Source code for Compiler.GC.types

This modules contains basic types for binary circuits. The
fixed-length types obtained by :py:obj:`get_type(n)` are the preferred
way of using them, and in some cases required in connection with
container types.

Computation using these types will always be executed as a binary
circuit. See :ref:`protocol-pairs` for the exact protocols.

from Compiler.types import MemValue, read_mem_value, regint, Array, cint
from Compiler.types import _bitint, _number, _fix, _structure, _bit, _vec, sint, sintbit
from Compiler.program import Tape, Program
from Compiler.exceptions import *
from Compiler import util, oram, floatingpoint, library
from Compiler import instructions_base
import Compiler.GC.instructions as inst
import operator
import math
import itertools
from functools import reduce

class bits(Tape.Register, _structure, _bit):
    n = 40
    unit = 64
    PreOp = staticmethod(floatingpoint.PreOpN)
    decomposed = None
    def PreOR(l):
        return [1 - x for x in \
                floatingpoint.PreOpN(operator.mul, \
                                     [1 - x for x in l])]
    def get_type(cls, length):
        """ Returns a fixed-length type. """
        if length == 1:
            return cls.bit_type
        if length not in cls.types:
            class bitsn(cls):
                n = length
            cls.types[length] = bitsn
            bitsn.clear_type = cbits.get_type(length)
            bitsn.__name__ = cls.__name__ + str(length)
        return cls.types[length]
    def conv(cls, other):
        if isinstance(other, cls) and cls.n == other.n:
            return other
        elif isinstance(other, MemValue):
            return cls.conv(
            res = cls()
            return res
    hard_conv = conv
    def compose(cls, items, bit_length=1):
        return cls.bit_compose(sum([util.bit_decompose(item, bit_length) for item in items], []))
    def bit_compose(cls, bits):
        bits = list(bits)
        if len(bits) == 1 and isinstance(bits[0], cls):
            return bits[0]
        bits = list(bits)
        for i in range(len(bits)):
            if util.is_constant(bits[i]):
                bits[i] = cls.bit_type(bits[i])
        res =
        if len(bits) <= cls.unit:
            cls.bitcom(res, *(sbit.conv(bit) for bit in bits))
            n_bak = bits[0].n
            bits[0].n = 1
            res = cls.trans(bits)[0]
            bits[0].n = n_bak
        res.decomposed = bits
        return res
    def bit_decompose(self, bit_length=None):
        n = bit_length or self.n
        suffix = [0] * (n - self.n)
        if n == 1 and self.n == 1:
            return [self]
        n = min(n, self.n)
        if self.decomposed is None or len(self.decomposed) < n:
            if n <= self.unit:
                res = [self.bit_type() for i in range(n)]
                self.bitdec(self, *res)
                res = self.bit_type.trans([self])
            self.decomposed = res
            return res + suffix
            return self.decomposed[:n] + suffix
    def bit_decompose_clear(a, n_bits):
        res = [cbits.get_type(a.size)() for i in range(n_bits)]
        cbits.conv_cint_vec(a, *res)
        return res
    def malloc(cls, size, creator_tape=None, **kwargs):
        return Program.prog.malloc(size, cls, creator_tape=creator_tape,
    def n_elements():
        return 1
    def mem_size(cls):
        return math.ceil(cls.n / cls.unit)
    def load_mem(cls, address, mem_type=None, size=None):
        if size not in (None, 1):
            v = [cls.load_mem(address + i) for i in range(size)]
            return cls.vec(v)
        res = cls()
        if mem_type == 'sd':
            return cls.load_dynamic_mem(address)
            cls.mem_op(cls.load_inst, res, address)
            return res
    def store_in_mem(self, address):
        self.mem_op(self.store_inst, self, address)
    def mem_op(inst, reg, address):
        direct = isinstance(address, int)
        if not direct:
            address = regint.conv(address)
        inst[direct](reg, address)
    def new(cls, value=None, n=None):
        if util.is_constant(value):
            n = value.bit_length()
        return cls.get_type(n)(value)
    def __init__(self, value=None, n=None, size=None):
        assert n == self.n or n is None
        if size != 1 and size is not None:
            raise Exception('invalid size for bit type: %s' % size)
        self.n = n or self.n
        size = math.ceil(self.n / self.unit) if self.n != None else None
        Tape.Register.__init__(self, self.reg_type, Program.prog.curr_tape,
        if value is not None:
    def copy(self):
        return type(self).new(n=instructions_base.get_global_vector_size())
    def set_length(self, n):
        if n > self.n:
            raise Exception('too long: %d/%d' % (n, self.n))
        self.n = n
    def set_size(self, size):
    def load_other(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, cint):
            assert(self.n == other.size)
            self.conv_regint_by_bit(self.n, self, other.to_regint(1))
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            self.set_length(self.n or util.int_len(other))
        elif isinstance(other, regint):
            assert self.unit == 64
            n_units = int(math.ceil(self.n / self.unit))
            n_convs = min(other.size, n_units)
            for i in range(n_convs):
                x = self[i]
                y = other[i]
                self.conv_regint(min(self.unit, self.n - i * self.unit), x, y)
            for i in range(n_convs, n_units):
                inst.ldbits(self[i], min(self.unit, self.n - i * self.unit), 0)
