py:class:`sfix`, the following will sample an individual uniformly random entry of the array :py:obj:`M` roughly in the range :math:`[a,b]`:: M.randomize(a, b) """ self.assign_vector(self.value_type.get_random(*args, size=len(self)))
[docs] def reveal(self): """ Reveal the whole array.