        elif (isinstance(self, type(other)) or isinstance(other, type(self))) \
             and self.n == other.n:
            for i in range(math.ceil(self.n / self.unit)):
      [i], other[i])
        elif isinstance(other, sintbit) and isinstance(self, sbits):
            assert len(other) == 1
            r = sint.get_dabit()
  , r[1] ^ other.bit_xor(r[0]).reveal())
        elif isinstance(other, sint) and isinstance(self, sbits):
  , sbitvec(other, self.n).elements()[0])
                bits = other.bit_decompose()
                bits = bits[:self.n] + [self.bit_type(0)] * (self.n - len(bits))
                other = self.bit_compose(bits)
                assert(isinstance(other, type(self)))
                assert(other.n == self.n)
                raise CompilerError('cannot convert %s/%s from %s to %s' % \
                                    (str(other), repr(other), type(other), type(self)))
    def long_one(self):
        return 2**self.n - 1 if self.n != None else None
    def is_long_one(self, other):
        return util.is_all_ones(other, self.n) or \
            (other is None and self.n == None)
    def res_type(self, other):
        if self.n == None and other.n == None:
            n = None
            n = max(self.n, other.n)
        return self.get_type(n)
    def __and__(self, other):
        if util.is_zero(other):
            return 0
        elif self.is_long_one(other):
            return self
        elif isinstance(other, _vec):
            return other & other.from_vec([self])
            return self._and(other)
    def __xor__(self, other):
        if util.is_zero(other):
            return self
        elif self.is_long_one(other):
            return ~self
            return self._xor(other)
    __rand__ = __and__
    __rxor__ = __xor__
    def __repr__(self):
        if self.n != None:
            suffix = '%d' % self.n
            if type(self).n != None and type(self).n != self.n:
                suffix += '/%d' % type(self).n
            suffix = 'undef'
        return '%s(%s)' % (super(bits, self).__repr__(), suffix)
    __str__ = __repr__
    def _new_by_number(self, i, size=1):
        assert(size == 1)
        n = min(self.unit, self.n - (i - self.i) * self.unit)
        res = self.get_type(n)()
        res.i = i
        res.program = self.program
        return res
    def if_else(self, x, y):
        Vectorized oblivious selection::

            sb32 = sbits.get_type(32)
            print_ln('%s', sb32(3).if_else(sb32(5), sb32(2)).reveal())

        This will output 1.
        return result_conv(x, y)(self & (x ^ y) ^ y)
    def zero_if_not(self, condition):
        if util.is_constant(condition):
            return self * condition
            return self * cbit.conv(condition)
    def expand(self, length):
        if self.n in (length, None):
            return self
        elif self.n == 1:
            return self.get_type(length).bit_compose([self] * length)
            raise CompilerError('cannot expand from %s to %s' % (self.n, length))
    def new_vector(cls, size):
        return cls.get_type(size)()
    def concat(cls, parts):
        return cls.bit_compose(
            sum([part.bit_decompose() for part in parts], []))
    def copy_from_part(self, source, base, size):,
                 self.bit_compose(source.bit_decompose()[base:base + size]))
    def vector_size(self):
        return self.n

[docs]class cbits(bits): """ Clear bits register. Helper type with limited functionality. """ max_length = 64 reg_type = 'cb' is_clear = True load_inst = (inst.ldmcbi, inst.ldmcb) store_inst = (inst.stmcbi, inst.stmcb) bitdec = inst.bitdecc conv_regint = staticmethod(lambda n, x, y: inst.convcint(x, y)) conv_cint_vec = inst.convcintvec mov = staticmethod(lambda x, y: inst.addcbi(x, y, 0)) @classmethod def bit_compose(cls, bits): return sum(bit << i for i, bit in enumerate(bits)) @classmethod def conv_regint_by_bit(cls, n, res, other): assert n == res.n assert n == other.size cls.conv_cint_vec(cint(other, size=other.size), res) @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, cbits) and cls.n != None and \ cls.n // cls.unit == other.n // cls.unit: if isinstance(other, cls): return other else: res = cls() for i in range(math.ceil(cls.n / cls.unit)):[i], other[i]) return res else: return super(cbits, cls).conv(other) types = {} def load_int(self, value): n_limbs = math.ceil(self.n / self.unit) tmp = regint(size=n_limbs) for i in range(n_limbs): tmp[i].load_int(value % 2 ** self.unit) value >>= self.unit self.load_other(tmp) def store_in_dynamic_mem(self, address): inst.stmsdci(self, cbits.conv(address)) def clear_op(self, other, c_inst, ci_inst, op): if isinstance(other, cbits): res = cbits.get_type(max(self.n, other.n))() c_inst(res, self, other) return res elif isinstance(other, sbits): return NotImplemented else: if util.is_constant(other): if other >= 2**31 or other < -2**31: return op(self, res = cbits.get_type(max(self.n, len(bin(other)) - 2))() ci_inst(res, self, other) return res else: return op(self, cbits(other)) __add__ = lambda self, other: \ self.clear_op(other, inst.addcb, inst.addcbi, operator.add) def __sub__(self, other): try: return self + -other except: return type(self)(regint(self) - regint(other)) def __rsub__(self, other): return type(self)(other - regint(self)) def __neg__(self): return type(self)(-regint(self)) def _xor(self, other): if isinstance(other, (sbits, sbitvec)): return NotImplemented elif isinstance(other, cbits): res = self.res_type(other)() assert res.size == self.size assert res.size == other.size inst.xorcb(res.n, res, self, other) return res else: return self.clear_op(other, None, inst.xorcbi, operator.xor) def _and(self, other): return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, cbits): return NotImplemented else: try: res = cbits.get_type(min(self.max_length, self.n+util.int_len(other)))() inst.mulcbi(res, self, other) return res except TypeError: return NotImplemented def __rshift__(self, other): res = inst.shrcbi(res, self, other) return res def __lshift__(self, other): res = cbits.get_type(self.n+other)() inst.shlcbi(res, self, other) return res def __invert__(self): res = type(self)() inst.notcb(self.n, res, self) return res def __eq__(self, other): raise CompilerError('equality not implemented') def print_reg(self, desc=''): inst.print_regb(self, desc) def print_reg_plain(self): inst.print_reg_signed(self.n, self) output = print_reg_plain def print_if(self, string): inst.cond_print_strb(self, string) def output_if(self, cond): if Program.prog.options.binary: raise CompilerError('conditional output not supported') cint(self).output_if(cond) def reveal(self): return self def to_regint(self, dest=None): if dest is None: dest = regint() if self.n > 64: raise CompilerError('too many bits') inst.convcbit(dest, self) return dest def to_regint_by_bit(self): if self.n != None: res = regint(size=self.n) else: res = regint() inst.convcbitvec(self.n, res, self) return res
[docs]class sbits(bits): """ Secret bits register. This type supports basic bit-wise operations:: sb32 = sbits.get_type(32) a = sb32(3) b = sb32(5) print_ln('XOR: %s', (a ^ b).reveal()) print_ln('AND: %s', (a & b).reveal()) print_ln('NOT: %s', (~a).reveal()) This will output the following:: XOR: 6 AND: 1 NOT: -4 Instances can be also be initalized from :py:obj:`~Compiler.types.regint` and :py:obj:`~Compiler.types.sint`. """ max_length = 64 reg_type = 'sb' is_clear = False clear_type = cbits load_inst = (inst.ldmsbi, inst.ldmsb) store_inst = (inst.stmsbi, inst.stmsb) bitdec = inst.bitdecs bitcom = inst.bitcoms conv_regint = inst.convsint @classmethod def conv_regint_by_bit(cls, n, res, other): tmp = cbits.get_type(n)() tmp.conv_regint_by_bit(n, tmp, other) res.load_other(tmp) mov = staticmethod(lambda x, y: inst.movsb(x.n, x, y)) types = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): bits.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def new(value=None, n=None): if n == 1: return sbit(value) else: return sbits.get_type(n)(value) @staticmethod def _new(value): return value @staticmethod def get_random_bit(): res = sbit() inst.bitb(res) return res @staticmethod def _check_input_player(player): if not util.is_constant(player): raise CompilerError('player must be known at compile time ' 'for binary circuit inputs')
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, n_bits=None): """ Secret input from :py:obj:`player`. :param: player (int) """ cls._check_input_player(player) if n_bits is None: n_bits = cls.n res = cls() inst.inputb(player, n_bits, 0, res) return res
# compatiblity to sint get_raw_input_from = get_input_from @classmethod def load_dynamic_mem(cls, address): res = cls() if isinstance(address, int): inst.ldmsd(res, address, cls.n) else: inst.ldmsdi(res, address, cls.n) return res def store_in_dynamic_mem(self, address): if isinstance(address, int): inst.stmsd(self, address) else: inst.stmsdi(self, cbits.conv(address)) def load_int(self, value): if (abs(value) > (1 << self.n)): raise Exception('public value %d longer than %d bits' \ % (value, self.n)) if self.n <= 32: inst.ldbits(self, self.n, value) else: size = math.ceil(self.n / self.unit) tmp = regint(size=size) for i in range(size): tmp[i].load_int((value >> (i * 64)) % 2**64) self.load_other(tmp) def load_other(self, other): if isinstance(other, cbits) and self.n == other.n: inst.convcbit2s(self.n, self, other) else: super(sbits, self).load_other(other) @read_mem_value def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or other is None: return self.xor_int(other) else: if not isinstance(other, sbits): other = self.conv(other) if self.n is None or other.n is None: assert self.n == other.n n = None else: n = min(self.n, other.n) res = inst.xors(n, res, self, other) if self.n != None and max(self.n, other.n) > n: if self.n > n: longer = self else: longer = other bits = res.bit_decompose() + longer.bit_decompose()[n:] res = self.bit_compose(bits) return res __radd__ = __add__ __sub__ = __add__ __rsub__ = __add__ _xor = __add__ @read_mem_value def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self.mul_int(other) try: if (self.n, other.n) == (1, 1): return self & other if min(self.n, other.n) != 1: raise NotImplementedError('high order multiplication') n = max(self.n, other.n) res =, other.n)) order = (self, other) if self.n != 1 else (other, self) inst.andrs(n, res, *order) return res except AttributeError: return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ def _and(self, other): res = if not isinstance(other, sbits): other = cbits.get_type(self.n).conv(other) inst.andm(self.n, res, self, other) return res other = self.conv(other) assert(self.n == other.n) inst.ands(self.n, res, self, other) return res def xor_int(self, other): if other == 0: return self elif other == self.long_one(): return ~self self_bits = self.bit_decompose() other_bits = util.bit_decompose(other, max(self.n, util.int_len(other))) extra_bits = [, n=1) for b in other_bits[self.n:]] return self.bit_compose([~x if y else x \ for x,y in zip(self_bits, other_bits)] \ + extra_bits) def mul_int(self, other): assert(util.is_constant(other)) if other == 0: return 0 elif other == 1: return self elif self.n == 1: bits = util.bit_decompose(other, util.int_len(other)) zero = sbit(0) mul_bits = [self if b else zero for b in bits] return self.bit_compose(mul_bits) else: print(self.n, other) return NotImplemented def __lshift__(self, i): return self.bit_compose([sbit(0)] * i + self.bit_decompose()[:self.max_length-i]) def __invert__(self): res = type(self)(n=self.n) inst.nots(self.n, res, self) return res def __neg__(self): return self def reveal(self): if self.n == None or \ self.n > max(self.max_length, self.clear_type.max_length): assert(self.unit == self.clear_type.unit) res = self.clear_type.get_type(self.n)() inst.reveal(self.n, res, self) return res def equal(self, other, n=None): bits = (~(self + other)).bit_decompose() return reduce(operator.mul, bits) def right_shift(self, m, k, security=None, signed=True): return self.TruncPr(k, m) def TruncPr(self, k, m, kappa=None): if k > self.n: raise Exception('TruncPr overflow: %d > %d' % (k, self.n)) bits = self.bit_decompose() res = self.get_type(k - m).bit_compose(bits[m:k]) return res @classmethod def two_power(cls, n): if n > cls.n: raise Exception('two_power overflow: %d > %d' % (n, cls.n)) res = cls() if n == cls.n: res.load_int(-1 << (n - 1)) else: res.load_int(1 << n) return res
[docs] def popcnt(self): """ Population count / Hamming weight. :return: :py:obj:`sbits` of required length """ return sbitvec(self).popcnt().elements()[0]
@classmethod def trans(cls, rows): rows = list(rows) if len(rows) == 1 and rows[0].n <= rows[0].unit: return rows[0].bit_decompose() for row in rows: try: n_columns = row.n break except: pass for i in range(len(rows)): if util.is_zero(rows[i]): rows[i] = cls.get_type(n_columns)(0) for row in rows: assert(row.n == n_columns) if n_columns == 1 and len(rows) <= cls.unit: return [cls.bit_compose(rows)] else: res = [ for i in range(n_columns)] inst.trans(len(res), *(res + rows)) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def bit_adder(*args, **kwargs): """ Binary adder in binary circuits. :param a: summand (list of 0/1 in compatible type) :param b: summand (list of 0/1 in compatible type) :param carry_in: input carry (default 0) :param get_carry: add final carry to output :returns: list of 0/1 in relevant type """ return sbitint.bit_adder(*args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def ripple_carry_adder(*args, **kwargs): return sbitint.ripple_carry_adder(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class sbitvec(_vec, _bit): """ Vector of registers of secret bits, effectively a matrix of secret bits. This facilitates parallel arithmetic operations in binary circuits. Container types are not supported, use :py:obj:`sbitvec.get_type` for that. You can access the rows by member :py:obj:`v` and the columns by calling :py:obj:`elements`. There are four ways to create an instance: 1. By transposition:: sb32 = sbits.get_type(32) x = sbitvec([sb32(5), sb32(3), sb32(0)]) print_ln('%s', [x.v[0].reveal(), x.v[1].reveal(), x.v[2].reveal()]) print_ln('%s', [x.elements()[0].reveal(), x.elements()[1].reveal()]) This should output:: [3, 2, 1] [5, 3] 2. Without transposition:: sb32 = sbits.get_type(32) x = sbitvec.from_vec([sb32(5), sb32(3)]) print_ln('%s', [x.v[0].reveal(), x.v[1].reveal()]) This should output:: [5, 3] 3. From :py:obj:`~Compiler.types.sint`:: y = sint(5) x = sbitvec(y, 3, 3) print_ln('%s', [x.v[0].reveal(), x.v[1].reveal(), x.v[2].reveal()]) This should output:: [1, 0, 1] 4. Private input:: x = sbitvec.get_type(32).get_input_from(player) """ bit_extend = staticmethod(lambda v, n: v[:n] + [0] * (n - len(v))) is_clear = False
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls, n): """ Create type for fixed-length vector of registers of secret bits. As with :py:obj:`sbitvec`, you can access the rows by member :py:obj:`v` and the columns by calling :py:obj:`elements`. """ class sbitvecn(cls, _structure): @staticmethod def malloc(size, creator_tape=None): return sbit.malloc(size * n, creator_tape=creator_tape) @staticmethod def n_elements(): return 1 @staticmethod def mem_size(): return n @classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, size=1, f=0): """ Secret input from :py:obj:`player`. The input is decomposed into bits. :param: player (int) """ v = [0] * n sbits._check_input_player(player) instructions_base.check_vector_size(size) for i in range(size): vv = [sbit() for i in range(n)] inst.inputbvec(n + 3, f, player, *vv) for j in range(n): tmp = vv[j] << i v[j] = tmp ^ v[j] sbits._check_input_player(player) return cls.from_vec(v) get_raw_input_from = get_input_from @classmethod def from_vec(cls, vector): res = cls() res.v = _complement_two_extend(list(vector), n)[:n] return res def __init__(self, other=None, size=None): instructions_base.check_vector_size(size) if other is not None: if util.is_constant(other): t = sbits.get_type(size or 1) self.v = [t(((other >> i) & 1) * ((1 << t.n) - 1)) for i in range(n)] elif isinstance(other, _vec): self.v = [type(x)(x) for x in self.bit_extend(other.v, n)] elif isinstance(other, (list, tuple)): self.v = self.bit_extend(sbitvec(other).v, n) else: self.v = sbits.get_type(n)(other).bit_decompose() assert len(self.v) == n assert size is None or size == self.v[0].n @classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, size=None): if size not in (None, 1): assert isinstance(address, int) or len(address) == 1 sb = sbits.get_type(size) return cls.from_vec(sb.bit_compose( sbit.load_mem(address + i + j * n) for j in range(size)) for i in range(n)) if not isinstance(address, int) and len(address) == n: return cls.from_vec(sbit.load_mem(x) for x in address) else: return cls.from_vec(sbit.load_mem(address + i) for i in range(n)) def store_in_mem(self, address): size = 1 for x in self.v: if not util.is_constant(x): size = max(size, x.n) v = [sbits.get_type(size).conv(x) for x in self.v] if not isinstance(address, int) and len(address) == n: assert max_n == 1 for x, y in zip(v, address): x.store_in_mem(y) else: assert isinstance(address, int) or len(address) == 1 for i in range(n): for j, x in enumerate(v[i].bit_decompose()): x.store_in_mem(address + i + j * n) @classmethod def two_power(cls, nn, size=1): return cls.from_vec( [0] * nn + [sbits.get_type(size)().long_one()] + [0] * (n - nn - 1)) def coerce(self, other): if util.is_constant(other): return self.from_vec(util.bit_decompose(other, n)) else: return super(sbitvecn, self).coerce(other) @classmethod def bit_compose(cls, bits): bits = list(bits) if len(bits) < n: bits += [0] * (n - len(bits)) assert len(bits) == n return cls.from_vec(bits) def zero_if_not(self, condition): return self.from_vec(x.zero_if_not(condition) for x in self.v) def __str__(self): return 'sbitvec(%d)' % n sbitvecn.basic_type = sbitvecn sbitvecn.reg_type = 'sb' return sbitvecn
@classmethod def from_vec(cls, vector): res = cls() res.v = list(vector) return res compose = from_vec @classmethod def combine(cls, vectors): res = cls() res.v = sum((vec.v for vec in vectors), []) return res @classmethod def from_matrix(cls, matrix): # any number of rows, limited number of columns return cls.combine(cls(row) for row in matrix)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hex(cls, string): """ Create from hexadecimal string (little-endian). """ assert len(string) % 2 == 0 v = [] for i in range(0, len(string), 2): v += [sbit(int(x)) for x in reversed(bin(int(string[i:i + 2], 16))[2:].zfill(8))] return cls.from_vec(v)
def __init__(self, elements=None, length=None, input_length=None): if length: assert isinstance(elements, sint) if Program.prog.use_split(): x = elements.split_to_two_summands(length) v = sbitint.carry_lookahead_adder(x[0], x[1], fewer_inv=True) else: prog = Program.prog if not prog.options.ring: # force the use of edaBits backup = prog.use_edabit() prog.use_edabit(True) from Compiler.floatingpoint import BitDecFieldRaw self.v = BitDecFieldRaw(elements, input_length or prog.bit_length, length, prog.use_edabit(backup) return l = int(Program.prog.options.ring) r, r_bits = sint.get_edabit(length, size=elements.size) c = ((elements - r) << (l - length)).reveal() c >>= l - length cb = [(c >> i) for i in range(length)] x = sbitintvec.from_vec(r_bits) + sbitintvec.from_vec(cb) v = x.v self.v = v[:length] elif elements is not None and not (util.is_constant(elements) and \ elements == 0): self.v = sbits.trans(elements)
[docs] def popcnt(self): """ Population count / Hamming weight. :return: :py:obj:`sbitintvec` of required length """ res = sbitint.wallace_tree([[b] for b in self.v]) while util.is_zero(res[-1]): del res[-1] return sbitintvec.get_type(len(res)).from_vec(res)
def elements(self, start=None, stop=None): if stop is None: start, stop = stop, start return sbits.trans(self.v[start:stop]) def coerce(self, other): if isinstance(other, cint): size = other.size return (other.get_vector(base, min(64, size - base)) \ for base in range(0, size, 64)) if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return type(self)(other) return other def __xor__(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) return self.from_vec(x ^ y for x, y in zip(*self.expand(other))) def __and__(self, other): return self.from_vec(x & y for x, y in zip(*self.expand(other))) __rxor__ = __xor__ __rand__ = __and__ def __invert__(self): return self.from_vec(~x for x in self.v) def if_else(self, x, y): return util.if_else(self.v[0], x, y) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.v) def __len__(self): return len(self.v) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.v[index] @classmethod def conv(cls, other): if isinstance(other, cls): return cls.from_vec(other.v) else: return cls(other) hard_conv = conv @property def size(self): if not self.v or util.is_constant(self.v[0]): return 1 else: return self.v[0].n @property def n_bits(self): return len(self.v) def store_in_mem(self, address): for i, x in enumerate(self.elements()): x.store_in_mem(address + i) def bit_decompose(self, n_bits=None, security=None, maybe_mixed=None): return self.v[:n_bits] bit_compose = from_vec def reveal(self): return util.untuplify([x.reveal() for x in self.elements()]) def long_one(self): return [x.long_one() for x in self.v] def __rsub__(self, other): return self.from_vec(y - x for x, y in zip(self.v, other))
[docs] def half_adder(self, other): other = self.coerce(other) res = zip(*(x.half_adder(y) for x, y in zip(self.v, other))) return (self.from_vec(x) for x in res)
def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): return self.from_vec(x * other for x in self.v) if isinstance(other, sbitvec): if len(other.v) == 1: other = other.v[0] elif len(self.v) == 1: self, other = other, self.v[0] else: raise CompilerError('no operand of lenght 1: %d/%d', (len(self.v), len(other.v))) if not isinstance(other, sbits): return NotImplemented ops = [] for x in self.v: if not util.is_zero(x): assert x.n == other.n ops.append(x) if ops: prods = [sbits.get_type(other.n)() for i in ops] inst.andrsvec(3 + 2 * len(ops), other.n, *prods, other, *ops) res = [] i = 0 for x in self.v: if util.is_zero(x): res.append(0) else: res.append(prods[i]) i += 1 return sbitvec.from_vec(res) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __add__(self, other): return self.from_vec(x + y for x, y in zip(self.v, other))
[docs] def bit_and(self, other): return self & other
[docs] def bit_xor(self, other): return self ^ other
def right_shift(self, m, k, security=None, signed=True): return self.from_vec(self.v[m:]) def tree_reduce(self, function): elements = self.elements() while len(elements) > 1: size = len(elements) half = size // 2 left = elements[:half] right = elements[half:2*half] odd = elements[2*half:] sides = [self.from_vec(sbitvec(x).v) for x in (left, right)] red = function(*sides) elements = red.elements() elements += odd return self.from_vec(sbitvec(elements).v) @classmethod def comp_result(cls, x): return cls.get_type(1).from_vec([x]) def expand(self, other, expand=True): m = 1 for x in itertools.chain(self.v, other.v if isinstance(other, sbitvec) else []): try: m = max(m, x.n) except: pass res = [] if not util.is_constant(other): other = self.coerce(other) for y in self, other: if isinstance(y, int): res.append([x * sbits.get_type(m)().long_one() for x in util.bit_decompose(y, len(self.v))]) else: res.append([x.expand(m) if (expand and isinstance(x, bits)) else x for x in y.v]) return res def demux(self): if len(self) == 1: return sbitvec.from_vec([self.v[0].bit_not(), self.v[0]]) a = sbitvec.from_vec(self.v[:len(self) // 2]).demux() b = sbitvec.from_vec(self.v[len(self) // 2:]).demux() prod = [a * bb for bb in b.v] return sbitvec.from_vec(reduce(operator.add, (x.v for x in prod))) def reverse_bytes(self): if len(self.v) % 8 != 0: raise CompilerError('bit length not divisible by eight') return self.from_vec(sum(reversed( [self.v[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(self.v), 8)]), []))
[docs] def reveal_print_hex(self): """ Reveal and print in hexademical (one line per element). """ for x in self.reverse_bytes().elements(): x.reveal().print_reg()
def update(self, other): other = self.conv(other) assert len(self.v) == len(other.v) for x, y in zip(self.v, other.v): x.update(y)
class bit(object): n = 1 def result_conv(x, y): try: def f(res): try: return t.conv(res) except: return res if util.is_constant(x): if util.is_constant(y): return lambda x: x else: t = type(y) return f if util.is_constant(y): t = type(x) return f if type(x) is type(y): t = type(x) return f except AttributeError: pass return lambda x: x
[docs]class sbit(bit, sbits): """ Single secret bit. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls, length): return sbits.get_type(length)
[docs] def if_else(self, x, y): """ Non-vectorized oblivious selection:: sb32 = sbits.get_type(32) print_ln('%s', sbit(1).if_else(sb32(5), sb32(2)).reveal()) This will output 5. """ assert self.n == 1 diff = x ^ y if isinstance(diff, cbits): return result_conv(x, y)(self & (diff) ^ y) else: return result_conv(x, y)(self * (diff) ^ y)
class cbit(bit, cbits): pass sbits.bit_type = sbit cbits.bit_type = cbit sbit.clear_type = cbit sbits.default_type = sbits class bitsBlock(oram.Block): def __init__(self, value, start, lengths, entries_per_block): self.value_type = type(value) oram.Block.__init__(self, value, lengths) length = sum(self.lengths) used_bits = entries_per_block * length self.value_bits = self.value.bit_decompose(used_bits) start_length = util.log2(entries_per_block) self.start_bits = util.bit_decompose(start, start_length) self.start_demux = oram.demux_list(self.start_bits) self.entries = [sbits.bit_compose(self.value_bits[i*length:][:length]) \ for i in range(entries_per_block)] self.mul_entries = list(map(operator.mul, self.start_demux, self.entries)) self.bits = sum(self.mul_entries).bit_decompose() self.mul_value = sbits.compose(self.mul_entries, sum(self.lengths)) self.anti_value = self.mul_value + self.value def set_slice(self, value): value = sbits.compose(util.tuplify(value), sum(self.lengths)) for i,b in enumerate(self.start_bits): value = b.if_else(value << (2**i * sum(self.lengths)), value) self.value = value + self.anti_value return self oram.block_types[sbits] = bitsBlock class dyn_sbits(sbits): pass class DynamicArray(Array): def __init__(self, *args): Array.__init__(self, *args) def _malloc(self): return Program.prog.malloc(self.length, 'sd', self.value_type) def _load(self, address): return self.value_type.load_dynamic_mem(cbits.conv(address)) def _store(self, value, address): if isinstance(value, MemValue): value = if isinstance(value, sbits): self.value_type.conv(value).store_in_dynamic_mem(address) else: cbits.conv(value).store_in_dynamic_mem(address) sbits.dynamic_array = DynamicArray cbits.dynamic_array = Array def _complement_two_extend(bits, k): if len(bits) == 1: return bits + [0] * (k - len(bits)) else: return bits[:k] + [bits[-1]] * (k - len(bits)) class _sbitintbase: def extend(self, n): bits = self.bit_decompose() bits += [bits[-1]] * (n - len(bits)) return self.get_type(n).bit_compose(bits) def cast(self, n): bits = self.bit_decompose()[:n] bits += [bits[-1]] * (n - len(bits)) return self.get_type(n).bit_compose(bits) def round(self, k, m, kappa=None, nearest=None, signed=None): bits = self.bit_decompose() if signed: bits += [bits[-1]] * (k - len(bits)) res_bits = self.bit_adder(bits[m:k], [bits[m-1]]) return self.get_type(k - m).compose(res_bits) def int_div(self, other, bit_length=None): k = bit_length or max(self.n, other.n) return (library.IntDiv(self.cast(k), other.cast(k), k) >> k).cast(k) def Norm(self, k, f, kappa=None, simplex_flag=False): absolute_val = abs(self) #next 2 lines actually compute the SufOR for little indian encoding bits = absolute_val.bit_decompose(k)[::-1] suffixes = floatingpoint.PreOR(bits)[::-1] z = [0] * k for i in range(k - 1): z[i] = suffixes[i] - suffixes[i+1] z[k - 1] = suffixes[k-1] z.reverse() t2k = self.get_type(2 * k) acc = t2k.bit_compose(z) sign = self.bit_decompose()[-1] signed_acc = util.if_else(sign, -acc, acc) absolute_val_2k = t2k.bit_compose(absolute_val.bit_decompose()) part_reciprocal = absolute_val_2k * acc return part_reciprocal, signed_acc def pow2(self, k): l = int(math.ceil(math.log(k, 2))) bits = [self.equal(i, l) for i in range(k)] return self.get_type(k).bit_compose(bits)
[docs]class sbitint(_bitint, _number, sbits, _sbitintbase): """ Secret signed integer in one binary register. Use :py:obj:`get_type()` to specify the bit length:: si32 = sbitint.get_type(32) print_ln('add: %s', (si32(5) + si32(3)).reveal()) print_ln('sub: %s', (si32(5) - si32(3)).reveal()) print_ln('mul: %s', (si32(5) * si32(3)).reveal()) print_ln('lt: %s', (si32(5) < si32(3)).reveal()) This should output:: add: 8 sub: 2 mul: 15 lt: 0 This class is retained for compatibility, but development now focuses on :py:class:`sbitintvec`. """ n_bits = None bin_type = None types = {} vector_mul = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls, n, other=None): """ Returns a signed integer type with fixed length. :param n: length """ if isinstance(other, sbitvec): return sbitvec if n in cls.types: return cls.types[n] sbits_type = sbits.get_type(n) class _(sbitint, sbits_type): # n_bits is used by _bitint n_bits = n bin_type = sbits_type _.__name__ = 'sbitint' + str(n) cls.types[n] = _ return _
@classmethod def combo_type(cls, other): if isinstance(other, sbitintvec): return sbitintvec else: return cls @classmethod def new(cls, value=None, n=None): return cls.get_type(n)(value) def set_length(*args): pass @classmethod def bit_compose(cls, bits): # truncate and extend bits bits = list(bits)[:cls.n] bits += [0] * (cls.n - len(bits)) return super(sbitint, cls).bit_compose(bits) def force_bit_decompose(self, n_bits=None): return sbits.bit_decompose(self, n_bits) def TruncMul(self, other, k, m, kappa=None, nearest=False): if nearest: raise CompilerError('round to nearest not implemented') self_bits = self.bit_decompose() other_bits = other.bit_decompose() if len(self_bits) + len(other_bits) > k: raise Exception('invalid parameters for TruncMul: ' 'self:%d, other:%d, k:%d' % (len(self_bits), len(other_bits), k)) t = self.get_type(k) a = t.bit_compose(self_bits + [self_bits[-1]] * (k - len(self_bits))) t = other.get_type(k) b = t.bit_compose(other_bits + [other_bits[-1]] * (k - len(other_bits))) product = a * b res_bits = product.bit_decompose()[m:k] res_bits += [res_bits[-1]] * (self.n - len(res_bits)) t = self.combo_type(other).get_type(k - m) return t.bit_compose(res_bits) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sbitintvec): return other * self else: return super(sbitint, self).__mul__(other) @classmethod def get_bit_matrix(cls, self_bits, other): n = len(self_bits) assert n == other.n res = [] for i, bit in enumerate(self_bits): if util.is_zero(bit): res.append([0] * (n - i)) else: if cls.vector_mul: x = sbits.get_type(n - i)() inst.andrs(n - i, x, other, bit) res.append(x.bit_decompose(n - i)) else: res.append([(x & bit) for x in other.bit_decompose(n - i)]) return res @classmethod def popcnt_bits(cls, bits): res = sbitintvec.popcnt_bits(bits).elements()[0] res = cls.conv(res) return res
[docs] def pow2(self, k): """ Computer integer power of two. :param k: bit length of input """ return _sbitintbase.pow2(self, k)
[docs]class sbitintvec(sbitvec, _bitint, _number, _sbitintbase): """ Vector of signed integers for parallel binary computation. The following example uses vectors of size two:: sb32 = sbits.get_type(32) siv32 = sbitintvec.get_type(32) a = siv32([sb32(3), sb32(5)]) b = siv32([sb32(4), sb32(6)]) c = (a + b).elements() print_ln('add: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a * b).elements() print_ln('mul: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a - b).elements() print_ln('sub: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a < b).elements() print_ln('lt: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) This should output:: add: 7, 11 mul: 12, 30 sub: -1, 11 lt: 1, 1 """ bit_extend = staticmethod(_complement_two_extend) mul_functions = {} @classmethod def popcnt_bits(cls, bits): return sbitvec.from_vec(bits).popcnt() def elements(self): return [sbitint.get_type(len(self.v))(x) for x in sbitvec.elements(self)] def __add__(self, other): if util.is_zero(other): return self a, b = self.expand(other) v = sbitint.bit_adder(a, b) return self.get_type(len(v)).from_vec(v) __radd__ = __add__ __sub__ = _bitint.__sub__ def __rsub__(self, other): a, b = self.expand(other) return self.from_vec(b) - self.from_vec(a) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sbits): return self.from_vec(other * x for x in self.v) elif len(self.v) == 1: return other * self.v[0] elif isinstance(other, sbitfixvec): return NotImplemented my_bits, other_bits = self.expand(other, False) m = float('inf') uniform = True for x in itertools.chain(my_bits, other_bits): try: uniform &= type(x) == type(my_bits[0]) and x.n == my_bits[0].n m = min(m, x.n) except: pass if uniform and Program.prog.options.cisc: bl = len(my_bits) key = bl, len(other_bits) if key not in self.mul_functions: def instruction(*args): res = self.binary_mul(args[bl:2 * bl], args[2 * bl:], args[0].n) for x, y in zip(res, args):, x) instruction.__name__ = 'binary_mul%sx%s' % (bl, len(other_bits)) self.mul_functions[key] = instructions_base.cisc(instruction, bl) res = [sbits.get_type(m)() for i in range(bl)] self.mul_functions[key](*(res + my_bits + other_bits)) return self.from_vec(res) else: return self.binary_mul(my_bits, other_bits, m) @classmethod def binary_mul(cls, my_bits, other_bits, m): matrix = [] for i, b in enumerate(other_bits): if m == 1: matrix.append([x * b for x in my_bits[:len(my_bits)-i]]) else: matrix.append(( sbitvec.from_vec(my_bits[:len(my_bits)-i]) * b).v) v = sbitint.wallace_tree_from_matrix(matrix) return cls.from_vec(v[:len(my_bits)]) __rmul__ = __mul__ reduce_after_mul = lambda x: x def TruncMul(self, other, k, m, kappa=None, nearest=False): if nearest: raise CompilerError('round to nearest not implemented') if not isinstance(other, sbitintvec): other = sbitintvec(other) a = self.get_type(k).from_vec(_complement_two_extend(self.v, k)) b = self.get_type(k).from_vec(_complement_two_extend(other.v, k)) tmp = a * b assert len(tmp.v) == k return self.get_type(k - m).from_vec(tmp[m:])
[docs] def pow2(self, k): """ Computer integer power of two. :param k: bit length of input """ return _sbitintbase.pow2(self, k)
sbits.vec = sbitvec sbitint.vec = sbitintvec class cbitfix(object): malloc = staticmethod(lambda *args: cbits.malloc(*args)) n_elements = staticmethod(lambda: 1) conv = staticmethod(lambda x: x) load_mem = classmethod(lambda cls, *args: cls._new(cbits.load_mem(*args))) store_in_mem = lambda self, *args: self.v.store_in_mem(*args) @classmethod def _new(cls, value): if isinstance(value, list): return [cls._new(x) for x in value] res = cls() if cls.k < value.unit: bits = value.bit_decompose(cls.k) sign = bits[-1] value += (sign << (cls.k)) * -1 res.v = value return res def output(self): v = self.v inst.print_float_plainb(v, cbits.get_type(32)(-self.f), cbits(0), cbits(0), cbits(0))
[docs]class sbitfix(_fix): """ Secret signed fixed-point number in one binary register. Use :py:obj:`set_precision()` to change the precision. This class is retained for compatibility, but development now focuses on :py:class:`sbitfixvec`. Example:: print_ln('add: %s', (sbitfix(0.5) + sbitfix(0.3)).reveal()) print_ln('mul: %s', (sbitfix(0.5) * sbitfix(0.3)).reveal()) print_ln('sub: %s', (sbitfix(0.5) - sbitfix(0.3)).reveal()) print_ln('lt: %s', (sbitfix(0.5) < sbitfix(0.3)).reveal()) will output roughly:: add: 0.800003 mul: 0.149994 sub: 0.199997 lt: 0 Note that the default precision (16 bits after the dot, 31 bits in total) only allows numbers up to :math:`2^{31-16-1} \\approx 16000`. You can increase this using :py:func:`set_precision`. """ float_type = type(None) clear_type = cbitfix
[docs] @classmethod def set_precision(cls, f, k=None): super(sbitfix, cls).set_precision(f, k) cls.int_type = sbitint.get_type(cls.k)
@classmethod def load_mem(cls, address, size=None): if size not in (None, 1): v = [cls.int_type.load_mem(address + i) for i in range(size)] return sbitfixvec._new(sbitintvec(v)) else: return super(sbitfix, cls).load_mem(address)
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player): """ Secret input from :py:obj:`player`. :param: player (int) """ sbits._check_input_player(player) v = cls.int_type() inst.inputb(player, cls.k, cls.f, v) return cls._new(v)
def __xor__(self, other): return type(self)._new(self.v ^ other.v) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, sbit): return type(self)._new(self.int_type(other * self.v)) elif isinstance(other, sbitfixvec): return other * self else: return super(sbitfix, self).__mul__(other) __rxor__ = __xor__ __rmul__ = __mul__ @staticmethod def multipliable(other, k, f, size): class cls(_fix): int_type = sbitint.get_type(k) clear_type = cbitfix cls.set_precision(f, k) return cls._new(cls.int_type(other), k, f)
[docs]class sbitfixvec(_fix, _vec): """ Vector of fixed-point numbers for parallel binary computation. Use :py:obj:`set_precision()` to change the precision. Example:: a = sbitfixvec([sbitfix(0.3), sbitfix(0.5)]) b = sbitfixvec([sbitfix(0.4), sbitfix(0.6)]) c = (a + b).elements() print_ln('add: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a * b).elements() print_ln('mul: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a - b).elements() print_ln('sub: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) c = (a < b).elements() print_ln('lt: %s, %s', c[0].reveal(), c[1].reveal()) This should output roughly:: add: 0.699997, 1.10001 mul: 0.119995, 0.300003 sub: -0.0999908, -0.100021 lt: 1, 1 """ int_type = sbitintvec.get_type(sbitfix.k) float_type = type(None) clear_type = cbitfix @property def bit_type(self): return type(self.v[0])
[docs] @classmethod def set_precision(cls, f, k=None): super(sbitfixvec, cls).set_precision(f=f, k=k) cls.int_type = sbitintvec.get_type(cls.k)
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_from(cls, player, size=1): """ Secret input from :py:obj:`player`. :param: player (int) """ return cls._new(cls.int_type.get_input_from(player, size=size, f=sbitfix.f))
def __init__(self, value=None, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): self.v = self.int_type.from_vec(sbitvec([x.v for x in value])) else: if isinstance(value, sbitvec): value = self.int_type(value) super(sbitfixvec, self).__init__(value, *args, **kwargs) def elements(self): return [sbitfix._new(x, f=self.f, k=self.k) for x in self.v.elements()] def mul(self, other): if isinstance(other, sbits): return self._new(self.v * other) else: return super(sbitfixvec, self).mul(other) def __xor__(self, other): if util.is_zero(other): return self return self._new(self.v ^ other.v) def __and__(self, other): return self._new(self.v & other.v) __rxor__ = __xor__ @staticmethod def multipliable(other, k, f, size): class cls(_fix): int_type = sbitint.get_type(k) clear_type = cbitfix cls.set_precision(f, k) return cls._new(cls.int_type(other), k, f)
sbitfix.set_precision(16, 31) sbitfixvec.set_precision(16, 31) sbitfix.vec = sbitfixvec class cbitfloat: def __init__(self, v, p, z, s, nan=0): self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s, self.nan = v, p, z, s, cbit.conv(nan) def output(self): inst.print_float_plainb(self.v, self.p, self.z, self.s, self.nan)